The HUD plugin implements support for several ways of exposing telemetry to applications and dashboards.
At the moment it is a little more than a replacement for RaceRoom's closed source Dash command. The major difference is that it can export telemetry from other games (see supported games).
It is a console application that every 15ms will read the memory mapped file that RaceRoom exposes, only when the game is running. It will then expose that data on a WebSocket. The supported fields are those required by RaceRoom's WebHud, and can be found below.
Please note that OtterHUD (closed source) requires more fields than currently supported.
Since RaceRoom's WebHud requires a specific older minor version of the memory mapped files,
it will be necessary to override the default one using a command line argument or editing
in the same directory.
.\RaceDirector.exe --RaceDirector.HUD.Plugin:DashboardServer:R3EDash:MinorVersion=8
To see it in action, RaceRoom can be configured to use the WebHud or a Web Browser window can be pointed to
Alternatively, the telemetry can be seen connecting to the WebSocket port
) using a client or a
Web browser test page).
Messages will look like this:
It is an alternative to RaceRoom's Dash, exposing a WebSocket with telemetry information (on ws://localhost:8070/r3e
). The advantage is that it works with all simulators supported by RaceDirector, and not only RaceRoom.
Field | Supported |
VersionMajor | ✓ |
VersionMinor | ✓ |
AllDriversOffset | |
DriverDataSize | |
GamePaused | ✓ |
GameInMenus | ✓ |
GameInReplay | ✓ |
GameUsingVr | ✓ |
GameUnused1 | ✗ |
Player.GameSimulationTicks | |
Player.GameSimulationTime | |
Player.Position.X | ✓ |
Player.Position.Y | ✓ |
Player.Position.Z | ✓ |
Player.Velocity.X | |
Player.Velocity.Y | |
Player.Velocity.Z | |
Player.LocalVelocity.X | |
Player.LocalVelocity.Y | |
Player.LocalVelocity.Z | |
Player.Acceleration.X | |
Player.Acceleration.Y | |
Player.Acceleration.Z | |
Player.LocalAcceleration.X | |
Player.LocalAcceleration.Y | |
Player.LocalAcceleration.Z | |
Player.Orientation.X | |
Player.Orientation.Y | |
Player.Orientation.Z | |
Player.Rotation.X | |
Player.Rotation.Y | |
Player.Rotation.Z | |
Player.AngularAcceleration.X | |
Player.AngularAcceleration.Y | |
Player.AngularAcceleration.Z | |
Player.AngularVelocity.X | |
Player.AngularVelocity.Y | |
Player.AngularVelocity.Z | |
Player.LocalAngularVelocity.X | |
Player.LocalAngularVelocity.Y | |
Player.LocalAngularVelocity.Z | |
Player.LocalGforce.X | ✓ |
Player.LocalGforce.Y | ✓ |
Player.LocalGforce.Z | ✓ |
Player.SteeringForce | |
Player.SteeringForcePercentage | |
Player.EngineTorque | |
Player.CurrentDownforce | |
Player.Voltage | |
Player.ErsLevel | |
Player.PowerMguH | |
Player.PowerMguK | |
Player.TorqueMguK | |
Player.SuspensionDeflection.FrontLeft | |
Player.SuspensionDeflection.FrontRight | |
Player.SuspensionDeflection.RearLeft | |
Player.SuspensionDeflection.RearRight | |
Player.SuspensionVelocity.FrontLeft | |
Player.SuspensionVelocity.FrontRight | |
Player.SuspensionVelocity.RearLeft | |
Player.SuspensionVelocity.RearRight | |
Player.Camber.FrontLeft | |
Player.Camber.FrontRight | |
Player.Camber.RearLeft | |
Player.Camber.RearRight | |
Player.RideHeight.FrontLeft | |
Player.RideHeight.FrontRight | |
Player.RideHeight.RearLeft | |
Player.RideHeight.RearRight | |
Player.FrontWingHeight | |
Player.FrontRollAngle | |
Player.RearRollAngle | |
Player.thirdSpringSuspensionDeflectionFront | |
Player.thirdSpringSuspensionVelocityFront | |
Player.thirdSpringSuspensionDeflectionRear | |
Player.thirdSpringSuspensionVelocityRear | |
Player.Unused1 | ✗ |
TrackName | |
LayoutName | |
TrackId | |
LayoutId | |
LayoutLength | ✓ |
SectorStartFactors.Sector1 | ✓ |
SectorStartFactors.Sector2 | ✓ |
SectorStartFactors.Sector3 | ✓ |
RaceSessionLaps.Race1 | |
RaceSessionLaps.Race2 | |
RaceSessionLaps.Race3 | |
RaceSessionMinutes.Race1 | |
RaceSessionMinutes.Race2 | |
RaceSessionMinutes.Race3 | |
EventIndex | |
SessionType | ✓ |
SessionIteration | |
SessionLengthFormat | |
SessionPitSpeedLimit | ✓ |
SessionPhase | ✓ |
StartLights | ✓ |
TireWearActive | |
FuelUseActive | ✓ |
NumberOfLaps | ✓ |
SessionTimeDuration | |
SessionTimeRemaining | ✓ |
MaxIncidentPoints | |
EventUnused2 | ✗ |
PitWindowStatus | ✓ |
PitWindowStart | ✓ |
PitWindowEnd | ✓ |
InPitlane | ✓ |
PitMenuSelection | |
PitMenuState.Preset | |
PitMenuState.Penalty | |
PitMenuState.Driverchange | |
PitMenuState.Fuel | |
PitMenuState.FrontTires | |
PitMenuState.RearTires | |
PitMenuState.FrontWing | |
PitMenuState.RearWing | |
PitMenuState.Suspension | |
PitMenuState.ButtonTop | |
PitMenuState.ButtonBottom | |
PitState | ✓ |
PitTotalDuration | ✓ |
PitElapsedTime | ✓ |
PitAction | ✓ |
NumPitstopsPerformed | |
PitMinDurationTotal | |
PitMinDurationLeft | |
Flags.Yellow | ✓ |
Flags.YellowCausedIt | |
Flags.YellowOvertake | |
Flags.YellowPositionsGained | |
Flags.SectorYellow.Sector1 | |
Flags.SectorYellow.Sector2 | |
Flags.SectorYellow.Sector3 | |
Flags.ClosestYellowDistanceIntoTrack | |
Flags.Blue | ✓ |
Flags.Black | ✓ |
Flags.Green | ✓ |
Flags.Checkered | ✓ |
Flags.White | ✓ |
Flags.BlackAndWhite | ✓ |
Position | |
PositionClass | ✓ |
FinishStatus | |
CutTrackWarnings | |
Penalties.DriveThrough | ✓ |
Penalties.StopAndGo | ✓ |
Penalties.PitStop | ✓ |
Penalties.TimeDeduction | ✓ |
Penalties.SlowDown | ✓ |
NumPenalties | |
CompletedLaps | ✓ |
CurrentLapValid | ✓ |
TrackSector | |
LapDistance | ✓ |
LapDistanceFraction | ✓ |
LapTimeBestLeader | |
LapTimeBestLeaderClass | |
SectorTimesSessionBestLap.Sector1 | |
SectorTimesSessionBestLap.Sector2 | |
SectorTimesSessionBestLap.Sector3 | |
LapTimeBestSelf | ✓ |
SectorTimesBestSelf.Sector1 | ✓ |
SectorTimesBestSelf.Sector2 | ✓ |
SectorTimesBestSelf.Sector3 | ✓ |
LapTimePreviousSelf | |
SectorTimesPreviousSelf.Sector1 | |
SectorTimesPreviousSelf.Sector2 | |
SectorTimesPreviousSelf.Sector3 | |
LapTimeCurrentSelf | ✓ |
SectorTimesCurrentSelf.Sector1 | ✓ |
SectorTimesCurrentSelf.Sector2 | ✓ |
SectorTimesCurrentSelf.Sector3 | ✓ |
LapTimeDeltaLeader | |
LapTimeDeltaLeaderClass | |
TimeDeltaFront | |
TimeDeltaBehind | |
TimeDeltaBestSelf | ✓ |
BestIndividualSectorTimeSelf.Sector1 | ✓ |
BestIndividualSectorTimeSelf.Sector2 | ✓ |
BestIndividualSectorTimeSelf.Sector3 | ✓ |
BestIndividualSectorTimeLeader.Sector1 | |
BestIndividualSectorTimeLeader.Sector2 | |
BestIndividualSectorTimeLeader.Sector3 | |
BestIndividualSectorTimeLeaderClass.Sector1 | ✓ |
BestIndividualSectorTimeLeaderClass.Sector2 | ✓ |
BestIndividualSectorTimeLeaderClass.Sector3 | ✓ |
IncidentPoints | |
ScoreUnused1 | ✗ |
ScoreUnused2 | ✗ |
ScoreUnused3 | ✗ |
VehicleInfo.Name | |
VehicleInfo.CarNumber | |
VehicleInfo.ClassId | |
VehicleInfo.ModelId | |
VehicleInfo.TeamId | |
VehicleInfo.LiveryId | |
VehicleInfo.ManufacturerId | |
VehicleInfo.UserId | |
VehicleInfo.SlotId | ✓ |
VehicleInfo.ClassPerformanceIndex | ✓ |
VehicleInfo.EngineType | ✓ |
VehicleInfo.Unused1 | ✗ |
VehicleInfo.Unused2 | ✗ |
PlayerName | ✓ |
ControlType | ✓ |
CarSpeed | ✓ |
EngineRps | ✓ |
MaxEngineRps | ✓ |
UpshiftRps | ✓ |
Gear | |
NumGears | |
CarCgLocation.X | ✓ |
CarCgLocation.Y | ✓ |
CarCgLocation.Z | ✓ |
CarOrientation.Pitch | ✓ |
CarOrientation.Yaw | ✓ |
CarOrientation.Roll | ✓ |
LocalAcceleration.X | |
LocalAcceleration.Y | |
LocalAcceleration.Z | |
TotalMass | |
FuelLeft | ✓ |
FuelCapacity | ✓ |
FuelPerLap | ✓ |
EngineWaterTemp | |
EngineOilTemp | |
FuelPressure | |
EngineOilPressure | |
TurboPressure | |
Throttle | ✓ |
ThrottleRaw | ✓ |
Brake | ✓ |
BrakeRaw | ✓ |
Clutch | ✓ |
ClutchRaw | ✓ |
SteerInputRaw | ✓ |
SteerLockDegrees | |
SteerWheelRangeDegrees | ✓ |
AidSettings.Abs | ✓ |
AidSettings.Tc | ✓ |
AidSettings.Esp | ✓ |
AidSettings.Countersteer | ✓ |
AidSettings.Cornering | ✓ |
Drs.Equipped | ✓ |
Drs.Available | ✓ |
Drs.NumActivationsLeft | ✓ |
Drs.Engaged | ✓ |
PitLimiter | |
PushToPass.Available | ✓ |
PushToPass.Engaged | ✓ |
PushToPass.AmountLeft | ✓ |
PushToPass.EngagedTimeLeft | ✓ |
PushToPass.WaitTimeLeft | ✓ |
BrakeBias | |
DrsNumActivationsTotal | |
PtPNumActivationsTotal | |
VehicleUnused1 | ✗ |
VehicleUnused2 | ✗ |
TireType | |
TireRps.FrontLeft | |
TireRps.FrontRight | |
TireRps.RearLeft | |
TireRps.RearRight | |
TireSpeed.FrontLeft | |
TireSpeed.FrontRight | |
TireSpeed.RearLeft | |
TireSpeed.RearRight | |
TireGrip.FrontLeft | ✓ |
TireGrip.FrontRight | ✓ |
TireGrip.RearLeft | ✓ |
TireGrip.RearRight | ✓ |
TireWear.FrontLeft | ✓ |
TireWear.FrontRight | ✓ |
TireWear.RearLeft | ✓ |
TireWear.RearRight | ✓ |
TireFlatspot.FrontLeft | |
TireFlatspot.FrontRight | |
TireFlatspot.RearLeft | |
TireFlatspot.RearRight | |
TirePressure.FrontLeft | ✓ |
TirePressure.FrontRight | ✓ |
TirePressure.RearLeft | ✓ |
TirePressure.RearRight | ✓ |
TireDirt.FrontLeft | ✓ |
TireDirt.FrontRight | ✓ |
TireDirt.RearLeft | ✓ |
TireDirt.RearRight | ✓ |
TireTemp.FrontLeft.CurrentTemp.Left | ✓ |
TireTemp.FrontLeft.CurrentTemp.Center | ✓ |
TireTemp.FrontLeft.CurrentTemp.Right | ✓ |
TireTemp.FrontLeft.OptimalTemp | ✓ |
TireTemp.FrontLeft.ColdTemp | ✓ |
TireTemp.FrontLeft.HotTemp | ✓ |
TireTemp.FrontRight.CurrentTemp.Left | ✓ |
TireTemp.FrontRight.CurrentTemp.Center | ✓ |
TireTemp.FrontRight.CurrentTemp.Right | ✓ |
TireTemp.FrontRight.OptimalTemp | ✓ |
TireTemp.FrontRight.ColdTemp | ✓ |
TireTemp.FrontRight.HotTemp | ✓ |
TireTemp.RearLeft.CurrentTemp.Left | ✓ |
TireTemp.RearLeft.CurrentTemp.Center | ✓ |
TireTemp.RearLeft.CurrentTemp.Right | ✓ |
TireTemp.RearLeft.OptimalTemp | ✓ |
TireTemp.RearLeft.ColdTemp | ✓ |
TireTemp.RearLeft.HotTemp | ✓ |
TireTemp.RearRight.CurrentTemp.Left | ✓ |
TireTemp.RearRight.CurrentTemp.Center | ✓ |
TireTemp.RearRight.CurrentTemp.Right | ✓ |
TireTemp.RearRight.OptimalTemp | ✓ |
TireTemp.RearRight.ColdTemp | ✓ |
TireTemp.RearRight.HotTemp | ✓ |
TireTypeFront | |
TireTypeRear | |
TireSubtypeFront | |
TireSubtypeRear | |
BrakeTemp.FrontLeft.CurrentTemp | ✓ |
BrakeTemp.FrontLeft.OptimalTemp | ✓ |
BrakeTemp.FrontLeft.ColdTemp | ✓ |
BrakeTemp.FrontLeft.HotTemp | ✓ |
BrakeTemp.FrontRight.CurrentTemp | ✓ |
BrakeTemp.FrontRight.OptimalTemp | ✓ |
BrakeTemp.FrontRight.ColdTemp | ✓ |
BrakeTemp.FrontRight.HotTemp | ✓ |
BrakeTemp.RearLeft.CurrentTemp | ✓ |
BrakeTemp.RearLeft.OptimalTemp | ✓ |
BrakeTemp.RearLeft.ColdTemp | ✓ |
BrakeTemp.RearLeft.HotTemp | ✓ |
BrakeTemp.RearRight.CurrentTemp | ✓ |
BrakeTemp.RearRight.OptimalTemp | ✓ |
BrakeTemp.RearRight.ColdTemp | ✓ |
BrakeTemp.RearRight.HotTemp | ✓ |
BrakePressure.FrontLeft | |
BrakePressure.FrontRight | |
BrakePressure.RearLeft | |
BrakePressure.RearRight | |
TractionControlSetting | |
EngineMapSetting | |
EngineBrakeSetting | |
TireUnused1 | ✗ |
TireUnused2.FrontLeft | ✗ |
TireUnused2.FrontRight | ✗ |
TireUnused2.RearLeft | ✗ |
TireUnused2.RearRight | ✗ |
TireLoad.FrontLeft | |
TireLoad.FrontRight | |
TireLoad.RearLeft | |
TireLoad.RearRight | |
CarDamage.Engine | ✓ |
CarDamage.Transmission | ✓ |
CarDamage.Aerodynamics | ✓ |
CarDamage.Suspension | ✓ |
CarDamage.Unused1 | ✗ |
CarDamage.Unused2 | ✗ |
NumCars | |
DriverData[].DriverInfo.Name | ✓ |
DriverData[].DriverInfo.CarNumber | |
DriverData[].DriverInfo.ClassId | |
DriverData[].DriverInfo.ModelId | |
DriverData[].DriverInfo.TeamId | |
DriverData[].DriverInfo.LiveryId | |
DriverData[].DriverInfo.ManufacturerId | |
DriverData[].DriverInfo.UserId | |
DriverData[].DriverInfo.SlotId | ✓ |
DriverData[].DriverInfo.ClassPerformanceIndex | ✓ |
DriverData[].DriverInfo.EngineType | |
DriverData[].DriverInfo.Unused1 | ✗ |
DriverData[].DriverInfo.Unused2 | ✗ |
DriverData[].FinishStatus | |
DriverData[].Place | |
DriverData[].PlaceClass | ✓ |
DriverData[].LapDistance | ✓ |
DriverData[].Position.X | ✓ |
DriverData[].Position.Y | ✓ |
DriverData[].Position.Z | ✓ |
DriverData[].TrackSector | |
DriverData[].CompletedLaps | ✓ |
DriverData[].CurrentLapValid | |
DriverData[].LapTimeCurrentSelf | |
DriverData[].SectorTimeCurrentSelf.Sector1 | |
DriverData[].SectorTimeCurrentSelf.Sector2 | |
DriverData[].SectorTimeCurrentSelf.Sector3 | |
DriverData[].SectorTimePreviousSelf.Sector1 | |
DriverData[].SectorTimePreviousSelf.Sector2 | |
DriverData[].SectorTimePreviousSelf.Sector3 | |
DriverData[].SectorTimeBestSelf.Sector1 | ✓ |
DriverData[].SectorTimeBestSelf.Sector2 | ✓ |
DriverData[].SectorTimeBestSelf.Sector3 | ✓ |
DriverData[].TimeDeltaFront | ✓ |
DriverData[].TimeDeltaBehind | ✓ |
DriverData[].PitStopStatus | |
DriverData[].InPitlane | |
DriverData[].NumPitstops | |
DriverData[].Penalties.DriveThrough | |
DriverData[].Penalties.StopAndGo | |
DriverData[].Penalties.PitStop | |
DriverData[].Penalties.TimeDeduction | |
DriverData[].Penalties.SlowDown | |
DriverData[].CarSpeed | |
DriverData[].TireTypeFront | |
DriverData[].TireTypeRear | |
DriverData[].TireSubtypeFront | |
DriverData[].TireSubtypeRear | |
DriverData[].BasePenaltyWeight | |
DriverData[].AidPenaltyWeight | |
DriverData[].DrsState | |
DriverData[].PtpState | |
DriverData[].PenaltyType | |
DriverData[].PenaltyReason | |
DriverData[].Unused1 | ✗ |
DriverData[].Unused2 | ✗ |
DriverData[].Unused3 | ✗ |
DriverData[].Unused4 | ✗ |