English | 中文
Consumer Proxy(CProxy) is the consumer proxy module of DDMQ. Most of the features of DDMQ are implemented in CProxy. CProxy support both Thrift and HTTP protocol for message consumption. CProxy also support writing messages to external stoarge system such as Redis, Hbase and HDFS.
struct Message {
1: string key;
2: binary value;
3: string tag;
4: i64 offset;
5: optional map<string, string> properties;
struct Context {
1: string groupId;
2: string topic;
3: string qid;
struct ConsumeResult {
1: Context context;
3: list<i64> successOffsets;
4: list<i64> failOffsets;
10: optional ConsumeResult nextResult;
struct PullRequest {
1: required string groupId;
2: optional string topic;
10: optional i32 maxBatchSize;
11: optional i32 maxLingerTime;
50: optional ConsumeResult result;
60: optional string version;
struct PullResponse {
1: Context context;
2: list<Message> messages;
struct ConsumeStatsRequest {
1: required string group
2: optional string topic
3: optional string version;
struct FetchRequest {
1: required string consumerId;
2: required string groupId;
3: required string cluster;
4: optional map<string,map<string,i64>> fetchOffset;
10: optional i32 maxBatchSize;
11: optional i32 maxLingerTime;
60: optional string version;
struct QidResponse {
1: required string topic;
2: required string qid;
3: optional i64 nextRequestOffset;
10: required list<Message> messages;
struct FetchResponse {
1: optional i32 code;
10: required list<QidResponse> results;
struct AckResult {
1: required string consumerId;
2: required string groupId;
3: required string cluster;
4: required map<string,map<string,i64>> offsets;
struct ConsumeStats {
1: string group;
2: string topic;
3: map<string,i64> consumeOffsets;
4: map<string,i64> produceOffsets;
exception PullException {
1: i32 code;
2: string message;
service ConsumerService {
PullResponse pull(1: PullRequest request) throws (1: PullException error) // pull msgs
bool submit(1: ConsumeResult result) throws (1: PullException error) // submit ack
list<ConsumeStats> getConsumeStats(1: ConsumeStatsRequest request) throws (1: PullException error)
FetchResponse fetch(1: FetchRequest request) // for low-level
bool ack(1: AckResult result) // for low-level
- modify carrera.yaml
zookeeperAddr: # config zk cluster address here.
host: # proxy ip (optional)
port: 9713 # thrift server port.
- call console api to bind cproxy
- run
to build package - start cproxy with
control.sh start