ProDeSquare's Dotfiles
My arch/artix linux dotfiles including scripts and configurations for various programs.
Clone the repository directly into your home directory and ensure you have the necessary dependencies, I primarily utilize the following programs.
- Essentials
- Recommended
- DWM Blocks (Statusbar)
- Dmenu (Application Launcher)
- St (Terminal Emulator)
- Slock
- Others
- Batsignal (Battery related notifications)
- Brave Browser
- Clipmenu (Clipboard Manager)
- Dunst (Notifications)
- Feh
- LF (File Manager)
- MPD & NCMPCPP (Music)
- MPV (Video Player)
- NeoMutt (Email Client)
- Neovim
- Nsxiv (Image Viewer)
- Picom (Compositor)
- Pipewire (Audio)
- Scrot (Screenshot)
- Spotify-TUI (Music)
- Ueberzugpp (Image previews in lf)
- Zathura (PDF Viewer)
- BTC:
- ETH:
- XMR: