As a code formatter isort has opinions. However, it also allows you to have your own. If your opinions disagree with those of isort, isort will disagree but commit to your way of formatting. To enable this, isort exposes a plethora of options to specify how you want your imports sorted, organized, and formatted.
Too busy to build your perfect isort configuration? For curated common configurations, see isort's built-in profiles.
Tells isort to set the known standard library based on the specified Python version. Default is to assume any Python 3 version could be the target, and use a union of all stdlib modules across versions. If auto is specified, the version of the interpreter used to run isort (currently: 39) will be used.
Type: String
Default: py3
Config default: 3
Python & Config File Name: py_version
CLI Flags:
- --py
- --python-version
isort --py 39
Force specific imports to the top of their appropriate section.
Type: List of Strings
Default: frozenset()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: force_to_top
CLI Flags:
- -t
- --top
Files that isort should skip over. If you want to skip multiple files you should specify twice: --skip file1 --skip file2
. Values can be file names, directory names or file paths. To skip all files in a nested path, use --skip-glob
. To even skip matching files that have been specified on the command line, use --filter-files
Type: List of Strings
Default: ('.bzr', '.direnv', '.eggs', '.git', '.hg', '.mypy_cache', '.nox', '.pants.d', '.pytype' '.svn', '.tox', '.venv', '__pypackages__', '_build', 'buck-out', 'build', 'dist', 'node_modules', 'venv')
Config default: ['.bzr', '.direnv', '.eggs', '.git', '.hg', '.mypy_cache', '.nox', '.pants.d', '.svn', '.tox', '.venv', '__pypackages__', '_build', 'buck-out', 'build', 'dist', 'node_modules', 'venv']
Python & Config File Name: skip
CLI Flags:
- -s
- --skip
skip = [".gitignore", ".dockerignore"]
Extends --skip to add additional files that isort should skip over. If you want to skip multiple files you should specify twice: --skip file1 --skip file2. Values can be file names, directory names or file paths. To skip all files in a nested path, use --skip-glob
. To even skip matching files that have been specified on the command line, use --filter-files
Type: List of Strings
Default: frozenset()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: extend_skip
CLI Flags:
- --extend-skip
extend_skip = [".md", ".json"]
Files that isort should skip over. To even skip matching files that have been specified on the command line, use --filter-files
Type: List of Strings
Default: frozenset()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: skip_glob
CLI Flags:
- --sg
- --skip-glob
skip_glob = ["docs/*"]
Additional files that isort should skip over (extending --skip-glob). To even skip matching files that have been specified on the command line, use --filter-files
Type: List of Strings
Default: frozenset()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: extend_skip_glob
CLI Flags:
- --extend-skip-glob
extend_skip_glob = ["my_*", "test/*"]
Treat project as a git repository and ignore files listed in .gitignore. To even skip matching files that have been specified on the command line, use --filter-files
NOTE: This requires git to be installed and accessible from the same shell as isort.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: skip_gitignore
CLI Flags:
- --gitignore
- --skip-gitignore
The max length of an import line (used for wrapping long imports).
Type: Int
Default: 79
Config default: 79
Python & Config File Name: line_length
CLI Flags:
- -l
- -w
- --line-length
- --line-width
Specifies how long lines that are wrapped should be, if not set line_length is used. NOTE: wrap_length must be LOWER than or equal to line_length.
Type: Int
Default: 0
Config default: 0
Python & Config File Name: wrap_length
CLI Flags:
- --wl
- --wrap-length
Forces line endings to the specified value. If not set, values will be guessed per-file.
Type: String
Config default:
Python & Config File Name: line_ending
CLI Flags:
- --le
- --line-ending
Specifies whether to sort re-exports (__all__
collections) automatically.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: sort_reexports
CLI Flags:
- --srx
- --sort-reexports
What sections isort should display imports for and in what order
Type: List of Strings
Python & Config File Name: sections
CLI Flags: Not Supported
Put all imports into the same section bucket
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: no_sections
CLI Flags:
- --ds
- --no-sections
Force isort to recognize a module as part of Python's internal future compatibility libraries. WARNING: this overrides the behavior of future handling and therefore can result in code that can't execute. If you're looking to add dependencies such as six, a better option is to create another section below --future using custom sections. See: and the discussion here: #1463.
Type: List of Strings
Default: ('__future__',)
Config default: ['__future__']
Python & Config File Name: known_future_library
CLI Flags:
- -f
- --future
Force isort to recognize a module as being part of a third party library.
Type: List of Strings
Default: frozenset()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: known_third_party
CLI Flags:
- -o
- --thirdparty
known_third_party = ["my_module1", "my_module2"]
Force isort to recognize a module as being part of the current python project.
Type: List of Strings
Default: frozenset()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: known_first_party
CLI Flags:
- -p
- --project
known_first_party = ["my_module1", "my_module2"]
Force isort to recognize a module as being a local folder. Generally, this is reserved for relative imports (from . import module).
Type: List of Strings
Default: frozenset()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: known_local_folder
CLI Flags:
- --known-local-folder
known_local_folder = ["my_module1", "my_module2"]
Force isort to recognize a module as part of Python's standard library.
Type: List of Strings
Default: ('_ast', '_dummy_thread', '_thread', 'abc', 'aifc', 'argparse', 'array', 'ast', 'asynchat', 'asyncio', 'asyncore', 'atexit', 'audioop', 'base64', 'bdb', 'binascii', 'binhex', 'bisect', 'builtins', 'bz2', 'cProfile', 'calendar', 'cgi', 'cgitb', 'chunk', 'cmath', 'cmd', 'code', 'codecs', 'codeop', 'collections', 'colorsys', 'compileall', 'concurrent', 'configparser', 'contextlib', 'contextvars', 'copy', 'copyreg', 'crypt', 'csv', 'ctypes', 'curses', 'dataclasses', 'datetime', 'dbm', 'decimal', 'difflib', 'dis', 'distutils', 'doctest', 'dummy_threading', 'email', 'encodings', 'ensurepip', 'enum', 'errno', 'faulthandler', 'fcntl', 'filecmp', 'fileinput', 'fnmatch', 'formatter', 'fpectl', 'fractions', 'ftplib', 'functools', 'gc', 'getopt', 'getpass', 'gettext', 'glob', 'graphlib', 'grp', 'gzip', 'hashlib', 'heapq', 'hmac', 'html', 'http', 'imaplib', 'imghdr', 'imp', 'importlib', 'inspect', 'io', 'ipaddress', 'itertools', 'json', 'keyword', 'lib2to3', 'linecache', 'locale', 'logging', 'lzma', 'macpath', 'mailbox', 'mailcap', 'marshal', 'math', 'mimetypes', 'mmap', 'modulefinder', 'msilib', 'msvcrt', 'multiprocessing', 'netrc', 'nis', 'nntplib', 'ntpath', 'numbers', 'operator', 'optparse', 'os', 'ossaudiodev', 'parser', 'pathlib', 'pdb', 'pickle', 'pickletools', 'pipes', 'pkgutil', 'platform', 'plistlib', 'poplib', 'posix', 'posixpath', 'pprint', 'profile', 'pstats', 'pty', 'pwd', 'py_compile', 'pyclbr', 'pydoc', 'queue', 'quopri', 'random', 're', 'readline', 'reprlib', 'resource', 'rlcompleter', 'runpy', 'sched', 'secrets', 'select', 'selectors', 'shelve', 'shlex', 'shutil', 'signal', 'site', 'smtpd', 'smtplib', 'sndhdr', 'socket', 'socketserver', 'spwd', 'sqlite3', 'sre', 'sre_compile', 'sre_constants', 'sre_parse', 'ssl', 'stat', 'statistics', 'string', 'stringprep', 'struct', 'subprocess', 'sunau', 'symbol', 'symtable', 'sys', 'sysconfig', 'syslog', 'tabnanny', 'tarfile', 'telnetlib', 'tempfile', 'termios', 'test', 'textwrap', 'threading', 'time', 'timeit', 'tkinter', 'token', 'tokenize', 'trace', 'traceback', 'tracemalloc', 'tty', 'turtle', 'turtledemo', 'types', 'typing', 'unicodedata', 'unittest', 'urllib', 'uu', 'uuid', 'venv', 'warnings', 'wave', 'weakref', 'webbrowser', 'winreg', 'winsound', 'wsgiref', 'xdrlib', 'xml', 'xmlrpc', 'zipapp', 'zipfile', 'zipimport', 'zlib', 'zoneinfo')
Config default: ['_ast', '_dummy_thread', '_thread', 'abc', 'aifc', 'argparse', 'array', 'ast', 'asynchat', 'asyncio', 'asyncore', 'atexit', 'audioop', 'base64', 'bdb', 'binascii', 'binhex', 'bisect', 'builtins', 'bz2', 'cProfile', 'calendar', 'cgi', 'cgitb', 'chunk', 'cmath', 'cmd', 'code', 'codecs', 'codeop', 'collections', 'colorsys', 'compileall', 'concurrent', 'configparser', 'contextlib', 'contextvars', 'copy', 'copyreg', 'crypt', 'csv', 'ctypes', 'curses', 'dataclasses', 'datetime', 'dbm', 'decimal', 'difflib', 'dis', 'distutils', 'doctest', 'dummy_threading', 'email', 'encodings', 'ensurepip', 'enum', 'errno', 'faulthandler', 'fcntl', 'filecmp', 'fileinput', 'fnmatch', 'formatter', 'fpectl', 'fractions', 'ftplib', 'functools', 'gc', 'getopt', 'getpass', 'gettext', 'glob', 'graphlib', 'grp', 'gzip', 'hashlib', 'heapq', 'hmac', 'html', 'http', 'imaplib', 'imghdr', 'imp', 'importlib', 'inspect', 'io', 'ipaddress', 'itertools', 'json', 'keyword', 'lib2to3', 'linecache', 'locale', 'logging', 'lzma', 'macpath', 'mailbox', 'mailcap', 'marshal', 'math', 'mimetypes', 'mmap', 'modulefinder', 'msilib', 'msvcrt', 'multiprocessing', 'netrc', 'nis', 'nntplib', 'ntpath', 'numbers', 'operator', 'optparse', 'os', 'ossaudiodev', 'parser', 'pathlib', 'pdb', 'pickle', 'pickletools', 'pipes', 'pkgutil', 'platform', 'plistlib', 'poplib', 'posix', 'posixpath', 'pprint', 'profile', 'pstats', 'pty', 'pwd', 'py_compile', 'pyclbr', 'pydoc', 'queue', 'quopri', 'random', 're', 'readline', 'reprlib', 'resource', 'rlcompleter', 'runpy', 'sched', 'secrets', 'select', 'selectors', 'shelve', 'shlex', 'shutil', 'signal', 'site', 'smtpd', 'smtplib', 'sndhdr', 'socket', 'socketserver', 'spwd', 'sqlite3', 'sre', 'sre_compile', 'sre_constants', 'sre_parse', 'ssl', 'stat', 'statistics', 'string', 'stringprep', 'struct', 'subprocess', 'sunau', 'symbol', 'symtable', 'sys', 'sysconfig', 'syslog', 'tabnanny', 'tarfile', 'telnetlib', 'tempfile', 'termios', 'test', 'textwrap', 'threading', 'time', 'timeit', 'tkinter', 'token', 'tokenize', 'trace', 'traceback', 'tracemalloc', 'tty', 'turtle', 'turtledemo', 'types', 'typing', 'unicodedata', 'unittest', 'urllib', 'uu', 'uuid', 'venv', 'warnings', 'wave', 'weakref', 'webbrowser', 'winreg', 'winsound', 'wsgiref', 'xdrlib', 'xml', 'xmlrpc', 'zipapp', 'zipfile', 'zipimport', 'zlib', 'zoneinfo']
Python & Config File Name: known_standard_library
CLI Flags:
- -b
- --builtin
known_standard_library = ["my_module1", "my_module2"]
Extra modules to be included in the list of ones in Python's standard library.
Type: List of Strings
Default: frozenset()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: extra_standard_library
CLI Flags:
- --extra-builtin
extra_standard_library = ["my_module1", "my_module2"]
known_OTHER is how imports of custom sections are defined. OTHER is a placeholder for the custom section name.
Type: Dict
Default: {}
Config default: {}
Python & Config File Name: known_other
CLI Flags: Not Supported
known_airflow = ['airflow']
Multi line output (0-grid, 1-vertical, 2-hanging, 3-vert-hanging, 4-vert-grid, 5-vert-grid-grouped, 6-deprecated-alias-for-5, 7-noqa, 8-vertical-hanging-indent-bracket, 9-vertical-prefix-from-module-import, 10-hanging-indent-with-parentheses).
Type: Wrapmodes
Default: WrapModes.GRID
Config default: WrapModes.GRID
Python & Config File Name: multi_line_output
CLI Flags:
- -m
- --multi-line
multi_line_output = 3
Force certain sub modules to show separately
Type: List of Strings
Default: ()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: forced_separate
CLI Flags: Not Supported
forced_separate = ["glob_exp1", "glob_exp2"]
String to place for indents defaults to " " (4 spaces).
Type: String
Config default:
Python & Config File Name: indent
CLI Flags:
- -i
- --indent
Allows customizing how isort prefixes comments that it adds or modifies on import linesGenerally #
(two spaces before a pound symbol) is use, though one space is also common.
Type: String
Default: #
Config default: #
Python & Config File Name: comment_prefix
CLI Flags: Not Supported
Sort imports by their string length.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: length_sort
CLI Flags:
- --ls
- --length-sort
Sort straight imports by their string length. Similar to length_sort
but applies only to straight imports and doesn't affect from imports.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: length_sort_straight
CLI Flags:
- --lss
- --length-sort-straight
Sort the given sections by length
Type: List of Strings
Default: frozenset()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: length_sort_sections
CLI Flags: Not Supported
length_sort_sections = ["future", "stdlib"]
Adds the specified import line to all files, automatically determining correct placement.
Type: List of Strings
Default: frozenset()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: add_imports
CLI Flags:
- -a
- --add-import
add_imports=import os,import json
add_imports = ["import os", "import json"]
Removes the specified import from all files.
Type: List of Strings
Default: frozenset()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: remove_imports
CLI Flags:
- --rm
- --remove-import
remove_imports = ["os", "json"]
Only adds the imports specified in --add-import if the file contains existing imports.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: append_only
CLI Flags:
- --append
- --append-only
Reverse order of relative imports.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: reverse_relative
CLI Flags:
- --rr
- --reverse-relative
Forces all from imports to appear on their own line
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: force_single_line
CLI Flags:
- --sl
- --force-single-line-imports
One or more modules to exclude from the single line rule.
Type: List of Strings
Default: ()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: single_line_exclusions
CLI Flags:
- --nsl
- --single-line-exclusions
single_line_exclusions = ["os", "json"]
Sets the default section for import options: ('FUTURE', 'STDLIB', 'THIRDPARTY', 'FIRSTPARTY', 'LOCALFOLDER')
Type: String
Config default: THIRDPARTY
Python & Config File Name: default_section
CLI Flags:
- --sd
- --section-default
A mapping of import sections to import heading comments that should show above them.
Type: Dict
Default: {}
Config default: {}
Python & Config File Name: import_headings
CLI Flags: Not Supported
A mapping of import sections to import footer comments that should show below them.
Type: Dict
Default: {}
Config default: {}
Python & Config File Name: import_footers
CLI Flags: Not Supported
Balances wrapping to produce the most consistent line length possible
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: balanced_wrapping
CLI Flags:
- -e
- --balanced
Use parentheses for line continuation on length limit instead of backslashes. NOTE: This is separate from wrap modes, and only affects how individual lines that are too long get continued, not sections of multiple imports.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: use_parentheses
CLI Flags:
- --up
- --use-parentheses
Order imports by type, which is determined by case, in addition to alphabetically.
NOTE: type here refers to the implied type from the import name capitalization.
isort does not do type introspection for the imports. These "types" are simply: CONSTANT_VARIABLE, CamelCaseClass, variable_or_function. If your project follows PEP8 or a related coding standard and has many imports this is a good default, otherwise you likely will want to turn it off. From the CLI the --dont-order-by-type
option will turn this off.
Type: Bool
Default: True
Config default: true
Python & Config File Name: order_by_type
CLI Flags:
- --ot
- --order-by-type
Ensures the output doesn't save if the resulting file contains syntax errors.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: atomic
CLI Flags:
- --ac
- --atomic
The number of blank lines to place before imports. -1 for automatic determination
Type: Int
Default: -1
Config default: -1
Python & Config File Name: lines_before_imports
CLI Flags:
- --lbi
- --lines-before-imports
The number of blank lines to place after imports. -1 for automatic determination
Type: Int
Default: -1
Config default: -1
Python & Config File Name: lines_after_imports
CLI Flags:
- --lai
- --lines-after-imports
The number of lines to place between sections
Type: Int
Default: 1
Config default: 1
Python & Config File Name: lines_between_sections
CLI Flags: Not Supported
The number of lines to place between direct and from imports
Type: Int
Default: 0
Config default: 0
Python & Config File Name: lines_between_types
CLI Flags:
- --lbt
- --lines-between-types
Combines as imports on the same line.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: combine_as_imports
CLI Flags:
- --ca
- --combine-as
Ensures that if a star import is present, nothing else is imported from that namespace.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: combine_star
CLI Flags:
- --cs
- --combine-star
Includes a trailing comma on multi line imports that include parentheses.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: include_trailing_comma
CLI Flags:
- --tc
- --trailing-comma
Split imports list followed by a trailing comma into VERTICAL_HANGING_INDENT mode. This follows Black style magic comma.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: split_on_trailing_comma
CLI Flags:
- --split-on-trailing-comma
Switches the typical ordering preference, showing from imports first then straight ones.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: from_first
CLI Flags:
- --ff
- --from-first
Shows verbose output, such as when files are skipped or when a check is successful.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: verbose
CLI Flags:
- -v
- --verbose
Shows extra quiet output, only errors are outputted.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: quiet
CLI Flags:
- -q
- --quiet
Forces import adds even if the original file is empty.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: force_adds
CLI Flags:
- --af
- --force-adds
Force all imports to be sorted alphabetically within a section
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: force_alphabetical_sort_within_sections
CLI Flags:
- --fass
- --force-alphabetical-sort-within-sections
Force all imports to be sorted as a single section
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: force_alphabetical_sort
CLI Flags:
- --fas
- --force-alphabetical-sort
Force number of from imports (defaults to 2 when passed as CLI flag without value) to be grid wrapped regardless of line length. If 0 is passed in (the global default) only line length is considered.
Type: Int
Default: 0
Config default: 0
Python & Config File Name: force_grid_wrap
CLI Flags:
- --fgw
- --force-grid-wrap
Don't sort straight-style imports (like import sys) before from-style imports (like from itertools import groupby). Instead, sort the imports by module, independent of import style.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: force_sort_within_sections
CLI Flags:
- --fss
- --force-sort-within-sections
Lexicographical order is strictly alphabetical order. For example by default isort will sort 1, 10, 2
into 1, 2, 10
- but with lexicographical sorting enabled it will remain 1, 10, 2
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: lexicographical
CLI Flags: Not Supported
If True
isort will automatically create section groups by the top-level package they come from.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: group_by_package
CLI Flags: Not Supported
Tells isort to ignore whitespace differences when --check-only is being used.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: ignore_whitespace
CLI Flags:
- --ws
- --ignore-whitespace
Sections which should not be split with previous by empty lines
Type: List of Strings
Default: frozenset()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: no_lines_before
CLI Flags:
- --nlb
- --no-lines-before
no_lines_before = ["future", "stdlib"]
Leaves from
imports with multiple imports 'as-is' (e.g. from foo import a, c ,b
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: no_inline_sort
CLI Flags:
- --nis
- --no-inline-sort
If enabled, isort will strip comments that exist within import lines.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: ignore_comments
CLI Flags: Not Supported
Tells isort to include casing when sorting module names
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: case_sensitive
CLI Flags:
- --case-sensitive
Virtual environment to use for determining whether a package is third-party
Type: String
Config default:
Python & Config File Name: virtual_env
CLI Flags:
- --virtual-env
Conda environment to use for determining whether a package is third-party
Type: String
Config default:
Python & Config File Name: conda_env
CLI Flags:
- --conda-env
Inserts a blank line before a comment following an import.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: ensure_newline_before_comments
CLI Flags:
- -n
- --ensure-newline-before-comments
Base profile type to use for configuration. Profiles include: black, django, pycharm, google, open_stack, plone, attrs, hug, wemake, appnexus. As well as any shared profiles.
Type: String
Config default:
Python & Config File Name: profile
CLI Flags:
- --profile
Tells isort to honor noqa comments to enforce skipping those comments.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: honor_noqa
CLI Flags:
- --honor-noqa
Add an explicitly defined source path (modules within src paths have their imports automatically categorized as first_party). Glob expansion (*
and **
) is supported for this option.
Type: List of Strings
Default: ()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: src_paths
CLI Flags:
- --src
- --src-path
src_paths = src,tests
src_paths = ["src", "tests"]
Use the old deprecated finder logic that relies on environment introspection magic.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: old_finders
CLI Flags:
- --old-finders
- --magic-placement
Tells isort to remove redundant aliases from imports, such as import os as os
. This defaults to False
simply because some projects use these seemingly useless aliases to signify intent and change behaviour.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: remove_redundant_aliases
CLI Flags:
- --remove-redundant-aliases
Causes all non-indented imports to float to the top of the file having its imports sorted (immediately below the top of file comment). This can be an excellent shortcut for collecting imports every once in a while when you place them in the middle of a file to avoid context switching.
NOTE: It currently doesn't work with cimports and introduces some extra over-head and a performance penalty.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: float_to_top
CLI Flags:
- --float-to-top
Tells isort to filter files even when they are explicitly passed in as part of the CLI command.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: filter_files
CLI Flags:
- --filter-files
Specifies the name of a formatting plugin to use when producing output.
Type: String
Config default:
Python & Config File Name: formatter
CLI Flags:
- --formatter
The fully qualified Python path of a function to apply to format code sorted by isort.
Type: Nonetype
Default: None
Config default:
Python & Config File Name: formatting_function
CLI Flags: Not Supported
Tells isort to use color in terminal output.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: color_output
CLI Flags:
- --color
Tells isort to treat the specified single line comment(s) as if they are code.
Type: List of Strings
Default: frozenset()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: treat_comments_as_code
CLI Flags:
- --treat-comment-as-code
treat_comments_as_code = # my comment 1, # my other comment
treat_comments_as_code = ["# my comment 1", "# my other comment"]
Tells isort to treat all single line comments as if they are code.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: treat_all_comments_as_code
CLI Flags:
- --treat-all-comment-as-code
Specifies what extensions isort can be run against.
Type: List of Strings
Default: ('pxd', 'py', 'pyi', 'pyx')
Config default: ['pxd', 'py', 'pyi', 'pyx']
Python & Config File Name: supported_extensions
CLI Flags:
- --ext
- --extension
- --supported-extension
supported_extensions = ["pyw", "ext"]
Specifies what extensions isort can never be run against.
Type: List of Strings
Default: ('pex',)
Config default: ['pex']
Python & Config File Name: blocked_extensions
CLI Flags:
- --blocked-extension
blocked_extensions = ["pyw", "pyc"]
An override list of tokens to always recognize as a CONSTANT for order_by_type regardless of casing.
Type: List of Strings
Default: frozenset()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: constants
CLI Flags: Not Supported
An override list of tokens to always recognize as a Class for order_by_type regardless of casing.
Type: List of Strings
Default: frozenset()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: classes
CLI Flags: Not Supported
An override list of tokens to always recognize as a var for order_by_type regardless of casing.
Type: List of Strings
Default: frozenset()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: variables
CLI Flags: Not Supported
Tells isort to only show an identical custom import heading comment once, even if there are multiple sections with the comment set.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: dedup_headings
CLI Flags:
- --dedup-headings
Causes imports to be sorted based on their sections like STDLIB, THIRDPARTY, etc. Within sections, the imports are ordered by their import style and the imports with the same style maintain their relative positions.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: only_sections
CLI Flags:
- --only-sections
- --os
Suppresses verbose output for non-modified files.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: only_modified
CLI Flags:
- --only-modified
- --om
Combines all the bare straight imports of the same section in a single line. Won't work with sections which have 'as' imports
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: combine_straight_imports
CLI Flags:
- --combine-straight-imports
- --csi
Automatically determine local namespace packages, generally by lack of any src files before a src containing directory.
Type: Bool
Default: True
Config default: true
Python & Config File Name: auto_identify_namespace_packages
CLI Flags: Not Supported
Manually specify one or more namespace packages.
Type: List of Strings
Default: frozenset()
Config default: []
Python & Config File Name: namespace_packages
CLI Flags: Not Supported
If True
isort will follow symbolic links when doing recursive sorting.
Type: Bool
Default: True
Config default: true
Python & Config File Name: follow_links
CLI Flags: Not Supported
If True
isort will apply import headings to indented imports the same way it does unindented ones.
Type: Bool
Default: True
Config default: true
Python & Config File Name: indented_import_headings
CLI Flags: Not Supported
Honor --case-sensitive
when --force-sort-within-sections
is being used. Without this option set, --order-by-type
decides module name ordering too.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: honor_case_in_force_sorted_sections
CLI Flags:
- --hcss
- --honor-case-in-force-sorted-sections
When using --force-sort-within-sections
, sort relative imports the same way as they are sorted when not using that setting.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: sort_relative_in_force_sorted_sections
CLI Flags:
- --srss
- --sort-relative-in-force-sorted-sections
Tells isort to overwrite in place using the same file handle. Comes at a performance and memory usage penalty over its standard approach but ensures all file flags and modes stay unchanged.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: overwrite_in_place
CLI Flags:
- --overwrite-in-place
Reverses the ordering of imports.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: reverse_sort
CLI Flags:
- --reverse-sort
Forces star imports above others to avoid overriding directly imported variables.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: star_first
CLI Flags:
- --star-first
If True
isort will honor ignores within locally defined .git_ignore files.
Type: Dict
Default: {}
Config default: {}
Python & Config File Name: git_ignore
CLI Flags: Not Supported
Override the format used to print errors.
Type: String
Default: {error}: {message}
Config default: {error}: {message}
Python & Config File Name: format_error
CLI Flags:
- --format-error
Override the format used to print success.
Type: String
Default: {success}: {message}
Config default: {success}: {message}
Python & Config File Name: format_success
CLI Flags:
- --format-success
Specify sorting function. Can be built in (natural[default] = force numbers to be sequential, native = Python's built-in sorted function) or an installable plugin.
Type: String
Default: natural
Config default: natural
Python & Config File Name: sort_order
CLI Flags:
- --sort-order
Displays the currently installed version of isort.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- -V
- --version
isort --version
Returns just the current version number without the logo
Type: String
Default: ==SUPPRESS==
Config default: ==SUPPRESS==
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- --vn
- --version-number
Force resulting output to stdout, instead of in-place.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- -d
- --stdout
See isort's determined config, as well as sources of config options.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- --show-config
See the files isort will be run against with the current config options.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- --show-files
Prints a diff of all the changes isort would make to a file, instead of changing it in place
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- --df
- --diff
Checks the file for unsorted / unformatted imports and prints them to the command line without modifying the file. Returns 0 when nothing would change and returns 1 when the file would be reformatted.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- -c
- --check-only
- --check
Explicitly set the settings path or file instead of auto determining based on file location.
Type: String
Default: None
Config default:
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- --sp
- --settings-path
- --settings-file
- --settings
Explicitly set the config root for resolving all configs. When used with the --resolve-all-configs flag, isort will look at all sub-folders in this config root to resolve config files and sort files based on the closest available config(if any)
Type: String
Default: None
Config default:
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- --cr
- --config-root
Tells isort to resolve the configs for all sub-directories and sort files in terms of its closest config files.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- --resolve-all-configs
Number of files to process in parallel. Negative value means use number of CPUs.
Type: Int
Default: None
Config default:
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- -j
- --jobs
Tells isort to apply changes interactively.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- --interactive
One or more Python source files that need their imports sorted.
Type: String
Default: None
Config default:
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
Tells isort not to follow symlinks that are encountered when running recursively.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- --dont-follow-links
Provide the filename associated with a stream.
Type: String
Default: None
Config default:
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- --filename
Tells isort not to treat / specially, allowing it to be run against the root dir.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- --allow-root
Forces --float-to-top setting off. See --float-to-top for more information.
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- --dont-float-to-top
Don't order imports by type, which is determined by case, in addition to alphabetically.
NOTE: type here refers to the implied type from the import name capitalization.
isort does not do type introspection for the imports. These "types" are simply: CONSTANT_VARIABLE, CamelCaseClass, variable_or_function. If your project follows PEP8 or a related coding standard and has many imports this is a good default. You can turn this on from the CLI using --order-by-type
Type: Bool
Default: False
Config default: false
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- --dt
- --dont-order-by-type
Tells isort to format the given files according to an extensions formatting rules.
Type: String
Default: None
Config default:
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- --ext-format
Type: String
Default: None
Config default:
Python & Config File Name: Not Supported
CLI Flags:
- -k
- --keep-direct-and-as