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404 error for the resource "/partytown/partytown-sandbox-sw.html?1646853715625" #107

naveedahmed1 opened this issue Mar 9, 2022 · 23 comments


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naveedahmed1 commented Mar 9, 2022

I recently tried integrating Partytown for my website but encountered this error #38 (comment)

Which thankfully, has been fixed in the latest version of Partytown (v 0.4.5), but now I am receiving 404 error for the resource "/partytown/partytown-sandbox-sw.html?1646853715625"

Below are the steps I followed to add partytown to my website:

I copied contents of\partytown\lib\partytown.js and added it to the script tag in my index.html file.

    !function (t, e, n, i, r, o, a, d, s, c, p, l) { function u() { l || (l = 1, "/" == (a = (o.lib || "/~partytown/") + (o.debug ? "debug/" : ""))[0] && (s = e.querySelectorAll('script[type="text/partytown"]'), i != t ? i.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("pt1", { detail: t })) : (d = setTimeout(w, 1e4), e.addEventListener("pt0", f), r ? h(1) : n.serviceWorker ? n.serviceWorker.register(a + (o.swPath || "partytown-sw.js"), { scope: a }).then((function (t) { ? h() : t.installing && t.installing.addEventListener("statechange", (function (t) { "activated" == && h() })) }), console.error) : w()))) } function h(t) { c = e.createElement(t ? "script" : "iframe"), t || (c.setAttribute("style", "display:block;width:0;height:0;border:0;visibility:hidden"), c.setAttribute("aria-hidden", !0)), c.src = a + "partytown-" + (t ? "atomics.js?v=0.4.5" : "sandbox-sw.html?" +, e.body.appendChild(c) } function w(t, n) { for (f(), t = 0; t < s.length; t++)(n = e.createElement("script")).innerHTML = s[t].innerHTML, e.head.appendChild(n); c && c.parentNode.removeChild(c) } function f() { clearTimeout(d) } o = t.partytown || {}, i == t && (o.forward || []).map((function (e) { p = t, e.split(".").map((function (e, n, i) { p = p[i[n]] = n + 1 < i.length ? "push" == i[n + 1] ? [] : p[i[n]] || {} : function () { (t._ptf = t._ptf || []).push(i, arguments) } })) })), "complete" == e.readyState ? u() : (t.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", u), t.addEventListener("load", u)) }(window, document, navigator, top, window.crossOriginIsolated);

Added below config just above the Partytown script:

    window.partytown = {
      forward: ["dataLayer.push", "fbq"],
      lib: "/partytown/",
      resolveUrl: function (url) {
        if (url.hostname === '') {
          var proxyUrl = new URL('');
          proxyUrl.searchParams.append('url', url.href);
          return proxyUrl;
        return url;


Below is my Google Tag Manager code:

<script type="text/partytown">
    (function (w, d, s, l, i) {
        w[l] = w[l] || []; w[l].push({
            new Date().getTime(), event: 'gtm.js'
        }); var f = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
          j = d.createElement(s), dl = l != 'dataLayer' ? '&l=' + l : ''; j.async = true; j.src =
            '' + i + dl; f.parentNode.insertBefore(j, f);
      })(window, document, 'script', 'dataLayer', 'GTM-NJFTK74');

Tag Manager code adds:

  • Google Ads Conversion Tracking
  • Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration
  • Conversion Linker
  • Google Analytics: Universal Analytics
  • Facebook Pixel as Custom HTML
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If you are receiving a 404 for that file then it means the service worker is not correctly intercepting the requests. Also, make sure all of the files are copied to your directory, not just partytown.js:

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Thanks @adamdbradley.

I have uploaded all contents of as mentioned here

I have also confirmed there isn't any file with name partytown-sandbox-sw.html in node_modules\\partytown\lib directory.

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hiepxanh commented Mar 11, 2022

@naveedahmed1 if you dont mind, can you make a small tutorial for the document section for angular ? :D

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@hiepxanh sure, I'd love to :)

For now I just followed the HTML guide under Integrations section ( but I have yet to make it work :D

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garciadiazjaime commented Mar 12, 2022

I'm experiencing same issue,

it seems sandbox-sw.html is required when window.crossOriginIsolated = false, which instead of using Atomics fallbacks to use service-worker.

sandbox-sw.html doesn't seem to be find in partytown repo although is referred in the snippet.ts file.

hope you find something 😸

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Thanks @garciadiazjaime while this is fixed, I would also be interested in using Atomics but this requires below headers to be set:

Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: credentialless
Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin


but I was wondering if setting these headers have any impact on third party scripts like Adsense?

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hey @naveedahmed1 it seems Adsense "doesn't like" SharedArrayBuffer

Is there a way to use Google Adsense with cross origin isolation?

however it seems you can register for a token:

I'm still intrigued about how sandbox-sw.html is supposed to be generated, I can't seem to find a clue in the repo,
in my case I would like to make partytown to work with service-workers,

hope you get better luck and share the findings 😄

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I updated the Partytown inline code and updated sandbox-sw.html to sandbox-sw.js but even that doesn't work.

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The partytown-sandbox-sw.html file is not provided in the distribution because it's a handled response from the service worker. I've added a note to the distribution docs about this:

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Thanks @adamdbradley

I am now receiving below error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'prototype')
    at VM5477 partytown-sandbox-sw.html:2:5448
    at (<anonymous>)
    at D (VM5477 partytown-sandbox-sw.html:2:5398)
    at VM5477 partytown-sandbox-sw.html:2:6842
    at Worker.J.onmessage (VM5477 partytown-sandbox-sw.html:2:25834)

Below is my code:

  <script type="text/javascript">
    //partytown config
    window.partytown = {
      forward: ["dataLayer.push", "fbq"],
      lib: "/partytown/",
      resolveUrl: function (url) {
        if (url.hostname === '') {
          var proxyUrl = new URL('https://myproxyurl/');
          proxyUrl.searchParams.append('url', url.href);
          return proxyUrl;
        return url;


    //inline partytown script
/* Partytown 0.4.5 - MIT */
!function(t,e,n,i,r,o,a,d,s,c,p,l){function u(){l||(l=1,"/"==(a=(o.lib||"/~partytown/")+(o.debug?"debug/":""))[0]&&(s=e.querySelectorAll('script[type="text/partytown"]'),i!=t?i.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("pt1",{detail:t})):(d=setTimeout(w,1e4),e.addEventListener("pt0",f),r?h(1):n.serviceWorker?n.serviceWorker.register(a+(o.swPath||"partytown-sw.js"),{scope:a}).then((function(t){"statechange",(function(t){"activated"}))}),console.error):w())))}function h(t){c=e.createElement(t?"script":"iframe"),t||(c.setAttribute("style","display:block;width:0;height:0;border:0;visibility:hidden"),c.setAttribute("aria-hidden",!0)),c.src=a+"partytown-"+(t?"atomics.js?v=0.4.5":"sandbox-sw.html?",e.body.appendChild(c)}function w(t,n){for(f(),t=0;t<s.length;t++)(n=e.createElement("script")).innerHTML=s[t].innerHTML,e.head.appendChild(n);c&&c.parentNode.removeChild(c)}function f(){clearTimeout(d)}o=t.partytown||{},i==t&&(o.forward||[]).map((function(e){p=t,e.split(".").map((function(e,n,i){p=p[i[n]]=n+1<i.length?"push"==i[n+1]?[]:p[i[n]]||{}:function(){(t._ptf=t._ptf||[]).push(i,arguments)}}))})),"complete"==e.readyState?u():(t.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",u),t.addEventListener("load",u))}(window,document,navigator,top,window.crossOriginIsolated);

  <script type="text/partytown" src=""></script>
  <script type="text/partytown">
    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
        new Date().getTime(), event: 'gtm.js'

Can you please guide if I am still missing something?

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Probably its looking for requestContent

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'requestContent')

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Using atomics maybe a bad idea, since mobile browsers doesn't support atomics.

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@naveedahmed1 @garciadiazjaime I tried integrating GTM with partytown but seems like similar issues. My doubleclick script is failing. Apparently it is not able to parse the content of the script downloaded from doubleclick.

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I have 404 error for the resource "/partytown/partytown-sandbox-sw.html" error too, @naveedahmed1 how do you solve this problem? I really cannot understand that html file not exist but still request to server. 😢

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dezman commented Nov 3, 2022

Side note: enabling Atomics breaks stripe payment, which seems to require 'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy', 'unsafe-none'

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terza98 commented Jan 9, 2023

Side note: enabling Atomics breaks stripe payment, which seems to require 'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy', 'unsafe-none'

Were you able to fix this issue? Stripe form breaks for me as well when I use 'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy': 'credentialess'

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simkuns commented Feb 1, 2023

I have 404 error for the resource "/partytown/partytown-sandbox-sw.html" error too, @naveedahmed1 how do you solve this problem? I really cannot understand that html file not exist but still request to server. 😢

I was following HTML integration tutorial, however, I was getting the same error. After visiting I was able to copy the .html file ( from there and paste it into /~partytown/debug/ folder and partytown started working with { debug: true }.


<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><script src="./partytown-sandbox-sw.js?v=0.7.5-dev1674668837610"></script></head></html>

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simkuns commented Feb 1, 2023

Note: when { debug: false } CMD+Shift+R on Firefox 109 MacOS causes same 404 error, but normal refresh loads service worker correctly.

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Any news about that ?

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Note: when { debug: false } CMD+Shift+R on Firefox 109 MacOS causes same 404 error, but normal refresh loads service worker correctly.

Also seeing this on Firefox 113 on Windows. I always do a Ctrl+Shift+R by habit to reload my site and was certain something was broken. Can confirm it doesn't do this on a normal refresh.

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Same. Hard reload gets a 404, soft refresh works fine.

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Same here. Is it possible to configure meta robots of the page returned by worker? For example:

<meta name="robots" content="noindex">

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I have the exact same problem and so far no solution... Any tips on how to solve this?

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