Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) is a language feature of C# which enables one to generate SQL statements in C# by writing LINQ statements. LINQ can be extended to work for user defined types by implementing several methods, namely Select
and SelectMany
. Select
is equal to the map : (T1 -> T2) -> F<T1> -> F<T2>
operator for the functor F
public static F<T2> Select<T1, T2>(this F<T1> x, Func<T1, T2> map);
is equal to bind : F<T1> -> (T1 -> F<T2>) -> F<T2>
followed by another function applied to the results T1
and T2
public static F<T3> SelectMany<T1, T2, T3>(this F<T1> x, Func<T1, F<T2>> then, Func<T1, T2, T3> map);
With a representation of map
and bind
, LINQ provides a convenient syntax for dealing with monads. Specifically, we can use LINQ to define monadic parsers.
Monads essentially overload the ;
keyword and allows one to define what it means execute a sequence of functions for a given monad type.
For the Maybe<T>
(also the Optional<T>
or Nullable<T>
) Monad, the result of each step in the sequence is checked for the presence of a value.
// This LINQ expression.
public Maybe<int> TestLinq()
from x in Foo()
from y in Bar()
select x + y;
// Gets translated to the equivalent of this.
public Maybe<int> Test()
var x = Foo() as Just<int>;
if (x == null)
return new Nothing<int>();
var y = Bar() as Just<int>;
if (y == null)
return new Nothing<int>();
return new Just<int>(x.Item + y.Item);
First, we define a class which represents the result of a parsing. Instead of relying on nullable types, using a dedicated class allows us to add more information when parsing fails. For example, when an unexpected token is encountered or when a parsing assertion fails. The Result<T>
class has 2 implementations, Ok<T>
which contains a T Value
attribute and Fail<T>
which does not. Indeed, the Result<T>
class also forms a monad and it comes with definitions for Select
, SelectMany
and Where
, which can be used with LINQ expressions.
public abstract class Result<T>
public abstract bool HasValue { get; }
public static implicit operator Result<T>(T value) => new Ok<T>(value);
public class Ok<T> : Result<T>
public override bool HasValue => true;
public T Value { get; }
public Ok(T value)
Value = value;
public abstract class Fail<T> : Result<T>
public override bool HasValue => false;
public abstract Fail<T2> As<T2>();
Then, we have struct representing the current state of a parser, State<T>
. It contains the list of tokens and an index pointing to the current token. It comes with a method for consuming a token, which returns the current token and increments the index. It is a struct because we need call-by-value semantics for the index.
public struct State<T>
private IList<T> Tokens { get; }
private int Idx { get; set; }
public State(IList<T> tokens)
Tokens = tokens;
Idx = 0;
public T Consume()
return Tokens[Idx++];
Finally, there is the actual Parser<T, Token>
class, which has 2 generic arguments. The first represents the type of the result which parser returns, the second represents the type for the tokens.
A Parser for Things
is a function from Strings
to Lists of Pairs
of Things and Strings!
- Fritz Ruehr
Or more specifically for our case, a Parser
for T
's is a function from a State<Token>
to a Result
of a pair of T
and State<Token>
Let's break that down a bit. A parser takes a State<Token>
, which contains the index for at which Token
we start parsing. And it returns a pair of T
, which is the thing that has been parsed, and State<Token>
, which is the state remaining after parsing. The pair (T, State<Token>)
is wrapped in a Result
, because the parsing might fail.
We will be defining parser combinators, which are functions which take one or more parsers and returns another parser. Because a parser is really just a function, we will be using an attribute to represent the parser which is initialized in the constructor. Parsers can thus be created by passing a lambda expression to constructor.
public class Parser<T, Token>
private readonly Func<State<Token>, Result<(T, State<Token>)>> _parse;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor for parsers.
/// </summary>
public Parser(Func<State<Token>, Result<(T, State<Token>)>> parse)
_parse = parse;
/// <summary>
/// Applies the parser to the tokens.
/// </summary>
public Result<(T, State<Token>)> Parse(State<Token> state) => _parse(state);
/// <summary>
/// Applies the parser to the tokens. Returns just the result and 'forgets' the remaining state.
/// </summary>
public Result<T> Run(IList<Token> tokens)
var state = new State<Token>(tokens);
var result = Parse(state);
return result switch
Fail<(T, State<Token>)> fail => fail.As<T>(),
Ok<(T, State<Token>)> ok => ok.Value.Item1,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(result))
public static Parser<T, Token> operator +(Parser<T, Token> l, Parser<T, Token> r) => l.Or(r);
Most of the functionality of the Parser is done in extension methods in the static Parser class. As parsers also describe a monad, we can define Select
, SelectMany
for parsers. And since we also implemented these functions for Result<T>
, implementing them for parsers is quite straight forward.
public static Parser<T2, Token> Select<T1, T2, Token>(this Parser<T1, Token> parser, Func<T1, T2> map)
=> new Parser<T2, Token>(state1 =>
from x in parser.Parse(state1)
select (map(x.Item1), x.Item2));
public static Parser<T3, Token> SelectMany<T1, T2, T3, Token>(this Parser<T1, Token> parser, Func<T1, Parser<T2, Token>> then, Func<T1, T2, T3> map)
=> new Parser<T3, Token>(state1 =>
from x in parser.Parse(state1)
from y in then(x.Item1).Parse(x.Item2)
select (map(x.Item1, y.Item1), y.Item2));
We also need another combinator to represent options. The Or
combinator takes 2 parsers. It first tries the first parser and if it succeeds, that result is returned, otherwise the result of the second parser is returned.
Because C# allows for (limited) operator overloading, we can also create an overload for '+': parserA + parserB => parserA.Or(ParserB)
public static Parser<T1, Token> Or<T1, Token>(this Parser<T1, Token> parserL, Parser<T1, Token> parserR)
=> new Parser<T1, Token>(state =>
var resultL = parserL.Parse(state);
if (resultL.HasValue)
return resultL;
var resultR = parserR.Parse(state);
return resultR;
Consider the following grammar:
Expr := <double> | <variable> | (Expr * Expr) | (Expr - Expr) | (Expr + Expr)
The parser follows quite simply from the grammar. Note that we need the Lazy
combinator for recursive calls to the parser and that we need to cast the result to the IExpression<double>
base type.
public static Parser<IExpression<double>, string> GetExpressionParser()
var add =
from _1 in Symbol("(")
from lhs in Lazy(GetExpressionParser)
from _0 in Symbol("+")
from rhs in Lazy(GetExpressionParser)
from _2 in Symbol(")")
select (IExpression<double>) new Add<double>(lhs, rhs);
var sub =
from _1 in Symbol("(")
from lhs in Lazy(GetExpressionParser)
from _0 in Symbol("-")
from rhs in Lazy(GetExpressionParser)
from _2 in Symbol(")")
select (IExpression<double>) new Sub<double>(lhs, rhs);
var mul =
from _1 in Symbol("(")
from lhs in Lazy(GetExpressionParser)
from _0 in Symbol("*")
from rhs in Lazy(GetExpressionParser)
from _2 in Symbol(")")
select (IExpression<double>) new Mul<double>(lhs, rhs);
var @var =
from id in Next<string>()
where id != "+" &&
id != "-" &&
id != "*" &&
id != "(" &&
id != ")"
select (IExpression<double>) new Var<double>(id);
var @const =
from d in Double()
select (IExpression<double>) new Constant<double>(d);
return @const + @var + add + sub + mul;
public static Parser<double, string> Double()
=> new Parser<double, string>(state =>
var token = state.Consume();
var ok = double.TryParse(token, out var n);
if (!ok)
return new UnexpectedToken<(double, State<string>), string>("double", token);
return (n, state);
Implementing a parser for left-recursive grammars is left as an exercise to the reader.