All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
1.3.2.RELEASE - 2021-12-20
- Updated log4j2 version to 2.17.0
1.3.1.RELEASE - 2021-12-17
- Updated log4j2 version to 2.15.0
- Updated testcontainers version to 1.16.2
1.3.0.RELEASE - 2021-02-17
- New configuration general parameter: "timeBetweenKpi", used to control the delivery time between kpi metrics.
- Modified general configuration mapper to allow negative values.
1.2.0.RELEASE - 2020-12-17
- Added efficient Docker images with Spring Boot 2.3.
- New configuration general parameter: "radarCovidDownloadUrl", used to provide the application download URL.
- New configuration general parameter: "notificationReminder", used to provide notification reminder interval in minutes.
1.1.0.RELEASE - 2020-10-28
- New configuration general parameter: "legalTermsVersion", used to control the current version number of legal terms.
- Set order in locale list (new order field).
- Fixed messages in aspects.
1.0.1.RELEASE - 2020-10-09
- Country endpoint, which returns a list of countries of interest.
- Configured AWS Parameters Store for service property management.
- Management of aliases for access to different environments in Contentful.
- Cache time properties in masters data and texts endpoints.
- Added new records in GENERAL_CONFIGURATION table to store the Contentful aliases.
- Added file.
- Added file.
- Modified exception handling. Error messages has been included.
- The properties files for Preproduction and Production environments have been removed, because these properties are stored encrypted in the infrastructure (AWS parameter stores).
- Deleted Headers started with "x-forwarded", in server logs.
- Deleted api-docs.yaml file. Yaml available through swagger endpoint.
- Fixed contact email in THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES file
1.0.0.RELEASE - 2020-09-15
- Configuration Service. Initial version.
- Token UUID service, through which a unique identifier token is obtained.
- Settings service, through which the exposure configuration and other adjustment parameters are obtained.
- Locales service, which returns the list of available locales.
- Autonomous Community service, which returns the list of available autonomous communities.
- Texts service, through which internationalized texts are obtained.