- Due to the gas usage limit for
, the.transfer()
will be reverted, if themsg.sender
is not an EOA.
there is a function, where_recipient.transfer(_amount)
is invoked. However.transfer()
calls are limited in terms of the gas usage. The limit is ~2300 units. -
So, what does it mean for us? It means that if the
is not an EOA(Externally owned account) this.transfer()
will end up with failure, because the gas provided is not enough to enterfallback()
function in_recipient's
contract. Therefore, the user is not able to somehow withdraw his funds.-
function _unwrapAndSend(uint256 _amount, address payable _recipient) internal { if (_amount > 0) { // Unwrap wToken wToken.withdraw(_amount); // Send protocol token to recipient _recipient.transfer(_amount); } }
This internal function could be invoked from:
function withdrawSwappedManyUsingProtocolToken(uint256[] calldata _positionIds, address payable _recipient) external payable returns (uint256 _swapped) { for (uint256 i; i < _positionIds.length; i++) { _checkPermissionOrFail(_positionIds[i], IDCAPermissionManager.Permission.WITHDRAW); } IDCAHub.PositionSet[] memory _positionSets = new IDCAHub.PositionSet[](1); _positionSets[0].token = address(wToken); _positionSets[0].positionIds = _positionIds; uint256[] memory _withdrawn = hub.withdrawSwappedMany(_positionSets, address(this)); _swapped = _withdrawn[0]; _unwrapAndSend(_swapped, _recipient); }
function increasePositionUsingProtocolToken( uint256 _positionId, uint256 _amount, uint32 _newSwaps ) external payable checkPermission(_positionId, IDCAPermissionManager.Permission.INCREASE) { _wrap(_amount); hub.increasePosition(_positionId, _amount, _newSwaps); } /// @inheritdoc IDCAHubCompanionWTokenPositionHandler function reducePositionUsingProtocolToken( uint256 _positionId, uint256 _amount, uint32 _newSwaps, address payable _recipient ) external payable checkPermission(_positionId, IDCAPermissionManager.Permission.REDUCE) { hub.reducePosition(_positionId, _amount, _newSwaps, address(this)); _unwrapAndSend(_amount, _recipient); }
- Smart-contract freezes the user's funds.
- Personal recommendation is to use
or the library Address.sol from OZ to send funds, which uses the.call()
under the hood.