Here's a couple lists for future reference.
These are possible parts of speech for the partOfSpeech
, includePartOfSpeech
and excludePartOfSpeech
config options and the --definitions
- noun
- adjective
- verb
- adverb
- interjection
- pronoun
- preposition
- abbreviation
- affix
- article
- auxiliary-verb
- conjunction
- definite-article
- family-name
- given-name
- idiom
- imperative
- noun-plural
- noun-posessive
- past-participle
- phrasal-prefix
- proper-noun
- proper-noun-plural
- proper-noun-posessive
- suffix
- verb-intransitive
- verb-transitive
Types of related words for the relationshipTypes
config option and the --relatedWords
- synonym
- antonym
- variant
- equivalent
- cross-reference
- related-word
- rhyme
- form
- etymologically-related-term
- hypernym
- hyponym
- inflected-form
- primary
- same-context
- verb-form
- verb-stem
Source dictionaries for the sourceDictionary
config options
- (leave blank to return from first dictionary with definitions)
- all (use all available dictionaries)
- ahd
- century
- cmu
- macmillan
- wiktionary
- webster
- wordnet
Types of pronunciation formatting for the typeFormat
config option
- (leave blank to return all)
- ahd
- arpabet
- gcide-diacritical