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 BIP: ???
  Layer: Applications
  Title: TAP: Taproot Assets Protocol
  Author: Olaoluwa Osuntokun <[email protected]>
  Comments-Summary: No comments yet.
  Comments-URI: https://git
  Status: Draft
  Type: Standards Track
  Created: 2021-12-10
  License: BSD-2-Clause

Table of Contents


This document describes TAP, a Taproot-native asset overlay built on top of the base Bitcoin blockchain. Taproot Assets enable the representation of arbitrary (normal and collectibles) assets on top of Bitcoin without bloating the base chain. The protocol is designed such that transactions interacting with Taproot Assets are indistinguishable from regular transactions from the PoV of the Bitcoin blockchain. Taproot Assets extend the base Taproot script tree with a nested asset script tree (a merkle-sum sparse merkle tree, or MS-SMT) that commits to valid witnesses as structured metadata that allow for proofs of the movement of assets across the transaction graph. The provenance of transfers of a Taproot Asset can be verified using a hermetic proof transmitted as flat file, or using the aide of an externally maintained Universe, which is a MS-SMT that indexes on-chain asset issuance+transfers, which natively supports proof-of-reserves/supply system.

Taproot Assets support off-chain single and multi-hop transfers over Lightning channels (based on the BOLT protocol suite), with the latter manifested using Taproot Assets' unique embedded asset script system. Light client verification of on-chain Taproot Asset transfers is facilitated by a series of on and off-chain merkle proofs, which can be compressed by delegating a trust relationship to an active Universe instance. A variant on off-chain multi-party channels are proposed to support off-chain transfer of normal assets. In addition, a special type of Universe, dubbed a Pocket Universe, which is based on an exit-only commit-chain design can be used to aggregate transfers on-chain in a trust-minimized manner.


This document is licensed under the 2-clause BSD license.


Bitcoin, the first decentralized blockchain, realized early in its life several systems that attempted to represent arbitrary assets within the constraints of the Bitcoin system itself. Amongst the earliest of these systems were Mastercoin (now known as OMNI) and Counterparty, which are meta-token protocols built on on top of Bitcoin that used OP_RETURN to commit the raw representations and transfers of assets within the system. Several years after the creation and deployment of Omni and other related systems very little activity takes place within these systems, and instead has been dispersed to the dozens of new blockchains with no direct lineage back to Bitcoin, the chain that started it all.

The goal of Taproot Assets is to carry the torch and realize a system for representing and manipulating arbitrary assets on Bitcoin that reflects modern blockchain design principles, and offers a Taproot-inspired data structure and protocol flow that Bitcoin developers will find familiar. Importantly, such a system must be designed from the ground up to work in an off-chain setting to ensure the base chain isn't bloated by an un-scalable overlay protocol. With a clear specification, we aim to encourage widespread ecosystems adoption of the system, galvanizing existing under-allocated developer excitement and resources.

By allowing Bitcoin developers to easily express and manipulate arbitrary assets in a private, scalable manner, we aim to increase the utility of the Bitcoin system, thereby generating additional demand for blockspace, which is a necessary to ensure the system is able to flourish in an environment where the block subsidy asymptotes to zero.


In this section we provide a high-level overview of the fundamental data structures and concepts that the Taproot Assets protocol is comprised of. Taproot Assets start with a simple idea of committing to arbitrary non-Script data within the taproot script tree, and then builds upon this idea to create an overlay protocol for arbitrary assets anchored in the Bitcoin chain.

Merkle-Sum Sparse Merkle Trees

A merkle tree is an authenticated data structure over a list of elements. It lets us do things like take the contents of a directory and create a root hash that allows us to prove that a given file belongs to the directory in question. Each element is hashed pair-wise, starting at the bottom, until only a single hash exists. We refer to this hash as the root hash.

A merkle-sum tree is a variant on a merkle tree where our hash operation also commits to the sum of a given attribute. We can extend the example above by committing to the size of each file. The root hash then commits to the left sub-tree, the right-sub tree, and also the sum of the sizes of the left and right sub-tree. This new variant is useful as we can prove both the existence of a file, as well as its size. We can also do things like generate a proof of the size of a sub-directory.

One thing we can't easily do with a merkle-sum tree is prove non-existence, as if items are not canonically sorted, then proving non-existence requires revealing all the leaves in the tree. If we choose to order the set of leaves in the merkle tree, then we gain the ability to more easily prove non-existence, but we introduce the overhead of needing to re-balance the tree each time new items are inserted. Proving non-existence is useful in the Taproot Asset setting, as we may want the seller of an asset to prove that they're no longer committing to the asset in question.

A Sparse Merkle Tree is merkle-tree "simulation" over a series of key-value pairs, that supports efficient proofs of non-inclusion. An SMT is actually composed of the entire keyspace (all 256-bit values), namely it is a tree with 2^256 leaves (thereby having 256 levels). The representation of the structure is made tractable by observing that we know the hash of an empty element, the hash of a branch with two empty sub-trees, and so on. In addition, a series of caching strategies can be used to make the representation even more efficient. Proofs can also be further compressed with the addition of a bitmap that signals if an intermediate branch in the proof commits to an empty sub-tree.

A Merkle-Sum Sparse Merkle Tree, is an SMT, that also inherits the sum-combiner trait. We use this data structure to permit easy verification of the splits of a divisible asset, support proofs of non-inclusion, and also to serve a merkalized look up table to facilitate the verification of Taproot Asset proofs.

The MS-SMT we refer to in this document is fully specified in BIP bip-tap-smt.

Taproot Asset Trees

Taproot Assets Protocol is a Taproot-native asset overlay that can be used to create and transfer collectibles or normal assets using the base Bitcoin blockchain. Assets are presented as commitments to structured data within the existing Taproot script tree. This structured data is never written in plain to the base chain itself, but instead maintained on a higher layer by the Taproot Assets overlay protocol. Assets themselves are represented by a series of MS-SMTs (one for each asset ID/type) within the main asset tree. Each asset (in addition to a number of other attributes) commits to an asset script hash, that commits to an asset script that restricts exactly how an asset is permitted to be transferred from the PoV of the Taproot Assets overlay protocol. The initial version of the system uses a sub-set of Bitcoin script to allow assets to express arbitrary conditions on the valid transfer of an asset.

Taproot Asset leaves thereby mirror the programmatically of UTXOs on the base Bitcoin blockchain. Verifiers of a given Taproot Asset will reject any invalid state transitions. As a result, we inherit a level of programmability on par with (and also beyond, via new asset script versions) the base scripting system, which is a key requirement for facilitating multi-hop off-chain transfers over Lightning (via HTLCs embedded in the asset script).

Asset Provenance

Provenance of an asset is proved using one of two mechanisms. The first of which, hence referred to as a "full proof" is a structured file that contains serialized proofs from an initial genesis output, with a series of valid asset witnesses verifiably transferring ownership of an asset across taproot outputs. Full proofs are typically represented as a flat file for consumption, verification, display by the Taproot Assets protocol.

The second method of proving/verifying provenance is an MS-SMT of a slightly different structure, which is also committed to within the Taproot script tree. We refer to this meta-structure as a Universe, as it commits to Taproot Asset commitments within the chain along with additional proof data. A Universe is a key-value store that can be used to bootstrap provenance verification (maintained by those that created the set of assets of interest). Beyond initial genesis output verification, a Universe can also serve as a scalability layer by recording all valid Taproot Asset transfers within the MS-SMT, that maps an asset identifier to the last known valid transfer of the asset.

Merkle-Sum based Proof of Reserves

The usage of the MS-SMT data structure enables the system to support efficient proofs of supply/non-inflation, allowing participants to easily verify the total amount of assets committed to within a given taproot output, as well as the total set of issued assets by a given Universe. The merkle-sum augment of the SMT allows assets to be divisible, while allowing verifiers to assert that similar to regular Bitcoin transactions, no new assets are created during transfers outside of specially crafted asset genesis transactions.

Splits, Merges, collectibles and Normal Divisible Assets

Taproot Assets are able to represent collectibles, and normal divisible assets. Normal assets commit to a total value of held assets, which can be split up within a tree similar to normal Bitcoin UTXOs, as well as across top-level Taproot outputs. We refer to these as internal and external splits. Normal assets can also be merged, in a similar process as UTXO consolidation on the base layer. During transfer of assets, the holder of an asset proves that they hold a valid split (via a merkle-sum proof), with each created asset committing to a new merkle-sum output split set to enforce non-inflation during transfers.

Collectibles on the other hand cannot be split, nor merged. They're typically created in a batch, and typically represent a claim/credentials on a chain-level or real-world asset/functionality (assuming an existing trust relationship). An example of a collection would be a series of limited edition digital collectibles such as baseball cards, or trading card games.

Normal assets can be transferred off-chain in a multi-hop fashion using the Lightning Network, while collectibles assets must either be transferred on-chain or lifted into a multi-party channel to permit transfers amongst a known set of participants.


Asset Tree Representation

Asset Root Commitment

The Taproot Asset tree is a core component of the system. An asset tree is an MS-SMT commitment to a series of asset identifiers, grouped by their genesis asset ID. A given Taproot Asset tree is composed of two nested MS-SMT instances:

  1. The first level maps an asset_id or asset_group_key to a sub-tree root hash of a given asset.
  2. The second level maps an asset_script_key or asset_id || asset_script_key to a serialized Taproot Asset leaf.
The root hash of an asset tree, observing BIP-341 is represented as a Tapscript tree that commits to a single unique leaf of:
  • tagged_hash("TapLeaf", leaf_version || taproot_asset_marker || taproot_asset_version || asset_tree_root)
  • taproot_asset_marker is the sha256 hash of the ascii string "taproot-assets".
  • taproot_asset_version is the version of the Taproot Assets system which defines how the remainder of the commitment value is to be interpreted.
  • asset_tree_root is a 40 byte (32 byte for hash, 8 bytes for value) MS-SMT root.
A leaf_version of ??? is selected. From the PoV of the Bitcoin system, we've simply committed to a tapscript leaf with an un-parseable Script. In the future, if the Bitcoin system is soft forked to gain awareness of the Taproot Asset specific commitments, then the same or different leaf version can be used to gate verification of the new behavior.

An asset_id is the 32-byte hash of:

  • sha256(genesis_outpoint || sha256(asset_tag) || asset_meta_hash || output_index || asset_type)
  • genesis_outpoint is the first previous input outpoint used in the asset genesis transaction serialized in Bitcoin wire format.
  • asset_tag is a random 32-byte value that represents a given asset, and can be used to link a series of discrete assets into a single asset group. In practice, this will typically be the hash of a human readable asset name.
  • asset_meta_hash is an opaque 32-byte value that can be used to commit to various metadata including external links, documents, stats, attributes, images, etc. Importantly, this field is considered to be immutable.
    • The genesis asset proof MUST contain the preimage of the asset_meta_hash, which allows verifiers to obtain the committed data and also verify the sha2 preimage.
  • output_index (4 byte, big-endian) is the index of the output which contains the unique Taproot Asset commitment in the genesis transaction.
  • asset_type (1 byte) is the type of the asset being minted.
Given the above structure, the asset_id is guaranteed to be globally unique from the PoV of the chain, as thanks to BIP 34 as outpoints can never repeat once serialized within the block chain.

In addition, we enforce a rule that a given output MUST only have a single root Taproot Asset commitment. In order to verify this property, we enforce the following constraints on the position of the root Taproot Asset tree commitment:

  • The asset root commitment MUST be the leftmost or rightmost leaf in the tapscript tree:
    • We enforce this by requiring the reveal of the Taproot Asset commitment in the script tree to either be of depth 0 or 1.
  • For a reveal proof of depth 0 (a 32 byte control block), the Taproot Asset commitment is the only element in the control block proof, as it directly becomes the root hash.
  • For a reveal proof of depth 1 (a 64 byte control block), we require the prover to also reveal the pre-image of the sibling hash.
    • With a root position of depth 1, the Taproot Asset commitment is either the leftmost or rightmost element of the fully sorted tapscript tree.
    • To be a valid Taproot Asset root commitment, the sibling hash pre-image MUST either:
      • Be exactly 64 bytes, which means that the sibling is itself a tap branch (a Taproot Asset root pre-image is itself 76 bytes: 2 byte version, 32 byte Taproot Asset marker, 2 byte Taproot Asset version, 32 byte hash, 8 byte sum value), as bound by its BIP-340 tagged hash tag.
      • Or, is a tap leaf, as verifiable via the unique BIP-340 tagged hash tag.
        • In this case, the leaf MUST be verified against the raw message digest to detect and reject duplicate Taproot Asset commitment inclusion in the tapscript tree (see the taproot_asset_marker).
Due to the lexicographical sorting of tap branches/leaves before hashing, we lose the ordering information within the merkle tree. As a result, we're instead forced to require reveal of the sibling pre-image.

The following algorithm can be used to assert the uniqueness of the Taproot Asset commitment in a tapscript tree:

taproot_asset_commitment_is_valid(commitment_output: TxOut, control_block: ControlBlock, 
    sibling_preimage: TaprootAssetTapReveal, taproot_asset_root: []byte) -> bool
    taproot_asset_root_hash = tagged_hash("TapLeaf", taproot_asset_root)
    internal_key = parse_key(control_block.internal_key_bytes)

    match len(control_block.size):
       # Just the internal public key, so we can just verify the commitment below.
       case 32:
           expected_output_key = internal_key + 
               tagged_hash("TapTweak", internal_key || taproot_asset_root_hash)*G

           return expected_output_key == witness_program(commitment_output.pk_script)

       # More than one element in the tree, so need to verify each sub-case.
       case 65:
           match sibling_preimage:
               # The pre-image is a non Taproot Asset leaf, so verify the hashes
               # match up.
               case LeafReveal(leaf_bytes):
                   # The leaf can't share the Taproot Asset marker bytes,
                   # otherwise it may be a legitimate commitment.
                   if leaf_bytes[2:].starts_with(taproot_asset_marker):
                       return false

                   leaf_hash = tagged_hash("TapLeaf", leaf_bytes)

                   if leaf_hash != control_block.sibling_hash:
                       return false

               # The pre-image is itself a branch, so we need the two siblings
               # used to construct the branch.
               case BranchReveal(sibling_1, sibling_2):
                   expected_branch_hash = tagged_hash("TapBranch", sort(sibling_1, sibling_2))

                   if expected_branch_hash != construct.sibling_hash:
                       return false

               # We know the tree is well formed now, so we'll verify the root
               # commitment.
               root_hash = tagged_hash("TapBranch", sort(taproot_asset_root_hash, control_block.sibling_hash))

               expected_output_key = internal_key + tagged_hash("TapTweak", internal_key || root_hash)*G

               return expected_output_key == witness_program(commitment_output.pk_script)

           return false

In addition to verifying that a commitment is unique within the constraints of a single taproot tree, we also need to verify that there is no other _duplicate_ or unexpected commitment across the remaining outputs in the genesis transaction. We can do this by asserting that:

  • For each output on the genesis transaction that isn't creating an asset:
    • If top level key was derived using BIP 86, then verify the key derivation.
    • If the key commits to a script path:
      • If only a single element is in the tree, verify that isn't a duplicate commitment.
      • If the tree contains more than one element, then verify that the pre-image of the two branches isn't a duplicate commitment.
In the case of a typical genesis transaction (1 input, 1 output) no additional information needs to be exchanged. However if the transaction also has additional outputs, then a minimal control block reveal (32 or 65 bytes) is required.

The following algorithm can be used to verify that an output elsewhere in the transaction doesn't commit to a duplicate Taproot Asset commitment:

verify_no_taproot_asset_up_my_sleeves(genesis_tx: Tx, taproot_asset_root: []byte) -> bool

    for tx_out in genesis_tx.tx_outs:
        # We can ignore any non-P2TR output, as they can't commit to Taproot
        # Assets.
        if !commitment_expected(tx_out):

        # We're expecting a commitment at this point, so we'll walk through
        # our two cases.
        match tx_out.taproot_commitment:
            # A single leaf, so we just verify it isn't the Taproot Asset
            # commitment.
            case SingleLeaf(leaf_bytes, internal_key):
               # Someone has some 'splaining to do...
               if leaf_bytes == taproot_asset_root:
                   return false

               leaf_hash = tagged_hash("TapLeaf", leaf_bytes)
               expected_output_key = internal_key + tagged_hash("TapTweak", internal_key || leaf_hash)*G

               if expected_output_key != witness_program(tx_out.pk_script):
                   return false

           # More than one element, so we verify that neither of the pre-image
           # are a duplicate commitment.
           case MultiLeaf(branch_1_bytes, branch_2_bytes):
               if branch_1_bytes == taproot_asset_root:
                   return false

               if branch_2_bytes == taproot_asset_root:
                   return false
               branch_hash = tagged_hash("TapBranch", sort(branch_1_bytes, branch_2_bytes))

               expected_output_key = internal_key + tagged_hash("TapTweak", internal_key || leaf_hash)*G

               if expected_output_key != witness_program(tx_out.pk_script):
                   return false
    return true

A deterministic algorithm that constructs a final taproot merkle tree hash given either a set of individual leaves, or a complete tapscript tree (the root hash) is described in BIP bip-tap-smt.

The asset_tag field cannot be enforced to be globally unique. Instead to ensure locally unique asset_id instances within initial asset creation, each asset_tag and asset_meta_hash value MUST only appear once during asset creation. In addition, the _pre image_ to the asset_meta_hash, dubbed the meta_reveal can be packaged along with the initial proof of genesis asset creation to ensure verifiers can obtain all the relevant data for a given asset.

The top-level MS-SMT commits to the set of all held defined assets. The root hash of this MS-SMT tree is referred to as the asset_tree_root. The MS-SMT is structured as follows:

  • key: asset_id or asset_group_key
  • value: taproot_asset_version || asset_id_tree_root || asset_sum
  • sum_value: asset_sum
Similar to the asset_id, the asset_group_key is derived in a way that ensures uniqueness within the system, but can be shared between more than a single asset mint. The asset_group_key is derived as follows:
  • asset_group_key = TapTweak(asset_internal_group_key, asset_group_script_root)
  • asset_raw_group_key is a 32-byte public key as defined by BIP-340
  • asset_internal_group_key = SingleTweak(asset_raw_group_key, asset_id)
  • asset_group_script_root is a taproot that can hold arbitrary asset scripts enforcing conditions for minting the asset.
    • asset_raw_group_key and asset_group_script_root must be revealed at asset genesis in order to verify the group key, and hence will be provided with the asset proof.
  • TapTweak is the taproot tweak function as defined in BIP-341.
  • SingleTweak is a tweak function that unlike TapTweak uses an untagged hash:
tweaked_pubkey = pubkey * sha256(tweak || pubkey) * G

The top level tree can be easily used to prove the existence of a set of given assets, the total amount of asset units held, as well as the sum of a given asset held.

The asset_id_tree_root value is itself another nested MS-SMT with the following structure:

  • key: asset_script_key or asset_id || asset_script_key
  • value: asset_leaf || leaf_sum
  • sum_value: leaf_sum
Within the MS-SMT held by the tree rooted at a given asset_id_tree_root, a new Taproot Asset MS-SMT is created for each asset_id or asset_group_keyan output holds. The leaves of the MS-SMT are keyed by the asset_script_key or asset_id || asset_script_key unlocking script. The root hash of the asset tree is calculated as either:
  • asset_tree_root = sha256(asset_id || left_hash || right_hash || sum_value)
  • asset_tree_root = sha256(asset_group_key || left_hash || right_hash || sum_value)
  • asset_group_key is the 32-byte hash of a public key derived from
the genesis outpoint, the output index and asset type, which can be used to collocate assets intended to be fungible with one another (issuing multiple tranches of the same asset) or collectibles.
  • asset_id is the 32-byte asset ID specified above
  • left_hash is the hash of the left sub-tree.
  • right_hash is the hash of the right sub-tree.
  • amt_sum is the sum of the amt values of each of the asset leaves (essentially asset UTXOs).
Committing to the total sum of the asset values in a given asset sub-tree for a given asset allows asset holders to easily prove how much of a given asset they own, which when combined with the asset creation and "Universe" concept, allow for a built-in mechanism of proof of reserves.

The usage of the asset_group_key (as we'll see below) allows issuers to collocate assets intended to be fungible with each other within the same asset sub tree. The derivation of the asset_group_key ensures that similar to the asset_id this value is globally unique within the chain. Assets that don't specify an asset_group_key use a slightly different schema to key into the main MS-SMT, and can only be issued in a single batch.

When an asset_group_key is specified during asset issuance/minting, similar to the top level-SMT, the internal MS-SMT modifies its internal key to also factor in the derived asset_id for each asset. As a result, the lowest level key factors in the asset_id as well as the asset_script_key. This again ensures that all assets and script keys are placed within a unique location within the MS-SMt.

Note that due to the structure of the tree, for a given Taproot Asset sub-tree within a valid taproot output, all asset_script_key values MUST be unique.

Asset Leaf Format

The leaves of an asset tree for a given asset_id commit to a blob of metadata expressed in the TLV format used by the Lightning Network's wire protocol. The TLV structure is canonical and deterministic, making it suitable to be used for cryptographic commitments and signed digests. In addition, the TLV format supports both backwards and forwards compatibility, making the underlying structure of the asset commitments highly extensible.

An asset leaf is a serialized TLV blob, with the following key-value mappings:

  • type: 0 (taproot_asset_version)
    • value:
      • [u8:version]
  • type: 1 (asset_id)
    • value:
      • [32*byte:asset_id]
  • type: 2 (asset_type)
    • value:
      • [u8:type]
  • type: 3 (amt)
    • value:
      • [BigSize:amt]
  • type: 4 (lock_time)
    • value:
      • [BigSize:block_height]
  • type: 5 (relative_lock_time)
    • value:
      • [BigSize:num_relative_blocks]
  • type: 6 (prev_asset_witnesses)
    • value:
      • [u16:num_inputs][asset_witnesses...], where:
        • [...*byte:asset_witnesses]:
          • [asset_witness]:
            • type: 0 (prev_asset_input)
              • value: [prev_outpoint || prev_asset_id || prev_asset_script_key]
            • type: 1 (asset_witness)
              • value: [...*byte:asset_witness]
            • type: 2 (split_commitment)
              • value: [...*byte:split_commitment_proof]
              • value: [...*byte:root_asset]
  • type: 7 (split_commitment_root)
    • value: [32*byte:split_commitment_root]
  • type: 8 (asset_script_version)
    • value:
      • [u16:script_version]
  • type: 9 (asset_script_key)
    • value:
      • [33*byte:pub_key]
  • type: 10 (asset_group_key)
    • value:
      • [32*byte:pub_key]

  • taproot_asset_version: is a single byte that denotes the version of Taproot Asset being used, which allows a client to determine which of the below TLV values to expect.
  • asset_type: is a single byte representing the type of the asset, two starting asset types are defined:
    • 0: a normal asset
    • 1: a collectible asset
  • amt: is the amount of the asset held in this leaf position
  • lock_time: is a field that restricts when an asset can be moved based on the included block height.
  • relative_lock_time: is a field that restricts when an asset can be moved based on a number of blocks that needs to passed from the mining of the outer transaction.
  • prev_asset_witnesses: is a nested TLV that contains the asset witnesses needed to verify the merging into the target asset leaf
    • prev_asset_input: references the previous asset input by the input position within the transaction, the asset ID of the previous asset tree, and the asset script hash.
      • This value is included in any signatures generated within the asset witness itself, serving a purpose similar to the previous outpoint in vanilla Bitcoin.
      • If this field is all zeroes, then that indicates a new asset is being created.
      • For internal split verification, this field can be used to save space by including only a single signature/witness that covers all other new splits.
      • If this type isn't present, then a split_commitment MUST be present.
    • split_commitment_proof: is used to permit the spending of an asset UTXO created as a result of an asset split. When an asset is split, the non-change UTXO commits to the location of all other splits within an MS-SMT tree. When spending a change UTXO resulting from an asset_split, a normal asset_witness isn't required, instead the owner of the change asset UTXO must prove that it holds a valid split which was authorized by the main transfer transaction (the root_asset).
      • Outputs with the same split_commitment are said to share a single asset_witness as such outputs are the result of a new asset split. Therefore we only need a single witness and the resulting merkle-sum asset tree to verify a transfer.
    • asset_witness: is a serialized witness in an identical format as Bitcoin's Segwit witness field.
      • If prev_asset_input is all zeroes, the witness will be either
        • empty, to indicate this asset does not support further issuance. In this case asset_group_key MUST NOT be present.
        • non-empty, in case the witness will be interpreted according to BIP-341 validation rules using the asset_group_key in place of the asset_script_key. In this case asset_group_key MUST be present.
  • split_commitment_root: is used to commit to, and permit verification of the new output split distribution for normal assets. The split_commitment_root is an MS-SMT with a key of sha256(output_index || asset_id || asset_script_key), and the value being the new Taproot Asset leaf. This is an optional field and is only specified when an asset value is split during transfer.
      • Outputs with the same split_commitment_root are said to share a single asset_witness as such outputs are the result of a new asset split. Therefore we only need a single witness and the resulting merkle-sum asset tree to verify a transfer.
  • asset_script_version: is a 2 byte asset script version that governs how the following TLV value is to be validated.
  • asset_script_key: is the external public key derived in a BIP 341 manner which may commit to an asset script that encumbers this asset leaf.
  • asset_group_key: is a 32-byte public key as defined by BIP-340. This key can be used to associate distinct assets as identified by their asset_id, effectively allowing further issuance of a base asset. Assets that references the same asset_group_key are to be considered the same asset. This is an optional field, and assets that don't contain this field are effectively considered to be a one-time only issuance event, meaning no further assets related to the derived asset_id can be created.
  • canonical_universe: is a key (with no corresponding value) which if specified, designates the existence of an on-chain canonical Universe. Specified further in ./bip-tap-universe.mediawiki, a canonical Universe is maintained by the issuer of an asset and can be used to allow 3rd parties to easily audit the total asset supply and also track future issuance. In short, if this is specified, second output of the next spend of the outpoint created during asset issuance MUST commit to the root hash of a base Universe and all subsequent spends must only happen after later asset issuance events, and MUST commit to a new valid Universe root. This feature allows light clients to watch a set of outputs on chain to be notified of future asset issuance.
(TODO(roasbeef): merkle sum commitment over input set as well? enables probabilistic validation?)

An asset leaf serves to store structured data related to an asset, as well as the series of previous input asset witnesses needed to verify the proper transfer of an asset leaf. The input structure here resembles the normal Bitcoin input and output scheme, with the addition of the split_commitment which is needed to allow verifiers to reject invalid splits, thereby preventing asset inflation.

The asset_script_version is a key design element of the Taproot Asset leaf as it allows for future upgrades in the scripting system used to lock/unlock asset leaves. Initially, a version 0 asset leaf is used which denotes that the asset_script_key be a valid output_key as specified in BIP 341 and BIP 342. As a result, the version 0 Taproot Asset VM is an instance of Taproot within an outer instance. Verification logic for asset_script_version is fully defined in BIP ???. In the future new asset script versions can be introduced to further increase the expressibility of the embedded asset script.

Types with a numerical value above this reserved range can be used TLV types below 2^16-1 are reserved for use by additional taproot_asset_version iterations. Types with a numerical value above this reserved range can be used to store arbitrary attributes to assets. An eaxmple of such an attribute would be storing the _mutable_ stats of an in-game asset. Any immutable fields for normal or collectible assets should be instead committed to within the `asset_meta_hash` be storing the mutable stats of an in-game asset.

The usage of an MS-SMT for the Taproot Asset tree itself permits parties to easily verify that no new assets are created when inputs are referenced, and also that each new split/merge results in a valid split set (via the split_commitment_root which is included in the computed witness sighash).

Asset Creation

The creation of an asset resembles any other Bitcoin transaction, albeit it will typically be a 1-input-1-output transaction. An asset creation transaction spends an arbitrary set of inputs, and produces one or many outputs which may commit to a set of newly created assets. As a simplifying mechanism, we require that a given Taproot Asset transaction can only create new assets, or transfer existing, but not both.

(TODO(roasbeef): does not allowing transfer+creation actually make anything simpler?)

The following function creates a new valid taproot public key script whose internal tapscript tree commits to the representation of the new asset:

create_new_asset_output(total_units: uint64, asset_tag: [32]byte, 
    genesis_point: [36]byte, asset_meta_hash: [32]byte, output_index uint32,
    asset_type: uint8, asset_script_key: [32]byte, taproot_asset_attrs: TLV) -> PkScript:

    asset_id = sha256(
        genesis_point || sha256(asset_tag) || asset_meta_hash || output_index || 

    tlv_leaf = new_taproot_asset_tlv_leaf(
        taproot_asset_version=0, asset_id, asset_type, total_units, asset_script_version=0, 
        asset_script_key, attrs=taproot_asset_attrs,

    inner_smt_leaf = new_ms_smt_leaf(
        key=asset_script_key, value=tlv_encode(tlv_leaf), sum_val=total_units,
    inner_smt_root = ms_smt_root_hash(new_ms_smt(inner_smt_leaf))

    outer_smt_leaf = new_ms_smt_leaf(
        key=asset_id, value=inner_smt_root, sum_val=total_units,
    outer_smt_root = mew_smt_root_hash(new_ms_smt(outer_smt_leaf))

    internal_key = new_internal_key()

    return taproot_output_script(key=internal_key, leaves=[taproot_smt_leaf])

Note that we require the genesis_point to be known ahead of time in order to enforce the uniqueness constraint of the asset_id as is defined.

The taproot_asset_attrs field can be used to commit to a set of arbitrary, and potentially mutable fields associated with an asset.

In the above example, the resulting taproot tree we create only commits to a single leaf, which is the Taproot Asset root. In practice, one will likely have other normal script-path scripts within the tapscript tree.

The above example creates only a single asset. It's possible to also create several assets within a single output, thereby batching asset creation.

Asset Burning

Given the requirement that Taproot Asset commitments be unique within the context of a tapscript commitment, Taproot Assets can also be provably burned. This can be achieved by simply removing the Taproot Asset leaf from the asset tree and proving that with an exclusion proof.

To make a burn more explicit and more easily identifiable and verifiable, the "Burn via proof-of-un-spendable-key" method was chosen: To burn a certain amount of assets, they are simply transferred to a provably un-spendable script key. A burn proof then simply looks like any other state transition proof, with the only difference that the script key can be identified as un-spendable.

Such an asset burn transition can be folded in with other asset outputs (e.g. the change from a partial burn or other assets in the same commitment) in the same tree while burning. And in any subsequent transfer the burned leaves can be pruned by simply omitting them from the tree, which at that point does not require any additional proof.

A unique, provably un-spendable script key for an asset burn can be derived in the following way:

burn_tweak = tagged_hash("TapTweak", nums_key || prev_outpoint || prev_asset_id || prev_script_key)
burn_key = nums_key + burn_tweak * G


  • nums_key is the well-known NUMS point (using the string "taproot-assets" and the traditional "hash and increment" approach to generating the point)
  • prev_outpoint is the outpoint of the first prev_input of the root asset witness (see below)
  • prev_asset_id is the asset_id of the first prev_input of the root asset witness (see below)
  • prev_script_key is the script_key of the first prev_input of the root asset witness (see below)
The first prev_input of the root asset witness is defined as the first input in the asset that carries the previous asset witness. If the asset has a split commitment, then this is prev_asset_witnesses[0].split_commitment.root_asset.prev_asset_witnesses[0].prev_asset_id otherwise it is simply prev_asset_witnesses[0].prev_asset_id.

The following algorithm can be used to identify a provably un-spendable script key within an asset transfer to mark it as an asset burn:

derive_burn_key(first_prev_id: PrevID) -> SchnorrKey
    burn_tweak = tagged_hash("TapTweak", NUMS_key || first_prev_id.outpoint || first_prev_id.asset_id || first_prev_id.script_key)
    return = NUMS_key + burn_tweak*G

get_first_prev_id(witness: AssetWitness) -> PrevID
    if is_split_commit_witness(witness):
        return witness.split_commitment.root_asset.prev_asset_witnesses[0].prev_asset_id
    return witness.prev_asset_id

is_burn(asset: Asset) -> bool:
    first_prev_id = get_first_prev_id(asset.prev_asset_witnesses[0])
    burn_key = derive_burn_key(first_prev_id)

    return asset.ScriptKey == burn_key

Asset Transfers

Across normal and asset collectibles, two types of transfers are defined: swaps and normal sends.

Asset swap transfers take place over multiple rounds of interaction, using PSBT extensions (as defined in ./bip-tap-psbt.mediawiki) to collaboratively create a Multi-Input-Multi-Output (MIMO) transaction that spends one or more distinct assets as inputs, and creates one or more new asset owners as outputs.

Normal sends on the other hand, involve only a single round of interaction, as only one party is spending an asset to the wallet of the other party. Compared to interactive transfers, only a single Taproot Asset witness needs to be specified.

Constructing and verifying a transfer of an item part of an asset collection entails the owner of the asset transferring ownership from their input, into a new output under control by the receiver. The set of merkle-sum commitments as well as, asset witness validity are used to verify and authenticate asset transfers.

Swaps of regular assets involve additional verification steps, as both sides need to ensure that no new assets are inadvertently being created (resulting in invalid transaction). In order to accomplish this, the transaction must be formed in such a way that 3rd party verifiers are able to verify both splits (splitting a single asset UTXO multiple instances) and merges (combining outputs of the same asset type into one). We use the split_commitment field to accomplish this, effectively forcing what can be considered a change output (in the Taproot Asset domain), to commit to a merkle-sum tree of the other created splits.

Asset Swap Transactions

In this section, we specify interactive asset transfers wherein two (or more parties) collaborate to create a MIMO transaction that transfers one or more assets amongst the set of participating parties. We describe the core interaction, verification of exchanged proofs, in this setting. We leave further details concerning how such a protocol would be mapped to a PSBT-based signing ceremony to BIP ./bip-tap-psbt-mediawiki.

Collectible Asset Transfers

Transfers of asset collectibles are simpler than normal asset transfers, in that they don't require the verification of splitting or merging multiple asset UTXOS. Transfer of assets collectibles happen on two layers:

  • First, asset witness and script hash information are exchanged allowing the receiving party (of each input asset) to verify the provenance of the inputs assets, with the sending party delegating ownership to the script hash of the receiving party.
    • We call this the internal transfer process.
  • Next, a set of normal Bitcoin signatures/witnesses are exchanged on the lower layer, which spend all input assets (effectively destroying them) and re-create the assets as new commitments in the resulting MIMO transaction.
    • We call this the external transfer process.
Note that not all inputs need to be inputs that hold Taproot Assets. This naturally lends to new sub-protocols executing batched MIMO atomic swaps in a single transaction across a number of parties.

As verification is a cornerstone of the Taproot Asset protocol, during the interactive transfer process each party carries out the following set of verification assertions:

  • Verify the provenance of any input assets.
  • Verify that a party can generate valid input asset witnesses for each asset.
  • Verify that the new set of Taproot Asset script outputs created either no longer commits to a transferred asset, or now properly commits to a newly received asset.
The first verification step verifies that an asset has valid lineage. The second step verifies that an asset owner can actually spend the asset if they choose. The final step verifies that no new assets are created, and instead only existing assets with verified provenance are transferred.

Transfers are specified as follows:

  1. For each input (which may hold one or more asset collectibles to be transferred), the owner transmits:
    1. An opening of the MS-SMT commitment stored in the previous output of each input, transmitted as the identifier of a Universe (to extract a compressed proof) or full proof file.
      1. Using this, the receiver(s) of the asset collectibles verify that:
        1. Each proof is a valid opening of the asset tree commitment, with a valid leaf path down to the asset to be transferred.
        2. The merkle sum commitment for each asset to be transferred is valid given the amt (should be 1 for all asset collectibles) of the desired asset.
        3. Given the asset_id, a valid opening revealing the genesisOutpoint, assetTag and assetMeta.
        4. The supplied genesisOutpoint is present in the Universe maintained for the set of unique assets collectibles. A merkle proof of the Universe's current MS-SMT, or a full proof may be used.
  2. With initial verification complete, the internal transfer process begins:
    1. For each asset collection, i to be exchanged:
      1. The receiver creates a new asset script key commitment, asset_script_key_i (which will be used to delegate ownership of the input asset), and sends this to the owner.
      2. The owner takes the raw serialized asset script and closes a new asset witness over the asset_script_key_i script (as part of the serialized asset leaf). This witness is then transmitted to the receiver.
      3. The receiver can now construct a new valid leaf (with a valid witness delegating ownership), either creating a new rooted asset tree (if they didn't own any instances of the asset collection lineage) or add it to an existing tree. Call this asset_leaf_i. This new leaf MUST properly reference a valid prev_asset_input to be a valid witness.
  3. With internal transfer complete, the final external transfer is executed:
    1. The set of inputs (which may be heterogeneous w.r.t asset type) are added to a new version 2 Bitcoin transaction.
    2. The set of new ownership output are exchanged and added to the MIMO transfer transaction. Minimally each party MUST have a new ownership output present in the transaction.
    3. For each Taproot Asset tagged output i, transferring an asset:
      1. The sender transmits the receiver a non-inclusion proof rooted at the new output, proving that the asset in question in no longer committed to within their asset tree.
      2. The sender constructs a new valid taproot output script, including the update asset tree root, and sends this to the receiver for verification.
    4. For each ownership output receiving an asset:
      1. The receiver constructs a new valid taproot output script, which provably commits to the new asset_leaf_i fragment.
  4. The external transfer is ratified by exchange of a valid set of Bitcoin input witnesses for each input.
After the final step has been executed, one or both sides can broadcast the transaction ratifying it within the main chain. In addition, each party can also append to their respective asset proof files (which were transmitted in full during the verification process), or delete them if they've transferred an asset.

In the case where an active Universe is being used for transfers, then only the internal transfer process needs to take place, with the new proofs being uploaded to a Universe to be stamped within the chain.

The transfer process above can alternatively be expressed via the following fragment of psuedo-code, that specifies a transfer (a full swap) of a series of assets owned by two parties, Alice and Bob:

verify_asset_input_proofs(asset_proofs: map[AssetPrevID]AssetLeafProof) -> bool

    for prev_asset_input, asset_leaf in asset_proofs
        prev_outpoint, prev_asset_id, prev_asset_script_key = prev_asset_input

        match asset_leaf.proof_type:
            case FullProof:

                for i in range(len(asset_leaf.inclusion_proofs)):
                    asset_leaf_tlv = asset_leaf.raw_leaf[i]
                    leaf_merkle_proof = asset_leaf.inclusion_proof2[i]

                    if i != 0 and asset_leaf_tlv.prev_input.prev_outpoint !=
                    if not verify_inclusion_proof(leaf_merkle_proof, asset_leaf):

                    if not verify_witness(asset_leaf.asset_witness, asset_leaf):

            case CompactProof:
                if not verify_universe_proof(asset_leaf.inclusion_proofs, prev_asset_id):

transfer_assets(sender_assets: map[AssetID]AssetLeaf, 
    receiver_scripts: [[32]byte]) -> map[AssetID]AssetLeaf

    new_assets = {}
    for prev_asset_input, asset_leaf in sender_assets:
        asset_script_key = asset_script_keyes[i]

        new_leaf = clone_unique_leaf(asset_leaf)
        new_leaf.asset_script_key = asset_script_key
        new_leaf.prev_asset_input = prev_asset_input
        new_leaf.asset_witness = gen_witness(tlv_encode(new_leaf))

        new_assets[prev_asset_input.prev_asset_id] = new_leaf

    return new_assets

taproot_asset_interactive_transfer(bob_inputs_assets: map[AssetID]AssetLeafProof, 
    alice_input_assets: map[AssetID]AssetLeafProof, alice_internal_key: PublicKey, 
    bob_internal_key: PublicKey, alice_asset_script_keyes: [[32]byte], 
    bob_asset_script_keyes: [[32]byte]) -> Tx:

    if !verify_asset_input_proofs(list(chain(alice_new_assets, bob_input_assets))):

    bob_new_assets = transfer_assets(alice_input_assets, bob_asset_script_keyes)
    alice_new_assets = transfer_assets(bob_input_assets, alice_asset_script_keyes)

    alice_new_taproot_asset_root = alice_compute_root(remove=alice_input_assets)
    if not verify_non_inclusion(alice_new_taproot_asset_root, bob_new_assets):

    bob_new_taproot_asset_root = bob_compute_root(remove=bob_input_assets)
    if not verify_non_inclusion(bob_new_taproot_asset_root, alice_new_assets):

    transfer_tx = new_tx()
    for prev_asset_input, _ in list(chain(alice_input_assets, bob_inputs_assets)):

    transfer_tx.add_output(taproot_output_script(key=alice_internal_key, leaves=[alice_new_taproot_asset_root]))
    transfer_tx.add_output(taproot_output_script(key=bob_internal_key, leaves=[bob_new_taproot_asset_root]))

    return transfer_tx

The method above produces a fully signed Bitcoin transaction, that when broadcast, will atomically trade Alice's set of collectible assets for Bob's set of collectible assets, with Alice paying an additional 1 BTC to Bob to satisfy the conditions of their transfer.

Normal Asset Transfers

Transfers of normal assets are nearly identical to transfers of asset collectibles. The main difference is that along the way, both sides also need to verify the proper splitting and merging of any input assets.

As an example, let's say Alice owns 10 units of asset Foo and wishes to transfer 9 units of them them to Bob. When generating the asset witness to transfer the asset, Alice's witness commits to a new merkle-sum split tree, proving that her new leaf is a member of that tree, and the tree still commits to only 10 units of the asset. Alice may not know the final structure, but adds an additional constraint that this commitment exists. A valid transfer of normal assets is only valid if this condition is upheld.

The example above demonstrates how external splits (splits across distinct taproot outputs) are verified. In addition to this, we also need to verify that no new assets have been created within an asset commitment. We use the merkle-sum trait of the SMT to verify this.

With that said, transfers of normal assets are identical to transfers of collectibles assets with the following additions:

  1. Internal transfer verification:
    1. For each asset, i, and amount n, to be exchanged:
      1. The sender transmits a valid MS-SMT merkle proof proving the existence of the asset, and also the authenticity of the amount to be transferred.
      2. The receiver creates a new asset_script_key_i and asset_leaf_i as normal, with the added constraint that the amt field of the new asset MUST match the amount to be transferred.
      3. When generating the valid asset_witness for a given asset input, the sender MUST also construct a new MS-SMT tree with a key of sha256(output_index || asset_id || asset_script_key), and a value of the asset leaf being created (serialized without this field). This will be the split_commitment_root of the change output.
  2. External transfer:
    1. For each ownership output i, transferring n units of asset y:
      1. The sender no longer needs to transmit a full non-inclusion proof, but instead opens the Taproot Asset root commitment of their change output, allowing the receiver to verify that amount t-n is committed to, with t being the prior asset root sum.
      2. For each new asset leaf associated with the input split, verify that the serialized leaf is a member of the split_commitment_root within the change output.
Note that for a given input asset_id in a transaction, any resulting internal splits will share the same input witness (referenced indirectly) as well as split_commitment_root.

The following pseudo-code routines define new methods to create and verify the split_commitment_root:

create_split_commit_root(asset_splits: map[SplitLocator]SplitLeaf) -> [32]byte:

   split_tree = new_mt_smt()
   for split_locator, split_leaf in range asset_splits:
       output_index, asset_id, asset_script_key, split_amt = split_locator
       split_key = sha256(output_index || asset_id || asset_script_key)

       split_tree.insert(key=split_tree, value=split_leaf, sum_val=split_amt)

    return split_tree.root_hash()

verify_split_commit_root(split_loc: SplitLocator, split: SplitLeaf, 
    split_root: [32]byte, audit_path: [[32]byte]) -> bool:

    output_index, asset_id, asset_script_key, split_amt = split_locator
    split_key = sha256(output_index || asset_id || asset_script_key)

    split_leaf = new_mt_smt_leaf(key=split_leaf, val=split, sum_val=split_amt)

    hash_val = split_leaf
    for branch in audit_path:
        branch_sum = split_leaf.sum_val + branch.sum_val

        hash_val = sha256(hash_val || branch.hash || branch+sum)

    return hash_val == split_root

Normal Asset Transfers

Normal active asset transfers are single sided transfers where only a single party is transmitting a collection or normal asset to another party. As a result, a MIMO transaction isn't necessary as given the asset in question, amount to be transferred, and the desired asset_script_key along with a public key, a new asset root and its corresponding taproot output can be constructed.

Non-interactive transfers introduce the concept of a on-chain Taproot Asset address. See bip-tap-addr for further details on the address format.

Given a valid Taproot Asset address, if Alice wishes to transfer to Bob N units of asset Y, using Taproot Asset address C:

  • Alice uses the Taproot Asset address to derive construct a valid leaf, and a new external taproot output as dictated by BIP-341.
  • Alice constructs a new sub-commitment in her asset tree that now instead commits to T-N units of the asset (in the case of a normal asset).
  • Alice signs and broadcasts a new transaction including the two outputs, with a necessary deposit amount of K satoshis.
Alices internal transfer doesn't include a prev_asset_input nor asset witness for Bob's new asset leaf. Instead, Bob will use the referenced split_commitment_root to create a split_commitment_proof that asserts the existence of the new split of amount N. This transfer is valid as the "sig hash" of Alice's asset witness also covers the structure of Bob's new asset commitment.

For non-interactive transfers Bob needs to obtain this proof from somewhere, but is able to reconstruct it entirely given the latest proof for Alice's non-change output. If Alice wishes to transmit this data on-chain to Bob, then she can place the data in Taproot's currently unused annex field.

That's it. Alice can construct the expected root Taproot Asset commitment that Bob is looking for in the chain. This makes the scheme light client friendly, as neutrino nodes can simply look for the resulting taproot output within the filters. The "deposit" amount is necessary as Bitcoin doesn't permit zero valued outputs. This amount only needs to be slightly above dust, and can be seen as a sort of fixed transfer fee.

In order to be able to spend the asset, Bob needs to obtain the full asset proof that was used as an input, which can be obtained from the relevant Universe, or from Alice directly.

non_interactive_send(receiver_script_key: [32]byte, receiver_internal_key: PublicKey, 
    input_asset: AssetLeaf, amt: uint64) -> Tx

    receiver_leaf = clone_leaf(input_asset.leaf)
    receiver_leaf.asset_script_key = receiver_script_key
    receiver_leaf.prev_input = nil
    receiver_leaf.amt = amt

    inner_smt_leaf = new_ms_smt_leaf(
        key=receiver_script_key, value=tlv_encode(receiver_leaf), sum_val=amt,
    inner_smt_root = ms_smt_root_hash(new_ms_smt(inner_smt_leaf))
    outer_smt_leaf = new_ms_smt_leaf(
        key=input_asset.asset_id, value=inner_smt_root, sum_val=amt,
    outer_smt_root = mew_smt_root_hash(new_ms_smt(outer_smt_leaf))

    internal_key = new_internal_key()

    receiver_output = taproot_output_script(key=internal_key, leaves=[taproot_smt_leaf])

In order to be able to spend this new asset, Bob needs to obtain the full provenance proof for the asset in question. Given that Bob is able to locate the transfer transaction on-chain (using systems such as BIP 157/158), Bob knows the previous input where the asset was stored. Given a known Universe, Bob can look up the previous outpoint, then append his new leaf information to the end of the file.

Taproot Asset Files & Leaf Verification

Taproot Asset files can be used to hermetically store and transmit the proofs of provenance of a given asset. The flat file is a series of merkle proofs within the main Bitcoin chain and also within Taproot outputs that hold asset commitments. In order to verify the validity and provenance of an asset, a verifier walks backwards (or forwards) in the asset transaction graph verifying each commitment and asset witness state transition along the way.

The Taproot Asset proof file format is specified in ./bip-tap-proof-file.mediawiki. Future iterations of the proof file may also commit to a root append-only merkle tree root of each individual proof segment. This would allow for probabilistic verification of the provenance of an asset, reducing verification costs for 3rd parties and potential receivers of the asset.

Asset Universes

Verification of an asset must also verify the provenance of the asset, namely that the asset is an indirect descendent of the initial genesis outpoint that created the asset itself. As all assets are defined by their provenance, failure to verify the history of an asset defeats the entire purpose of the system. As an example, the Bitcoin chain is defined as all the blocks that ultimately link back up to the main genesis block, if a chain doesn't include the genesis block, then it isn't Bitcoin.

The Universe concept is an on-chain (and also off-chain) MS-SMT index into the main chain, which indexes the set of revealed proofs, anchoring them back to the main chain. Universes are used to bootstrap the provenance of an asset, and can also be iterated to (re)construct the proof file for an asset.

Universes are fully specified in ./bip-tap-universe.mediawiki.

Multi-Hop Taproot Asset Transfer

Leveraging the embedded asset HTLC/PTLC construct, we can extend the Lightning Network to support multi-hop transfers of arbitrary assets and use the Bitcoin backbone of the network as an asset agnostic monetary transport network. Only the sender and receiver of a multi-hop payment need to be aware of the assets being transferred. The internal backbone of the network only sees the equivalent resulting bitcoin flows.

Assuming Bob has N beefbux of outbound liquidity, and Alice has M beefbux of inbound liquidity (where N>M) then Bob can send M beefbux to Alice. The first hop of the transfer takes in M+f beefbux (where f is their fee) and sends out K = M/B BTC, where B is the agreed/advertised beefbux/BTC exchange rate. All final hop of the transfer takes in K BTC and sends M beefbuf (in the actual route this would be less due to fees) to Alice.

With the above construction, the Lightning Network can be extended to support the transfer of arbitrary assets with BTC effectively serving as the "gas asset".

The full details of the Lightning Network (BOLT) extensions are specified in bLIP ???.


Test Vectors

Test vectors for the Asset Leaf Format can be found here:

The test vectors are automatically generated by unit tests in the Taproot Assets GitHub repository.

Backwards Compatibility


Thanks to Peter Todd for popularizing many of the ideas and techniques used in the design of Taproot Asset many years ago. Components of the design of the system was inspired by his earlier work on systems like proofchains.

Thanks to Giacomo Zucco, Alekos Filini, and Maxim Orlovsky (along with the rest of the RGB designers) for pioneering the concept of using client side validation techniques to create an asset issuance protocol.

Thanks to Daniel Stadulis for reading very early versions of this draft, and shaping many components of the design during early design jam sessions.

Reference Implementation