Library for MAX44009 / GY-49 I2C lux sensor.
a.k.a. GY-49
The MAX44009 ambient light sensor is an I2C sensor, that has a 22 bit dynamic range from 0.045 lux to 188,000 lux.
The MAX44007 is an almost identical sensor that uses a step size of 0.025. This implies that this library is not useable 1 to 1 for the MAX44007, however some parts will work.
- (range 0.025 lux to 104,448 lux)
- (range 0.045 lux to 188,000 lux)
// breakout MAX44009 / GY-49
// +--------+
// VCC |o |
// GND |o |
// SCL |o o| ADDRESS
// SDA |o o| -INT
// +--------+
// 0 = 0x4A
// 1 = 0x4B
// INT:
// Connect the INT pin to an pull up resistor
// 0 = interrupt
// 1 = no interrupt
// connect to an LED or an interrupt pin of an Arduino
The MAX44009 can have 2 addresses:
- 0x4B = MAX44009_ALT_ADDRESS
See schema above.
Sometimes you need to control more devices than possible with the default address range the device provides. This is possible with an I2C multiplexer e.g. TCA9548 which creates up to eight channels (think of it as I2C subnets) which can use the complete address range of the device.
Drawback of using a multiplexer is that it takes more administration in your code e.g. which device is on which channel. This will slow down the access, which must be taken into account when deciding which devices are on which channel. Also note that switching between channels will slow down other devices too if they are behind the multiplexer.
Performance of the getLux function in microseconds.
Clock | UNO | ESP32 | Notes |
100000 | |||
200000 | |||
300000 | |||
400000 | |||
500000 | |||
600000 |
TODO fill table.
#include "Max44009.h"
- Max44009(const uint8_t address = MAX44009_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, TwoWire *wire = &Wire) Constructor. Optional address and optional I2C interface.\
- bool isConnected() returns true if the device address configured is available on I2C bus.
- uint8_t getAddress() returns device address. Convenience function.
NOTE: The user must call Wire.begin() or Wire.begin(SDA, SCL) in setup().
- float getLux() read the sensor and return the value in LUX. If the value is negative, an error has occurred.
- int getError() returns last error.
#define MAX44009_OK 0
#define MAX44009_ERROR_WIRE_REQUEST -10
#define MAX44009_ERROR_OVERFLOW -20
#define MAX44009_ERROR_HIGH_BYTE -30
#define MAX44009_ERROR_LOW_BYTE -31
check datasheet for details
- bool setHighThreshold(float value) sets the upper threshold for the interrupt generation (INT pulls LOW). Works only if INTE bit is set by enableInterrupt(). Function returns false if the value is out of range.
- float getHighThreshold() returns the value set.
- bool setLowThreshold(float value) sets the lower threshold for the interrupt generation (INT pulls LOW). Works only if INTE bit is set by enableInterrupt(). Function returns false if the value is out of range.
- float getLowThreshold() returns the value set.
- void setThresholdTimer(uint8_t value) Time the threshold needs to be exceeded, defined in steps of 100ms. 2 seems to be a practical minimum.
- uint8_t getThresholdTimer() returns the value set.
check datasheet for details
- void enableInterrupt() enables the upper and lower threshold interrupts.
- void disableInterrupt() disables the threshold interrupts.
- bool interruptEnabled() returns 1 if the interrupt mode is enabled.
- uint8_t getInterruptStatus() returns 1 if an interrupt has occurred.
check datasheet for details
- void setConfiguration(uint8_t) writes directly to configuration register. warning Use with care.
- uint8_t getConfiguration() reads the current configuration register.
Check datasheet for details.
CDR = Current Divisor Ratio.
TIM = Integration time.
- void setAutomaticMode() in automatic mode the MAX44009 determines the CDR and TIM parameters.
- void setContinuousMode() continuous mode uses more power than a "single" conversion. Advantage is that the latest data is always available fast.
- void clrContinuousMode() uses less power so better for LOW power configurations.
- void setManualMode(uint8_t CDR, uint8_t TIM) Set the Current Divisor Ratio and the integration time manually. Effectively disable automatic mode.
- int getIntegrationTime() returns the set integration time in milliseconds. Note these are rounded down (12 == 12.5 and 6 == 6.25) to minimize math.
- int getCurrentDivisorRatio() returns the set Current Divisor Ratio. This is either 0 (full intensity) or 1 (1/8th intensity).
CDR = Current Divisor Ratio
CDR = 1 ==> only 1/8th is measured
TIM = Time Integration Measurement (table)
000 800ms
001 400ms
010 200ms
011 100ms
100 50ms manual only
101 25ms manual only
110 12.5ms manual only
111 6.25ms manual only
Function for the conversion math, not meant to be used directly, but by making it public the math becomes testable.
- float convertToLux(uint8_t dataHigh, uint8_t dataLow) convert intern register format to a LUX value.
- use for e.g. UNO (use voltage convertor!)
- will not compile for UNO
- use for e.g. ESP32
Please be aware this is a 3.3 Volt device so it should not be connected to an Arduino UNO or other 5 Volt device directly. Use a level convertor to solve this.
Do not forget to connect the address pin as you cannot read the sensor in a reliable way. As the line will float it will sometimes have the right address and sometimes not. (been there ;)
Pull ups on I2C bus are recommended.
- improve documentation
- buy hardware
- run performance test on UNO and ESP32.
- merge MAX44007 / MAX44009 library in the future. (shared base class?)
- read data high and low in one call?
- convertToLux() overflow test, when exponent == 15.
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