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4932 lines (3993 loc) · 173 KB

File metadata and controls

4932 lines (3993 loc) · 173 KB


Version 22


  • Excluded 41 response-only headers from the list of well-known ones used to depict request params in Documentation.


  • Fixed a bug that could lead to duplicate properties in generated client types:
    • If the middleware and/or endpoint schemas had the same property, it was duplicated by Integration.
    • The issue was introduced in v20.15.3 and reported by @bobgubko.
// reproduction
    input: z.object({ query: z.string() }), // ...
    input: z.object({ query: z.string() }), // ...
type Before = {
  query: string;
  query: string; // <— bug #2352
type After = {
  query: string;


  • Feat: ability to supply extra data to a custom implementation of the generated client:
    • You can instantiate the client class with an implementation accepting an optional context of your choice;
    • The public .provide() method can now accept an additional argument having the type of that context;
    • The problem on missing such ability was reported by @LucWag.
import { Client, Implementation } from "./generated-client.ts";

interface MyCtx {
  extraKey: string;

const implementation: Implementation<MyCtx> = async (
  ctx, // ctx is optional MyCtx
) => {};

const client = new Client(implementation);

client.provide("get /v1/user/retrieve", { id: "10" }, { extraKey: "123456" });


  • Fixed issue on emitting server-sent events (SSE), introduced in v21.5.0:
    • Emitting SSE failed due to internal error flush is not a function having compression disabled in config;
    • The .flush() method of response is a feature of compression (optional peer dependency);
    • It is required to call the method when compression is enabled;
    • This version fixes the issue by calling the method conditionally;
    • This bug was reported by @bobgubko.


  • Feat: Subscription class for consuming Server-sent events:
    • The Integration can now also generate a frontend helper class Subscription to ease SSE support;
    • The new class establishes an EventSource instance and exposes it as the public source property;
    • The class also provides the public on method for your typed listeners;
    • You can configure the generated class name using subscriptionClassName option (default: Subscription);
    • The feature is only applicable to the variant option set to client (default).
import { Subscription } from "./client.ts"; // the generated file

new Subscription("get /v1/events/stream", {}).on("time", (time) => {});


  • Feat: detecting headers from Middleware::security declarations:
    • When headers are enabled within inputSources of config, the Documentation generator can now identify them among other inputs additionally by using the security declarations of middlewares attached to an Endpoint;
    • This approach enables handling of custom headers without x- prefix.
const authMiddleware = new Middleware({
  security: { type: "header", name: "token" },


  • This version contains an important technical simplification of routines related to processing of security declarations of the used Middleware when generating API Documentation.
    • No changes to the operation are expected. This refactoring is required for a feature that will be released later.


  • Feat: ability to configure the generated client class name:
    • New option clientClassName for Integration::constructor() argument, default: Client.
  • Feat: default implementation for the generated client:
    • The argument of the generated client class constructor became optional;
    • The Implementation previously suggested as an example (using fetch) became the one used by default;
    • You may no longer need to write the implementation if the default one suits your needs.
import { Integration } from "express-zod-api";
new Integration({ clientClassName: "FancyClient" });
import { FancyClient } from "./generated-client.ts";
const client = new FancyClient(/* optional implementation */);


  • Minimum supported Node versions: 20.9.0 and 22.0.0:
    • Node 18 is no longer supported; its end of life is April 30, 2025.
  • BuiltinLogger::profile() behavior changed for picoseconds: expressing them through nanoseconds;
  • Feature: handling all (not just x- prefixed) headers as an input source (when enabled):
    • Behavior changed for headers inside inputSources config option: all headers are addressed to the input object;
    • This change is motivated by the deprecation of x- prefixed headers;
    • Since the order inside inputSources matters, consider moving headers to the first place to avoid overwrites;
    • The generated Documentation recognizes both x- prefixed inputs and well-known headers listed on IANA.ORG;
    • You can customize that behavior by using the new option isHeader of the Documentation::constructor().
  • The splitResponse property on the Integration::constructor() argument is removed;
  • Changes to the client code generated by Integration:
    • The class name changed from ExpressZodAPIClient to just Client;
    • The overload of the Client::provide() having 3 arguments and the Provider type are removed;
    • The public jsonEndpoints const is removed — use the content-type header of an actual response instead;
    • The public type MethodPath is removed — use the Request type instead.
  • The approach to tagging endpoints changed:
    • The tags property moved from the argument of createConfig() to Documentation::constructor();
    • The overload of EndpointsFactory::constructor() accepting config property is removed;
    • The argument of EventStreamFactory::constructor() is now the events map (formerly assigned to events property);
    • Tags should be declared as the keys of the augmented interface TagOverrides instead;
  • The public method Endpoint::getSecurity() now returns an array;
  • Consider the automated migration using the built-in ESLint rule.
// eslint.config.mjs — minimal ESLint 9 config to apply migrations automatically using "eslint --fix"
import parser from "@typescript-eslint/parser";
import migration from "express-zod-api/migration";

export default [
  { languageOptions: { parser }, plugins: { migration } },
  { files: ["**/*.ts"], rules: { "migration/v22": "error" } },
-   tags: {},
    inputSources: {
-     get: ["query", "headers"] // if you have headers on last place
+     get: ["headers", "query"] // move headers to avoid overwrites

  new Documentation({
+   tags: {},
+   isHeader: (name, method, path) => {} // optional

  new EndpointsFactory(
-   { config, resultHandler: new ResultHandler() }
+   new ResultHandler()

  new EventStreamFactory(
-   { config, events: {} }
+   {} // events map only
// new tagging approach
import { defaultEndpointsFactory, Documentation } from "express-zod-api";

// Add similar declaration once, somewhere in your code, preferably near config
declare module "express-zod-api" {
  interface TagOverrides {
    users: unknown;
    files: unknown;
    subscriptions: unknown;

// Add extended description of the tags to Documentation (optional)
new Documentation({
  tags: {
    users: "All about users",
    files: { description: "All about files", url: "" },

Version 21


  • Common styling methods (coloring) are extracted from the built-in logger instance:
    • This measure is to reduce memory consumption when using a child logger.


  • New public property ctx is available on instances of BuiltinLogger:
    • When using the built-in logger and childLoggerProvider config option, the ctx property contains the argument that was used for creating the child logger using its .child() method;
    • It can be utilized for accessing its requestId property for purposes other than logging;
    • The default value of ctx is an empty object (when the instance is not a child logger).
import { BuiltinLogger, createConfig, createMiddleware } from "express-zod-api";

// Declaring the logger type in use
declare module "express-zod-api" {
  interface LoggerOverrides extends BuiltinLogger {}

// Configuring child logger provider
const config = createConfig({
  childLoggerProvider: ({ parent }) =>
    parent.child({ requestId: randomUUID() }),

// Accessing child logger context
  handler: async ({ logger }) => {
    doSomething(logger.ctx.requestId); // <—


  • New Integration option: serverUrl, string, optional, the API URL for the generated client:
    • Currently used for generating example implementation;
    • Default value remains;
  • Using new URL() for constructing the final request URL in the example implementation of the generated client:
    • That enables handling serverUrl both with and without trailing slash;


  • Deprecating MethodPath type in the code generated by Integration:
    • Introducing the Request type to be used instead;
  • Added JSDoc having the request in description for every type and interface generated by Integration;
  • A couple adjustments for consistency and performance.


  • Deprecating jsonEndpoints from the code generated by Integration:
    • Use the content-type header of an actual response instead, example.


  • Feature: introducing EncodedResponse public interface in the code generated by Integration:
    • The new entity should enable making custom clients having response type awereness based on the status code;
    • The difference between Response and EndcodedResponse is the second hierarchical level.
import { EncodedResponse } from "./generated.ts";

type UsageExample = EncodedResponse["get /v1/user/retrieve"][200];


  • node-mocks-http version is ^1.16.2;
  • Fixed possible duplicates in the Path type generated by Integration:
    • Duplicates used to be possible when using DependsOnMethod instance within specified routing.


  • Supporting the following z.string() formats by the Documentation generator:
    • base64 (as byte), date, time, duration, nanoid;
    • And new formats introduced by Zod 3.24: jwt, base64url, cidr;
  • Fixed missing minLength and maxLength properties when depicting z.string().length() (fixed length strings).


  • Feat: Introducing Server-Sent Events:
    • Basic implementation of the event streams feature is now available using EventStreamFactory class;
    • The new factory is similar to EndpointsFactory including the middlewares support;
    • Client application can subscribe to the event stream using EventSource class instance;
    • Documentation and Integration do not have yet a special depiction of such endpoints;
    • This feature is a lightweight alternative to Zod Sockets.
import { z } from "zod";
import { EventStreamFactory } from "express-zod-api";
import { setTimeout } from "node:timers/promises";

const subscriptionEndpoint = EventStreamFactory({
  events: { time: z.number().int().positive() },
  input: z.object({}), // optional input schema
  handler: async ({ options: { emit, isClosed } }) => {
    while (!isClosed()) {
      await setTimeout(1000);
const source = new EventSource("");
source.addEventListener("time", (event) => {
  const data = JSON.parse(; // number


  • Return type of public methods getTags() and getScopes() of Endpoint corrected to ReadyonlyArray<string>;
  • Featuring EndpointsFactory::buildVoid() method:
    • It's a shorthand for returning {} while having output schema z.object({});
    • When using this method, handler may return void while retaining the object-based operation internally.
+ factory.buildVoid({
-   output: z.object({}),
    handler: async () => {
-     return {};


  • Fixed provide() method usage example in the code of the generated client;
  • Always splitting the response in the generated client:
    • This will print the positive and negative response types separately;
    • The splitResponse property on the Integration class constructor argument is deprecated.


  • Minor performance adjustments;
  • Introducing stricter overload for the generated ExpressZodAPIClient::provide() method:
    • The method can now also accept two arguments: space-separated method with path and parameters;
    • Using this overload provides strict constraints on the first argument so that undeclared routes can not be used;
    • This design is inspired by the OctoKit and aims to prevent the misuse by throwing a Typescript error.
  • Using ExpressZodAPIClient::provide() with three arguments is deprecated:
    • The return type when using undeclared routes corrected to unknown.
  • The Provider type of the generated client is deprecated;
  • The type of the following generated client entities is corrected so that it became limited to the listed routes:
    • Input, Response, PositiveResponse, NegativeResponse, MethodPath.
- client.provide("get", "/v1/user/retrieve", { id: "10" }); // deprecated
+ client.provide("get /v1/user/retrieve", { id: "10" }); // featured


  • Featuring empty response support:
    • For some REST APIs, empty responses are typical: with status code 204 (No Content) and redirects (302);
    • Previously, the framework did not offer a straightforward way to describe such responses, but now there is one;
    • The mimeType property can now be assigned with null in ResultHandler definition;
    • Both Documentation and Integration generators ignore such entries so that the schema can be z.never():
      • The body of such response will not be depicted by Documentation;
      • The type of such response will be described as undefined (configurable) by Integration.
import { z } from "zod";
import {
} from "express-zod-api";

const resultHandler = new ResultHandler({
  positive: { statusCode: 204, mimeType: null, schema: z.never() },
  negative: { statusCode: 404, mimeType: null, schema: z.never() },
  handler: ({ error, response }) => {
    response.status(error ? ensureHttpError(error).statusCode : 204).end(); // no content

new Integration({ noContent: z.undefined() }); // undefined is default


  • Minimum supported versions of express: 4.21.1 and 5.0.1 (fixed vulnerabilities);
  • Breaking changes to createConfig() argument:
    • The server property renamed to http and made optional — (can now configure HTTPS only);
    • These properties moved to the top level: jsonParser, upload, compression, rawParser and beforeRouting;
    • Both logger and getChildLogger arguments of beforeRouting function are replaced with all-purpose getLogger.
  • Breaking changes to createServer() resolved return:
    • Both httpServer and httpsServer are combined into single servers property (array, same order).
  • Breaking changes to EndpointsFactory::build() argument:
    • Plural methods, tags and scopes properties replaced with singular method, tag, scope accordingly;
    • The method property also made optional and can now be derived from DependsOnMethod or imply GET by default;
    • When method is assigned with an array, it must be non-empty.
  • Breaking changes to positive and negative properties of ResultHandler constructor argument:
    • Plural statusCodes and mimeTypes props within the values are replaced with singular statusCode and mimeType.
  • Other breaking changes:
    • The serializer property of Documentation and Integration constructor argument removed;
    • The originalError property of InputValidationError and OutputValidationError removed (use cause instead);
    • The getStatusCodeFromError() method removed (use the ensureHttpError().statusCode instead);
    • The testEndpoint() method can no longer test CORS headers — that function moved to Routing traverse;
    • For Endpoint: getMethods() may return undefined, getMimeTypes() removed, getSchema() variants reduced;
    • Public properties pairs, firstEndpoint and siblingMethods of DependsOnMethod replaced with entries.
  • Consider the automated migration using the built-in ESLint rule.
// eslint.config.mjs — minimal ESLint 9 config to apply migrations automatically using "eslint --fix"
import parser from "@typescript-eslint/parser";
import migration from "express-zod-api/migration";

export default [
  { languageOptions: { parser }, plugins: { migration } },
  { files: ["**/*.ts"], rules: { "migration/v21": "error" } },
// The sample of new structure
const config = createConfig({
  http: { listen: 80 }, // became optional
  https: { listen: 443, options: {} },
  upload: true,
  compression: true,
  beforeRouting: ({ app, getLogger }) => {
    const logger = getLogger();
    app.use((req, res, next) => {
      const childLogger = getLogger(req);
const { servers } = await createServer(config, {});

Version 20


  • Avoids startup logo distortion when the terminal is too narrow;
  • Self-diagnosis for potential problems disabled in production mode to ensure faster startup:
    • Warning about potentially unserializable schema for JSON operating endpoints was introduced in v20.15.0.


  • Featuring a helper to describe nested Routing for already assigned routes:
    • Suppose you want to describe Routing for both /v1/path and /v1/path/subpath routes having Endpoints attached;
    • Previously, an empty path segment was proposed for that purpose, but there is more elegant and readable way now;
    • The .nest() method is available both on Endpoint and DependsOnMethod instances:
import { Routing } from "express-zod-api";

// Describing routes /v1/path and /v1/path/subpath both having endpoints assigned:
const before: Routing = {
  v1: {
    path: {
      "": endpointA,
      subpath: endpointB,

const after: Routing = {
  v1: {
    path: endpointA.nest({
      subpath: endpointB,


  • Fixed the example implementation in the generated client for endpoints using path params:
    • The choice of parser was made based on the exported const jsonEndpoints indexed by path;
    • The actual path used for the lookup already contained parameter substitutions so that JSON parser didn't work;
    • The new example implementation suggests choosing the parser based on the actual response.headers;
    • The issue was found and reported by @HenriJ.
- const parser = `${method} ${path}` in jsonEndpoints ? "json" : "text";
+ const isJSON = response.headers
+   .get("content-type")
+   ?.startsWith("application/json");
- return response[parser]();
+ return response[isJSON ? "json" : "text"]();


  • Performance tuning: Routing traverse made about 12 times faster.


  • Feat: input schema made optional:
    • The input property can be now omitted on the argument of the following methods: Middlware::constructor, EndpointsFactory::build(), EndpointsFactory::addMiddleware();
    • When the input schema is not specified z.object({}) is used;
    • This feature aims to simplify the implementation for Endpoints and Middlwares having no inputs.


  • Minor code style refactoring and performance tuning;
  • The software is redefined as a framework;
    • Thanks to @JonParton for contribution to the documentation.


  • Introducing errorHandler option for testMiddleware() method:
    • If your middleware throws an error there was no ability to make assertions other than the thrown error;
    • New option can be assigned with a function for transforming the error into response, so that testMiddlware itself would not throw, enabling usage of all returned entities for mutiple assertions in test;
    • The feature suggested by @williamgcampbell.
import { testMiddleware, Middleware } from "express-zod-api";

const middlware = new Middleware({
  input: z.object({}),
  handler: async ({ logger }) => {"logging something");
    throw new Error("something went wrong");

test("a middleware throws, but it writes log as well", async () => {
  const { loggerMock, responseMock } = await testMiddleware({
    errorHandler: (error, response) => response.end(error.message),
  expect(loggerMock._getLogs().info).toEqual([["logging something"]]);
  expect(responseMock._getData()).toBe("something went wrong");


  • Configuring built-in logger made optional:
    • Built-in logger configuration option level made optional as well as the logger option for createConfig();
    • Using debug level by default, or warn when NODE_ENV=production.
  • Fixed performance issue on BuiltinLogger when its color option is not set in config:
    • .child() method is 50x times faster now by only detecting the color support once;
    • Color autodetection was introduced in v18.3.0.


  • Introducing ensureHttpError() method that converts any Error into HttpError:
    • It converts InputValidationError to BadRequest (status code 400) and others to InternalServerError (500).
  • Deprecating getStatusCodeFromError() — use the ensureHttpError().statusCode instead.
  • Generalizing server-side error messages in production mode by default:
    • This feature aims to improve the security of your API by not disclosing the exact causes of errors;
    • Applies to defaultResultHandler, defaultEndpointsFactory and Last Resort Handler only;
    • When NODE_ENV is set to production (displayed on startup);
    • Instead of actual message the default one associated with the corresponding statusCode used;
    • Server-side errors are those having status code 5XX, or treated that way by ensureHttpError();
    • You can control that behavior by throwing errors using createHttpError() and using its expose option;
    • More about production mode and how to activate it:
import createHttpError from "http-errors";
// NODE_ENV=production
// Throwing HttpError from Endpoint or Middleware that is using defaultResultHandler or defaultEndpointsFactory:
createHttpError(401, "Token expired"); // —> "Token expired"
createHttpError(401, "Token expired", { expose: false }); // —> "Unauthorized"
createHttpError(500, "Something is broken"); // —> "Internal Server Error"
createHttpError(501, "We didn't make it yet", { expose: true }); // —> "We didn't make it yet"


  • Added cause property to DocumentationError;
  • Log all server side errors (status codes >= 500) and in full (not just the message).


  • Deprecating originalError property on both InputValidationError and OutputValidationError:
    • Use cause property instead;
    • Those error classes are publicly exposed for developers making custom Result Handlers.
  const error = new InputValidationError(new z.ZodError([]));
- logger.error(error.originalError.message);
+ logger.error(error.cause.message);


  • Merge intersected object types in generated client:
    • This fixes "empty object" intersection problem for endpoints having middlwares without inputs.
- type GetV1UserRetrieveInput = {} & {
+ type GetV1UserRetrieveInput = {
    /** a numeric string containing the id of the user */
    id: string;


  • Fixed duplicated client types in unions:
    • When splitResponse option is disabled on Integration primitive response types could have been duplicated.
- type GetV1AvatarSendResponse = string | string;
+ type GetV1AvatarSendResponse = string;


  • Deprecating serializer property on Documentation and Integration constructor argument:
    • That property was introduced in v9.3.0 and utilized for comparing schemas in order to handle possible circular references within z.lazy();
    • The property is no longer in use and will be removed in version 21.


  • Feat: warn about potentially unserializable schema used for JSON operating endpoints:
    • This version will warn you if you're using a schema that might not work in request or response, in particular:
      • Generally unserializable objects:, z.set(), z.bigint();
      • JSON incompatible entities: z.never(), z.void(), z.promise(), z.symbol(), z.nan();
      • Non-revivable in request:;
      • Incorrectly used in request: ez.dateOut();
      • Incorrectly used in response: ez.dateIn(), ez.upload(), ez.raw();
    • The feature suggested by @t1nky.


  • Fixed: missing export of testMiddleware:
    • The feature introduced in v20.4.0 but was not available;
    • The issue reported by @Tomtec331.


  • Documentation: promoting Express 5 as the recommended version for new projects;
  • Minor refactoring: response variant constraints, inverted definition of AbstractLogger type;
  • There is now an opportunity to support the project with sponsorship:


  • node-mocks-http version is ^1.16.1:
    • This deduplicates the @types/express dependency to the version installed in your project;
    • This fix is an addition to the support of Express 5 (v20.10.0) and its types (v20.14.0).


  • Enabling usage of recently released @types/express@^5.0.0:
    • This is an addition to the support of Express 5 introduced in v20.10.0.


  • Feat: Graceful Shutdown
    • You can enable and configure a special request monitoring that, if it receives a signal to terminate a process, will:
      • first put the server into a mode that rejects new requests,
      • attempt to complete started requests within the specified time,
      • and then forcefully stop the server and terminate the process;
    • This feature utilizes a modernized fork of http-terminator.
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";

  gracefulShutdown: {
    timeout: 1000,
    events: ["SIGINT", "SIGTERM"],


  • Feat: Handling deprecation events by actual logger
    • express uses depd for emitting deprecation events when a certain deprecated approach used;
    • This version installs a listener of that event and delegates it to the warn method of your actual logger.


  • Feat: Supporting Express 5
    • Epic news: after 10 years of struggles and anticipations Express 5.0.0 is finally released;
    • The primary a mostly awaited feature is the proper support of asynchronous handlers;
    • This version introduces the initial support of Express 5 without breaking changes;
    • Notice: the corresponding @types/express for the version 5 is not yet released;
    • Instructions on migrating to Express 5.


  • Minor syntax adjustments and cleanup;
  • node-mocks-http version is 1.16.0.


  • Plain text MIME type is set for the corresponding responses:
    • Last Resort Handler (in case your ResultHandler throws);
    • arrayResultHandler (deprecated) — in case of errors and failures.


  • openapi3-ts version is 4.4.0:
    • Feat: Documentation::getSpecAsYaml() accepts the same options as yaml.stringify.


  • Feat: providing child logger to beforeRouting() hook:
    • The function assigned to config property server.beforeRouting now accepts additional argument getChildLogger();
    • The featured method accepts request and returns a child logger if childLoggerProvider() is configured;
    • Otherwise, it returns the root logger (same for all requests, same as the logger argument);
    • The feature suggested by @williamgcampbell.
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";
import { randomUUID } from "node:crypto";

const config = createConfig({
  logger: { level: "debug" },
  childLoggerProvider: ({ parent }) =>
    parent.child({ requestId: randomUUID() }),
  server: {
    listen: 80,
    beforeRouting: ({ app, logger, getChildLogger }) => {"This is root logger");
      app.use((req, res, next) => {
        getChildLogger(req).info("This is a child logger");


  • Improved documentation on error handling:
    • More clarity on the origins of possible runtime errors and how they are handled by default;
    • Revealing details on how routing, parsing and upload errors are handled by default;
    • Correction to the JSDoc of the corresponding errorHandler property in config.
  • Removing redundant type coercion in the migration tool.


  • Changes to migration plugin (single-use tool, regardless SemVer):
    • Requirements: eslint@^9 and typescript-eslint@^8 (may work with previous versions, but it's no longer tested);
    • The express-zod-api/migration is a pure ESLint plugin: no rule applied by default, it must be enabled explicitly;
    • The files requiring migration have to be defined explicitly — this should improve clarity on its operation;
    • The ESLint plugin was introduced in v20.0.0 for automated migration from v19 (except assertions in tests);
    • For migrating from v19 use the following minimal config and run eslint --fix:
// eslint.config.js (or .mjs if you're developing in a CommonJS environment)
import parser from "@typescript-eslint/parser";
import migration from "express-zod-api/migration";

export default [
  { languageOptions: { parser }, plugins: { migration } },
    files: ["**/*.ts"], // define the files need to be migrated (source code)
    rules: { "migration/v20": "error" }, // enable the rule explicitly


  • Small refactoring of several methods and expressions.


  • node-mocks-http version ^1.15.1.


  • Small performance tuning;
  • Featuring customizations for profiler of the built-in logger:
    • The .profile() method can now accept an object having the following properties:
      • message — the one to be displayed;
      • formatter — optional, a function to transform milliseconds into a string or number;
      • severity — optional, debug (default), info, warn, error:
        • it can also be a function returning one of those values depending on duration in milliseconds;
        • thus, you can immediately assess the measured performance.
const done = logger.profile({
  message: "expensive operation",
  severity: (ms) => (ms > 500 ? "error" : "info"),
  formatter: (ms) => `${ms.toFixed(2)}ms`,
done(); // error: expensive operation '555.55ms'


  • Featuring a simple profiler for the built-in logger:
    • Introducing BuiltinLogger::profile(msg: string) — measures the duration until you invoke the returned callback;
    • Using Node Performance Hooks for measuring microtimes (less than 1ms);
    • The output severity is debug (will be customizable later), so logger must have the corresponding level;
    • It prints the duration in log using adaptive units: from picoseconds to minutes.
// usage assuming that logger is an instance of BuiltinLogger
const done = logger.profile("expensive operation");
done(); // debug: expensive operation '555 milliseconds'
// to set up config using the built-in logger do this:
import { createConfig, BuiltinLogger } from "express-zod-api";

const config = createConfig({ logger: { level: "debug", color: true } });

declare module "express-zod-api" {
  interface LoggerOverrides extends BuiltinLogger {}


  • Technical update due to improved builder configuration:
    • Removed crutches for the migration/index.d.cts file;
    • Fixed missing node: protocol in the imports of core modules in the distributed javascript files.


  • Feat: middleware testing helper: testMiddleware(), similar to testEndpoint():
    • There is also an ability to pass options collected from outputs of previous middlewares, if the one being tested somehow depends on them.
    • The method returns: Promise<{ output, requestMock, responseMock, loggerMock }>;
    • Export fixed in v20.14.3.
import { z } from "zod";
import { Middleware, testMiddleware } from "express-zod-api";

const middleware = new Middleware({
  input: z.object({ test: z.string() }),
  handler: async ({ options, input: { test } }) => ({
    collectedOptions: Object.keys(options),
    testLength: test.length,

const { output, responseMock, loggerMock } = await testMiddleware({
  requestProps: { method: "POST", body: { test: "something" } },
  options: { prev: "accumulated" }, // responseOptions, configProps, loggerProps
expect(output).toEqual({ collectedOptions: ["prev"], testLength: 9 });


  • Minor corrections to the documentation.


  • Removed eslint and prettier from the list of the optional peer dependencies:
    • eslint with a flat config support (v8 or v9) is only required to use the migration codemod;
    • prettier is only a fallback for Integration::printFormatted(), which can work without it as well;
    • These changes aim to reduce the confusion and ease the installation;
    • The issue was found and reported by Bogdan who does not have a GitHub account.


  • Feature: z.object().remap() accepts a mapping function:
    • Similar to .transform() you can now supply an object shape mapping function;
    • It is important to use shallow transformations only;
    • Using .remap() is recommended for output schemas if you're also aiming to generate a valid documentation.
import camelize from "camelize-ts";
import snakify from "snakify-ts";
import { z } from "zod";

const endpoint ={
  method: "get",
  input: z
    .object({ user_id: z.string() })
    .transform((inputs) => camelize(inputs, /* shallow: */ true)),
  output: z
    .object({ userName: z.string() })
    .remap((outputs) => snakify(outputs, /* shallow: */ true)),
  handler: async ({ input: { userId }, logger }) => {
    logger.debug("user_id became userId", userId);
    return { userName: "Agneta" }; // becomes "user_name" in response


  • Feature: Partial mapping and passthrough support for z.object().remap():
    • Properties can be omitted in remap() in order to preserve them unchanged;
    • Undeclared keys will remain unchanged for z.object().passthrough().remap() schema;
      • Passthrough object schemas are not allowed in Middlewares, but they are allowed in Endpoints.
z.object({ user_name: z.string(), id: z.number() }).remap({
  user_name: "userName", // —> { userName, id }

z.object({ user_id: z.string() })
  .remap({ user_id: "userId" })
  .parse({ user_id: "test", extra: "excessive" }); // —> { userId, extra }


  • Feature: Top level transformations support and object schema remapping:
    • This can enable having snake_case API parameters while keeping camelCase naming in your implementation;
    • You can .transform() the entire input schema into another object, using a well-typed mapping library;
    • You can do the same with the output schema, but that would not be enough for generating a valid documentation;
    • The framework offers a new .remap() method on the z.object() schema that applies a .pipe() to transformation;
      • Currently .remap() requires an assignment of all the object props explicitly, but it may be improved later;
    • Find more details in the documentation;
    • The feature suggested by Peter Rottmann.
import camelize from "camelize-ts";
import { z } from "zod";

const endpoint ={
  method: "get",
  input: z
    .object({ user_id: z.string() })
    .transform((inputs) => camelize(inputs, true)), // shallow
  output: z.object({ userName: z.string() }).remap({ userName: "user_name" }),
  handler: async ({ input: { userId }, logger }) => {
    logger.debug("user_id became userId", userId);
    return { userName: "Agneta" }; // becomes "user_name" in response


  • Found a better method for asserting the expected response: responseMock._getJSONData().


  • Method createLogger() removed — use new BuiltinLogger() instead if needed;
  • Method createResultHandler removed — use new ResultHandler() instead:
    • The argument's properties renamed: getPositiveResponse to positive and getNegativeResponse to negative;
    • Both properties can now accept static values (not only functions).
  • Method createMiddleware() removed — use either new Middleware() or EndpointsFactory::addMiddleware() instead:
    • The argument's property middleware renamed to handler.
  • Method testEndpoint() was changed:
    • It was detached from any testing frameworks, fnMethod property removed from the argument;
    • Mocked request and response are now fully operational and do not require to mock anything to do the job;
    • The responseProps property changed to responseOptions, it's no longer meant to be used for custom props;
    • The returned entities requestMock, responseMock and loggerMock no longer rely on testing framework for props.
      Instead, they provide methods to assert expectations in tests:
  • How to migrate:
    • Consider using the provided ESLint plugin migration in order to apply changes automatically (except assertions);
    • Or follow the code samples below in order to rename/remove entities manually as described above.
// eslint.config.mjs — minimal config to apply migrations automatically using "eslint . --fix" (at least ESLint 8)
import parser from "@typescript-eslint/parser";
import migration from "express-zod-api/migration";

export default [{ languageOptions: { parser }, files: ["**/*.ts"] }, migration];
// before
  getPositiveResponse: (data) => z.object({ data }),
  getNegativeResponse: () => ({
    schema: z.string(),
    mimeType: "text/plain",

// after
new ResultHandler({
  positive: (data) => z.object({ data }),
  negative: { schema: z.string(), mimeType: "text/plain" }, // can be static now
// before
    input: z.object({}),
    middleware: async () => ({}),

// after
factory // variant 1:
    new Middleware({
      input: z.object({}),
      handler: async () => ({}),
  ) // variant 2: short syntax now available:
  .addMiddleware({ input: z.object({}), handler: async () => ({}) });
// before
declare module "express-zod-api" {
  interface MockOverrides extends Mock {} // remove it
const { responseMock: responseMockBefore, loggerMock: loggerMockBefore } =
  testEndpoint({ endpoint });
expect(responseMockBefore.set).toHaveBeenCalledWith("X-Custom", "one");

// after
const { responseMock, loggerMock } = testEndpoint({ endpoint });
expect(responseMock._getHeaders()).toHaveProperty("x-custom", "one"); // lower case!
expect(responseMock._getJSONData()).toEqual({ status: "success" });

Version 19



  • ansis version ^3.2.0;
  • openapi3-ts version ^4.3.3;
  • ramda version ^0.30.1;
  • Several optimizations to the implementation enabled by Typescript 5.5;


  • Fixed missing defaults for Built-in Logger: color support autodetection and depth=2:
    • Those features were lost in version 19.2.0.


  • openapi3-ts version is 4.3.2 (fixed distribution).


  • Feat: .child() method for the built-in logger:
    • You can assign request ID to the log entries without additional libraries now:
import { randomUUID } from "node:crypto";
import { BuiltinLogger, createConfig } from "express-zod-api";

declare module "express-zod-api" {
  interface LoggerOverrides extends BuiltinLogger {}

const config = createConfig({
  logger: { level: "debug", color: true },
  childLoggerProvider: ({ parent }) =>
    parent.child({ requestId: randomUUID() }),


  • Fixed a bug on logger instance recognition failure:
    • When an instance of winston logger was assigned in config, it was not recognized as an actual logger;
    • That led to using the built-in logger having reduced capabilities;
    • Other loggers could be also affected by this issue;
    • The issue was found and reported by @boarush.


  • Fixed a bug on duplicated or missing request header parameters in the generated Documentation:
    • The issue corresponds to the "Headers as input source" opt-in feature;
    • When query was not listed in the input sources:
      • Headers used to be missing in the documented request parameters.
    • When body was listed along with query in the input sources:
      • Headers used to be duplicated into the documented request body.
    • The issue was found and reported by @boarush.


  • Feature: customizable handling rules for your branded schemas in Documentation and Integration:
    • You can make your schemas special by branding them using .brand() method;
    • The framework (being a Zod Plugin as well) distinguishes the branded schemas in runtime;
    • The constructors of Documentation and Integration now accept new property brandHandling (object);
    • Its keys should be the brands you want to handle in a special way;
    • Its values are functions having your schema as the first argument and a context in the second place;
    • In case you need to reuse a handling rule for multiple brands, use the exposed types Depicter and Producer;
    • The feature suggested by @shawncarr.
import ts from "typescript";
import { z } from "zod";
import {
} from "express-zod-api";

const myBrand = Symbol("MamaToldMeImSpecial"); // I recommend to use symbols for this purpose
const myBrandedSchema = z.string().brand(myBrand);

const ruleForDocs: Depicter = (
  schema: typeof myBrandedSchema, // you should assign type yourself
  { next, path, method, isResponse }, // handle a nested schema using next()
) => {
  const defaultDepiction = next(schema.unwrap()); // { type: string }
  return { summary: "Special type of data" };

const ruleForClient: Producer = (
  schema: typeof myBrandedSchema, // you should assign type yourself
  { next, isResponse, serializer }, // handle a nested schema using next()
) => ts.factory.createKeywordTypeNode(ts.SyntaxKind.BooleanKeyword);

new Documentation({
  /* config, routing, title, version */
  brandHandling: { [myBrand]: ruleForDocs },

new Integration({
  /* routing */
  brandHandling: { [myBrand]: ruleForClient },


  • Breaking changes:
    • Increased the minimum supported versions:
      • For Node.js: 18.18.0, 20.9.0 or 22.0.0;
      • For zod: 3.23.0;
      • For express: 4.19.2;
      • For express-fileupload and @types/express-fileupload: 1.5.0.
    • Removed the deprecated method withMeta() (see v18.5.0 for details);
    • Removed support for static options by EndpointsFactory::addOptions() (see v18.6.0 for details);
    • Freezed the arrays returned by the methods or exposed by properties of Endpoint and DependsOnMethod;
    • Changed interface for ez.raw(): additional properties should be supplied as its argument, not via .extend();
    • Changed the following config options:
      • The function assigned to server.upload.beforeUpload now accepts request instead of app;
      • The function assigned to server.beforeRouting is now called before parsing too.
  • Features:
    • New configurable level info for built-in logger (higher than debug, but lower than warn);
    • Selective parsers equipped with a child logger:
      • There are 3 types of endpoints depending on their input schema: having ez.upload(), having ez.raw(), others;
      • Depending on that type, only the parsers needed for certain endpoint are processed;
      • This makes all requests eligible for the assigned parsers and reverts changes made in v18.5.2;
      • Specifying rawParser in config is no longer needed to enable the feature.
  • Non-breaking significant changes:
    • Request logging reflects the actual path instead of the configured route, and it's placed in front of parsing:
      • The severity of those messaged reduced from info to debug;
    • The debug messages from uploader are enabled by default when the logger level is set to debug;
  • How to migrate confidently:
    • Upgrade Node.js, zod, express, express-fileupload and @types/express-fileupload accordingly;
    • Avoid mutating the readonly arrays;
    • If you're using withMeta():
      • Remove it and unwrap your schemas — you can use .example() method directly.
    • If you're using .addOptions() on EndpointsFactory instance:
      • Replace the argument with an async function returning those options;
      • Or assign those options to const and import them where needed.
    • If you're using ez.raw().extend() for additional properties:
      • Supply them directly as an argument to ez.raw() — see the example below.
    • If you're using beforeUpload in your config:
      • Adjust the implementation according to the example below.
    • If you're using beforeRouting in your config for anything that requires a parsed request body:
      • Add the required parsers using app.use() statements to the assigned function.
    • If you're having rawParser: express.raw() in your config:
      • You can now remove this line (it's the default value now), unless you're having any customizations.
import createHttpError from "http-errors";
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";

const before = createConfig({
  server: {
    upload: {
      beforeUpload: ({ app, logger }) => {
        app.use((req, res, next) => {
          if ("multipart/form-data") && !canUpload(req)) {
            return next(createHttpError(403, "Not authorized"));

const after = createConfig({
  server: {
    upload: {
      beforeUpload: ({ request, logger }) => {
        if (!canUpload(request)) {
          throw createHttpError(403, "Not authorized");
import { z } from "zod";
import { ez } from "express-zod-api";

const before = ez.raw().extend({
  pathParameter: z.string(),

const after = ez.raw({
  pathParameter: z.string(),

Version 18


  • Compatibility improvement for Jest: all dynamic import() in CJS build are replaced with require().


  • Notice on creating connections within a function supplied to EndpointsFactory::addOptions():
    • Use it with caution: a new connection will be created for every request handled by endpoint made on that factory;
    • Consider reusing const across your files for persistent connections;
    • In case of intentional non-persistent connection, consider resources cleanup if necessary:
import { createResultHandler } from "express-zod-api";

const resultHandlerWithCleanup = createResultHandler({
  handler: ({ options }) => {
    // necessary to check for certain option presence:
    if ("db" in options && options.db) {
      options.db.connection.close(); // sample cleanup


  • Feat: Supporting async function as an argument for EndpointsFactory::addOptions():
    • I realized that it does not make sense for .addOptions just to proxy the static data;
    • In case your options are static you can just import the corresponding const instead;
    • Static options are deprecated and its support will be removed in v19.
import { readFile } from "node:fs/promises";
import { defaultEndpointsFactory } from "express-zod-api";

const endpointsFactory = defaultEndpointsFactory.addOptions(async () => {
  // caution: new connection on every request:
  const db = mongoose.connect("mongodb://connection.string");
  const privateKey = await readFile("private-key.pem", "utf-8");
  return { db, privateKey };


  • Muted uploader logs related to non-eligible requests;
  • Another performance improvement.


  • A small performance improvement for Integration and Documentation.


  • Major update on metadata: withMeta() is no longer required, deprecated and will be removed in v19:
    • withMeta() was introduced in version 2.10.0, because I didn't want to alter Zod's prototypes;
    • However, the new information arrived recently from the author of Zod on that matter;
    • It turned out that altering Zod's prototypes is exactly the recommended approach for extending its functionality;
    • Therefore express-zod-api from now on acts as a plugin for Zod, adding the .example() and .label() methods to its prototypes that were previously available only after wrapping the schema in withMeta().
import { z } from "zod";
import { withMeta } from "express-zod-api";

const before = withMeta(
    .default(() => new Date().toISOString()),

const after = z
  .default(() => new Date().toISOString())


  • Ability to replace the default value with a label in the generated Documentation:
    • Introducing .label() method only available after wrapping ZodDefault into withMeta();
    • The specified label replaces the actual value of the default property in documentation.
import { z } from "zod";
import { withMeta } from "express-zod-api";

const labeledDefaultSchema = withMeta(
    .default(() => new Date().toISOString()),


  • Changed default behaviour when using built-in logger while omitting its color option in config:
    • Automatically detecting the terminal color support by default.


  • Supporting Node 22;
  • Featuring zod-sockets for implementing subscriptions on your API:


  • Optimization for zod 3.23:
    • zod 3.23 offers several features on handling strings;
    • It's also claimed to be "the final 3.x release before Zod 4.0".;
    • Using the featured zod refinements in the following proprietary schemas: ez.dateIn() and ez.file("base64");
    • The changes are non-breaking and the compatibility to zod 3.22 remains;
    • Validation error messages will depend on actual zod version installed.


  • Breaking changes:
    • winston is no longer a default logger;
    • createLogger() argument is changed, and it now returns a built-in logger instead of winston.
  • Features:
    • New built-in console logger with colorful pretty inspections and basic methods only.
  • Non-breaking significant changes:
    • Due to detaching from winston, the attachRouting() method is back to being synchronous.
  • How to migrate confidently:
    • If you're using attachRouting() method:
      • Remove await before it (and possible async IIFE wrapper if present) — no longer required.
    • If you're using a custom logger in config:
      • No action required.
    • If you're using createLogger() method in your code:
      • Remove the winston property from its argument.
    • If you're using the default logger in config (which used to be winston as a peer dependency):
      • If you're only using its info(), debug(), error() and warn() methods:
        • You can now uninstall winston — no further action required.
      • If you're using its other methods, like .child() or profile():
        • Configure winston as a custom logger according to the documentation,
        • Or consider any other compatible logger, like pino for example, which is easier to configure.

Version 17


  • Clarification of the documentation: the skipLibCheck option should be enabled in tsconfig.json.


  • Publishing with provenance statements to increase the supply-chain security.


  • Add missing z.tuple().rest() type to the generated client (Integration) when present.


  • Using const property for depicting z.literal() in the generated documentation;
  • Fixed possibly invalid values of type property when depicting z.literal(), z.enum() and z.nativeEnum().
# z.literal("success")
  type: string
  enum: # replaced
    - success
  type: string
  const: success
# z.literal(null)
  type: object # fixed
    - null
  type: "null"
  const: null


  • Depicting the .rest() part of z.tuple() in the generated Documentation:
    • when .rest() is not used, additional items are not allowed;
    • when .rest() is used, additional items assigned with the corresponding type.
noRest: # z.tuple([z.boolean(), z.string()])
    type: array
      - type: boolean
      - type: string
    type: array
      - type: boolean
      - type: string
    items: # added
      not: {} # alias for false, which is not supported
withRest: # z.tuple([z.boolean()]).rest(z.string())
    type: array
      - type: boolean
    type: array
      - type: boolean
    items: # added
      type: string


  • Technical update: no features, no fixes.
  • Minor adjustments to the documentation.
  • Removed some internal typings that are no longer required.
  • Upgrades to development environment.
  • Overall, a lot of work has been done to ensure that you won't feel any difference (kinda great in its own way).


  • Featuring options in Result Handler.
    • The same ones that come from the middlewares to Endpoint's handler.
    • You can use them for cleaning up resources (if required) allocated by the entities created by middlewares.
    • Suggested use case: database clients that do not close their connections when their instances are destroyed.
    • The options coming to Result Handler can be empty or incomplete in case of errors and failures.
import {
} from "express-zod-api";

const resultHandlerWithCleanup = createResultHandler({
  handler: ({ options }) => {
    if ("dbClient" in options && options.dbClient) {
      (options.dbClient as DBClient).close(); // sample cleanup
    // your implementation

const dbProvider = createMiddleware({
  handler: async () => ({
    dbClient: new DBClient(), // sample entity that requires cleanup

const dbEquippedFactory = new EndpointsFactory(


  • Ability to use the configured logger for debugging uploads.
    • In the express-fileupload package starting from version 1.5.0 I made the logger customizable.
    • Using at least the specified version of express-fileupload and having its debug option enabled, the upload related logs are processed using the logger from the express-zod-api configuration.
    • Please note: the .debug() method of the configured logger is used for upload related logging, therefore the severity level of that logger must be configured accordingly in order to see those messages.
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";
import { Logger } from "winston";

// using Winston logger
declare module "express-zod-api" {
  interface LoggerOverrides extends Logger {}

const config = createConfig({
  server: {
    listen: 8090,
    logger: { level: "debug" }, // simplified Winston config enabling debug level
    upload: { debug: true }, // writes messages using Winston::debug()
info: Listening 8090
debug: Express-file-upload: New upload started avatar->file.svg, bytes:0
debug: Express-file-upload: Uploading avatar->file.svg, bytes:1138...
debug: Express-file-upload: Upload finished avatar->file.svg, bytes:1138
debug: Express-file-upload: Upload avatar->file.svg completed, bytes:1138.
debug: Express-file-upload: Busboy finished parsing request.
info: POST: /v1/avatar/upload


  • Fixed a bug due to which a custom logger instance could be perceived as a simplified winston logger config.
    • In particular, the issue arose for pino logger having the level option set to debug, warn or silent.
    • This led to an attempt to load the winston logger, which may not have been installed.
    • In this case, the following error occurred: [MissingPeerError]: Missing peer dependency: winston.
    • The issue was found and reported by @daniel-white.


  • Introducing beforeUpload option for the upload option in config:
    • A code to execute before connecting the upload middleware;
    • It can be used to connect a middleware that restricts the ability to upload;
    • It accepts a function similar to beforeRouting, having app and logger in its argument.
import createHttpError from "http-errors";
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";

const config = createConfig({
  server: {
    upload: {
      beforeUpload: ({ app, logger }) => {
        app.use((req, res, next) => {
          if ("multipart/form-data") && !canUpload(req)) {
            return next(createHttpError(403, "Not authorized"));


  • Fixed Uncaught Exception when using limitError feature.
    • The exception was caused by excessive next() call from express-fileupload after handling the limitError.
    • The issue did not affect the actual response since it had already been sent.
    • In general, the problem arose due to asynchronous processing.
    • The version introduces an upload failure handler instead of relying on the limitHandler of express-fileupload.
    • Thus, handling the failed uploads is carried out after completing them.
    • The specified limitError is only applicable to the fileSize limit, other limits do not trigger errors.
    • The limitError feature introduced in v17.1.0.


  • Fixed wrong status code sending in case of upload failures when limitError is HttpError.
    • The feature introduced in v17.1.0.
    • The status code used to be always 400.


  • Ability to configure upload limits and an error in case the uploaded file exceeds them:
    • Enabled limits option for upload feature in config;
    • See the Busboy documentation for details on limits;
    • Added limitError option to upload feature in config (optional);
    • The error assigned to limitError is handled by errorHandler in config (the negative response case);
    • When the limitError is not set, the truncated property of the uploaded file reflects the issue;
    • Thanks to @rottmann for his contribution.
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";
import createHttpError from "http-errors";

export const config = createConfig({
  server: {
    upload: {
      limits: { fileSize: 51200 },
      limitError: createHttpError(413, "The file is too large"),


  • Fixed logo for terminals supporting only 256 colors.


  • Breaking changes:
    • DependsOnMethod::endpoints removed;
    • Refinement methods of ez.file() removed;
    • Minimum version of vitest supported is 1.0.4.
  • How to migrate confidently:
    • If you're using refinement methods of ez.file():
      • Replace ez.file().string() to ez.file("string");
      • Replace ez.file().buffer() to ez.file("buffer");
      • Replace ez.file().base64() to ez.file("base64");
      • Replace ez.file().binary() to ez.file("binary").
    • If you're using DependsOnMethod::endpoints:
      • Use the pairs property instead.
    • If you're using version 0 of vitest:
      • Upgrade it to the latest v1.

Version 16


  • Changed the order of an operation properties within generated Documentation.
    • That should make it more human-readable even without using any UI.
    • The new order briefly: explanation — first, request making — second, possible responses — last.
  - operationId
  - responses
  - description
  - summary
  - tags
  - parameters
  - requestBody
  - security
  - operationId
  - summary
  - description
  - tags
  - parameters
  - requestBody
  - security
  - responses


  • Fixed a bug on logging objects having circular references by the default winston logger.
    • The issue only occurred if the level was set to warn.
    • In that particular case objects were serialized using the JSON.stringify() method to reduce production logs.
    • However, that method could not handle possible circular references within the object.
    • This version relies on inspect() method of node:util instead, for serializing objects in all cases.
    • When the level is set to debug the inspected objects will be pretty printed.
    • When the level is set to warn the inspected objects will be serialized in one line.
  • Additionally, new option depth added to SimplifiedWinstonConfig that can be number | null being 2 by default.
    • The option controls how deeply the objects should be inspected, serialized and printed.
    • It can be set to null or Infinity for unlimited depth.
// Reproduction example
import { createConfig, createServer } from "express-zod-api";

const config = createConfig({ logger: { level: "warn" } });
const { logger } = await createServer(config, {});

const subject = {};
subject.prop = subject;

// before: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
// after:  Circular reference <ref *1> { prop: [Circular *1] }
logger.error("Circular reference", subject);
// Feature example
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";

createConfig({ logger: { level: "debug", color: true, depth: 4 } });
createConfig({ logger: { level: "debug", depth: Infinity } });
createConfig({ logger: { level: "warn", depth: null } });


  • Fixed logging arrays by the default winston logger.
// before: Items { '0': 123 }
// after:  Items [ 123 ]
logger.debug("Items", [123]);


  • Introducing the beforeRouting feature for the ServerConfig:
    • The new option accepts a function that receives the express app and a logger instance.
    • That function runs after parsing the request but before processing the Routing of your API.
    • But most importantly, it runs before the "Not Found Handler".
    • The option enables the configuration of the third-party middlewares serving their own routes or establishing their own routing besides your primary API when using the standard createServer() method.
    • The option helps to avoid making a custom express app, the DIY approach using attachRouting() method.
    • The option can also be used to connect additional request parsers, like cookie-parser.
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";
import ui from "swagger-ui-express";

const config = createConfig({
  server: {
    listen: 80,
    beforeRouting: ({ app, logger }) => {"Serving the API documentation at");
      app.use("/docs", ui.serve, ui.setup(documentation));


  • Internal method Endpoint::_setSiblingMethods() removed (since v8.4.1);
  • The public property DependsOnMethod::endpoints is deprecated and will be removed in v17.


  • Performance fix for uploads processing (since v16.1.0).


  • Refactoring: using a walker (traverse) for checking nested schemas.
    • This improved the performance and made it easier to scale and reuse.
  • Performance fix for metadata processing (since v16.2.1).


  • Refactoring: simplified the next() method of the schema walker (traverse).


  • Fixed the bug #1517 found and reported by @kotsmile:
    • The minimum allowed float was incorrectly specified in the generated documentation;
    • Applies only to z.number() having no .min() and no .int() refinements.
  type: number
  format: double
  minimum: 5e-324 # <——— bug
  maximum: 1.7976931348623157e+308
  type: number
  format: double
  minimum: -1.7976931348623157e+308 # <——— correct
  maximum: 1.7976931348623157e+308


  • Refactoring: rewrote some reducers using declarative and functional approach.
    • In certain cases it improved the performance slightly.


  • Excluding empty properties in the generated documentation.
    • Applies to both z.object() and z.record().
  type: object
  properties: {}
  type: object


  • Flattening nested intersections of object schemas in the generated documentation:
    • Intersections (.and()) help to combine input schemas of endpoints and middlewares into a single schema;
    • When endpoint uses several middlewares it could lead to multiple nested allOf entries;
    • This version tries to flatten them when possible, thanks to @arlyon's contribution.
    - type: object
          type: string
        - a
    - type: object
          type: string
        - b
  type: object
      type: string
      type: string
    - a
    - b


  • Removed redundant duplication when documenting the request parameters.


  • Featuring the child logger support for your convenience:
    • In case you need a slightly different or preconfigured logger for each request, the new feature comes handy;
    • The common use case is logging a unique request ID;
    • Previously, for that purpose you most likely used middlewares, but there is a better way now;
    • In the configuration you can now specify childLoggerProvider returning a logger instance;
    • When specified, the returned child logger will replace the logger in all handlers for each request;
    • The provider function receives the initially configured logger and the request, it can also be asynchronous;
    • Consider the following example in case of Winston logger:
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";
import { Logger } from "winston"; // or another compatible logger
import { randomUUID } from "node:crypto";

declare module "express-zod-api" {
  // this approach enables the .child() method availability
  interface LoggerOverrides extends Logger {}

const config = createConfig({
  // logger: ...,
  childLoggerProvider: ({ parent, request }) =>
    parent.child({ requestId: randomUUID() }),


  • Switching to using native zod methods for proprietary schemas instead of custom classes (ez namespace):
    • Each proprietary schema now relies on internal Metadata;
    • Validation errors for ez.file() are changed slightly;
    • The following refinements of ez.file() are deprecated and will be removed later:
      • ez.file().string() — use ez.file("string") instead,
      • ez.file().buffer() — use ez.file("buffer") instead,
      • ez.file().base64() — use ez.file("base64") instead,
      • ez.file().binary() — use ez.file("binary") instead.


  • Fixed issue #1458 reported by @elee1766:
    • z.string() having RegExp based refinements were incorrectly described by Documentation (pattern property).


  • Refactoring some methods involved in metadata and schema processing.
  • Fixed several messages of errors related to documenting proprietary schemas.


  • Notice: upgrading to this version, make sure you are NOT supplying type parameters to the EndpointsFactory:
    • new EndpointsFactory(...) — correct,
    • new EndpointsFactory<...>(...) — incorrect,
    • See issue #1444 for details.
  • Feature #1431: Ability to declare different response schemas for different HTTP status codes.
    • Previously, ResultHandler could only have one schema and one status code for its positive and negative responses.
    • Assuming the purposes of consistent responses, one pair was enough, giving decisive importance to their payload.
    • However, based on discussions #1193 and #1332, and thanks to @danclaytondev and @huyhoang160593 this version brings an ability for ResultHandler to respond slightly differently for different status codes, as well as defining several codes per response variant.
    • All that is taken into account when generating the Documentation or a frontend client (Integration).
    • Consider the following example of a REST API's entity creation endpoint as a guideline:
import { z } from "zod";
import {
} from "express-zod-api";
import assert from "node:assert/strict";
import createHttpError from "http-errors";

const statusDependingFactory = new EndpointsFactory(
    getPositiveResponse: (output) => ({
      statusCodes: [201, 202], // multiple status codes for one positive response schema
      schema: z.object({ status: z.literal("created"), data: output }),
    getNegativeResponse: () => [
        statusCode: 409, // special response schema for the status code
        schema: z.object({ status: z.literal("exists"), id: z.number().int() }),
        statusCodes: [400, 500], // additional response schema for multiple status codes
        schema: z.object({ status: z.literal("error"), reason: z.string() }),
    handler: ({ error, response, output }) => {
      if (error) {
        const code = getStatusCodeFromError(error);
        const payload =
          code === 409 && "id" in error && typeof === "number"
            ? { status: "exists", id: }
            : { status: "error", reason: error.message };
      response.status(201).json({ status: "created", data: output });

const entityCreationEndpoint ={
  method: "post",
  input: z.object({ name: z.string().min(1) }),
  output: z.object({ id: z.number().int().positive() }),
  handler: async ({ input: { name } }) => {
      isNewName, // sample condition
      createHttpError(409, "That one already exists", { id: 16 }),
    return { id: 16 }; // sample id


  • Improving the documentation of endpoints based on middlewares having security schema with type: "input".
    • According to the OpenAPI specification, endpoints designed to accept some authentication key are expected to receive it as the request query parameter,
    • However express-zod-api is designed to combine multiple properties of the Request into a single input object.
    • Those properties are configurable for each method via the inputSources config option.
    • Therefore, the authentication key for the such middleware can alternatively OR must actually be supplied within the request body, depending on the API configuration.
    • The depiction of security schema as a one expecting the query parameter (due to the limitation of the OpenAPI) could lead to discrepancies or confusion, so this version offers a solution for that problem.
    • Depending on the case, along with the in property, either the x-in-alternative or x-in-actual extension is added to the security schema depiction, as well as the description property explaining the case.
const authMiddleware = createMiddleware({
  security: { type: "input", name: "key" },

const config = createConfig({
  inputSources: {
    patch: ["body", "query"], // has request body as alternative input source
    put: ["body"], // does not have the request query as input source
    type: apiKey
    in: query
    name: key
    x-in-alternative: body # added
    description: key CAN also be supplied within the request body
    type: apiKey
    in: query # can not be set to "body"
    name: key
    x-in-actual: body # added
    description: key MUST be supplied within the request body instead of query


  • Potentially breaking changes:
    • Some methods and properties of the Documentation class (which extends the OpenAPI builder) might be changed.
    • Options successfulResponseDescription and errorResponseDescription of Documentation constructor are renamed.
  • Features:
    • Switching to OpenAPI 3.1 for generating better Documentation for your API.
      • Consider the new UI for exploring the produced documentation.
    • Improved way of configuring descriptions and naming of the generated documentation components:
      • Introducing the new option descriptions holding several formatting functions.
    • Ability to generate formatted typescript client using the new async method printFormatted of the Integration class when the prettier package is installed (detects automatically).
      • Ability to supply your own typescript formatting function into that new method.
    • Ability to split the response types (to positive and negative ones) when generating the client or API types.
      • Featuring the splitResponse option of the Integration class constructor;
      • The feature suggested by @shawncarr.
  • How to migrate:
    • If you are using successfulResponseDescription option of Documentation constructor:
      • Replace it with descriptions/positiveResponse assigned with the string returning function;
    • If you are using errorResponseDescription option of Documentation constructor:
      • Replace it with descriptions/negativeResponse assigned with the string returning function;
    • If you do not modify the generated documentation and only using its getSpecAsYaml or getSpecAsJson methods:
      • No further action required.
    • If you're using any properties or other methods of the Documentation class:
import { Documentation, Integration } from "express-zod-api";

// featuring new way of configuring component descriptions and naming:
new Documentation({
  descriptions: {
    positiveResponse: ({ method, path }) =>
      `${method} ${path} successful response`, // replaces successfulResponseDescription
    negativeResponse: ({ method, path }) => `${method} ${path} error response`, // replaces errorResponseDescription
    requestBody: ({ operationId }) => `${operationId} request body`, // featuring
    requestParameter: () => "Parameter", // featuring

// regular unformatted integration remains:
new Integration(/*...*/).print();
// featuring the formatted one, detects prettier automatically:
await new Integration(/*...*/).printFormatted();
// featuring, splitted response types:
new Integration({ splitResponse: true });

Version 15


  • Method createConfig() now supports express router as an app for using with attachRouting() method.
import express from "express";
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";

const router = express.Router();
const config = createConfig({ app: router });


  • Supporting Node 20 starting from version 20.0.0 (previously it was 20.1.0).
  • Debug message informing on the package build version on startup.
    • It will also tell you whether a CJS or ESM build is running.
  • Improved words recognition for automatically generated identifiers in Integration and Documentation.
method: GET
path: /companies/:companyId/users/:userId
  before: GetCompaniesCompanyidUsersUserid
  after: GetCompaniesCompanyIdUsersUserId


  • The distribution becomes ESM first, while remaining dual (CJS support remains).
    • This should not be a breaking change: the right files should be chosen automatically.
    • However, the filenames in dist folder are renamed:
      • for ESM: index.js and index.d.ts,
      • for CJS: index.cjs and index.d.cts.


  • Development environment improvements:
    • Transitioned from an exclusive approach to the inclusive one:
      • Introducing the list of files included into the distribution (instead of ignoring redundant ones).
    • Stable testing environment:
      • Inclusive, stable and extensible tsconfig.json files;
      • Stable package.json for integration, ESM and compatibility tests;
      • Dedicated environment for Issue #952 test.
    • Simplified development commands.


  • Breaking changes:
    • Packages express-fileupload and compression become optional peer dependencies;
    • Methods createServer() and attachRouting() become async;
    • Method createLogger() requires an additional argument;
    • Read the migration guide below.
  • Features:
    • Supporting any logger having debug(), warn(), info() and error() methods;
      • Package winston is now optional;
      • The feature suggested by @bobgubko.
    • Supporting any testing framework having a function mocking method for testEndpoint():
      • Both jest and vitest are supported automatically;
      • With most modern Node.js you can also use the integrated node:test module.
    • Introducing module augmentation approach for integrating chosen logger and testing framework.
  • How to migrate while maintaining previous functionality and behavior:
    • Near your const config add a module augmentation statement based on winston.Logger type (see example below).
    • If you have upload option enabled in your config:
      • Install express-fileupload and @types/express-fileupload packages;
    • If you have compression option enabled in your config:
      • Install compression and @types/compression packages;
    • If you're using the entities returned from createServer() or attachRouting() methods:
      • Add await before calling those methods.
      • If you can not use await (on the top level of CommonJS):
        • Wrap your code with async IIFE or use .then() (see example below).
    • If you're using testEndpoint() method:
      • Add module augmentation statement once anywhere within your tests based on jest.Mock type (see example below).
    • If you're using createLogger() helper:
      • Consider using logger property supplied to createConfig() instead;
      • Otherwise, supply also the winston argument to the helper (import winston from "winston").
import winston from "winston";
import { createConfig, createLogger, createServer } from "express-zod-api";

// Use the logger property of config to use Winston logger
const config = createConfig({
  logger: { level: "debug", color: true }, // or instance of any compatible logger

// If you need that pretty logger outside the API, use the existing helper instead:
const logger = createLogger({ winston, level: "debug", color: true });

// Set the type of the logger used near your configuration
declare module "express-zod-api" {
  interface LoggerOverrides extends winston.Logger {}

// if using entities returned from createServer() or attachRouting(): add "await" before it.
// For using await on the top level CJS, wrap it in async IIFE:
// (async () => { await ... })();
const { app, httpServer } = await createServer(config, routing);
// Adjust your tests: set the MockOverrides type once anywhere
declare module "express-zod-api" {
  interface MockOverrides extends jest.Mock {} // or Mock from vitest

// Both jest and vitest are supported automatically
import { testEndpoint } from "express-zod-api";
const { responseMock } = await testEndpoint({ endpoint });

// For other testing frameworks:

// 1. specify fnMethod property
import { mock, Mock } from "node:test";
await testEndpoint({
  fnMethod: mock.fn.bind(mock), //
// 2. and set the MockOverrides type once
declare module "express-zod-api" {
  interface MockOverrides extends Mock {} // Mock of your testing framework

Version 14


  • Hotfix for 14.2.4: handling the case of empty object supplied as a second argument to the logger methods."Payload", {});


  • Fixed internal logging format when primitive are supplied as a second argument to the logger methods."Listening", 8090);


  • express-fileupload version is 1.4.3.


  • Hotfix: exporting AppConfig and ServerConfig types to in order to prevent the issue #952.


  • Improving the type of createConfig() method by using overloads.
    • This should resolve the confusion on two different types of configuration that this method accepts.
    • The object argument has either to have server OR app property, it can not have them both.
    • The config having server is for using with createServer(), while the one having app is for attachRouting().
  • Upgraded tsup and esbuild involved in building the distribution.


  • express-fileupload version is 1.4.2.
  • Featuring raw data handling in requests: you can now accept application/octet-stream typed requests and similar.
    • Including the mentioned MIME type of the request in the generated documentation.
  • In order to enable this feature you need to set the rawParser config option to express.raw().
  • When the feature is enabled, the raw data is placed into request.body.raw property, being Buffer.
  • The proprietary schema ez.file() is now equipped with two additional refinements:
    • .string() — for parsing string data, default for backward compatibility;
    • .buffer() — for parsing Buffer and to accept the incoming raw data;
    • The feature suggested by @master-chu.
  • In order to define an input schemas of endpoints and middlewares, a new shorthand schema exposed for your convenience:
    • ez.raw() — which is the same as z.object({ raw: ez.file().buffer() }).
    • Thus, the raw data becomes available to a handler as input.raw property.
import express from "express";
import { createConfig, defaultEndpointsFactory, ez } from "express-zod-api";

const config = createConfig({
  server: {
    rawParser: express.raw(), // enables the feature

const rawAcceptingEndpoint ={
  method: "post",
  input: ez
    .raw() // accepts the featured { raw: Buffer }
    .extend({}), // for additional inputs, like route params, if needed
  output: z.object({ length: z.number().int().nonnegative() }),
  handler: async ({ input: { raw } }) => ({
    length: raw.length, // raw is Buffer


  • Featuring an ability to configure host and other listening options when using createServer() method.
    • The listen property now supports object of type ListenOptions.
    • Ensure having @types/node installed for assistance.
    • Find out more about those options in Node.js documentation.
    • Thanks to @huyhoang160593 for noticing the lack of configurability.
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";

  server: {
    // example usage:
    listen: {
      port: 8080,
      host: "custom",
      backlog: 200,
      ipv6Only: true,


  • Fixed issue #1269 reported by @alindsay55661:
    • TS4023: Exported variable ... has or is using name Metadata from external module ... but cannot be named.


  • Refactoring: consistent implementation for creating and starting HTTP and HTTPS servers in createServer() method.


  • Technical update: no new features, a bit of cleanup and refactoring.


  • Breaking changes:
    • http-errors becomes a peer dependency — you have to install it manually.
      • You might also need to install @types/http-errors if you're using createHttpError in your implementation.
    • typescript is a required peer dependency.
    • Minimum version of zod is 3.22.3.
    • The class DependsOnMethodError is removed — catch RoutingError instead if needed.
  • Potentially breaking changes:
    • The type FlatObject changed from Record<string, any> to Record<string, unknown>.
      • If a custom ResultHandler handles properties of the output, it might need to ensure its actual type.
    • In case of body parsing failure the ResultHandler receives null into its input argument instead of raw body.
      • Utilize the request.body within a custom ResultHandler in that case if needed.
    • The type of ResultHandler's arguments input and output is changed from any to FlatObject | null.
  • Other changes:
    • Ensure having the following packages installed for the types assistance:
      • yarn add --dev @types/express @types/node @types/http-errors
      • or npm install -D @types/express @types/node @types/http-errors
    • The property DependsOnMethod::methods is renamed to endpoints.
// before
import { createHttpError } from "express-zod-api";
// after
import createHttpError from "http-errors";

Version 12


  • Technical update before releasing next major version.
  • I also would like to remind you to upgrade your zod (peer dependency) to at least 3.22.3.


  • Featuring an ability to specify multiple server URLs when generating documentation.
    • This feature is a shorthand for new Documentation().addServer()
new Documentation({
  serverUrl: ["", ""],
  // ...


  • Feature: ability to assign a function to the operationId property of the EndpointsFactory::build() argument.
    • This can help to customize the Operation ID for the endpoints serving multiple methods.
import { defaultEndpointsFactory } from "express-zod-api";{
  methods: ["get", "post"],
  operationId: (method) => `${method}Something`,
  // ...


  • Featuring the ability to customize the operationId in the generated documentation.
    • Using the new property of EndpointsFactory::build() method you can now override the value of the corresponding operationId of the endpoint in generated documentation.
    • When using this feature, you must ensure the uniqueness of the IDs you specified across your API endpoints.
    • The feature is implemented by @john-schmitz.
import { defaultEndpointsFactory } from "express-zod-api";{
  operationId: "SampleOperation",
  // ...


  • Featuring a new input source: headers.
    • This is an opt-in feature requiring you to specify headers entry in the inputSources of your configuration.
    • The feature is limited to custom headers only (the ones starting with x- prefix).
    • The headers are lowercase when describing their validation schema.
    • Parameters in request headers described the following way are supported by the documentation generator.
import { createConfig, defaultEndpointsFactory } from "express-zod-api";
import { z } from "zod";

  inputSources: {
    get: ["query", "headers"],
  }, // ...
  method: "get",
  input: z.object({
    "x-request-id": z.string(), // this one is from request.headers
    id: z.string(), // this one is from request.query
  }), // ...


  • This version fixes the issue 1182 introduced in version 10.0.0-beta1, manifesting as Typescript errors TS4023 and TS4094 only when declaration feature is enabled in your tsconfig.json.
    • Several protected properties of Endpoint are made entirely private.
    • Several types are exposed: CommonConfig, MiddlewareDefinition, ResultHandlerDefinition, BasicSecurity, BearerSecurity, CookieSecurity, CustomHeaderSecurity, InputSecurity, OAuth2Security, OpenIdSecurity.
      • They are not meant to be used in your implementation and only needed to prevent the error in particular case.
      • Instead of CommonConfig type use createConfig() method.
      • Instead of MiddlewareDefinition type use createMiddleware() method.
      • Instead of ResultHandlerDefinition type use createResultHandler() method.
      • Instead of the mentioned security types use the security property of the createMiddleware() argument.
    • The issue 1182 is the continuation of the issue 952 "Insufficient exports" (for consumer's declaration).


  • express-fileupload version is 1.4.1.


  • Minor fixes: JSDoc for Security type, arrayResultHandler type.
  • Minor technical update: all @types/* packages have been recently reformatted.


  • Breaking changes:
    • winston becomes a peer dependency — you need to install it manually.
    • Minimum Node versions supported: 18.0.0 and 20.1.0.
      • Node versions 16 and 19 are EOL and no longer supported.
    • Minimum Typescript version supported: 5.1.3.
    • Minimum Jest version supported: 28 (optional peer dependency for testing endpoints).
  • Other changes:
    • The distribution now consists of 4 files in dist directory:
      • for ESM: index.mjs and index.d.mts,
      • for CJS: index.js and index.d.ts.
    • Routes having URL params are no longer quoted in the generated documentation.
      • This change is caused by a fix to the yaml dependency.

Version 11


  • Good news for array lovers and those struggling with migrating legacy APIs to use this framework.
  • New feature: arrayResultHandler (and corresponding arrayEndpointsFactory).
    • Please avoid using them for new projects: responding with array is a bad practice keeping your endpoints from evolving without breaking changes.
    • This result handler expects your endpoint to have the property named items in its output schema.
    • The items property should be the ZodArray schema.
    • The value of that property is used as the response.
    • Missing the items property will result in internal error (status code 500).
    • The negative response schema is z.string(), meaning that in case of error the response will be its plain message.
    • The result handler also supports examples, as well as documentation and client generation.
    • Check out the example endpoint for details.
  • This version also contains a corresponding fix:
    • Fixed depicting the examples in case of z.array() and z.string() as response schemas in ResultHandler.
          name: Hunter Schafer
          name: Laverne Cox
          name: Patti Harrison
        "0": S
        "1": a
        "2": m
        "3": p
        "4": l
        "5": e
        - name: Hunter Schafer
        - name: Laverne Cox
        - name: Patti Harrison
      value: Sample


  • The generated client is now equipped with the endpointTags constant that can be involved into your implementation.
    • Thanks to @miki725 for the idea of this feature.


  • The following methods added to the mocked response object for testEndpoint() method:
    • send, setHeader, header.


  • Supporting z.readonly() of zod v3.22.
    • For the purposes of depicting REST APIs ZodReadonly is described the same way as its inner schema.


  • Thanks to @dev-m1-macbook who noticed that the method needed for getting examples within a custom ResultHandler is not exported. This problem is now fixed.
    • Exposing getExamples() method having object based parameter with following props:
      • schema — the subject to retrieve examples from (previously set by withMeta().example() method).
      • variant (optional) — either original (default) or parsed literal. The last one applies possible transformations.
      • validate (optional) — boolean, filters out invalid examples, enabled for parsed variant.
    • Warning: Getting parsed or validated examples of z.lazy() having circular references must be avoided.
    • Despite having two options for various needs, in case of proxying your examples withing a custom ResultHandler those are not required. Consider the following approach implemented in the default ResultHandler:
const defaultResultHandler = createResultHandler({
  getPositiveResponse: (output: IOSchema) => {
    // Examples are taken for proxying: no validation needed for this
    const examples = getExamples({ schema: output });
    const responseSchema = withMeta(
        status: z.literal("success"),
        data: output,
    return examples.reduce<typeof responseSchema>(
      (acc, example) =>
          status: "success",
          data: example,
  // ...


  • winston version is 3.10.0.
  • triple-beam version is 1.4.1.
  • Rearranged exports in package.json.


  • Technical update, no new features.
    • @tsconfig/node16 base version is 16.1.0.
    • Using node: prefix for importing builtin modules.
    • typescript v5.1.6, esbuild v0.18.10 and rollup v3.25.3.


  • Sourcemaps are removed from the distribution.
    • No one has ever used them for reporting issues.
    • Their size is significantly large.
  • Both CJS and ESM bundles have their own declaration files:
    • /dist/index.d.ts for CJS,
    • /dist/esm/index.d.ts for ESM.
    • The exports entry of package.json is adjusted accordingly.


  • Breaking changes:
    • Minimum Node version supported: 16.14.0.
    • OpenAPIError renamed to DocumentationError.
      • It also now only accepts an object argument. Use its message prop instead.
    • OpenAPI class removed. Use Documentation one instead (same constructor props).
    • Client class removed. Use Integration one instead (the default variant is client).

Version 10


  • winston version is 3.9.0.


  • Add missing async keyword to ExpressZodAPIClient::provide() method.


  • Supporting Node 20.
    • Minimum supported version of Node 20.x is 20.1.0.


  • For the new Integration({ variant: "types" }) the following types added:
    • Path, Method, MethodPath, Input, Response.


  • Reverting the changes made in v10.2.0: restoring openapi3-ts dependency.
    • openapi3-ts version is 4.1.2.


  • Feature #974: Integration variant.
    • Integration::constructor() has gotten a new property variant with two possible values:
      • client (default) — the familiar entity for making typed requests and received typed responses;
      • types — only types of your endpoint requests and responses (for making a DIY solution).
    • The deprecated Client::constructor() implies client variant of Integration.


  • Errors that may occur when generating documentation are now more informative.
    • Changes made to the message of OpenAPIError class.
# example of additional details in the second line of the error message
before: >-
  Using transformations on the top level of input schema is not allowed.
after: |-
  Using transformations on the top level of input schema is not allowed.
  Caused by input schema of an Endpoint assigned to POST method of /v1/user/:id path.


  • For the future features and improvements the following entities are renamed:
    • Client class becomes the Integration.
    • OpenAPI class becomes the Documentation.
    • For backward compatibility the previously assigned names are still supported until the next major release.
    • Developers are advised to adjust their implementation accordingly.
// before
new Client(/*...*/);
new OpenAPI(/*...*/);
// after
new Integration(/*...*/);
new Documentation(/*...*/);


  • Hotfix on fixing the previously mentioned issue #952.
    • The following interfaces are now exported from the index file directly:
      • ZodFileDef, ZodUploadDef, ZodDateInDef, ZodDateOutDef.


  • Attempted to fix the issue #952 of the insufficient exports of the proprietary schema definitions.
    • The issue introduced in version 10.0.0-beta1 due to changing the compiler to tsup.
    • The issue manifests only when declaration is enabled in your tsconfig.json.
    • The issue causes following error:
      • TS4023: Exported variable '' has or is using name 'ZodFileDef' from external module "" but cannot be named.
    • The following interfaces are now available within the exported ez namespace:
      • ez.ZodFileDef, ez.ZodUploadDef, ez.ZodDateInDef, ez.ZodDateOutDef.


  • Feature #945 for a client generator, proposed by @McMerph.
    • Configurable style of object's optional properties.
    • Client generator has gotten a new parameter optionalPropStyle which is an optional object having two optional properties: withQuestionMark and withUndefined that enable customization on the generated types.
      • Example with question mark: { someProp?: boolean }.
      • Example with undefined: { someProp: boolean | undefined }.
    • For backward compatibility the default value is { withQuestionMark: true, withUndefined: true }.
      • Example of default behavior: { someProp?: boolean | undefined }
// example
new Client({
  optionalPropStyle: { withQuestionMark: true }, // no `| undefined`


  • The functionality of openapi3-ts is implemented inside the library.
    • The code state corresponds to the version 4.1.1 of openapi3-ts.


  • Fixed issue #929, found and reported by @niklashigi.
    • Customized description of request parameters have not been depicted correctly when generating the documentation.


  • Fixed issue #907, found and reported by @McMerph.
    • HTTP response status code in case of malformed body or other body-parser errors changed from 500 to 400.


  • Fixed issue #900, found and reported by Max Cohn.
    • Do not set nullable property to the depictions having no type property according to OpenAPI specification.
    • Affected schemas: z.any() and z.preprocess().
# depiction of z.any() in the generated documentation
  format: any
  nullable: true
  format: any


  • Feature #876: Supporting z.lazy() (including circular schemas) for the client generator.
    • This is an addition to the feature #856 released in version 9.3.0.


  • BREAKING changes:
    • Client::constructor() now requires an object argument having routing property.
    • The feature method withMeta (introduced in v2.1.0) used to mutate its argument (zod schema) in order to extend it with additional methods.
    • If you're using this feature within the call of EndpointsFactory::build(), there is no issue.
    • However, if you're using a schema assignment (to some const) along with this method, this might lead to unexpected results.
    • The following case is reported by @McMerph in issue #827.
      • Reusing a schema assigned to a const for its several wrappings by withMeta and setting different examples.
      • In this case all examples were set to the original const.
    • This release fixes that behavior by making withMeta immutable: it returns a new copy of its argument.
    • zod becomes a peer dependency, fixes issue #822.
      • You need to install it manually and adjust your imports accordingly.
    • express becomes a peer dependency as well.
      • You need to install it manually.
    • typescript becomes an optional peer dependency.
      • When using a client generator, you need to install it manually.
      • The minimal supported version is 4.9.3.
    • Proprietary schemas are now exported under the namespace ez.
      • Imports and utilization should be adjusted accordingly.
      • Affected schemas: file, dateIn, dateOut, upload.
    • If facing Typescript errors TS4023 or TS4094, ensure disabling declaration option in your tsconfig.json.
    • The minimal Node version is now 14.18.0.
    • Due to switching to tsup builder, the file structure has changed:
      • /dist/index.js — CommonJS bundle;
      • /dist/esm/index.js — ESM bundle;
      • /dist/index.d.ts — types declaration bundle.
// before
new Client(routing).print();
// after
new Client({ routing }).print();
// the example case
const originalSchema = z.string();
const schemaA = withMeta(originalSchema).example("A");
const schemaB = withMeta(originalSchema).example("B");
// BEFORE: all three const have both examples "A" and "B"
// - originalSchema remains intact
// - schemaA has example "A"
// - schemaB has example "B"
// before
import { z } from "express-zod-api";
const stringSchema = z.string();
const uploadSchema = z.upload();
// after
import { z } from "zod"; // module changed
import { ez } from "express-zod-api"; // new namespace
const stringSchema = z.string(); // remains the same
const uploadSchema = ez.upload(); // namespace changed

Version 9


  • Fixed issue #892, found and reported by @McMerph.
    • Several examples for Array-Like schemas (z.array() and z.tuple()) used to be merged in the generated documentation due to the bug in getExamples() method.


  • Fixing the example implementation for the generated client in case of DELETE method.
    • Since v9.0.0-beta1 request body is no longer accepted (by default) as an input source.
    • The example implementation is now aligned accordingly to use query parameters.


  • Feature #875, proposed by @VideoSystemsTech.
    • Ability to document the API specification keeping the schemas organized within named components.
    • OpenAPI::constructor() is equipped with a new optional property composition that can be:
      • inline (default) — schemas are depicted directly in a place of their usage;
      • components (feature) — schemas are depicted within the components section and have references by their names.
// example usage
new OpenAPI({
  version: "1.2.3",
  title: "My API",
  serverUrl: "",
  composition: "components", // <——


  • Hotfix for the feature #856
    • $ref is equipped with the required prefix: #/components/schemas/;
    • The issue reported by @TheWisestOne.
  $ref: 2048581c137c5b2130eb860e3ae37da196dfc25b
  $ref: "#/components/schemas/2048581c137c5b2130eb860e3ae37da196dfc25b"


  • Feature #856, proposed by @TheWisestOne in discussion #801.
    • Supporting z.lazy() in the documentation generator (OpenAPI), including circular schemas.
    • The feature is only available for the OpenAPI generator, it's not available for the client generator yet.
    • OpenAPI references are utilized in order to limit the possible recursion.
    • A new optional property added to the constructor of the OpenAPI class:
      • serializer is the function that accepts a schema and returns its unique identifier in order to compare them.
      • When omitted, the default one used, which is JSON.stringify() + SHA1 hash as a hex digest.
      • If/when it's not enough precise, consider specifying your own implementation.
# having z.lazy() within your IO schema
  error: Zod type ZodLazy is unsupported
    type: object
        $ref: 2048581c137c5b2130eb860e3ae37da196dfc25b # sample reference
        type: array
          $ref: 2048581c137c5b2130eb860e3ae37da196dfc25b # circular reference


  • zod version is 3.21.4.


  • zod version is 3.21.2.
    • ulid string format support added.


  • zod version is 3.21.0
    • General support of the following string formats in the documentation: cuid2, ip, emoji.


  • BREAKING changes:
    • createApiResponse() method is removed. Read the release notes to v8.11.0 for migration strategy.
  • Potentially BREAKING changes:
    • The following changes correspond to the entities that are not supposed to be used directly, however they are public.
    • Endpoint::constructor()
      • mimeTypes property is removed from the argument.
    • Endpoint public methods replaced:
      • getPositiveStatusCode() —> getStatusCode("positive")
      • getNegativeStatusCode() —> getStatusCode("negative")
      • getInputSchema() —> getSchema("input")
      • getOutputSchema() —> getSchema("output")
      • getPositiveResponseSchema() —> getSchema("positive")
      • getNegativeResponseSchema() —> getSchema("negative")
      • getInputMimeTypes() —> getMimeTypes("input")
      • getPositiveMimeTypes() —> getMimeTypes("positive")
      • getNegativeMimeTypes() —> getMimeTypes("negative")
    • Fixed problem #787, reported and resolved by @TheWisestOne.
      • Validation errors thrown from within the Middlewares and Endpoint handlers unrelated to the IO do now lead to the status code 500 instead of 400, when you're using the defaultResultHandler or defaultEndpointsFactory.
        • It enables you to use zod (via the exposed z namespace) for the internal needs of your implementation, such as validating the data coming from your database, for example.
      • Historically, ZodError meant the error related to the input validation, but it's changed.
        • New error class created: InputValidationError.
        • If you have a custom ResultHandler that relies on ZodError for responding with 400 code, you need to change that condition to InputValidationError in order to keep that behaviour.
      • Luckily, the following entities were exposed and became available for the convenience of your migration:
        • OutputValidationError,
        • InputValidationError (new),
        • getMessageFromError(),
        • getStatusCodeFromError().
      • Consider using getStatusCodeFromError() inside your custom ResultHandler, or make the following changes:
    • Fixed issue #820, reported and resolved by @McMerph.
      • Request body is no longer considered as an input source for DELETE request.
      • Despite the fact that this method MAY contain body (it's not explicitly prohibited), it's currently considered a bad practice to rely on it. Also, it led to a syntax error in the generated documentation according to OpenAPI 3.0 specification.
      • In case you have such Endpoints that rely on inputs collected from DELETE request body and want to continue, add the following property to your configuration in order to keep the previous behavior without changes to your implementation.
      • Read the customization instructions.
// Your custom ResultHandler
// Before: if you're having an expression like this:
if (error instanceof z.ZodError) {
// After: replace it to this:
if (error instanceof InputValidationError) {
// Or: consider the alternative:
const statusCode = getStatusCodeFromError(error);
const message = getMessageFromError(error);
inputSources: { delete: ["body", "query", "params"] }

Version 8


  • Feature #824, proposed by @McMerph.
    • In your custom ResultHandler you can now specify the status codes used for positive and negative responses.
    • This declarative information is used for generating a better documentation on your API.
  • Declaring API Response for ResultHandler made easier.
    • When responding with JSON, getPositiveResponse and getNegativeResponse can now just return the schema.
    • For any customizations on MIME types and status codes those methods of your custom ResultHandler implementation should return object with corresponding optional properties: mimeType (or mimeTypes) and statusCode.
    • mimeType overrides mimeTypes when both are specified.
    • The createApiResponse() method is deprecated and will be removed in next major release.
// JSON responding ResultHandler Example
// before
  getPositiveResponse: (output: IOSchema) =>
    createApiResponse(z.object({ data: output })),
  getNegativeResponse: () => createApiResponse(z.object({ error: z.string() })),
// after
  getPositiveResponse: (output: IOSchema) => z.object({ data: output }),
  getNegativeResponse: () => z.object({ error: z.string() }),
// Example on customizing MIME types and status codes
// before
  getPositiveResponse: () => createApiResponse(z.file().binary(), "image/*"),
  getNegativeResponse: () => createApiResponse(z.string(), "text/plain"),
// after
  getPositiveResponse: () => ({
    schema: z.file().binary(),
    mimeType: "image/*",
    statusCode: 201,
  getNegativeResponse: () => ({
    schema: z.string(),
    mimeType: "text/plain",
    statusCode: 403,


  • Feature #845, proposed by @lazylace37.
    • Equipping the generated documentation with automatically generated and unique operationId.
    • The operationId consists of method, path and optional numeric suffix.
        operationId: GetV1UserRetrieve


  • openapi3-ts version is 3.2.0.


  • zod version is 3.20.6.


  • Fixed issue #816 (related to discussion #803), reported and resolved by @McMerph.
    • Assigning a singular Security schema to a Middleware led to an error during the generation of OpenAPI docs.
    • Also, preventing the required prop to be an empty array when depicting objects and records in OpenAPI docs.


  • Fixed issue #805, reported and resolved by @TheWisestOne.
    • The frontend client generator was failing to generate a valid code in case of a routing path having multiple non-alphanumeric characters.


  • Fixes of the documentation generator (OpenAPI).
    • Transformations in the output schema:
      • If failed to figure out their output type, now depicted as any.
      • No excessive properties are inherited from their input types.
  • Improvements of the frontend client generator
    • Achieving the similarity with the OpenAPI generator.
    • Transformations in the output schema are not recognized and typed, similar to OpenAPI generator.
    • The coerce feature in output schema now does not lead to marking the property as optional.


  • No new features, no any fixes.
  • Just a technical release due to the upgrade of many dev dependencies.


  • Fixed a bug introduced in v8.6.0.
    • The list of required object properties was depicted incorrectly by the OpenAPI generator in case of using the new coerce feature in the response schema.
// reproduction example
const endpoint ={
  // ...
  output: z.object({
    a: z.string(),
    b: z.coerce.string(),
    c: z.coerce.string().optional(),
    - a
    - a
    - b


  • First step on generating better types from your IO schemas for the frontend client.
    • I rewrote and refactored the functionality of zod-to-ts within the library.
    • Using the abstract schema walker I made in the previous release.
    • In general, I'm aiming to achieve the consistency between OpenAPI and Client generators.
    • So far only minor improvements were made according to the specific needs of the library.
    • The following schemas are no longer supported by client generator, since they are not transmittable:
      • ZodUndefined, ZodMap, ZodSet, ZodPromise, ZodFunction, ZodLazy, ZodVoid, ZodNever, ZodDate.
      • From now on they are described as any.
    • In opposite, the following schemas are now supported:
      • ZodNativeEnum (similar to ZodEnum), ZodCatch, ZodBranded, ZodPipeline.
    • Additionally, the representation of some schemas have been changed slightly:
interface Changes<T> {
  ZodFile: {
    before: any;
    after: string;
  ZodRecord: {
    before: { [x: string]: T };
    after: Record<string, T>;


  • No new features, no any fixes.
  • However, the routing initialization and the schema documenting processes have been refactored.
    • Some properties in the documentation may change their order, but the overall depiction should remain.


  • zod version is 3.20.2.
  • OpenAPI docs generator supports the following new features:
    • ZodCatch;
    • z.string().datetime() including offset option;
    • z.string().length();
    • ZodPipeline;
    • coerce option available on ZodString, ZodNumber, ZodBigInt, ZodBoolean and ZodDate.


  • Supporting Node 19.
  • @express-zod-api/zod-to-ts version is v1.1.6.
  • Custom errors have gotten their well deserved names matching their classes.
    • The list of currently exposed custom errors: OpenAPIError, DependsOnMethodError, RoutingError.
  • Output validation errors now cause HTTP status code 500 instead of 400.
    • HTTP status codes 4xx are supposed to reflect client errors (bad requests).
    • The case when Endpoint's handler returns do not comply the Endpoint's output schema is the internal API error.
    • Use Typescript's strict mode in order to prevent such cases during the development.
  • Added Code of Conduct.
  • Output validation error messages changed slightly in the response:
// before:
output: Invalid format; anything: Number must be greater than 0
// after:
output/anything: Number must be greater than 0


  • typescript version is 4.9.4.
  • Following the changes made in v8.4.2, I'm switching to the forked zod-to-ts
    • Typescript made a regular dependency inside that fork, since it's used for code generation.
    • @express-zod-api/zod-to-ts version is v1.1.5.
    • Fixed all warnings while generating a frontend client.


  • The regular expression used for validating z.dateIn() made easier by @niklashigi.
const before = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(\.\d{3})?)?Z?$/;
const after = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(\.\d+)?)?Z?$/;


  • Fixing issue of inability to generate Client having Typescript 4.1-4.6.x installed.
    • Making Typescript a regular dependency of the library (it was dev + peer).
    • Using typescript version 4.9.3.
    • This version also partially fixes the deprecation warnings in case you're using Typescript 4.9.x.
    • The issue introduced in version 7.9.1 of the library due to changing the implementation in accordance with the typescript upgrade to v4.8.2.
    • The library uses Typescript's factory methods to generate the frontend client.


  • openapi3-ts version is 3.1.2.
  • Fixed a bug found and reported by @leosuncin in issue #705.
    • CORS didn't work well in case of using DependsOnMethod.
    • The list of the allowed methods in the response to OPTIONS request did only contain the first method declared within DependsOnMethod instance.
// reproduction minimal setup
const routing: Routing = {
  test: new DependsOnMethod({
    get: getEndpoint,
    post: postEndpoint,
// when requesting OPTIONS for "/test", the response has the following header:
// Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, OPTIONS


  • Fixed the flaw found and reported by @kirdk in issue #662.
    • Now nested top level refinements are available:
import { z } from "express-zod-api";

const endpoint ={
  input: z
      /* ... */
    .refine(() => true)
    .refine(() => true)
    .refine(() => true),
  // ...


  • Adjustments to the feature #600: Top level refinements.
    • In some cases the type of refinement can be indistinguishable from the type of transformation, since both of them are using the same class ZodEffects and the only difference is the inequality if input and output types.
    • However, both of these types may have a common ancestor, which make it challenging to recognize them on the level of Types. So I made a decision to handle this case programmatically.
    • createMiddleware() and Endpoint::constructor() will throw in case of using .transform() on the top level of IOSchema.
  • Help wanted: In case anyone smarter than me is reading this, please let me know how I can improve IOSchema type to allow refinements without allowing transformations at the same time.
// ZodEffects<ZodObject<{}>, boolean, {}>
z.object({}).transform(() => true); // OK, this is catchable
// ZodEffects<ZodObject<{}>, never[], {}>
z.object({}).transform(() => []); // never[] inherits Array inherits Object, {} inherits Object as well


  • Fixed the bug #672 found and reported by @niklashigi.
    • Preserving the custom description of z.dateIn() and z.dateOut() schemas when generating OpenAPI documentation.
# z.dateIn().describe("custom description")
  description: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ
  description: custom description


  • Fixed the bug #673 found and reported by @niklashigi.
    • Preventing double parsing of incoming data by input schemas of middlewares containing transformations.
    • The bug caused inability of using any transforming schema in middlewares.
    • In particular, but not limited with: using z.dateIn() in middlewares.
      • Sample error message in this case: Expected string, received date.
    • Using .transform() method in middlewares was also affected by this bug.


  • Clearer error message when using within I/O schema thrown by OpenAPI generator.


  • Feature #600: Top level refinements.
    • Starting this version you can use the .refine() method on the z.object() of the input schema;
    • This feature might be useful, for example, when you have multiple optional properties on the top level, but at least one of them has to be specified;
    • Currently, only the refinements of z.object() are supported:
      • You can not combine it with z.union(), z.intersetion(), z.discriminatedUnion(), .or(), .and() yet;
    • The feature suggested by @johngeorgewright and ssteuteville.
// example
import { z } from "express-zod-api";

const endpoint ={
  input: z
      email: z.string().email().optional(),
      id: z.string().optional(),
      otherThing: z.string().optional(),
      (inputs) => Object.keys(inputs).length >= 1,
      "Please provide at least one property",
  // ...


  • OpenAPI generator throws when attempting to use z.file() within input schema.


  • Feature #637: endpoint short description (summary).
    • Added the ability to assign a shortDescription to endpoints.
    • One sentence of no more than 50 characters is implied.
    • This text is substituted into the summary property of the generated documentation.
    • Visualizers of the generated OpenAPI documentation nicely display this text on the same line as the endpoint path.
    • If a shortDescription is not specified, but a regular description is, then by default the summary will be generated from the description by trimming.
    • You can optionally disable this behavior with the new option hasSummaryFromDescription of the OpenAPI generator.
const exampleEndpoint ={
  // ...
  description: "The detailed explanaition on what this endpoint does.",
  shortDescription: "Retrieves the user.",


  • Feature #571: tagging the endpoints.
    • Good news dear community! You can now tag your endpoints using the new properties of the .build() method of the EndpointsFactory;
    • For your convenience and for the sake of Semantics, there are singular and plural properties: tag and tags;
    • By default, these properties allow any string, so in order to enforce restrictions and achieve the consistency across all endpoints, the possible tags should be declared in the configuration first and also a brand new EndpointsFactory instantiation approach is required;
    • The configuration has got a new tags property for declaring possible tags and their descriptions;
    • Tags are an important part of the generated documentation for the OpenAPI standard;
    • The feature suggested by @TheWisestOne.
  • The property scopes (introduced in v7.9.0) has got its singular variation scope.
import {
} from "express-zod-api";

const config = createConfig({
  // ..., use the simple or the advanced syntax:
  tags: {
    users: "Everything about the users",
    files: {
      description: "Everything about the files processing",
      url: "",

// instead of defaultEndpointsFactory use the following approach:
const taggedEndpointsFactory = new EndpointsFactory({
  resultHandler: defaultResultHandler, // or use your custom one

const exampleEndpoint ={
  // ...
  tag: "users", // or tags: ["users", "files"]


  • express version is 4.18.2.
  • openapi3-ts version is 3.1.0.


  • zod version is 3.19.1.


  • Breaking changes:
    • Removed the signature deprecated in v7.6.1:
      • The argument of EndpointsFactory::addMiddleware() has to be the result of createMiddleware();
    • Only the following Node versions are supported: ^14.17.0, ^16.10.0, ^18.0.0.
  • winston version is 3.8.2.
  • zod version is 3.19.0.
  • openapi3-ts version is 3.0.2.
  • Supporting jest (optional peer dependency) version 29.x.

Version 7


  • This version contains a cherry-picked fix made in v8.4.1.
  • Fixed a bug found and reported by @leosuncin in issue #705.
    • CORS didn't work well in case of using DependsOnMethod.
    • The list of the allowed methods in the response to OPTIONS request did only contain the first method declared within DependsOnMethod instance.
// reproduction minimal setup
const routing: Routing = {
  test: new DependsOnMethod({
    get: getEndpoint,
    post: postEndpoint,
// when requesting OPTIONS for "/test", the response has the following header:
// Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, OPTIONS


  • This version contains a cherry-picked fix made in v8.3.2.
  • Fixed the bug #673 found and reported by @niklashigi.
    • Preventing double parsing of incoming data by input schemas of middlewares containing transformations.
    • The bug caused inability of using any transforming schema in middlewares.
    • In particular, but not limited with: using z.dateIn() in middlewares.
      • Sample error message in this case: Expected string, received date.
    • Using .transform() method in middlewares was also affected by this bug.


  • Fixed issue #585 reported along with a suggested solution by @foxfirecodes.
    • In case you need to throw within an Endpoint's handler or a Middleware, consider the best practice of only throwing an Error or a descendant that extends the Error.
    • You can also import { createHttpError } from "express-zod-api" and use it for that purpose.
    • However, this version fixes the issue caused by throwing something else.
    • In this case that entity will be stringified into a .message of Error.
    • The issue manifested itself as a positive API response without data.
// reproduction example
const myEndpoint ={
  method: "get",
  input: z.object({}),
  output: z.object({}),
  handler: async () => {
    throw "I'm not an Error";
// response before:
// response after:
{"status":"error","error":{"message":"I'm not an Error"}}


  • Minor refactoring in order to support the recently released Typescript 4.8.2.


  • Feature #540, an addition to the #523: OAuth2 authentication with scopes.
    • Middlewares utilizing the OAuth2 authentication (via security property) can now specify the information on their flows including scopes.
    • Endpoints utilizing those middlewares can now specify their scopes.
import { createMiddleware, defaultEndpointsFactory, z } from "express-zod-api";

// example middleware
const myMiddleware = createMiddleware({
  security: {
    type: "oauth2",
    flows: {
      password: {
        tokenUrl: "https://some.url",
        scopes: {
          read: "read something", // scope: description
          write: "write something",
  input: z.object({}),
  middleware: async () => ({
    /* ... */

// example endpoint
const myEndpoint = defaultEndpointsFactory.addMiddleware(myMiddleware).build({
  scopes: ["write"], // <——
  method: "post",
  input: z.object({}),
  output: z.object({}),
  handler: async () => ({
    /* ... */


  • This version should fix the issue #551:
    • Supporting the peer dependency for jest version 28.


  • zod version 3.18.0.
    • There is a new feature — branded types.
    • ZodBranded is supported by OpenAPI generator.


  • Feature #523: Ability to specify Security schemas of your Middlewares and depict the Authentication of your API.
    • OpenAPI generator now can depict the Authentication of your endpoints as a part of the generated documentation.
    • There is a new optional property security of createMiddleware().
    • You can specify a single or several security schemas in that property.
    • For several security schemas security support a new LogicalContainer that can contain upto 2 nested levels.
    • Supported security types: basic, bearer, input, header, cookie, openid and oauth2.
    • OpenID and OAuth2 security types are currently have the limited support: without scopes.
// example middleware
import { createMiddleware } from "express-zod-api";

const authMiddleware = createMiddleware({
  security: {
    // requires the "key" in inputs and a custom "token" headers
    and: [
      { type: "input", name: "key" },
      { type: "header", name: "token" },
  input: z.object({
    key: z.string().min(1),
  middleware: async ({ input: { key }, request }) => {
    if (key !== "123") {
      throw createHttpError(401, "Invalid key");
    if (request.headers.token !== "456") {
      throw createHttpError(401, "Invalid token");
    return { token: request.headers.token };

// another example with logical OR
  security: {
    // requires either input and header OR bearer header
    or: [
        and: [
          { type: "input", name: "key" },
          { type: "header", name: "token" },
        type: "bearer",
        format: "JWT",


  • @foxfirecodes fixed the types resolution in the ESM build for the nodenext case.


  • zod version is 3.17.10.


  • Fixed issue #514: native express middlewares did not run for OPTIONS requests.
    • Using .addExpressMiddleware() or its alias .use() of EndpointsFactory it did not work for requests having OPTIONS method.
    • This version introduces the difference between a proprietary and native express middlewares.
      • Please ensure usage of the .addMiddleware() method along with createMiddleware().
      • For the backward compatibility .addMiddleware() temporary also accepts the same arguments that createMiddleware() does, however this is deprecated and will be removed later.
    • Only native express middlewares are executed for OPTIONS request.
    • It makes it possible to use cors package (express middleware), which is described in the Documentation.
      • Please note: If using both cors package (express middleware) and cors configuration option, the configuration option sets CORS headers first, so the middleware can override them if needed.
import { defaultEndpointsFactory } from "express-zod-api";
import cors from "cors";

const myFactory = defaultEndpointsFactory.addExpressMiddleware(
  cors({ credentials: true }),


  • zod version is 3.17.9.
    • Some new public methods have been introduced, so I'm changing the minor version.


  • Feature #503: configurable CORS headers:
    • The configuration options cors now accepts a function that returns custom headers;
    • The function may be asynchronous;
    • Setting cors: true implies the default headers;
    • The feature suggested by @HardCoreQual.
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";

const config = createConfig({
  // ...
  cors: ({ defaultHeaders, request, endpoint, logger }) => ({
    "Access-Control-Max-Age": "5000",
# the default headers are:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: ..., OPTIONS # endpoint methods + OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: content-type


  • There was an issue with logger when calling its methods without a message. The output was empty, considering the first argument to be a message. It's fixed in this version by adding [No message] message before printing the object.
// reproduction example
logger.debug({ something: "test" });


  • winston version is 3.8.1.


  • zod-to-ts version is 1.1.1.
    • descriptions of the properties in the generated client.


  • express-fileupload version is 1.4.0.
    • busboy upgraded from 0.3.1 to 1.6.0.
  • zod version is 3.17.3.


  • zod version is 3.17.2.
    • z.string() schema now has .trim() method.


  • zod version is 3.16.1.


  • Supporting Node 18.


  • The deprecated methods and utility types have been removed:
    • markOutput(), EndpointInput<>, EndpointOutput<>, EndpointResponse<>.
  • In case you've been using these entities for informing the Frontend on types of your endpoints, here is what you need to do in order to migrate:
    • Replace markOutput(output) with just output in your custom result handlers;
    • Replace the type signature of getPositiveResponse() method of your custom result handlers:
      • from getPositiveResponse: <OUT extends IOSchema>(output: OUT) => {...}
      • to getPositiveResponse: (output: IOSchema) => {...}
    • Replace usage of the utility types to the generated Frontend Client:
      • See Readme file on how to do it.

Version 6


  • zod version is 3.16.0.


  • The following methods and utility types have been marked as deprecated:
    • markOutput(),
    • EndpointInput<>,
    • EndpointOutput<>,
    • EndpointResponse<>.
  • These entities were used for informing the Frontend on types of API endpoints.
  • Instead, consider the new approach on generating a Frontend Client (see Readme).


  • zod version is 3.15.1.


  • express version is 4.18.1.
  • zod-to-ts version is 1.0.1.


  • express version is 4.18.0.
    • Various new options and fixes.
  • zod-to-ts version is 1.0.0.
    • The type of optional I/O parameters in the generated Client is aligned with zod definition.
interface Before {
  foo: number | undefined;
interface After {
  foo?: number | undefined; // the question mark added


  • Hotfix: capitalizing the method in example implementation (Client generator).


  • Feature #403: API Client Generator:
    • A new way of informing the frontend about the I/O types of endpoints;
    • The new approach offers automatic generation of a client based on routing to a typescript file;
    • The generated client is flexibly configurable on the frontend side using an implementation function that directly makes requests to an endpoint using the libraries and methods of your choice;
    • The client asserts the type of request parameters and response;
    • Path params are excluded from params after being substituted;
    • The client now accepts a function parameter of Implementation type;
    • Its parameter path now contains substituted path params;
    • The feature suggested by @hellovai.
// example client-generator.ts
import fs from "fs";
import { Client } from "express-zod-api";

fs.writeFileSync("./frontend/client.ts", new Client(routing).print(), "utf-8");
// example frontend using the most simple Implementation based on fetch
import { ExpressZodAPIClient } from "./client.ts";

const client = new ExpressZodAPIClient(async (method, path, params) => {
  const searchParams =
    method === "get" ? `?${new URLSearchParams(params)}` : "";
  const response = await fetch(`${path}${searchParams}`, {
    method: method.toUpperCase(),
      method === "get" ? undefined : { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    body: method === "get" ? undefined : JSON.stringify(params),
  return response.json();

client.provide("get", "/v1/user/retrieve", { id: "10" });


  • zod version is 3.14.4.
  • winston version is 3.7.2.


  • zod version is 3.14.3.


  • zod version is 3.14.2.


  • Technically this version contains all the same changes and improvements as 5.9.0-beta1.
  • The new implementation of the EndpointsFactory, however, has more restrictive middleware input schema requirements.
  • To avoid possible backward incompatibility issues, I have decided to publish these changes as a major release.
  • In addition, the deprecated schema is no longer supported in documentation generator.
  • The following changes are required to migrate to this version:
    • You cannot use the .strict(), .passthrough() and its deprecated alias .nonstrict() methods in middlewares.
    • Only .strip() is allowed in middlewares, which is actually default, so you should not use any of them at all.
    • Replace the with z.dateIn() in input schema and with z.dateOut() in output schema.
  • Also, improvements have been made to the EndpointsFactory, in terms of combining the input schemas of middlewares and the endpoint itself. A custom type has been replaced with usage of ZodIntersection schema with respect to the originals.
  • The generated documentation has improved in this regard:
    • Previously, fields from an object union were documented in a simplified way as optional.
    • Instead, it is now documented using oneOf OpenAPI notation.
  • In addition, you can now also use the new z.discriminatedUnion() as the input schema on the top level.
// how to migrate
export const myMiddleware = createMiddleware({
  input: z
      key: z.string().nonempty(),
      at:, // <— replace with z.dateIn()
    .passthrough(), // <— remove this if you have it in your code
  middleware: async () => ({...}),
// example
const endpoint ={
  method: "post",
  input: z.discriminatedUnion("type", [
      type: z.literal("text"),
      str: z.string()
      type: z.literal("numeric"),
      num: z.number()
  output: z.object({...}),
  handler: async ({ input }) => {
    // the type of the input:
    // | { type: "text", str: string }
    // | { type: "numeric", num: number }

Version 5


  • zod version is 3.13.4.
    • There is a new schema z.nan() and some fixes.


  • zod version is 3.12.0.
    • There is a new schema z.discriminatedUnion() and various fixes.


  • express version is 4.17.3.
  • openapi3-ts version is 2.0.2.


  • Feature #311. EndpointsFactory::addExpressMiddleware() or its alias use().
    • A method to connect a native (regular) express middleware to your endpoint(s).
    • You can connect any middleware that has a regular express middleware signature (req, res, next) => void | Promise<void> and can be supplied to app.use().
    • You can also specify a provider of options for endpoint handlers and next middlewares.
    • You can also specify an error transformer so that the ResultHandler would send the status you need.
      • In case the error is not a HttpError, the ResultHandler will send the status 500.
import { defaultEndpointsFactory, createHttpError } from "express-zod-api";
import cors from "cors";
import { auth } from "express-oauth2-jwt-bearer";

const simpleUsage = defaultEndpointsFactory.addExpressMiddleware(
  cors({ credentials: true }),

const advancedUsage = defaultEndpointsFactory.use(auth(), {
  provider: (req) => ({ auth: req.auth }), // optional, can be async
  transformer: (err) => createHttpError(401, err.message), // optional


  • winston version is 3.6.0.


  • winston-transport version is 4.5.0.


  • express-fileupload version is 1.3.1.



  • winston version is 3.5.0.


  • In this version, the OpenAPI documentation generator throws an error when using z.upload() within response schema.


  • is deprecated for using within IO schemas of your API.
  • Feature #297: z.dateIn() and z.dateOut() schemas.
    • Since Date cannot be passed directly in JSON format, attempting to return Date from the endpoint handler results in it being converted to an ISO string in actual response. It is also impossible to transmit the Date in its original form to your endpoints within JSON. Therefore, there is confusion with original method
    • In order to solve this problem, the library provides two custom methods for dealing with dates: z.dateIn() and z.dateOut() for using within input and output schemas accordingly.
    • z.dateIn() is a transforming schema that accepts an ISO string representation of a Date, validates it, and provides your endpoint handler or middleware with a Date.
    • z.dateOut(), on the contrary, accepts a Date and provides ResultHanlder with a string representation in ISO format for the response transmission.
import { z, defaultEndpointsFactory } from "express-zod-api";

const updateUserEndpoint ={
  method: "post",
  input: z.object({
    userId: z.string(),
    birthday: z.dateIn(), // string -> Date
  output: z.object({
    createdAt: z.dateOut(), // Date -> string
  handler: async ({ input }) => {
    // input.birthday is Date
    return {
      // transmitted as "2022-01-22T00:00:00.000Z"
      createdAt: new Date("2022-01-22"),


  • ramda version is 0.28.0.
  • The header X-Powered-By: Express has been removed according to recommendations.



  • Feature #281: Response compression.
    • You can enable and configure the response compression using the new option compression in server configuration when using createServer() method.
    • In order to receive the compressed response the client should include the following header in the request: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate.
    • Only responses with compressible content types are subject to compression.
    • There is also a default threshold of 1KB that can be configured.
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";

const config = createConfig({
  server: {
    // enabling and configuring the compression: bool or options
    compression: {
      threshold: "100b",
    // other options


  • ramda version is 0.27.2.
  • winston version is 3.4.0.
    • The version of dependent package colors has been strictly set to 1.4.0.
    • More about this incident here: winstonjs/winston#2008


  • No changes.


  • Fixed issue #269: async refinements in I/O schemas of endpoints and middlewares.
    • There was an error Async refinement encountered during synchronous parse operation. Use .parseAsync instead.


  • Supporting Node 17.


  • Fixing the compatibility with @types/[email protected].
    • Fixing the return type of Endpoint::execute() in case of OPTIONS method (it should be void).


import { Routing, ServeStatic } from "express-zod-api";
import path from "path";

const routing: Routing = {
  // path /public serves static files from ./assets
  public: new ServeStatic(path.join(__dirname, "assets"), {
    dotfiles: "deny",
    index: false,
    redirect: false,


  • Feature #252: a helper method for testing your endpoints: testEndpoint().
    • Requires jest (and optionally @types/jest) to be installed.
    • The method helps to mock the request, response, config and logger required to execute the endpoint.
    • The method executes the endpoint and returns the created mocks.
    • After that you only need to assert your expectations in the test.
import { testEndpoint } from "express-zod-api";

test("should respond successfully", async () => {
  const { responseMock, loggerMock } = await testEndpoint({
    endpoint: yourEndpoint,
    requestProps: {
      method: "POST",
      body: { ... },
    status: "success",
    data: { ... },


  • Breaking changes: Instead of HTTP Server the method createServer() now returns an object with the following entities: app, httpServer, httpsServer, logger.
  • Feat: the ability to configure and run an additional HTTPS server to process requests over a secure protocol:
    • This option is only available when using createServer() method.
  • New configuration option https:
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";

const config = createConfig({
  server: {
    listen: 80,
  // enables HTTPS server as well
  https: {
    // at least "cert" and "key" options required
    options: {
      cert: fs.readFileSync("fullchain.pem", "utf-8"),
      key: fs.readFileSync("privkey.pem", "utf-8"),
    listen: 443, // port or socket
  // ...

Version 4


  • express version is 4.17.2.
  • http-errors version is 2.0.0.


  • Feature #230. The shorthand method EndpointsFactory::addOptions().
    • You may find it useful in case you'd like to provide your Endpoint's handler with some entities that do not depend on Request, maybe a database connection instance of similar.
    • Under the hood the method creates a middleware with an empty input and attaches it to the factory.
    • The argument supplied to the method is available within options parameter of the Endpoint's handler.
import { defaultEndpointsFactory } from "express-zod-api";

const newFactory = defaultEndpointsFactory.addOptions({
  db: mongoose.connect("mongodb://connection.string"),
  privateKey: fs.readFileSync("private-key.pem", "utf-8"),

const endpoint ={
  method: "get",
  input: z.object({}),
  output: z.object({}),
  handler: async ({ options }) => {
    return {}; // options: { db, privateKey }


  • The deprecated parameter type of EndpointsFactory::build({...}) has been removed.
  • The OpenAPI generator now requires config parameter to be supplied in new OpenAPI({...}).
  • The OpenAPI generator takes into account possibly customized inputSources from config.

Version 3


  • Feature #204. Detecting usage of z.upload() within Endpoint's input schema automatically.
    • There is no longer need to specify type: "upload" for EndpointsFactory::build({...}).
    • In case you are using z.upload() in endpoint's input schema, inputs will be parsed by the multipart/form-data parser.
    • The optional parameter type?: "json" | "upload" of build({...}) is deprecated.


  • Fixed issue #202, originally reported in PR #201.
    • Using curly braces notation instead of colon for route path params in generated documentation according to OpenAPI / Swagger specification.
    • See "Path templating" at
# before
# after


  • No changes. Releasing as 3.1.1 due to a typo in Readme I found after publishing 3.1.0.


  • Feature #174: Route path params as the new input source.
    • request.params is validated against the input schema.
    • The schema for validating the path params can now be described along with other inputs.
    • You no longer need a middleware like paramsProviderMiddleware to handle path params.
    • The route path params are now reflected in the generated documentation.
const routingExample: Routing = {
  v1: {
    user: {
      // route path /v1/user/:id, where :id is the path param
      ":id": getUserEndpoint,
const getUserEndpoint ={
  method: "get",
  input: withMeta(
      // id is the route path param, always string
      id: z.string().transform((value) => parseInt(value, 10)),
      // other inputs (in query):
      withExtendedInformation: z.boolean().optional(),
    id: "12",
    withExtendedInformation: true,
  // ...
  • The default configuration of inputSources has been changed.
const newInputSourcesByDefault: InputSources = {
  get: ["query", "params"],
  post: ["body", "params", "files"],
  put: ["body", "params"],
  patch: ["body", "params"],
  delete: ["body", "query", "params"],


  • Warning: There are breaking changes described below:
    • Minimum compatible Node version changed from 10 to 12.
    • The exports map restricts the possibility to import/require the package files to the entry points only.
    • The deprecated type ConfigType removed — please use createConfig() instead.
  • The library is now distributed as a dual package containing both CJS (CommonJS) and ESM (ECMAScript Module).
  • Mime version is 3.0.0.

Version 2


  • The version of http-errors is 1.8.1.


  • Mime version is 2.6.0.
  • Minor fix in importing Zod utility type.


  • Feature #165. You can add examples to the generated documentation:
    • Introducing new method withMeta(). You can wrap any Zod schema in it, for example: withMeta(z.string());
    • withMeta() provides you with additional methods for generated documentation. At the moment there is one so far: withMeta().example();
    • You can use .example() multiple times for specifying several examples for your schema;
    • You can specify example for the whole IO schema or just for a one of its properties;
    • withMeta() can be used within Endpoint and Middleware as well. Their input examples will be merged for the generated documentation;
    • Check out the example of the generated documentation in the example folder;
    • Notice: withMeta() mutates its argument;
    • The feature suggested by @digimuza.
import { defaultEndpointsFactory } from "express-zod-api";

const exampleEndpoint ={
  method: "post",
  description: "example user update endpoint",
  input: withMeta(
      id: z.number().int().nonnegative(),
      name: z.string().nonempty(),
    id: 12,
    name: "John Doe",
  output: withMeta(
      name: z.string(),
      timestamp: z.number().int().nonnegative(),
    name: "John Doe",
    timestamp: 1235698995125,
  handler: async () => {},


  • Zod version is 3.11.6.
  • Feature #111. You can add description to any Zod schema, for example: z.string().describe('Something').
    • You can add description to a whole I/O schema or its property.
    • This description will be included into the generated Swagger / OpenAPI documentation.
    - name: id
      in: query
      required: true
        description: a numeric string containing the id of the user
        type: string
        pattern: /\d+/


  • Zod version is 3.10.3.


  • Fixed issue #169. Suddenly I found out that yarn does NOT respect yarn.lock files of sub-dependencies. So the version of zod defined in my yarn.lock file does not actually mean anything when doing yarn add express-zod-api.
    • The recently released version of Zod (3.10.x) seems to have some breaking changes, it should not be installed according to my lock file.
    • I'm locking the dependency versions in package.json file from now on.
    • npm users are also affected since the distributed lock file is for yarn.


  • I did my best in order to improve the documentation and list the recently implemented features.
  • Feature #158: ability to specify the input sources for each request method.
  • New config option inputSources allows you to specify the properties of the request, that are combined into an input that is being validated and available to your endpoints and middlewares.
import { createConfig } from "express-zod-api";

  // ...,
  inputSources: {
    // the default value is:
    get: ["query"],
    post: ["body", "files"],
    put: ["body"],
    patch: ["body"],
    delete: ["query", "body"],
  • For example, in case you need query along with body available to your endpoints handling POST requests, consider:
  // ...,
  inputSources: {
    post: ["query", "body", "files"],
  • The order in array matters: last item has the highest priority in case of the same name properties.


  • From now on, I want to express my support to trans people in the IT world. Transgender rights are human rights and all human beings are born free and equal in dignity. I believe that the problem of discrimination against the rights of trans people is not visible enough, so I add startup logo in this regard.
  • However, you can turn it off with a simple setting:
import {createConfig} from 'express-zod-api';

const config = createConfig({
  startupLogo: false,


  • Zod version is 3.9.8.
    • It supports the ability to specify the key schema of z.record().
    • In case of using enums and literals in the key schema they will be described as required ones in the generated OpenAPI / Swagger documentation.
// example
  z.enum(["option1", "option2"]), // keys
  z.boolean(), // values
  • Feature #145: attachRouting() now returns the logger instance and notFoundHandler. You can use it with your custom express app for handling 404 (not found) errors:
const { notFoundHandler } = attachRouting(config, routing);
  • Or you can use the logger instance with any ResultHandler for the same purpose:
const { logger } = attachRouting(config, routing);
app.use((request, response) => {
    error: createHttpError(404, `${request.path} not found`),
    input: null,
    output: null,


  • Fixed a bug due to which the API did not respond in case of an error within the ResultHandler.
    • In this case the LastResortHandler comes into play.
    • It sets the status code to 500 and sends out plain text with an error message.
    • It is not customizable yet, and it's meant to be kept very simple in case of JSON conversion errors.


  • Fixed a bug due to which the execution of the code could continue despite the possible closing of the response stream by one of the middlewares.
    • Affected Node versions: below 12.9.0.


  • New feature: file uploads!
  • The processing of files is provided by express-fileupload which is based on busboy.
  • Introducing the new schema: z.upload().
  • New configuration option:
const config = createConfig({
  server: {
    upload: true,
    // or selected express-fileupload's options:
    // @see
    upload: {
      uploadTimeout: 60000,
      useTempFiles: true,
      safeFileNames: true,
      preserveExtension: 4,
      tempFileDir: "/var/tmp",
  • Creating the Endpoint:
const fileUploadEndpoint ={
  method: "post",
  type: "upload", // <- new option, required
  input: z.object({
    avatar: z.upload(),
  output: z.object({
    /* ... */
  handler: async ({ input: { avatar } }) => {
    // avatar: {name, mv(), mimetype, encoding, data, truncated, size, etc}
    // avatar.truncated is true on failure
    return {
      /* ... */
  • The file upload currently supports requests having POST method and multipart/form-data content type.
  • You can send other data and specify additional input parameters, including arrays and objects.
  • Fixed the OPTIONS duplication issue in response header when cors option is enabled:
# before
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, OPTIONS, OPTIONS
# after
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, OPTIONS


  • Zod version is 3.8.2.
  • Supporting new string format: cuid.
  • Supporting new Zod schema z.preprocess(). Please avoid using it for Endpoint outputs.
  • Supporting default values of optional properties in OpenAPI/Swagger documentation.
// example
  name: z.string().optional().default("John Wick"),


  • Zod version is 3.7.3.
  • Removed usage of the deprecated ZodObject's method .nonstrict() in the example and Readme since it's not required.


  • Zod version is 3.7.2.
  • I've also updated it to ^3.7.2 in the package.json file in case of package manager issues.


  • Fixed a type mismatch issue when the configuration is declared in a separate file using the ConfigType.
    • ConfigType is now deprecated (will be removed in v3).
    • Please use helper function createConfig().
    • This way it assigns the correct type for using configuration with createServer() and attachRouting().
// before
const configBefore: ConfigType = {
  server: {
    listen: 8090,
  cors: true,
  logger: {
    level: "debug",
    color: true,
// after
export const configAfter = createConfig({
  server: {
    listen: 8090,
  cors: true,
  logger: {
    level: "debug",
    color: true,


  • Changes and improvements of the generated Swagger / OpenAPI documentation:
ZodArray: # z.array()
    type: array
      type: type # type of the array items
    type: array
      type: type
    minItems: value # optional, when z.array().min(value)
    maxItems: value # optional, when z.array().max(value)
ZodTuple: # z.tuple()
    error: unsupported
    type: array
      oneOf: [] # schemas of the tuple items
    minItems: value # number of items in the tuple
    maxItems: value # number of items in the tuple
    description: "0: type, 1: type, etc"


  • Changes and improvements of the generated Swagger / OpenAPI documentation:
ZodBigInt: # z.bigint()
    type: integer
    format: int64
    type: integer
    format: bigint
ZodNumber: # z.number()
    type: number
    type: number | integer # when z.number().int()
    format: double | int64 # when z.number().int()
    # MIN_VALUE or MIN_SAFE_INTEGER of Number or z.number().min(value)
    minimum: 5e-324 | -9007199254740991 | value
    # MAX_VALUE or MAX_SAFE_INTEGER of Number or z.number().max(value)
    maximum: 1.7976931348623157e+308 | 9007199254740991 | value
    # Taking into account z.number().min(), .max(), .positive(), .nonnegative(), etc
    exclusiveMinimum: true | false
    exclusiveMaximum: true | false
ZodString: # z.string()
    type: string
    type: string
    minLength: value # optional, when z.string().min(value)
    maxLength: value # optional, when z.string().max(value)
    format: email | uuid | url # when z.string().email(), .uuid(), .url()
    pattern: /your regular expression/ # when z.string().regex(value)
  • Since z.number().int() is a JS Number which is neither int32 nor int64 but rather int53, I made a decision to describe it as int64 predefined format with an indispensable minimum and maximum values.


  • Fixed issue #92: The error Cannot convert undefined or null to object in OpenAPI generator when using z.record() type has been fixed.
  • Supporting type z.any() in OpenAPI generator.


  • Zod version is 3.7.1.
  • New response schema type ZodFile can be created using z.file(). It has two refinements: .binary() and .base64() which also reflected in the generated Swagger / OpenAPI documentation. You can use it instead of z.string() with createApiResponse():
// before
const fileStreamingEndpointsFactoryBefore = new EndpointsFactory(
    getPositiveResponse: () => createApiResponse(z.string(), "image/*"),
    // ...,

// after
const fileStreamingEndpointsFactoryAfter = new EndpointsFactory(
    getPositiveResponse: () => createApiResponse(z.file().binary(), "image/*"),
    // ...,
  • Please do NOT use z.file() within the Endpoint input / output object schemas.


  • Warning: There are breaking changes described below. In general, if you used the defaultResultHandler before, then you won't have to change much of code.
  • Motivation. I really like the first version of the library for its simplicity and elegance, but there is one imperfection in it. The available methods and type helpers do not allow to disclose the complete response of the endpoint, including the specification of a successful and error response for which the ResultHandler is responsible. So I decided to fix it, although it made the implementation somewhat more complicated, but I found it important. However, it brought a number of benefits, which are also described below.
  • Node version required: at least 10.0.0 and the library target now is ES6.
  • Type ResultHandler is no longer exported, please use createResultHandler() or defaultResultHandler.
  • The optional property resultHandler of ConfigType has been replaced with errorHandler.
  • The setResultHandler() method of EndpointsFactory class has been removed. The ResultHandlerDefinition has to be specified as an argument of EndpointsFactory constructor. You can use defaultResultHandler or createResultHandler() for this, or you can use defaultEndpointsFactory.
  • Added the Security policy.
  • Some private methods have been made "entirely private" using the new typescript hashtag syntax.
  • New methods of Endpoint class getPositiveResponseSchema() and getNegativeResponseSchema() return the complete response of the endpoint taking into account the ResultHandlerDefinition schemas. New methods: getPositiveMimeTypes() and getNegativeMimeTypes() return the array of mime types.
  • New type helping utility: EndpointResponse<E extends AbstractEndpoint> to be used instead of EndpointOutput returns the complete type of the endpoint response including both positive and negative cases.
  • Fixed EndpointOutput<> type helper for the non-object response type in the ResultHandlerDefinition.
  • Zod version is 3.5.1.
  • Better examples including a custom ResultHandler and a file download.
  • Obtaining the OpenAPI / Swagger specification has been simplified: now you can call getSpecAsYaml() method directly on OpenAPI class instance. There is also a new option errorResponseDescription.
  • Fixed a bug of incorrect getPositiveMimeTypes() and getNegativeMimeTypes() usage in Swagger docs generator.
  • OpenAPI / Swagger specification no longer uses references for schemas and parameters, so they are inline now. Instead of default entry in responses there are HTTP status codes 200 and 400 that represent positive and negative responses accordingly. Response schemas are now complete as well.
  • For creating your own ResultHandlerDefinition please use createResultHandler(). It also requires createApiResponse() to be used that takes a response schema and optional mime types as arguments. The endpoint output should be wrapped in markOutput(). So far this is the only way I have come up with to facilitate type inference with essentially double nesting of generic types. Typescript does not yet support such features as MyGenericType<A<B>>.
// before
export const endpointsFactoryBefore = new EndpointsFactory();
// after
export const endpointsFactoryAfter = new EndpointsFactory(defaultResultHandler);
// which is the same as
import { defaultEndpointsFactory } from "express-zod-api";
// before
resultHandler: ResultHandler; // optional
// after
errorHandler: ResultHandlerDefinition<any, any>; // optional, default: defaultResultHandler
// Example. Before (v1):
import { EndpointOutput } from "express-zod-api";

const myEndpointV1 ={
  method: "get",
  input: z.object({
    /* ... */
  output: z.object({
    name: z.string(),
  handler: async () => ({
    /* ... */
type MyEndpointOutput = EndpointOutput<typeof myEndpointV1>; // => { name: string }

// and after (v2):
import { defaultEndpointsFactory, EndpointResponse } from "express-zod-api";

const myEndpointV2 ={
  method: "get",
  input: z.object({
    /* ... */
  output: z.object({
    name: z.string(),
  handler: async () => ({
    /* ... */
type MyEndpointResponse = EndpointResponse<typeof myEndpointV2>; // => the following type:
//  {
//    status: 'success';
//    data: { name: string };
//  } | {
//    status: 'error',
//    error: { message: string };
//  }
// before
new OpenAPI({
  /* ... */
// after
new OpenAPI({
  /* ... */
// before
const myResultHandlerV1: ResultHandler = ({
}) => {
  /* ... */
// after
const myResultHandlerV2 = createResultHandler({
  getPositiveResponse: <OUT extends IOSchema>(output: OUT) =>
        // ...,
        someProperty: markOutput(output),
      ["mime/type1", "mime/type2"], // optional, default: application/json
  getNegativeResponse: () =>
        /* ... */
  handler: ({ error, input, output, request, response, logger }) => {
    /* ... */

Version 1


  • Improving the coverage I found a bug and fixed it. In some cases there was an issue with CORS requests: preflight OPTIONS requests. Despite the enabled configuration option cors: true the OPTIONS requests have not been handled properly. This was leading to the 404 error with a message "Can not OPTIONS <route>". The issue has been fixed and covered by multiple tests.


  • Zod version is 3.2.0.
  • Minor changes to logging internal server errors.


  • Additional handling of keys in Routing objects.
  • createServer, attachRouting and new OpenAPI() may throw an Error in case of using slashes in Routing keys.


  • Ability to specify the endpoint description and export it to the Swagger / OpenAPI specification:
// example
const endpoint ={
  description: "Here is an example description of the endpoint",
  // ...,
  • Ability to specify either methods or method property to .build(). This is just a more convenient way for a single method case.
// example
const endpoint ={
  method: "get", // same as methods:['get'] before
  // ...,
  • Ability for a route to have multiple Endpoints attached depending on different methods. It can also be the same Endpoint that handle multiple methods as well. This is a solution for the question raised in issue #29.
// example of different I/O schemas for /v1/user
const routing: Routing = {
  v1: {
    user: new DependsOnMethod({
      get: myEndpointForGetAndDelete,
      delete: myEndpointForGetAndDelete,
      post: myEndpointForPostAndPatch,
      patch: myEndpointForPostAndPatch,


  • Zod version is v3.1.0.


  • First version based on the stable Zod release.
  • Zod version is v3.0.2.
  • Other dependencies has been upgraded to the latest versions as well.

Version 0


  • Readme file updates:
    • Transformations
    • ResultHandler
    • better examples


  • Readme file updates:
    • Concept description update.
    • Excess property check according to the new features of version 0.7.0.
  • Refactoring of defaultResultHandler and ResultHandler calls in server.ts.


  • Zod version is v3.0.0-beta.1.
  • Ability to use z.ZodIntersection and z.ZodUnion as an I/O schema for handlers and middlewares.
// example
const middleware = createMiddleware({
  input: z
      one: z.string(),
        two: z.number(),
  middleware: async ({ input }) => ({
    input, // => type: { one: string } | { two: number }
  • Ability to use z.transform() in handler's output schema.
// example
const endpoint ={
  methods: ["post"],
  input: z.object({}),
  output: z.object({
    value: z.string().transform((str) => str.length),
  handler: async ({ input, options }) => ({
    value: "test", // => in response: { value: 4 }
  • Supplying parameters to EndpointsFactory::constructor() is now prohibited. Please use .addMiddleware() and .setResultHandler() as the right way in order to achieve the correct input schema type in handlers.


  • Nothing special. Just new logo and the dataflow diagram update.


  • OpenAPI / Swagger specification generator now supports ZodNullable, ZodOptional, ZodUnion and ZodIntersection properties.


  • ConfigType changes:
// before
export interface ConfigType {
  server: {
    listen: number | string;
    cors: boolean;
    jsonParser?: NextHandleFunction;
    resultHandler?: ResultHandler;
  logger: LoggerConfig | winston.Logger;

// after
export type ConfigType = (
  | {
      server: {
        // server configuration
        listen: number | string; // preserved
        jsonParser?: NextHandleFunction; // preserved
  | {
      // or your custom express app
      app: Express;
) & {
  cors: boolean; // moved
  resultHandler?: ResultHandler; // moved
  logger: LoggerConfig | Logger;
  • More convenient way to attach routing to your custom express app:
// before
initRouting({ app, logger, config, routing });
// after
const config: ConfigType = { app /* ..., */ };
attachRouting(config, routing);


  • Minor Readme file fixes and clarifications.
  • Nice dataflow diagram.


  • Ability to specify your custom Winston logger in config.
  • createLogger() now accepts LoggerConfig as an argument:
// before
// after


  • Minor Readme file fixes and clarifications.


  • Zod version is v3.0.0-alpha33.
  • The syntax for generating the Swagger/OpenAPI specification has changed:
// before
// after
new OpenAPI().builder.getSpecAsYaml();


  • Refactoring of Endpoint::execute() method.


  • First published release.
  • Zod version is v3.0.0-alpha4.