ALWAYS use JSHint on your code.
There are some exceptions for which JSHint complains about things in node that you can ignore, like how it doesn't know what 'const' is and complains about not knowing what 'require' is. You can add keywords to ignore to a .jshintrc file.
// Classes: CapitalizedWords var MyClass = ... // Variables and Functions: camelCase var myVariable = ... // Constants: UPPER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES // Backend const MY_CONST = ... // Client-side var MY_CONST = ...
4-space indents (no tabs).
For our projects, always assign var on a newline, not comma separated:
// Bad var a = 1, b = 2, c = 3; // Good var a = 1; var b = 2; var c = 3;
Use []
to assign a new array, not new Array()
Use {}
for new objects, as well.
Two scenarios for []
(one can be on the same line, with discretion
and the other not so much):
// Okay on a single line var stuff = [1, 2, 3]; // Never on a single line, multiple only var longerStuff = [ 'some longer stuff', 'other longer stuff' ];
var a = 1, b = 'foo', c = 'wtf';
var wut = true; var boohoo = false;
Use them.
Not because ASI is black-magic, or whatever. I'm sure we all understand ASI. Just do it for consistency.
// Bad if (something) doStuff() // Good if (something) { doStuff(); }
// Bad if(bad){ } // Good if (something) { }
Always name functions, even if assigned to another variable or property. This improves error stacks when debugging.
No space between name and opening paren. Space between closing paren and brace:
var method = function doSomething(argOne, argTwo) { }
You're doing it wrong. See above about named functions.
Always use ===
Only exception is when testing for null and undefined.
if (value != null) { }
Always use single quotes: 'not double'
Only exception: "don't escape single quotes in strings. use double quotes"
For node functions, always provide a clear comment in this format:
/* Briefly explains what this does * Expects: whatever parameters * Returns: whatever it returns */
If comments are really long, also do it in the /* ... */
format like above.
Otherwise make short comments like:
// This is my short comment and it ends in a period.
Try not to use them.
If a ternary uses multiple lines, don't use a ternary:
// Bad var foo = (user.lastLogin > new Date().getTime() - 16000) ? user.lastLogin - 24000 : 'wut'; // Good return user.isLoggedIn ? 'yay' : 'boo';
If you see yourself repeating something that can be a constant, refactor it as a single constant declaration at the top of the file.
Cache regex into a constant.
Always check for truthiness:
// Bad if (blah !== false) { ... // Good if (blah) { ...
If code is really long, try to break it up to the next line or refactor (try to keep within the 80-col limit but if you go a bit past it's not a big deal). Indent the subsequent lines one indent (2-spaces) in.
If it looks too clever, it probably is, so just make it simple.