All notable changes to flysystem-gitlab-storage
will be documented in this file
- initial commit.
- Implemented createDir by creating a directory with a .gitkeep file.
- Small bug fixes.
- Updated CHANGELOG.
- Updated composer.json to support laravel projects.
- Fixed packagist versioning issue.
- Added support for tree path with multiple sub folders.
- Adapters read method now returns an array instead of raw content.
- Adapters listContents method now changes type blob to type file.
- Added a debug mode.
- Moved minimum PHP version to 7.1 since PHPUnit 9 requires 7.1 or above.
- Added support for paginated list of contents when requesting file trees.
- Migrated to flysystem 2.x
- Added php 8 support
- Allow to read into stream
- Reuse stream of HTTP request instead of create new stream
- Savings HTTP exchanges with HEAD request
- Added flysystem v3 support.
- Moved minimum PHP version to 8.1