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File metadata and controls

248 lines (205 loc) · 13.2 KB


In this four day project students will learn the basics of the CloudKit framework.

Day 1 - Intro to CloudKit, CKRecords, CloudKit Dashboard

Documentation links

Learning Objectives:

  • Implement CloudKit capabilities
  • Define CKContainer and the difference between the Public and Private databases
  • Define and implement CKRecord
  • Beginning understanding of NSPredicate

Talking points before begining

  • Run the complete project (day4 branch) and talk about the daily goals.
  • Talk about cloud service backends and thier purpose. Discuss the benefits of using CloudKit.
  • Talk about CKContainer, Public/Private Database, and zones (zones aren't important for their current level of understanding, but they should know they exist).
  • Talk about CKRecord, key/value storage, and the similarities between CloudKit and CoreData

Starting the project

Enable CloudKit

  • Fork and clone repo, the master branch is the starter branch. The finished project for today is the day1 branch.
  • On your project file, edit the Bundle ID to be com.X.Hype where X is the students name/initials.
  • Go to signings and capabilities and enable CloudKit, create the container

Jump Into Code

  • Create the Hype model file and set it up normally with two properties, body and timestamp
  • Talk about how, in order to save this model to the cloud, we need to package it into a CKRecord
  • Create the CKRecord Extension and convenience init that takes in a Hype object
  • Talk about how, when we retrieve that CKRecord from the cloud, we now need to convert it back into a Hype model object
  • Extend the hype class and create the failiable init that takes in a CKRecord
  • Add documentation to finish the file, have students explain what each line is doing
Model Controller
  • Create the HypeController file, implement the singleton and source of truth array.
  • Write the Create and Read function declarations
  • Create the class publicDB property
  • Talk about saving and retrieving data to the publicDatabase using .save and .perform on the database
  • Fill in the body for the create method
    • Call the create method in AppDelegate to create a mock Hype and save it to the cloud
    • Go to the dashbord and go over the key/value pairs
  • Fill in the body for the fetch method
    • Call the fetch in AppDelegate to fetch the hypes that are getting created.
    • Talk about marking records queryable in the database
    • Remove the methods from the AppDelegate
  • Add documentation to finish the file, have students explain what each line is doing
ViewController and Storyboard
  • Create and constrain the storyboard using a ViewController, tableView, and compose barButtonItem
  • Drag out outlets/actions
  • Conform to table view protocols and fill in the dataSource methods
  • Create the setUpViews() method to set the tableView Delegate/DataSource and call it in viewDidLoad
  • Implement the createHype method in the compose button action using the presentAddHypeAlert() method
  • Create the updateViews() method to refresh the tableView when a hype has been created
  • Create the loadData() method to fetch the hypes, run the app and talk about marking records queryable
  • Create the UIRefreshControl, and implement it with loadData() and set the properties in the setUpViews() method
  • Demo the finished day1 app

Day 2 - Implement CKModifyRecordsOperation, and CKSubscription

Documentation Links

Learning Objectives

  • Define CKModifyRecordsOperation, why we use it, and the general purposes of Operations
  • Define CKSubscription, silent vs public notifications.

Talking points before beginning

  • Discuss goal of implementing Update and Delete for Hype objects using an Operation.
    • Thread safety
    • Quality of Service
    • Built in completion blocks
  • Implementing CKSubscription for user notifications
    • Silent vs Public (registering for remote notifications)

Starting the project


  • Delcare the update(hype:) and delete(hype:) method declaration
  • In update(hype:) call the .add(Operation) method on the publicDB.
  • Follow the steps to complete the implementation of the CKModifyRecordsOperation to update existing records
  • Do the same process for delete(hype:), have the students walk through the code, using update(hype:) for an example
  • Add documentation to the methods, have students explain what each line is doing
  • Edit the presentHypeAlert() method to take in an optional Hype object to allow for editing.
  • Edit the addHypeAction to check if a hype was passed in and implement the udpate(hype:) method
  • Implement the didSelectRowAt tableView method to grab the hype you wish to edit and pass it into the presentHypeAlert(for hype:) method


  • Import UserNotificationCenter and request authorization for notificatino
  • Import CloudKit to implement didRegisterForRemoteNotificationWithDeviceToken, didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError, and didReceiveRemoteNotifaction
  • In the didReceiveRemoteNotification method, call fetchAllHypes to refresh the hype list
  • Talk about CKSubscription
  • Declare the subscribeFOrRemoteNotifications() method
  • Initialize a CKQuerySubscription, init the required predicate
  • Change all the properties on the subscription that we care about
  • Save the subscription to the publicDB
  • Demo the subscription notifications
  • Implement applicationDidBecomeActive to set the badge number to 0 when the app is opened

Day 3 - CKRecord.Reference, CKUserIdentity

Documentation Links

  • CKUserIdentity
    • Specifically the userRecordID property for referencing the AppleID User.
    • Can touch on UserDiscoverability, but also mention that you can't edit the properties on the Users type in the dashboard.
  • CKRecord.Reference

Talking points before beginning

  • What is a CKRecord.Reference, touch on similarities to Relationships in CoreData
  • CKUserIdentity being an AppleID User that you can use for authentication


User Model
  • Create the User file and declare the User class with the username, bio, recordID, and appleUserReference properties
  • Create all needed initializers
  • Add documentation to initializers, have students explain what each line does
  • Create the UserController file and declare the class, implement the singleton and currentUser properties
  • Declare the needed CRUD functions
  • Begin filling out the createUser() method, and notice that we need a Reference to initialize the User


  • Delcare the fetchAppleUserReference() method, and walk through what it is doing
    • Built in CloudKit method to fetch the CKRecord.ID for the currently logged in "Users" object
    • We can use that to create a reference to our custom User object to handle login/account authentication

CKRecord.Reference Cont.

  • Call the fetchAppleUserReference() method in the creatUser() method and continue filling it out
  • Fill in the fetchUser() body, showing how we need to implement the fetchAppleUserReference() again.
  • Add documentation, have students explain what each line does
Hype Model

Currently the Hype objects have no reference to our custom User object. We need to refactor the model so Hypes point back to the User that created it.

  • Add the userReference property, mark it optional to account for existing Hypes without a reference
  • Include the userReference in the designated init, failable init, and CKRecord extension

Changing the Model requres us to refactor the ModelController as well

  • Add the userReference property to the saveHype() method
ViewControllers && Storyboards
  • Create and constrain the SignUpViewController, make it the initial viewController
  • Refactor the HypeListViewController and it's navigationController to a new storyboard file
  • Create the SignUpViewController file and wire up the views
  • Declare a fetchUser() method where we call the UserController's fetchUser method. We do this to keep the viewDidLoad as clean as possible.
  • If we complete with success, we need to present the HypeListViewController
  • Declare the presentHypeListVC() method and walk through presenting the viewController we need programatically
  • If the fetchUser doesn't succeed, we need to give ourselves a way to create a User throught the sighUpButton action.
  • Implement the UserController createUser() method in the button action, and call the presentHypeListVC() method if it completes with success
  • Demo the app
If there is time...
  • We have added in specific Users, but currently there is no way for us to distinguish who owns what hype. Anyone can make edits or delete any hype.
  • Refactor the update(hype:) and delete(hype:) to take that into account.

Day 4 - CKAsset

Documentation Links


Talking points before beginning

  • Talk about storing data in the cloud with CKAsset
    • Documentation is very helpful here (stored separate, saves only one copy of the asset).
  • Talk about the flow of data for storing something in a CKAsset and fetching an asset and transforming it back
    • Very similar to the process of CKRecords


User Model
  • Create the profilePhoto property, the photoData property, and the photoAsset property
  • Include the profilePhoto in the designated initializer with a default value of nil
  • Wite the get/set for the profilePhoto property
  • Write the get for the photoAsset
  • Include the photoAsset in the CKRecord Extension init
  • Unwrap the image in the failable init
  • Add documentation, have students explain what each line is doing
  • Edit the createUser() method to accomodate the optional phofilePhoto
  • Add in and constrain the containerView
  • Add an imageView and button to the new ViewController
  • Create the imagePicker property
  • Create the PhotoSelectorDelegate protocol, fill in the protocol method, and create the delegate property on the class
  • Create the PhotoPickerViewController file, subclass and wire up the views
  • In the selectPhoto action, create an alert controller with three actions: Cancel, Camera, Photo Library
    • In the closure for cancel, call dismiss on the imagePicker, leave the other closures empty for now
  • Extend the class and conform to UIImagePickerControllerDelegate && UINavigationControllerDelegate
  • Implement the delegate method didFinishPickingMediaWIthInfo
    • Unwrap the selected image and the delegate, then call the delegate.photoPickerSelected(image:) method
    • Set the imageView's image to the selected image, and dismiss the picker
  • Declare and fill out the openCamera() and openGallery() methods
  • Call the methods in the cameraAction and photoLibraryAction above
  • Declare and fill out the setupViews() method
  • Call setupViews() in viewDidLoad
  • Create the image property
  • Extend the class and conform to the PhotoSelectorDelegate protocol, setting self.image = image in the fuction body
  • Include the profilePhoto parameter in the createUser() method, pass in the image property
  • Override prepare(for segue:) and assign the delegate for the PhotoPickerViewController
  • Declare and fill out the setupViews() method, call it in viewDidLoad
  • Delete the current User in the dashboard and test the code
Hype Model

Follow the same process to implement photos on Hype objects.

  • Add the hypePhoto, photoData, and photoAsset properties
  • Include the photo in the designated init with a default value of nil
  • Include the photoAsset in the CKRecord Extension init
  • Unwrap and set the photo in the clas failable init
  • Add documentation and have students explaine line by line
  • Include a photo parameter in the saveHype() method, pass it in the newHype constant init as well
HypeListViewController && HypeList.storyboard
  • Add in a camera barButtonItem next to the compose button
  • Create a modal segue to a new ViewController
  • Constrain the view elements for the HypePhotoViewController, create the file, and wire up the views
    • You will need to refactor the PhotoPickerViewController into it's own storyboard to drag out the embed segue to the storyboard reference
  • In the viewController file conform to the PhotoSelectorDelegate
    • Create an image property on the class
    • Set the self.image = image in the protocol delegate method
    • Set the delegate for the imagePicker in prepare(for segue:)
  • In the confirmButton action, unwrap the image and text from the outlets, and call the HypeController saveHype() method
  • Declare and fill in the dismissView() method
    • Call this in the completion for the saveHype and cancelButton action
  • Declare and fill in the setupViews() to make the imageView look nice