This is a simple FCN8s[1] implementation in Pytorch. I think it is almost the same as original Caffe implementation, except:
- Adam optimizer is used in this one
- the output of Pool4 and Pool3 are sent into the subsequent conv layers without being multiplied by a small constant.
Some of the code are borrowed from and
Thank them very much.
python --phase train --data /media/xyz/Files/data/datasets --out ./checkpoint
python --phase test --param /media/xyz/Files/fcn8s.pth --data /media/xyz/Files/images --out ./result
(Assuming '/media/xyz/Files/data/datasets' is the path to VOC dataset, '/media/xyz/Files/fcn8s.pth' is the path to some pretrained parameters, and you have some images to segment in '/media/xyz/Files/images')
Visulization during training:
open http://localhost:8097/env/fcn in a browser
[1] Long, Jonathan, Evan Shelhamer, and Trevor Darrell. "Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2015.