This plugin provides a GUI client for Descartes in the Eclipse IDE, it works on Eclipse Maven projects. An Eclipse wizard allows a confortable user's experience, the user can create, save and load Descartes launch configurations easily.
The wizard allows the user to add and remove mutators easily without manipulating a xml file and the Descartes console output is displayed in the Eclipse console.
- select a maven project.
- you can open it by right click on the project and then STAMP > Descartes, in the main bar STAMP > Descartes or with ctrl + 8.
A Descartes configuration consists of the path of a project, a set of mutators to run Descartes and the name of a pom file.
To create a new configuration select the check button in the right of the "create new configuration" row and write a name for the configuration in the text, after this select the project mutators and pom file to use, when you press finish your new configuration will be saved and executed.
Descartes wizard includes validation of the text fields, if the text is empty or the content is wrong a red signal will be displayed in the wizard page's head in the top left corner there will be another signal, click right on it to open a quick fixer menu and push the fix problems option to correct the text.
To load a stored configuration deselect the check button in the "create configuration" row, the "load configuration" combo will be set ennabled, then choose the desired configuration in the combo list, when you select a configuration it's parameters are loaded and shown in page one, if you change this parameters the changes will be saved after pressing the finish button.
Push the select project button to open a project selection dialog, select a project and press the OK button, you will see the path of the new project in the "path of the project" text, you can also write the path of the project directly in the text box.
Under the project's row there is a white area with the title mutators, all the mutators in this area will be used, the check buttons to the left of the mutators,
have the only purpose to use the "Remove selected mutators" button, to the right of this area there is a column of five buttons to manipulate the list.
To add a mutator push the "Add mutator" button to open a dialog, select the type of mutator you want, if the mutator type requires to write a text like string or int the text will be enabled, write the text of the mutator and press ok, the necessary sintax like "" for strings, '' for chars or key words as short is provided, the text implements validation when necessary and a quick fixer for some of the possible problems (open the quick fixer by right clicking on the error signal on the top left corner of the text).
To remove mutators from the list, select the check buttons in the left of the mutators to remove and push the "Remove selected mutators" button (that's the only purpose of the check buttons).
If you want to remove all, push the "Remove all" button.
The initial mutators are those declared in the pom.xml file of the project, when you open the wizard (or when you select a new project) the initial list is shown in the mutators area, if you want to come back to the initial list, press the "Set initial mutators button".
To set a default list of mutators press the "Set default mutators button".
The default list is taken from a properties file /files/ so you can edit it easily, the list is shown in the wizard, using the alphabetical order of the properties keys, the mutator with the key ab will be under the mutator with the key aa.
To execute Descartes the plugin writes an .xml file to use it as pom file in order not to touch the pom.xml of the project, you can set the name of this file writing a name (it must end with .xml) in the "name of the POM file" text box in the bottom of the page.
You can open a dialog to choose the Descartes output formats.
Press the finish button to execute Descartes, you will see the information about the execution in the Eclipse console.
At the end you will see the summary in the console, the Descartes Issues and Pit Coverage views will be opened to show the information in the html summaries produced by Descartes, You can use the links in the document and the back/forward links in the top left corner of the view to display all the reports.
The plugin allows you to open an issue in Jira for a Descartes issues report.
First you have to configure your Jira account or accounts in the Descartes Jira preferences page, go to Window > Preferences > Descartes Jira preferences.
If there is no accounts the button "Create new account" will be selected, set the url, user and password in the corresponding texts and click in the apply button.
If there is an account (or several accounts) registered, the button "Modify an existing account" will be selected, (you can select the "Create new account" button to create a new one), select the account to modify in the "Existing accounts" combo, the values of the account's fields will be loaded in their texts, modify them and click apply to save the changes.
If you want to remove an account select the "Mofify an existing" account button, select the account to delete in the existing accounts combo, and press the "Remove account" button to delete it, press apply to confirm the operation.
The accounts data are stored with encryption.
Go to the Descartes issues view, there is a link called "Open Jira ticket" in the top right corner of the view, this link is enabled if a specific method report is displayed (not enabled when displaying the index), click it to open the "Jira Issue wizard"
This is a single page wizard, the "Jira account" combo contains the registered Jira accounts, the "Select a project" combo contains the projects found in the account.
The "Title text" contains the title of the issue, by default Descartes issue (full name of the class)::(method), this method is partially/pseudo tested, the "Issue type" text sets the issue type, default Bug, and the big text "Description" contains the description taken from the issue report converted to Jira wiki mark-up.
You can edit the title and description, finally press finish, to create the ticket, an information dialog will provide you some information about the issue opened.