The Financer application is a Web API developed using ASP .NET Core framework. Its primary functionality enables users to meticulously monitor both their expenditures and incomes, facilitating the generation of reports tailored to individual financial activities.
To run the Financer project, follow these steps:
Ensure that you have Microsoft SQL Server installed on your system. If not, download and install it from the official Microsoft website.
Clone the Financer repository to your machine.
Open the solution file in Visual Studio or your preferred integrated development environment (IDE).
Navigate to the appsettings.Development.json file in the Web
project. Update the connection string under the "ConnectionStrings" section to point to your MS SQL Server instance.
Run the app to create database automatically.
Once the database migration and seeding processes are complete, build the solution to ensure all dependencies are resolved.
Run the application. Ensure that the API endpoints are accessible and that you can interact with the application without encountering any errors.
1. Builder
Builder Pattern was implemented for creating Reports with Summaries. It has methods for setting currency and for creating summaries for different time periods.
public IExpectsSummary WithCurrency(Currency currency)
Currency = currency;
return this;
public IReportBuilder WithMonthlySummary(IEnumerable<Transaction> transactions)
SummaryMapper summaryMapper = new MonthlySummaryMapper();
Summaries = summaryMapper.MapToSummaries(transactions).ToList();
return this;
public Report Build()
var report = new Report(Currency, Summaries);
Currency = Currency.None;
Summaries = [];
return report;
CoR pattern was implemented for handling variations of report depending on transactions date range. It uses builder for creating report with monthly summaries, if date range more than month, weekly - if more than week or daily.
public override Report CreateReport(IEnumerable<Transaction> transactions)
var dateRange = transactions.GetDateRange();
if (dateRange.LengthInDays > 6)
var currency = GetCurrency(transactions);
var report = _reportBuilder.WithCurrency(currency)
return report;
return base.CreateReport(transactions);
3. Adapter
Adapter pattern was needed, because application has IYahooCurrencyAPI for fetching exchange rates, but rest of services uses IExchangeProvider, so adapter helps using YahooApi as IExchangeProvider.
public class YahooExchangeRateAdapter : IExchangeRateProvider
private readonly IYahooCurrencyAPI _yahooCurrencyAPI;
public YahooExchangeRateAdapter(IYahooCurrencyAPI yahooCurrencyAPI)
_yahooCurrencyAPI = yahooCurrencyAPI;
public async Task<decimal> GetExchangeRateAsync(Currency fromCurrency, Currency toCurrency)
return await _yahooCurrencyAPI.GetExchangeRateAsync(fromCurrency.Code, toCurrency.Code);
Report Builder had very similar methods for creating summaries, so Template Method was introduced. SummaryMapper class was created, it has basic algorithm for creating summaries and set of methods for changing parts of this algorithm.
public abstract class SummaryMapper
public IEnumerable<Summary> MapToSummaries(IEnumerable<Transaction> transactions)
var summaries = new List<Summary>();
var dateRange = transactions.GetDateRange();
var currentDate = GetStartDate(dateRange.Start);
while (currentDate <= dateRange.End)
decimal totalAmount = GetTotalAmount(currentDate, transactions);
var summary = CreateSummary(currentDate, totalAmount);
currentDate = NextDate(currentDate);
return summaries;
protected abstract DateOnly GetStartDate(DateOnly date);
protected abstract DateOnly NextDate(DateOnly currentDate);
protected abstract decimal GetTotalAmount(DateOnly currentDate, IEnumerable<Transaction> transactions);
protected abstract Summary CreateSummary(DateOnly currentDate, decimal amount);
public class DailySummaryMapper : SummaryMapper
protected override DateOnly GetStartDate(DateOnly date)
return date;
protected override DateOnly NextDate(DateOnly currentDate)
return currentDate.AddDays(1);
protected override decimal GetTotalAmount(DateOnly currentDate, IEnumerable<Transaction> transactions)
return transactions.Where(t =>
.Sum(o => o.RealAmount);
protected override Summary CreateSummary(DateOnly currentDate, decimal amount)
return new Summary(amount,
DateRange.Create(currentDate, currentDate)
Code was written by DRY principle, for example applicaiton has plenty of extension methods for working with dates.
public static class DateExtensions
public static DateOnly GetStartOfMonth(this DateOnly date)
return new DateOnly(date.Year, date.Month, 1);
public static DateOnly GetEndOfMonth(this DateOnly date)
return new DateOnly(date.Year, date.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(date.Year, date.Month));
public static DateOnly GetStartOfWeek(this DateOnly date)
int delta = DayOfWeek.Monday - date.DayOfWeek;
return date.AddDays(delta);
public static DateOnly GetEndOfWeek(this DateOnly date)
return date.GetStartOfWeek().AddDays(6);
public static bool IsDate(this DateTime date, DateOnly otherDate)
return date.Year == otherDate.Year &&
date.Month == otherDate.Month &&
date.Day == otherDate.Day;
Dependency inversion principle was used, classes depend on interface IExchangeRateProvider - higher level module, instead of a concrete class.
public interface IExchangeRateProvider
Task<decimal> GetExchangeRateAsync(Currency fromCurrency, Currency toCurrency);
SRP was used, because every class implements its own logic and responsible for small chunk of functionality. For example ReportBuilder was created to build reports so CreateReportHendlers would be responsible only for deciding, how to divide summaries and not some other functionality.
After fetching rate, YahooCurrencyApi checks status code of response and throws error if it is not success:
public async Task<decimal> GetExchangeRateAsync(string fromCurrencyCode, string toCurrencyCode)
HttpResponseMessage response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(apiUrl);
if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) throw new YahooException("Failed to fetch data");
string jsonString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var node = JsonNode.Parse(jsonString)!;
var rate = node["chart"]?["result"]?[0]?["meta"]?["regularMarketPrice"]?.ToString();
if (rate is null)
throw new YahooException("Failed to parse data");
return decimal.Parse(rate);
Only required functionality was implemented, application remains structure of actually needed modules with everything having a purpose.
Builder methods for creating summaries had very similar code. In commit #8ae81b8 template method was formed to remove duplication. Template method was described earlier.
Foreign method was introduced for getting date range the list of transactions.
public static DateRange GetDateRange(this IEnumerable<Transaction> transactions)
var minDate = transactions.Min(t => t.OperationDate);
var maxDate = transactions.Max(t => t.OperationDate);
return DateRange.Create(
Writing IdentityService code for mapping IdentityResult was moved to new separate method.
public async Task<Result> DeleteUserAsync(Guid userId)
var user = _userManager.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Id == userId);
if (user is null) return Result.Failure<string>(IdentityErrors.UserNotFound);
var result = await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user);
return MapIdentityResult(result);
private static Result MapIdentityResult(IdentityResult result)
if (!result.Succeeded)
return Result.Failure(result.Errors.First().ToResultError());
return Result.Success();
Used to save reports to a file in JSON or XML formats.
IReportFileSaver: Defines an interface for the report file saving strategy. It declares a method
to save a report.public interface IReportFileSaver { byte[] SaveReport(Report report); }
JsonReportFileSaver: Implements
for saving reports in JSON format.public sealed class JsonReportFileSaver : IReportFileSaver { public byte[] SaveReport(Report report) { // Implementation of JSON serialization logic here } }
XmlReportFileSaver: Implements
for saving reports in XML format.public sealed class XmlReportFileSaver : IReportFileSaver { public byte[] SaveReport(Report report) { // Implementation of XML serialization logic here } }
The IReportFileSaver
implementations are registered in the DI container with unique keys ("save-report-json"
and "save-report-xml"
// Registration of services in DI container
services.AddKeyedTransient<IReportFileSaver, JsonReportFileSaver>("save-report-json");
services.AddKeyedTransient<IReportFileSaver, XmlReportFileSaver>("save-report-xml");
- SaveReportAsJson: Controller method for saving reports as JSON. It uses a corresponding query handler to handle the saving logic.
- SaveReportAsXml: Controller method for saving reports as XML. Similar to the JSON method, it uses a query handler for XML saving.
SaveReportJsonQueryHandler: Handles the saving of reports as JSON. It uses the
implementation to save the report. -
SaveReportXmlQueryHandler: Handles the saving of reports as XML. It utilizes the
implementation for XML saving.// Handler for saving report as JSON internal sealed class SaveReportJsonQueryHandler : IQueryHandler<SaveReportJsonQuery, ReportFile> { private readonly IReportFileSaver _jsonSaver; public SaveReportJsonQueryHandler([FromKeyedServices("save-report-json")] IReportFileSaver jsonSaver) { _jsonSaver = jsonSaver; } public async Task<Result<ReportFile>> Handle(SaveReportJsonQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // Logic for generating report and saving it as JSON using _jsonSaver } } // Handler for saving report as XML internal sealed class SaveReportXmlQueryHandler : IQueryHandler<SaveReportXmlQuery, ReportFile> { private readonly IReportFileSaver _xmlSaver; public SaveReportXmlQueryHandler([FromKeyedServices("save-report-xml")] IReportFileSaver xmlSaver) { _xmlSaver = xmlSaver; } public async Task<Result<ReportFile>> Handle(SaveReportXmlQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // Logic for generating report and saving it as XML using _xmlSaver } }
This approach allows for easy extension and modification of report storage formats in the future, adhering to the open/closed principle of software design.
The Proxy pattern is utilized in our project to control access to the Yahoo currency API for fetching exchange rates. It allows for additional functionalities, such as caching the retrieved exchange rates to improve performance and reduce unnecessary API calls.
public interface IYahooCurrencyAPI
Task<decimal> GetExchangeRateAsync(string fromCurrencyCode, string toCurrencyCode);
public sealed class YahooCurrencyProxy(YahooCurrencyAPI currencyAPI) : IYahooCurrencyAPI
private readonly YahooCurrencyAPI _currencyAPI = currencyAPI;
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<(string, string), decimal> _cachedRates = [];
public async Task<decimal> GetExchangeRateAsync(string fromCurrencyCode, string toCurrencyCode)
if (_cachedRates.TryGetValue((fromCurrencyCode, toCurrencyCode), out var rate))
return rate;
decimal currencyRate = await _currencyAPI.GetExchangeRateAsync(fromCurrencyCode, toCurrencyCode);
this._cachedRates.AddOrUpdate((fromCurrencyCode, toCurrencyCode), currencyRate, (key, existingValue) => currencyRate);
return currencyRate;
- YahooCurrencyProxy: Acts as a proxy for the Yahoo currency API. Implements the
interface and internally manages the interaction with the actual Yahoo currency APIIYahooCurrencyAPI
The CurrencyConversionService
utilizes the IExchangeRateProvider
interface, which can be a direct implementation or a proxy to fetch exchange rates from the Yahoo currency API. The proxy ensures efficient retrieval of exchange rates by caching them and minimizing unnecessary API calls.
This approach enhances performance and reliability by abstracting the complexity of exchange rate retrieval and caching, providing a seamless experience for currency conversion operations.
The Facade pattern simplifies the interface to a complex system or set of subsystems by providing a unified interface. In our project, the Facade is utilized to streamline the process of report generation, which involves currency conversion and report creation from a list of transactions.
public sealed class ReportMakerFacade(CurrencyConversionService currencyConversionService, ICreateReportHandler createReportHandler)
private readonly CurrencyConversionService _currencyConversionService = currencyConversionService;
private readonly ICreateReportHandler _createReportHandler = createReportHandler;
public async Task<Report> CreateReport(Currency preferredCurrency, IEnumerable<Transaction> transactions)
var convertedTransactions = await this._currencyConversionService.ConvertTransactionsAsync(transactions, preferredCurrency);
return this._createReportHandler.CreateReport(convertedTransactions);
- ReportMakerFacade: Acts as a facade to simplify the process of report generation. It abstracts away the complexities of currency conversion and report creation by delegating these tasks to the
implementation, respectively.
The Fail Fast principle suggests that a system should immediately halt execution upon encountering an error or inconsistency, rather than attempting to continue with potentially corrupted data. In the provided code for the Money
class, this principle is implemented through the following mechanisms:
Currency Equality Check:
Before performing arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, the
class checks if the currencies of the operands are equal. -
If the currencies are not equal, it throws an
with an appropriate error message, halting further execution.public static Money operator +(Money left, Money right) { if (left.Currency != right.Currency) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Currencies have to be equal."); } return new Money(left.Amount + right.Amount, left.Currency); }
Comparison Operations:
Similar to arithmetic operations, comparison operators such as greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, and less than or equal to are overridden.
Before comparing two
objects, the class verifies if their currencies are equal. -
If the currencies are not equal, it raises an
with a descriptive error message, adhering to the Fail Fast principle by stopping further processing.public static bool operator >(Money left, Money right) => left.Currency == right.Currency ? left.Amount > right.Amount : RaiseCurrencyComparisonError(left, right); public static bool operator <(Money left, Money right) => left.Currency == right.Currency ? left.Amount < right.Amount : RaiseCurrencyComparisonError(left, right); public static bool operator >=(Money left, Money right) => left.Currency == right.Currency ? left.Amount >= right.Amount : RaiseCurrencyComparisonError(left, right); public static bool operator <=(Money left, Money right) => left.Currency == right.Currency ? left.Amount <= right.Amount : RaiseCurrencyComparisonError(left, right); private static bool RaiseCurrencyComparisonError(Money a, Money b) => RaiseCurrencyError<bool>("compare", a, b); private static T RaiseCurrencyError<T>(string operation, Money a, Money b) => throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot {operation} {a.Currency} and {b.Currency}");
By incorporating these checks and validations, the Money
class ensures that any potential errors related to currency discrepancies are detected and addressed immediately, adhering to the Fail Fast principle.
The KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle advocates for simplicity in design and implementation. The Currency
class exemplifies this principle through its straightforward structure and functionality:
public class Currency : ValueObject
public string Code { get; init; }
private Currency() { this.Code = string.Empty; }
private Currency(string code) => this.Code = code;
internal static readonly Currency None = new(string.Empty);
public static readonly Currency Usd = new("USD");
public static readonly Currency Eur = new("EUR");
public static readonly Currency Uah = new("UAH");
public static Currency FromCode(string code)
return All.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Code == code) ??
throw new ApplicationException("The currency is invalid.");
public Money MinPositiveValue =>
new(.01M, this);
public Money Of(decimal amount) =>
new(amount, this);
public override string ToString() =>
protected override IEnumerable<object> GetEqualityComponents()
yield return this.Code;
public static readonly IReadOnlyCollection<Currency> All = [Usd, Eur, Uah];
Minimalistic Design:
- The class has a simple structure, consisting of a single property (
), a constructor, and a few static fields for common currency codes (Usd
), along with a private constructor to ensure controlled instantiation. - By avoiding unnecessary complexity and keeping the class concise, it adheres to the KISS principle.
- The class has a simple structure, consisting of a single property (
Clear and Direct Methods:
- The
method provides a clear and direct way to createCurrency
objects based on their currency codes. - The
method allows for creatingMoney
objects with the specified amount and the current currency instance. - Both methods have straightforward implementations, enhancing readability and maintainability.
- The
Limited Responsibility:
- The
class focuses solely on representing currency information, without incorporating additional functionalities unrelated to its purpose. - This limited responsibility ensures that the class remains focused and easy to understand, aligning with the KISS principle.
- The
Immutable State:
- The
property is initialized only once and cannot be modified after instantiation, promoting immutability and reducing the risk of unintended changes. - This immutable state simplifies the class's behavior and enhances predictability, in line with the KISS principle.
- The
By adhering to a simple and straightforward design, the Currency
class embodies the KISS principle, making it easier to comprehend, use, and maintain.
The Composition Over Inheritance principle advocates favoring composition (object composition) over inheritance (class inheritance) to achieve code reuse and flexibility. The YahooCurrencyProxy
class exemplifies this principle through its design and usage of composition:
public sealed class YahooCurrencyProxy(YahooCurrencyAPI currencyAPI) : IYahooCurrencyAPI
private readonly YahooCurrencyAPI _currencyAPI = currencyAPI;
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<(string, string), decimal> _cachedRates = [];
public async Task<decimal> GetExchangeRateAsync(string fromCurrencyCode, string toCurrencyCode)
// Implementation details
Composition-based Design:
- Instead of inheriting behavior from a base class, the
class utilizes composition by containing an instance of theYahooCurrencyAPI
class (_currencyAPI
). - Through composition, the
class can leverage the functionality of theYahooCurrencyAPI
class without inheriting its implementation details, promoting code reuse and flexibility.
- Instead of inheriting behavior from a base class, the
Encapsulation of Functionality:
- The
class encapsulates the functionality of retrieving exchange rates from the YahooCurrencyAPI within its own implementation. - By encapsulating this functionality, the class maintains a clear and focused purpose, avoiding potential complexities associated with inheritance hierarchies.
- The
Flexibility and Extensibility:
- Composition allows the
class to easily adapt to changes in the behavior or implementation of theYahooCurrencyAPI
class. - It enables flexibility in switching or substituting the underlying implementation (
) without affecting the overall functionality of theYahooCurrencyProxy
- Composition allows the
Single Responsibility Principle (SRP):
- The
class adheres to the SRP by focusing solely on the responsibility of acting as a proxy for accessing exchange rates from theYahooCurrencyAPI
. - This clear delineation of responsibility enhances maintainability and readability, contributing to a well-structured codebase.
- The
Through composition, the YahooCurrencyProxy
class promotes code reuse, flexibility, encapsulation, and adherence to the SRP, aligning with the Composition Over Inheritance principle.
The BaseApiController
class follows the Single Responsibility Principle by focusing solely on handling HTTP requests and responses for API controllers. It defines the structure and behavior of API endpoints through route attributes and provides methods for consistent handling of HTTP responses based on operation results. Segregating these responsibilities into a base controller class enhances maintainability and extensibility.
public class BaseApiController : ControllerBase
private IMediator _mediator;
protected IMediator Mediator => this._mediator ??= this.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService<IMediator>()!;
protected string UserId => this.User.GetUserId().ToString();
protected ActionResult HandleResult<T>(Result<T> result)
if (result is null)
return NotFound();
if (result.IsSuccess && result.Value != null)
return Ok(result.Value);
if (result.IsSuccess && result.Value == null)
return NotFound();
return BadRequest(result.Error);
protected ActionResult HandleResult(Result result)
if (result is null)
return NotFound();
if (result.IsSuccess)
return Ok();
return BadRequest(result.Error);
The Dependency Inversion Principle states that high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules, but both should depend on abstractions. In the SaveReportXmlQueryHandler
class, this principle is adhered to through the use of interfaces for dependencies.
Interface for
: The class acceptsITransactionRepository
as a parameter in its constructor, allowing it to use any implementation of this interface, providing flexibility and the ability to replace dependencies. -
Interface for
: Dependency onIReportFileSaver
also indicates compliance with this principle. The class depends on an abstraction rather than a specific implementation. -
Interface for
: Similarly, dependency onReportMakerFacade
is through its abstraction, adhering to the Dependency Inversion Principle.
This approach makes it easy to change the implementations of these dependencies without modifying the SaveReportXmlQueryHandler
class, supporting flexibility and ease of making changes.
This technique involves isolating a segment of code into a separate method to improve readability, maintainability, and reusability.
public async Task<IActionResult> SaveReportAsJson(
string currencyCode,
DateOnly startDate,
DateOnly endDate,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var query = new SaveReportJsonQuery(Currency.FromCode(currencyCode), this.UserId, startDate, endDate);
return await SaveReport(query, cancellationToken);
public async Task<IActionResult> SaveReportAsXml(
string currencyCode,
DateOnly startDate,
DateOnly endDate,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var query = new SaveReportXmlQuery(Currency.FromCode(currencyCode), this.UserId, startDate, endDate);
return await SaveReport(query, cancellationToken);
private async Task<IActionResult> SaveReport<TQuery>(
TQuery query,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
where TQuery : IQuery<ReportFile>
var result = await this.Mediator.Send(query, cancellationToken);
if (result.IsSuccess && result.Value != null)
var reportFile = result.Value;
return File(reportFile.Bytes, reportFile.ContentType, reportFile.FileName);
return HandleResult(result);
Extracted Method:
- The original code includes two action methods (
) responsible for saving reports in JSON and XML formats, respectively. - Both action methods perform similar tasks, differing only in the type of query they create (
). - To eliminate code duplication and improve maintainability, a common private method named
is extracted to encapsulate the shared functionality.
- The original code includes two action methods (
Parameterized Method:
- The extracted
method is parameterized with a generic typeTQuery
, representing the query type used to save the report. - This generic approach allows the method to handle various types of save report queries while maintaining a single implementation.
- The extracted
Enhanced Readability and Maintainability:
- By consolidating common functionality into a single method, the code becomes more readable and easier to maintain.
- Developers can now make changes or enhancements to the report saving logic in a centralized location, avoiding redundant modifications across multiple action methods.
- The extracted
method promotes code reusability by enabling other parts of the application to leverage the same report-saving functionality without duplication. - Any future additions or modifications to the report-saving process can be applied universally by updating the single
- The extracted
- Elimination of Code Duplication: The "Extract Method" refactoring eliminates redundant code by consolidating shared functionality into a single method.
- Improved Maintainability: Centralizing common logic in the
method simplifies maintenance and reduces the risk of inconsistencies. - Enhanced Readability: The refactoring enhances code readability by promoting a clear and concise structure, making it easier for developers to understand and modify the codebase.
This refactoring aligns with best practices in software development, emphasizing code reuse, maintainability, and readability.
The refactoring technique employed in the provided code snippet is Replace Method with Method Object.
public sealed class ReportMakerFacade(CurrencyConversionService currencyConversionService, ICreateReportHandler createReportHandler)
private readonly CurrencyConversionService _currencyConversionService = currencyConversionService;
private readonly ICreateReportHandler _createReportHandler = createReportHandler;
public async Task<Report> CreateReport(Currency preferredCurrency, IEnumerable<Transaction> transactions)
// Usage of Method Object
var convertedTransactions = await this._currencyConversionService.ConvertTransactionsAsync(transactions, preferredCurrency);
return this._createReportHandler.CreateReport(convertedTransactions);
public class CurrencyConversionService(IExchangeRateProvider providerProxy)
private readonly IExchangeRateProvider _providerProxy = providerProxy;
public async Task<IEnumerable<Transaction>> ConvertTransactionsAsync(IEnumerable<Transaction> transactions, Currency targetCurrency)
// Implementation details
private async Task<Transaction> ConvertTransactionAsync(Transaction transaction, Currency targetCurrency)
// Implementation details
Replace Method with Method Object:
- This refactoring technique involves encapsulating a complex method into its own class (method object).
- In this case, the
class encapsulates the logic for converting transactions into a target currency. - By extracting this logic into a separate class, the
maintains a clearer and more focused responsibility, promoting better code organization and readability.
Benefits of Refactoring:
- Improved Maintainability: By isolating the complex logic into a separate class, the
becomes easier to maintain and extend. - Enhanced Readability: The main class (
) remains focused on its primary responsibility, while the complexity of currency conversion is abstracted into a dedicated class (CurrencyConversionService
), leading to clearer and more readable code. - Better Testability: The extracted method object can be tested independently, facilitating more comprehensive unit testing and improving overall code quality.
- Improved Maintainability: By isolating the complex logic into a separate class, the
- The
class serves as a method object encapsulating the logic for converting transactions to a target currency. It receives the necessary dependencies and performs the conversion asynchronously. - The
class utilizes theCurrencyConversionService
to convert transactions into the preferred currency before passing them to theICreateReportHandler
for report generation. This separation of concerns enhances code clarity and maintainability.
The refactoring technique applied in the provided code snippet is Replace Temp with Query.
public class BaseApiController : ControllerBase
private IMediator _mediator;
protected IMediator Mediator => this._mediator ??= this.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService<IMediator>()!;
// `Query` property
protected string UserId => this.User.GetUserId().ToString();
// Rest of the code ...
public class TransactionsController : BaseApiController
public async Task<IActionResult> GetTransaction(
Guid id,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
//Usage of the property
var query = new GetTransactionByIdQuery(this.UserId, id);
return HandleResult(await this.Mediator.Send(query, cancellationToken));
public async Task<IActionResult> GetTransactions(
DateOnly startDate,
DateOnly endDate,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
//Usage of the property
var query = new GetTransactionsInDateRangeQuery(this.UserId, startDate, endDate);
return HandleResult(await this.Mediator.Send(query, cancellationToken));
public async Task<IActionResult> EditTransaction(
Guid id,
[FromBody] TransactionDto transactionDto,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
transactionDto = transactionDto with { Id = id };
//Usage of the property
var command = new EditTransactionCommand(this.UserId, transactionDto);
return HandleResult(await this.Mediator.Send(command, cancellationToken));
public async Task<IActionResult> DeleteTransaction(
Guid id,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
//Usage of the property
var command = new DeleteTransactionCommand(this.UserId, id);
return HandleResult(await this.Mediator.Send(command, cancellationToken));
// Rest of the code ...
Replace Temp with Query:
- This refactoring technique involves replacing temporary variables with method calls or properties to enhance code readability and maintainability.
- In this case, the
class relies on theUserId
property from its base classBaseApiController
. - Instead of storing the
value in a temporary variable within each method, theTransactionsController
directly accesses theUserId
property from its base class.
Benefits of Refactoring:
- Improved Readability: By directly accessing the
property from the base class, the code becomes more concise and easier to understand. - Reduced Redundancy: Eliminates the need to store the
value in temporary variables within each method, reducing redundancy and potential for errors. - Consistent Behavior: Ensures consistent behavior across methods by retrieving the
value from a centralized source, promoting code consistency and maintainability.
- Improved Readability: By directly accessing the
- The
class inherits from theBaseApiController
class, which contains theUserId
property. - Instead of storing the
value in temporary variables within each method, theTransactionsController
directly accesses theUserId
property when needed. - This approach simplifies the code and improves readability by removing unnecessary temporary variables and promoting consistent access to the