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CryptoWallet: IOS Cryptocurrency App

Swift 5.0


CryptoWallet, is a swift library and IOS app to watch prices and check your realtime account balance across multiple cryptocurrencies exchange.Show the different type of coins and their graph according to the current market prices and currencies.Working on more effectable functionalities.

Light and Dark mode Preferences

1st 3rd


  • IOS 16.0
  • XCode


  • Live prices according to the current market
  • Show the percentage between Market Cap and DTC Dominance
  • Holding your coin to explore the more ups and downs during the market graph
  • Customize your holdings coins inside your account


Fetching the coin data from API

import Combine

func getCoin() {
     guard let url = URL(string: "       vs_currency=usd&order=market_cap_desc&per_page=250&page=1&sparkline=true&price_change_percentage=24h") else { return }
        coinSubscription = url)
            .decode(type: [CoinModel].self , decoder: JSONDecoder())
            .sink(receiveCompletion: NetworkManager.handleCompletion, receiveValue: { [weak self] (returnedCoins) in
                self?.allCoins = returnedCoins

Use CoreData for Setup the portfolio

import CoreData

init() {
        container = NSPersistentContainer(name: containerName)
        container.loadPersistentStores { (_, error) in
            if let error = error {
                print("Error loading CoreData! \(error)")

Initialize the Views to see coin with their details and prices


Initializing the view: Bitcoin
Recieve coin data: nil
Recieve coin data: Optional(CryptoWallet.CoinDetailModel(id: Optional("bitcoin"),
symbol: Optional("btc"), name: Optional("Bitcoin"), blockTimeInMinutes: Optional(10),
hashingAlgorithm: Optional("SHA-256"), description: Optional(CryptoWallet.Description(en: "Bitcoin is the first successful internet money based on peer-to-peer technology; whereby no central bank or authority is involved in the transaction and production of the Bitcoin currency. It was created by an anonymous individual/group under the name, Satoshi Nakamoto. The source code is available publicly as an open source project,
anybody can look at it and be part of the developmental process.\r\n\r\nBitcoin is changing the way we see money as we speak.
The idea was to produce a means of exchange, independent of any central authority, that could be transferred electronically in a secure,
verifiable and immutable way. It is a decentralized peer-to-peer internet currency making mobile payment easy,
very low transaction fees, protects your identity, and it works anywhere all the time with no central authority and banks.
\r\n\r\nBitcoin is designed to have only 21 million BTC ever created, thus making it a deflationary currency.
Bitcoin uses the <a href=\"\">SHA-256</a> hashing algorithm with an average transaction confirmation time of 10 minutes. Miners today are mining Bitcoin using ASIC chip dedicated to only mining Bitcoin, and the hash rate has shot up to peta hashes.
\r\n\r\nBeing the first successful online cryptography currency, Bitcoin has inspired other alternative currencies such as <a href=\"\">Litecoin</a>, <a href=\"\">Peercoin</a>,
<a href=\"\">Primecoin</a>, and so on.
\r\n\r\nThe cryptocurrency then took off with the innovation of the turing-complete smart contract by
<a href=\"\">Ethereum</a> which led to the development of other amazing projects such as
<a href=\"\">EOS</a>, <a href=\"\">Tron</a>, and even crypto-collectibles such as
<a href=\"\">CryptoKitties</a>.")), links: Optional(CryptoWallet.Links(homepage: ["", "", ""], subredditURL: Optional("")))))


UIApplication extension

import Foundation
import SwiftUI

extension UIApplication {
    func endEditing() {
        sendAction(#selector(UIResponder.resignFirstResponder), to: nil, from: nil, for: nil)

Date Extension to fetch and implement to current cryptocurrencies graphs

extension Date {
    init(coinGeckoString: String) {
        let formatter = DateFormatter()
        formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"
        let date = coinGeckoString) ?? Date()
        self.init(timeInterval: 0, since: date)

API Integration

Use coinGecko API which is super conviniate and easy to use. And it's free



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