Small projects, Notes, Code, and stuff
├── Projects
│ ├── Multi-pivot-Quicksort.ipynb
│ ├── Math-food-play.pdf
│ ├── Holi_Simulation.ipynb : Explaining the concept of balls and bins using a water-balloon game example
| ├── Social Computing models
│ ├── Chat-GPT : Small projects made using chat-GPT
│ ├── MCST-draft.pdf
│ ├── Shadertoy
| ├── networkx-related
│ └── LinearAlgebra slides.pdf
├── Notes
| ├── GNN notes(RS for GitHub).pdf
│ ├── Social Networks Summary
│ ├── kth_quick_lowerbound.pdf
│ ├── LinearCongruentialGenerator.pdf
│ ├── Interesting Things - anatomy and psychology.pdf
│ ├── Defense mechanisms .pdf
│ ├── Trees(DSA).pdf
│ ├── music theory.pdf
│ └── Social networks summary(pdf).pdf
├── resources
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── Social
│ ├──
│ ├── OS_funding
│ ├── Some_nice_OS_resources
│ └── open
└── Assignments
├── MAD-1 Lab Assignments
| ├── Final web app -1 (LA) : a web application made using Flask framework with SQLite DB, which lets users perform CRUD operations on students' and courses' databases.
│ ├── Final web app -2 (Tutorial) : a web application made using Flask framework with SQLite DB, that can display articles with authors date-wise or author-wise.
| ├── ....
├── streamlit_app(largest_of_three) : a simple app hosted on Streamlit cloud, that finds the largest among the given 3 numbers
├── VM_assignments
├── Software Engg. Project
├── Time tracker app proposal(2019).pdf
├── python-12th
└── MySQL-12