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This program provides a gateway/bridge for payment/wallet of the "Communicator" app. Which is another project that is not part of this github.


  • Compatible with all Reticulum payment/wallet apps (Communicator which is another project that is not part of this github)

Supported coins/tokens

  • HYD/DHYD/THYD (Hydraledger Utility Coin)
  • TEST (Test/Dummy Coin)

Current Status

It should currently be considered beta software and still work in progress.

All core features are implemented and functioning, but additions will probably occur as real-world use is explored.

There may be errors or the compatibility after an update is no longer guaranteed.

The full documentation is not yet available. Due to lack of time I can also not say when this will be further processed.

Installation manual


  • Install all required prerequisites. (Default Reticulum installation. Only necessary if reticulum is not yet installed.)
    apt update
    apt upgrade
    apt install python3-pip
    pip install pip --upgrade
    pip3 install rns
    pip3 install pyserial netifaces
  • Change the Reticulum configuration to suit your needs and use-case.
    nano /.reticulum/config
  • Download the file from this repository.
  • Make it executable with the following command
    chmod +x
  • Install all coins/tokens prerequisites - Hydraledger.
    sudo apt install curl
    sudo apt install pkg-config
    sudo apt install libssl-dev
    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
    . "$HOME/.cargo/env"
    pip3 install maturin
    pip3 install iop-python
    pip3 install requests


  • Start it
  • After the first start edit the configuration file to suit your needs and use-case. The file location is displayed.
  • Example minimal configuration (override of the default config config.cfg). These are the most relevant settings that need to be adjusted. All other settings are in config.cfg
    nano /root/.rns_server_blockchain/config.cfg.owr
  • Start it again. Finished!

Run as a system service/deamon:

  • Create a service file.
    nano /etc/systemd/system/rns_server_blockchain.service
  • Copy and edit the following content to your own needs.
    # ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 10
  • Enable the service.
    systemctl enable rns_server_blockchain
  • Start the service.
    systemctl start rns_server_blockchain

Start/Stop service:

systemctl start rns_server_blockchain
systemctl stop rns_server_blockchain

Enable/Disable service:

systemctl enable rns_server_blockchain
systemctl disable rns_server_blockchain

Run several instances (To copy the same application):

  • Run the program with a different configuration path.
    ./ -p /root/.rns_server_blockchain_2nd
    ./ -p /root/.rns_server_blockchain_3nd

First usage:

  • With a manual start via the console, the own RNS address is displayed:
    [] ...............................................................................
    [] RNS - Address: <801f48d54bc71cb3e0886944832aaf8d>
    [] ...............................................................................`
  • This address is also annouced at startup in the default setting.
  • This blockchain server address must be added to the clients.
  • Now the software can be used.

Startup parameters:

usage: [-h] [-p PATH] [-pr PATH_RNS] [-pl PATH_LOG] [-l LOGLEVEL] [-s] [--exampleconfig] [--exampleconfigoverride]

RNS Server Blockchain - Gateway/Bridge for payment/wallet for RNS based apps

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PATH, --path PATH  Path to alternative config directory
  -pr PATH_RNS, --path_rns PATH_RNS
                        Path to alternative Reticulum config directory
  -pl PATH_LOG, --path_log PATH_LOG
                        Path to alternative log directory
  -l LOGLEVEL, --loglevel LOGLEVEL
  -s, --service         Running as a service and should log to file
  --exampleconfig       Print verbose configuration example to stdout and exit
                        Print verbose configuration example to stdout and exit

Config/data files:


How do I start with the software?

You should read the Installation manual section. There everything is explained briefly. Just work through everything from top to bottom :)