1.4.8 Write a program to determine the number pairs of values in an input file that are equal.
Sort input in n log n
and iterate with maintainig previous value to detect equal values.
let nums = nums.sorted()
var pairs = 0
for (index, number) in nums.enumerated().dropFirst() where number == nums[index - 1] {
pairs += 1
1.4.10 Element with the smallest index that matches the search element solution
1.4.12 Duplicates in sorted arrays solution
1.4.14 4-sum implemented here
1.4.15 3-sum implemented here
1.4.16 Closest pair
Sort input array, iterate over it and compare diference between previous item.
let nums = nums.sorted()
var closestPair = (nums[0], nums[1])
var difference = abs(closestPair.0 - closestPair.1)
for (index, number) in nums.enumerated().dropFirst() {
let prevNumber = nums[index - 1]
let currentDifference = abs(prevNumber - number)
if currentDifference < difference {
closestPair = (prevNumber, number)
difference = currentDifference
return closestPair
1.4.17 Farthest pair
Sort input array, iterate over it and find min and max values.
var currentMin = nums[0]
var currentMax = nums[0]
for number in nums {
currentMin = min(currentMin, number)
currentMax = max(currentMax, number)
return (currentMin, currentMax)
1.4.20 Bitonic search solution
1.4.22 Binary search with addition and substraction only, Fibonacci search solution
1.4.24 Throwing eggs from a building
Drop an edd from floor equal to degrees of two (1, 2, 4, 8 ...) After egg breaks use binary search to find exact floor.
1.4.25 Throwing two eggs from a building
We can't user binary search for this. Good sollution is to use first egg to find 10-floor range and second to find exact floor with using linear search. Best solution will be to find range based on number of floors using triangular series formula:
n (n + 1) / 2 = number_of_floors
1.4.27 Queue with two stacks
On enque push intems into in
stack, on deque pop from out
stack. If out
stack is empty - push in it items from in
1.4.29 Steque with two stacks
Use queue with two stacks solution, but move items back on pop