A graph is a set of vertices and a collection of edges that each connect a pair of vertices.
Graph can be represented in few ways:
- Adjacency matrix
N by N boolean array, where i, j represents connection between vertices - Adjacency list
Array of lists, which represents connected vertices to index edge - Adjacency Set Array of sets, which represents connected vertices to index edge
Adjacency Set implementation:
struct Graph {
private(set) var adjacencySet: [Set<Int>]
private(set) var edgesCount = 0
let verticesCount: Int
init(verticesCount: Int) {
self.verticesCount = verticesCount
adjacencySet = Array(repeating: Set<Int>(), count: verticesCount)
mutating func addEdge(_ from: Int, _ to: Int) {
edgesCount += 1
func adjacent(to vertice: Int) -> Set<Int> {
return adjacencySet[vertice]
The classic recursive method for searching in a connected graph (visiting all of its vertices and edges) mimics Tremaux maze exploration but is even simpler to describe. To search a graph, invoke a recursive method that visits vertices. To visit a vertex:
- Mark it as having been visited.
- Visit (recursively) all the vertices that are adjacent to it and that have not yet been marked.
struct DepthFirstSearch {
private var edgeTo: [Int]
private var marked: [Bool]
let source: Int
init(graph: Graph, vertice: Int) {
source = vertice
edgeTo = Array(0..<graph.verticesCount)
marked = Array(repeating: false, count: graph.verticesCount)
dfs(graph: graph, vertice: vertice)
private mutating func dfs(graph: Graph, vertice: Int) {
marked[vertice] = true
graph.adjacent(to: vertice).forEach {
if marked[$0] { return }
edgeTo[$0] = vertice
dfs(graph: graph, vertice: $0)
func hasPath(to vertice: Int) -> Bool {
return marked[vertice]
func path(to vertice: Int) -> [Int]? {
guard hasPath(to: vertice) else { return nil }
var current = vertice
var path = [Int]()
while current != source {
current = edgeTo[current]
return path.reversed()
Unline DFS, BFS examines adjacent nodes first, before moving to next level. We use queue for that.
struct BreadthFirstSearch {
private var edgeTo: [Int]
var marked: [Bool]
let source: Int
init(graph: Graph, vertice: Int) {
source = vertice
edgeTo = Array(0..<graph.verticesCount)
marked = Array(repeating: false, count: graph.verticesCount)
bfs(graph: graph, vertice: vertice)
private mutating func bfs(graph: Graph, vertice: Int) {
var queue = Queue<Int>()
marked[vertice] = true
while let vertice = queue.dequeue() {
graph.adjacent(to: vertice).forEach {
if marked[$0] { return }
marked[$0] = true
edgeTo[$0] = vertice
func hasPath(to vertice: Int) -> Bool {
return marked[vertice]
func path(to vertice: Int) -> [Int]? {
guard hasPath(to: vertice) else { return nil }
var current = vertice
var path = [Int]()
while current != source {
current = edgeTo[current]
return path.reversed()
As an example of using DFS - find the connected components of a graph. In theory CC faster than union-find, but in practice union-find faster because does not required to build full representation of graph and in mixed operations.
struct ConnectedComponents {
private var marked: [Int]
var count: Int = 0
init(graph: Graph) {
marked = Array(repeating: -1, count: graph.verticesCount)
for vertice in 0..<graph.verticesCount {
guard marked[vertice] < 0 else { continue }
dfs(graph: graph, vertice: vertice)
count += 1
private mutating func dfs(graph: Graph, vertice: Int) {
marked[vertice] = count
for vertice in graph.adjacent(to: vertice) {
guard marked[vertice] < 0 else { continue }
dfs(graph: graph, vertice: vertice)
func group(for vertice: Int) -> Int {
return marked[vertice]
struct Cycle {
private var marked: [Bool]
var isCycle = false
init(graph: Graph) {
marked = Array(repeating: false, count: graph.verticesCount)
for vertice in 0..<graph.verticesCount {
if isCycle { return }
if marked[vertice] { continue }
dfs(graph: graph, vertice: vertice, source: vertice)
private mutating func dfs(graph: Graph, vertice: Int, source: Int) {
marked[vertice] = true
for current in graph.adjacent(to: vertice) {
if marked[current] {
if current != source {
isCycle = true
} else {
dfs(graph: graph, vertice: current, source: vertice)