I knocked this together for the presentation so it's very rough and ready.
Some pre-requisites are needed to get this working. If you run into any issues see getting help below.
- A decent terminal emulator (cmd.exe doesn't count) - I use Windows Terminal
- A version of PowerShell > 7 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell?view=powershell-7.4
- The
command should be available in your terminal, if it's not then you may need to quit and open it again to refresh the path
I wrote this during the demo, the game I created is in livedemo/
To run the game you can use the following command:
git clone git@github.com:ShaunLawrie/PresentingGamingPowerShellForFunAndProfit
cd PresentingGamingPowerShellForFunAndProfit
cd livedemo
pwsh ./1-intro-to-scripts.ps1
To run the nokia snake game (this thing is a super-hack no judging when you see the source code 😂) you can use the following command:
git clone git@github.com:ShaunLawrie/PresentingGamingPowerShellForFunAndProfit
cd PresentingGamingPowerShellForFunAndProfit
cd example
Install-Module PwshSpectreConsole -Scope CurrentUser
pwsh ./Snake.ps1
If you have an issues give me a yell on twitter @shaun_lawrie, discord @ShaunLawrie or raise an issue on the repo.
If you use discord check out the PowerShell Discord server, there are some really helpful people there.