Tracks AutoGPT Conversations and Categorizes them for easy access
- mainly used by anonhostpi to track common issues with AutoGPT
A lot of issues/prs/discussions end up getting recreated, because contributors struggle to find previous issues
Since I am a junkie for issue tracking, I have created this public gist to help others navigate AutoGPT's repo.
- my discord name: anonhostpi
You can find this tracker both as a gist and as a repo:
- Gist:
- Repo:
Github Gists presents files linearly, while the repo presents them in a folder structure.
Gists are easier to read, but repos are easier to contribute to
Microsoft's GPT2 Neuron Viewer - a tool to visualize the neurons of GPT2
- gist file order:
- git submodules:
- change remote url or path in
- change remote url or path in