Scripts to help making a docker registry server on a ubuntu 14.04 host
Configures a docker registry 2.0 server, puts a nginx server in front of it for (optional) ssl and user authentication.
tar -zxf docker-registry-build-master.tar.gz
cd docker-registry-build-master
sudo sh ./ `whoami`
log out and back in (Your user is now in the docker group)
cd docker-registry-build-master
nano config.yml
Change the last line (secret)
sh ./
Try open http://dockerregistryhost:5000/ Should get "404 page not found"
sh ./
Now we have the registry running, we need to put nginx in front
cd nginx
Get your ssl certs and put them in nginx/ as registry.crt registry.key Set up the htpasswd file by running:
htpasswd -c registry.htpasswd {username}
Then add more using
htpasswd registry.htpasswd {username}
Now build the registry-proxy:
docker build -t registry-proxy .
And start it linked to the registry:
docker run -d -p 443:443 --name registry-proxy --link registry:registryv2 registry-proxy
Now if everything went well, you should be able to browse to it at https://dockerhostip/ Note we've run everything at port 443, change if you want to. If something doesn't work run:
docker logs registry-proxy
Then fix config and rebuild the container with:
docker stop registry-proxy
docker rm registry-proxy
docker rmi registry-proxy
docker build -t registry-proxy .
docker run -d -p 443:443 --name registry-proxy --link registry:registryv2 registry-proxy