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Documentation on basics of dart in

File metadata and controls

184 lines (139 loc) · 4.78 KB


An open souce UI software development toolkit by Google. Cross platform framework A single code can be used to create application fo mobile, web and desktop The language used in flutter is dart


Developed by Google features such as object oriented, class based and C syntax strongly typed language with just in time and ahead of time complication

Operators in dart Arithmetic: + - * / % Relational: == != > < >= <= Logical: && || !

Comments Single line: // Multiline: /* */

Variables Hold data values Numeric- int, double Textual- string Boolean- bool

Final variables- The variables whose value can be set only once and is determined at the runtime.

Constant variables- Variables who are constant and are set at the compile time.

Runtime- When is compiled code is executed and the program performs task to produce final result or output during execution.

Compile time- When the source code is converted into machine or lower level code by a compiler and produces an executable file or code.

Conditionals (1) if else (2) Ternary: condition ? true statement: false statement (3) Switch: used for multi branch decision and handles multiple possible values of variable

Loops (1) for loop: used to iterate over a range and for fixed number of interations. (2) while loop: executes a block of code as long as the condition is true. (3) do while loop: generates atleast one execution of code. Rest working same as while loop.

Continue keyword- skips the rest of the loop code and proceeds to next iteration. useful for skipping specific iterations based on condition.

Break keyword- exits the loop or switch entirely. useful for terminating the loop based on specific conditions.

Functions block of reusable code encapsulate a set of instructions and gives modular code

Returntype functionname(parameters){ //code }

Arrow functions short syntax, one line functions for functions with single expression No return statement returns result of expression automatically

int add(int a, int b) => a+b;

Classes blueprint of creating objects represents real world entities

class classname{ //members }

Abstract classes cannot be instantiated provides blueprint of other classes

abstract class name{ //code }

Constructors method for intialising objects default constructor used if none is defined has same name as class

this keyword current instance of class avoids naming conflict between instance varibles and parameters

Getters- methods that provide access to values of private instance variables string get getname => name;

Setters- methods that allow modification of private instance variables set setage(int newage) => age=newage;

Static functions- belong to class and are accessed using class name Static varibles- shared among all instances of the class

Private variables denoted by underscore (_) before variable name restricts access to variable from outside class

class person {string -secret;}

Class modifiers (1) Abstract: prevents instantiation of class (2) Final: prevents class from being subclassed (3) Const: requires all fields to be final

Lists in dart ordered collection of elements only same data type elements allowed

List numbers =[1,2,3,4];

Operations: numbers[0] (Access) numbers.add(6) numbers.remove(3) numbers.length

Sets in dart unordered collection of unique elements no duplicate elements

set fruits={"apple", "banana"};

Operations: fruits.add("") fruits.remove("") fruits.contain("apple") fruits.length

Maps in dart collection of key value pairs keys are mutable and the values are immutable

Map scores= {"john":8,"jane":9};

Operations: scores["john] scores ["jane"]=7 scores.remove("jane") scores.length

Asynchronous programming allows tasks to run concurrently without blocking main program flow dart uses future and stream classes to handle asynchronous operations

Exception handling in dart (1) Try catch blocks: used to handle exceptions in synchronous code

try{ //code that might give error } catch(e){ //code to handl exception }

(2) Async-await: used in asynchronous code readable exception handling await keyword used only inside async function async keyword used in function declaration await used before future to pause execution until future completes

Future fetchdata() async{ try{ //asynchronous code that might throw exception } catch(e){ //code to handle exception } }

Future (promises) in dart represents value or error available at some time in future used for asynchronous operations

Stream in dart represents sequence of asynchronous events over time useful for handling continous data ex: user input or data from server