Anticipated Release Date: Q1/19 Note: Listed features are subject to change
- Eureka
- Support binding multiple urls for eureka servers
- Add Health contributors
- Config Server
- Discovery Client
- Connectors
- Add MongoDB connector
- Actuator endpoints
- Align supported actuators with Spring Boot 2.0 actuators
- Naming and functionality
- Discuss standardizing these
- Align supported actuators with Spring Boot 2.0 actuators
- Steeltoe Security libraries:
- Refactor and clean up code
- Add support for OpenID with Core
- Enhanced client-side Load Balancer support
- Currently we have a randomized load balancer, this will likely add a round-robin load balancer
- Also considered is a pluggable load balancer (need to investigate)
- Property placeholder support throughout Steeltoe projects
- Spring Cloud Stream (Messaging Abstraction)
- Allow to use RabbitMQ and Kafka
- Update Hystrix to use Spring Cloud Stream
- Sign the NuGet packages
- Add Gemfire/Geode connector (.NET Framework only)
- Eureka
- Add support for other enhancements/features that have been added to Netflix Eureka and Spring Cloud Eureka
- Metrics Enhancements
- Instrumentation for Hystrix to add tracing and stats
- Instrumentation for EFCore to add tracing and stats
- Instrumentation for Connectors to add tracing and stats
- Add Health contributors
- Circuit Breaker