Superceeded - A new YAML Language Server Plugin has been published, and seems more promising overall. I defer to vscode-yaml now. (marketplace/GitHub)
This is a work in progress/early release version, of a VSCode extension for YAML validation against a JSON schema.
This extension uses json.schemas definitions that it finds in the standard VSCode settings file.
"json.schemas": [
"fileMatch": [ "**/default.json" ],
"url": "./src/specs/schema/sources/JsonSchema.d4.json"
"fileMatch": [ "/.babelrc" ],
"url": "
"fileMatch": [ "**/swagger.yaml", "**/swagger.json" ],
"url": ""
Contents of the /server/src/yaml folder are from the following repos, with modifications:
They are included here, because I intend to take major liberties and make further strides towards conversion to TypeScript, if this effort proves viable.
Contents of the /server/src/json and /client folder are from the following repos, with modifications:
PetStore schemas were from the following repo: