diff --git a/docs/dev/update.md b/docs/dev/update.md index f5e4284..2ac1ff8 100644 --- a/docs/dev/update.md +++ b/docs/dev/update.md @@ -117,21 +117,22 @@ This document describes steps required to update the Sumo Logic Kubernetes Colle - files in [samples directory](https://github.com/SumoLogic/sumologic-kubernetes-collection-helm-operator/tree/main/config/samples) 1. Update example configuration in [bundle/manifests/operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml](https://github.com/SumoLogic/sumologic-kubernetes-collection-helm-operator/blob/main/bundle/manifests/operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml) - ``` + ```bash cat config/samples/default_openshift.yaml | python3 -c 'import sys, yaml, json; json.dump([yaml.safe_load(sys.stdin)], sys.stdout, indent=4)' > config/samples/default_openshift.json - EXAMPLE=$(cat config/samples/default_openshift.json) yq eval '.metadata.annotations.alm-examples |= strenv(EXAMPLE)' -P -i bundle/manifests/operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml + EXAMPLE=$(cat config/samples/default_openshift.json) yq eval '.metadata.annotations.alm-examples |= strenv(EXAMPLE)' -P -i bundle/manifests/operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml ``` 1. Test the Sumo Logic Kubernetes Collection Helm Chart with UBI based container images and fix issues. To test you can use: - ``` + ```bash make deploy-helm-chart ``` + 1. Build Helm Operator image and test the Sumo Logic Kubernetes Collection Helm Operator, fix occurring issues. To test you can use following commands: - ``` + ```bash echo $CR_PAT | docker login ghcr.io -u USERNAME --password-stdin export IMG=ghcr.io//sumologic-kubernetes-collection-helm-operator: make docker-build IMG="${IMG}" @@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ This document describes steps required to update the Sumo Logic Kubernetes Colle To update [bundle.yaml](https://github.com/SumoLogic/sumologic-kubernetes-collection-helm-operator/blob/main/bundle.yaml) use following command: -``` +```bash make generate-bundle mv generated_bundle.yaml bundle.yaml ```