Releases: TabbycatDebate/tabbycat
Foldex (1.2.0)
Foldex is an effort to improve its accessibility even further, boldly expanding into new user bases such as “people without credit cards”, “people who don’t like the command line”, and “people who can’t be bothered with entering test data themselves.”
⛴️ Docking is no longer just a sex thing, it’s also an overhyped startup that lets you create “software containers”. We’re not exactly sure what that means either, but we do know that it makes setting up an offline (local) version of Tabbycat way easier if copying and pasting strange gibberish into a terminal window/command prompt isn’t your thing.
🐣 We’ve created a new stripped-down version, “Tabbykitten”, that avoids Heroku’s credit card requirement! There are catches: public pages are slower and it can’t send us e-mails when it crashes (srsly, we actually fix these). But Tabbykitten is great way to exploit Heroku’s generosity in order test run the software or to tab small tournaments.
🔰 Have you always wanted to trial Tabbycat, but been too lazy to make up teams? We’re lifting the lid off one of our best-kept secrets: a fake data set for a fake tournament filled with fake people for your fake amusement. Now, you can load this demo tournament with a single click! Don’t wait—act like you’re a tab pro without even being at a real tournament!
🚻 Traditionally, Tabbycat’s followed the Australs practice of calling teams “Affirmative” and “Negative”. But we also believe in the liberty to self-identify. Prefer “Proposition/Opposition”, “Government/Opposition” or “Pro/Con”? The choice is yours! (Okay, not quite yours—it’s a tournament setting.)
🎛️ We realized Tabbycat does so much now that the number of buttons on the draw management page was getting out of hand. So we’ve split it into three: draw, display and motions. We think of this as “accessibility for people easily intimidated by too many buttons.”
🌎 On a commencé à traduire Tabbycat ! Well, not really—we’ve just started putting in place some translation infrastructure for future use. ¿Debates en español? 你用中文辩论吗?Debattierst du auf Deutsch? Debatteer je in het Nederlands? Want better translations than the nonsense you just heard? We’ve love to hear from anyone interested in helping translate Tabbycat!
💸 After thousands of hours of work over four-and-a-half years, we’re finally selling out. Which is to say: We’ve made our “please donate” page more prominent, and clarified Tabbycat can be used for profit or fundraising provided that a donation is made.
- Yet more minor bug fixes
- The auto-allocation UI will now detail your minimum rating setting better
- A number of minor bug fixes
- Redesigned the footer area to better describe Tabbycat and to promote donations and related projects
- Slight tweaks to the site homepage and main menus to better accomodate the login/log out links
- A few minor bug fixes and improvements to error reporting
- Allow panels with even number of adjudicators (with warnings), by giving chair the casting vote
- Removed defunct person check-in, which hasn't been used since 2010
- Collapsed availability database models into a single model with Django content types
- Collapsed optional fields in action log entries into a single generic field using Django content types
- Added better warnings when attempting to create an elimination round draw with fewer than two teams
- Added warnings in Edit Databse view when editing debate teams
- Renamed "AIDA pre-2015" break rule to "AIDA 1996"
- Fixed a bug that could cause the team standings and team tab pages to crash if some teams has missing emoji
Egyptian Mau (1.1.0)
We thought the good life was coming: the house by the lake, the generous pension, the ability to ignore server logs. We were just three days from retirement but then they had to drag the best they had back for one last case. This time they knew we were too old for this shit, but this time we knew that they only thing to lose were our badges but also everything.
We are loose cannons who don't play by the rules but now you can because we rounded out our debate format support after it turned out to be easy.
🙇 Support for United Asian Debating Championships style has been added; namely that the feedback options correctly allow for team-on-panel feedback, and the progress tracker will use the correct calculations to see who has not submitted. But anyway Tabbycat was used for the last three UADCs so hey what do we know ¯_(ツ)_/¯.
🏫 We also added support for the World Schools style; meaning that 'number of ballots' is now a setting available for determining team standings. We are proud to support the platonic ideal of debating formats that is 3vs3 with replies and POIs but which adulthood tragically robs from us.
🇳🇿 With both of those under the belt we now support all sensible forms of 2-team debating, as well as all of the non-sensible formats as long as they happen to come from New Zealand.
🌈 If you use Windows we are sorry. But hey at least emoji will now appear in full colour.
😑 It turns out all of our tables did not display properly on Internet Explorer 10 and 11. Woops! They worked fine on previous versions but given nobody seemed to notice we are now scared that everyone is still using ancient browsers.
- Fixed a minor bug with the visual importer affecting similarly named institutions
- Fixed error message when user tries to auto-allocate adjudicators on unconfirmed or released draw
- Minor docs edits