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Building for Windows

James edited this page Jul 24, 2023 · 52 revisions

Tauon for Windows can be built using MSYS2

  1. Go to and download the x86_64 installer.
  2. Follow the instructions on the page for setting up the basic environment.
  3. Run C:\msys64\mingw64.exe - a terminal window should pop up.
  4. Update by running pacman -Syu. (You may need to reopen mingw64.exe after this)
  5. Update again and install git pacman -Syu git.
  6. Clone Tauon repo git clone --recursive
  7. cd TauonMusicBox
  8. Execute pacman -S - < extra/msyspac.txt to install required dependencies.
  9. Execute pip install -r extra/win-requirements.txt to install python dependencies. (Might need pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-rust)
  10. Compile needed Tauon modules using bash
  11. (optional) Compile translations using python
  12. (optional) Add recommended fonts: In source directory, create a directory named fonts, and place Noto Sans font files in there.
  13. (optional) Build the SMTC module:
    1. Install Visual Studio
    2. Open src/smtc/TauonSMTC.sln
    3. Select the release configuration and build.
    4. From the build directory copy TauonSMTC.dll to /lib.
  14. You should now be able to run using python To package into an exe: bash, then the resulting build will be in the dist directory.
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