An implementation of Discord's Voice Connection.
Kord Voice acts as the middleman between Discord and your audio.
You may want to use something like LavaPlayer, to deal with getting proper audio. The example will use LavaPlayer to get audio. However, anything that can output 20ms of Opus-encoded 48k stereo audio data should work fine.
A bot who plays audio from YouTube using a user-provided query and LavaPlayer.
suspend fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val token = args.firstOrNull() ?: error("token required")
val kord = Kord(token)
val lavaplayerManager = DefaultAudioPlayerManager()
// to use YouTube, we tell LavaPlayer to use remote sources, like YouTube.
// here we keep track of active voice connections
val connections: MutableMap<Snowflake, VoiceConnection> = mutableMapOf()
kord.on<MessageCreateEvent> {
if (message.content.startsWith("!play")) {
val channel = member?.getVoiceState()?.getChannelOrNull() ?: return@on
// lets close the old connection if there is one
if (connections.contains(guildId)) {
// our lavaplayer audio player which will provide frames of audio
val player = lavaplayerManager.createPlayer()
// lavaplayer uses ytsearch: as an identifier to search for YouTube
val query = "ytsearch: ${message.content.removePrefix("!play")}"
val track = lavaplayerManager.playTrack(query, player)
// here we actually connect to the voice channel
val connection = channel.connect {
// the audio provider should provide frames of audio
audioProvider { AudioFrame.fromData(player.provide()?.data) }
connections[guildId!!] = connection
message.reply {
content = "playing track: ${}"
} else if (message.content == "!stop") {
if (guildId == null) return@on
// lavaplayer isn't super kotlin-friendly, so we'll make it nicer to work with
suspend fun DefaultAudioPlayerManager.playTrack(query: String, player: AudioPlayer): AudioTrack {
val track = suspendCoroutine<AudioTrack> {
this.loadItem(query, object : AudioLoadResultHandler {
override fun trackLoaded(track: AudioTrack) {
override fun playlistLoaded(playlist: AudioPlaylist) {
override fun noMatches() {
override fun loadFailed(exception: FriendlyException?) {
return track
Kord handles all sending of audio with the help of the AudioProvider
. The AudioProvider
is how you will tell Kord what audio to sent to Discord. This can be configured in the VoiceConnectionBuilder
voiceChannel.connect {
// audio provider wants a AudioFrame each time its called by Kord
audioProvider {
/* an opus audio frame, you can use something like lavaplayer to do this for you*/
Kord provides support to receive audio from Discord (*however it is not guaranteed to be stable, as it is not documented by Discord). First you must tell Kord to process incoming packets, in the VoiceConnectionBuilder
voiceChannel.connect {
receiveVoice = true
This flag will switch out the NOP implementation with a proper Streams
implementation exposed in the voice connection. This Streams
class provides access to several points of incoming packet processing.
val connection = voiceChannel.connect {
receiveVoice = true
// processIncomingAudio is anything you want to do with the flow of `AudioFrame`s in a `Stream`.
Replace {version}
with the latest version number on maven central.
dependencies {
dependencies {