Most tests can be run without any special commands or processes. Running the following command from the project's root directory will restore packages, build the solution, and run the full CoreWCF test suite:
dotnet test src/CoreWCF.sln
Some integration tests are dependent on external services (e.g. CoreWCF.RabbitMQ.Tests
require access to a RabbitMQ host), thereby requiring additional setup before those tests can run successfully. The steps below will create local containers hosting all dependent services required by the integration tests.
Install docker v19.03.0+ to your development environment via Docker Desktop or the docker engine
From the root directory of the CoreWCF repo, run the following command to start the service containers:
docker compose up -d
Run the tests as usual, using your IDE or running the following command from the command line:
dotnet test src/CoreWCF.sln
After running the tests, run the following command to stop the service containers and clean up all related artifacts (images, networks, volumes, etc):
docker compose down --rmi -v
Alternatively, the following command will stop the service containers while preserving container artifacts:
docker compose stop
Note: Some unit tests are set to only run on specific platforms (i.e. Windows-only or Linux-only) based on the features available to those operating systems.