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TJudger 1.0





在终端输入 sudo python install
这将帮你安装该评测机的所需要的 python-dev 和 libseccomp-dev 扩展,所以如果出现询问是否安装,选Y。
使用时请在头部加入 :
import TJudger

CFG = {
	'language':'C++', # 源文件语言
	'source_name':'lll.cpp', # 源文件名
	'in_file':'', # 输入文件名
	'out_file':'lll.out', # 输出文件名
	'ans_file':'lll.ans', # 答案文件名
	'time_limit':1000, # 时间限制(ms)
	'memory_limit':64, # 内存限制(MiB)
	'compile option':['-O2', '-lm', '-DONLINE_JUDGE'] # 编译选项
	['special_judge':'spj.cpp', # spj文件名]
	['spj_language':'C++' # spj语言]

然后可以运行代码 RES = 来得到评测结果并存储在RES中。

RES = {
	'status': 'Wrong Answer', # 运行结果
	'compile_info': '', # 如果编译错误,这里将显示编译错误信息
	'use_memory': 7728L, # 内存占用峰值
	'in': '2 3\n', # 输入文件内容
	'use_time': 0L, # 程序所占用的用户态时间
	'score': 0L, # 该程序所得分数(上限为100)
	'ans': '5  ', # 答案文件内容
	'out': '' # 输出文件内容

你可以在 test/test.pytest/test_spj.py中了解到更多细节。


由于 fork()可能会导致不可靠的内存使用峰值,所以我们直接采用类似于os.system("./runner")的命令,来运行一个与当前进程不共享内存的新进程,以达到减少误差的目的(当然,即使采用这种方法,误差在程序内存占用非常小的时候依然存在)。
在终端输入 sudo python install
拷贝运行之后编译出的程序(名为 runner)到你的评测程序所在目录
import ExTJudger
注意,这里不能使用 import TJudger
与普通版本不同的是,你需要通过 RES = 来获取结果。
你可以在 test/Extest.pytest/在此目录下应该还有一个名为 runner 的程序)来了解到更多细节。



首先确认你已经安装了 libseccomp-dev
如果没有的话,在终端输入如下指令来安装sudo apt-get install libseccomp-dev.
#include "xxxx/src/judger.c"

char* argv[] = {"xxx", "xxx", ...};
Config CFG = {
	language, soure file name, in file name, out filename, ans file name, 
	time limit(ms), memery limit(MiB), argv[, special judger name][, special judger language]};
Result RES;

然后通过代码 RES = run(&CFG) 来获取运行结果并存储在结构体RES中
Result是在 src/judger.h 中定义的结构体, 你可以通过如下方式来访问到该结构体变量RES的所有成员:

RES.score // 该程序所得分数(上限为100)
RES.compile_info // 如果编译错误,这里将显示编译错误信息
RES.status // 运行结果
RES.use_time // 程序所占用的用户态时间
RES.use_memory // 内存占用峰值 // 输入文件内容
RES.out // 输出文件内容
RES.ans // 答案文件内容

你可以在 test/test.ctest/test_spj.c中了解到更多细节。


编译的时候除了加入 -lseccomp 选项之外只需要再加入 -DEXACT_MOD 选项即可

关于评测插件 ( spj ) :

主评测将通过获取spj的标准输出来得到该测试点所能得到的分数,spj需要在最后通过标准输出流输出一个0~100之间的整数来告诉主评测用户的得分,系统只会截取spj输出的前8个字符,且只会截取到最后一次出现的连续整数,( 如abcdefgh100将截取不到任何数字, "a100bb10"将截取到数字10,不过正常人写出来的程序的输出应该为"100"或者"0"... ),还会将大于100的数对101取膜。

状态信息 ( status ) :

System Error: 设置错误或其他问题(请查阅TJudger.log获取详细错误信息及代码)
Judger Error: 主评测系统故障
Accepted: 成功运行并得到了正确的结果
Wrong Answer: 成功运行但到得了错误的结果
Dangerous System Call: 程序因为危险的系统调用被终止
Runtime Error: 程序因为类似于堆栈溢出的错误而被系统终止,即运行错误
Compile Error: 源代码无法被正确编译 ( 此时该点的编译信息将在compile_info中显示 )
Time Limit Exceed: 超过时间限制
Memory Limit Exceed: 超过内存限制
Output Limit Exceed: 程序输出长度超过答案长度
Run Successfully: 运行成功但是不可预知的错误发生了..
Compile Special Judge Error: spj无法被正确编译
Run Special Judge Error: spj运行错误
Partly Correct: 程序输出被spj认为只有部分正确 ( 此时该点得分不为满分100分 ) 

( spj还未经过正规测试,不久后将继续更新 )
( 普通版本的内存检测是基于ru_minflt(缺页)的,这可能会导致检测到的内存比实际使用大 )
( 精确版本的内存检测是基于ru_maxrss的,比较准确,请放心使用 )

( 由于本人英语水平所限 ( 一年多没上英语课了.. ) ,且现行英文版本为当时一时兴起所做,可能水平比机翻高一些,但是仅供参考,关于语法和语句及用词的相关问题,除非个人咨询,不接受任何建议,感谢理解 )

TJudger ( NowVersion 1.0)

This is a Judger for onlinejudge and local test.


For Python:

Normal Edition:

Run sudo python install
It will help you install python-dev and libseccomp-dev which is in need for judger.
Import module:
import TJudger
There should be a dict to describe config.
For instance:

CFG = {
	'language':'C++', # compile language
	'source_name':'lll.cpp', # source file name
	'in_file':'', # input file name
	'out_file':'lll.out', # output file name
	'ans_file':'lll.ans', # answer file name
	'time_limit':1000, # time limit(ms)
	'memory_limit':64, # memory limit(MB)
	'compile option':['-O2', '-lm', '-DONLINE_JUDGE'] # compile options
	['special_judge':'spj.cpp', # special judger name]
	['spj_language':'C++' # special judger language]

Then you will get result from RES =
The result is also a dict:

RES = {
	'status': 'Wrong Answer', # run status
	'compile_info': '', # if compile fail, it will show compile error message. Otherwise, it's empty.
	'use_memory': 7728L, # the total memory program used
	'in': '2 3\n', # input detail
	'use_time': 0L, # the user time program used
	'score': 0L, # the score program can get(top: 100)
	'ans': '5  ', # answer detail
	'out': '' # output detail

For details, check test/ and test/

Exact Edition:

Because of fork() may lead to unreliable memory using in python when actual memory using is very small, using os.system("./runner") to run judger in a new program in Exact Edition does do better in memory using detection instead of running in same program by API.
In order to use Exact Edition:
Run sudo python install
Then copy runner which is be compiled after Run sudo python install to your judger root directory
Import module:
import ExTJudger insead of import TJudger
You can get result from RES = instead.
The other thing is the same as Normal Edition.
For details, check test/ and test/ there should also be a runner ) .

For C/C++:

Normal Edition:

Check if you have installed libseccomp-dev
If not, you need to install it withsudo apt-get install libseccomp-dev.
You should compile your juger source with -lseccomp
#include "xxxx/src/judger.c" Then initialize Config and Result with:

char* argv[] = {"xxx", "xxx", ...};
Config CFG = {
	language, soure file name, in file name, out filename, ans file name, 
	time limit(ms), memery limit(MiB), argv[, special judger name][, special judger language]};
Result RES;

Then run:
RES = run(&CFG)
The result is a struct defined in src/judger.h, you can view all things in RES by:

RES.score // the score program can get(top: 100)
RES.compile_info // if compile fail, it will show compile error message. Otherwise, it's empty.
RES.status // run status
RES.use_time // the user time program used
RES.use_memory // the total memory program used // input detail
RES.out // output detail
RES.ans // answer detail

For details, check test/test.c and test/

Exact Edition:

You should compile your juger source with -lseccomp and -DEXACT_MOD

About Special Judge:

The code in [] is in need for the judgement with special judger. And if you dont have special judger, you can ignore this option and leave it blank.
Special judger also runs in sandbox and have time/memory limit for system safety. You can change this option in src/judger.c.
Your special judger should code with int main(int argc, char *argv[]). Because main judger pass the message (in file, out file, ans file) to special judger by argv in order:
in_file = argv[0], out_file = argv[1], ans_file = argv[2]
And your special judger should print the score that program can get in stdout. The score needs to be in the range of 0 ~ 100. Otherwise it may lead to judger error. Main judger will and only will read 8 characters in your special judger output and cut out by last num can get.

Status details

System Error: Config is not correct
Judger Error: Judge system goes wrongly
Accepted: Run successfully and get the correct output
Wrong Answer: Run successfully but get the wrong output
Dangerous System Call: The program is killed because of runing with dangerous system call
Runtime Error: The program is killed because of error like segmentfault
Compile Error: Your program sourse cannot be compiled correctly
Time Limit Exceed: The Time your program costs is too large
Memory Limit Exceed: The memory your program costs is too large
Output Limit Exceed: The output of your program is too large
Run Successfully: Run successfully but something goes wrong....
with spj:
Compile Special Judge Error: Your special judge source cannot be compiled correctly
Run Special Judge Error: Your speical judger gose wrongly
Partly Correct: Special judger find that your answer is not completely wrong

( Special judge mod is untested. It will be coming soon )
( Normal Edition memory using is based on ru_minflt. That may lead to the memory using which is detected is bigger than which is actually used )
( Exact Edition memory using is based on ru_maxrss )