Open your history in a fzf menu
Open in fzf the history of the last 100 recently closed tabs
Thanks to this discussion for the tip about displaying sfrtime directly with sqlite3.
The plugin need sqlite3
installed. If you want to use another sqlite tool, edit the 'qute-plugin-fzfhistory' file and adapt the code...
git clone
cd qute-plugin-fzfhistory
cp fzfhistory-userscript ~/.config/qutebrowser/userscripts/
cp qute-plugin-fzfhistory ~/config/qutebrowser/bin/
- edit
to fit your config. I use for examplekitty
as a terminal, but maybe not you... qute-plugin-fzfhistory
can be copied in any bin path, for example /usr/local/bin. I have created a bin folder in qutebrowser config I added to my bin path in .zshrc (or .bashrc), but you can use your own setup.
This extension can be launched with spawn -u fzfhistory-userscript closed-tabs
It stores the last 100 closed tabs in the file 'closed-tabs-history' in the qutebrowser datadir. The patch modifies the file 'mainwindow/' in qutebrowser source code. You can find the location of qutebrowser files with qutebrowser -V
patch -u /patch/to/qutebrowser/mainwindow/ -i tabbedbrowser.patch
'h': 'spawn -u fzfhistory-userscript',
'H': 'spawn -u fzfhistory-userscript closed-tabs',
run a termminal window (I recommand to make it floating for example in your window manager rules), running the command qute-plugin-fzfhistory
which displays the content of the table CompletionHistory
of history.sqlite, displaying the datetime in a human readable format.