- Make a list containing a list item for each Course Module you've done so far (On-boarding, Software, Frontend, Backend, Database).
- For each item (Course Module) make a sub list containing the things we asked you to learn that week.
- Next to each sub list item give yourself a confidence rating of (Green, Orange or Red).
- Now prioritise and pick 3 items to take action on (self-study / practice).
- Now learn and practice.
Setup starter files for the front end (HTML, CSS, JS) ✅
Setup backend files for an express app
- Initialise a node project ✅
- Create an app.js file ✅
- Install express ✅
- Install helmet ✅
- Install the logging tool ✅
- Add a
file with node_modules ✅
Setup backend files for database interactions
- Create an index.js for db interaction ✅
- Install the pg npm package ✅
- Create a reset-database file ✅
Design the front-end (whiteboard)
- Header ✅
- Input for Course Module ✅
- Input for things we've been asked to learn ✅
- With a way to link it to course Module ✅
- And a way to mark it Red, Amber or Green ✅
- Display for each course module with it's associated list ✅
- BONUS: A way to select 3 to focus on.
Flesh out HTML using following flow:
- User adds a course ✅
- User adds a learning linked to that course ✅
- User assigns it a RAG value ✅
- User views a list of courses and their learnings ✅
Add basic styling
- So it's not completely awful, just mildly so... ✅
Create Express app
- Link to express ✅
- Add middleware ✅
- Create empty routes for GET all and POST ✅
- Open up listening port 3001 ✅
Design DB Schema
- Using lucidchart and mermaid ✅
- copy export to
✅ - upload png of ERD ✅
Create postgres db using Render ✅
Setup logic for the DB scripts
setup with to create a pool of connections between db and app ✅/db/scripts/reset-database.js
set up with ability to:- Drop tables ✅
- Create tables ✅
- Initial seed data ✅
Create helper function file for modules
- Get a GET endpoint working ✅
- Get a POST endpoint working ✅
Create helper function file for learnings
- Get a GET endpoint working ✅
- Get a POST endpoint working ✅
- Get a GET Request endpoint working that returns a module AND it's linked learnings
Link up the front end ✅
- Test a connection using Modules ✅
- Create a list of learnings linked to a module on the display panel
- Add ability to add a new module ✅
- Add ability to add a new learning ✅
Convert to a Next.js React app
Set up next app ✅
install express and other dependencies ✅
copy over code ✅
create header component ✅
create a component for the forms to live in ✅
create form components? ✅
re-render module list when a new module is added ✅
- Lift state up to
- be able to get setState from form and ✅
- use the state in the module list ✅
- On page load call db to get modules and store results in state. ✅
- When a new module is added push success payload to the state array and trigger a re-render. ✅
- Lift state up to
refactor module form to be controlled
build module component to contain
module name
list of learnings
- Name
- Description
- RAG status (maybe a colour??)
- Notes **
add data fetching library tanstack