- Class Design
- Classroom Model
- CRUD Operations for Classroom
- Feature to list all timetable entries for a specific classroom.
- Subject Model
- Implement functionalities to assign subjects to specific time slots in the timetable.
- Support listing all timetable entries for a specific subject.
- TimeTableEntry Model
- CRUD operations for TimeTable
- Adding logging for each CRUD operation
- Credential (Userid, password) Through URL
But our URL will became too long (BAD PRACTICE). As many browsers have some limit on the length of the URL.
- Credential (Userid, password) Through Request Body (JSON)
In the request body, apart from the actual data, the user will also send the credentials. This is a better approach as the URL will not be too long and the credentials will be sent in the request body.
- JWT Token (JSON Web Token)
- We have used SLF4J (Simple Logging Facade for Java)library for logging.
- In every controller we are creating a logger object.
- We are using this logger object to log the information.
- We are logging the information in the console.
- We are also logging the information in the file.
- We are using logback.xml file to configure the logging to remove the unwanted logs. [Future Implementation]