This is an docker for BITCOIN Wallet inside an docker with xfce gui, I made this with the objective of dont have 120+ gigs in my pc so i put it on my server.
This image is based on
To use this docker image you need to have docker installed.
This will download the image to your pc
docker pull ulisses1478/bitcoinwallet-gui
This will make the container start with vnc only
docker run -d -p 5901:5901 ulisses1478/bitcoinwallet-gui
If you want the NoVnc
docker run -d -p 6901:6901 ulisses1478/bitcoinwallet-gui
docker run -d -p 5901:5901 -p 6901:6901 ulisses1478/bitcoinwallet-gui
If you want to put the files of the bitcoinwallet-gui outside the container
docker run -d -p 5901:5901 ulisses1478/bitcoinwallet-gui
You just need to run the desktop bitcoinwallet app
For this you will need to build your own image first you download or fork this repo and change the image with the name bh_sakuli.png and replace with the same name.
Directory for the image
You run this command and replace the , , for one that you want. THE COMAND NEEDED TO BE RUN WHERE DOCKERFILE IS
docker build -t <user>/<repo>:<tag> .