Tải video bằng cách record??? https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/fetchv-ti%E1%BB%87n-%C3%ADch-m%E1%BB%9F-r%E1%BB%99ng-%C4%91/nfmmmhanepmpifddlkkmihkalkoekpfd => cannot record full video
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Show recently closed tabs => Bỏ, browser có sẵn rồi
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Switch to Swal
Clear browser histories for specific website.
Export all data, and restore when re-install extension
Check window focus in iframes => truyền details vào allFrames đang không hoạt động đúng dưới background script
thêm event onInstalled, onStartup cho background script
Kiểm tra trang web an toàn https://chongluadao.vn/ https://api.chongluadao.vn/v2/blacklist https://api.chongluadao.vn/v2/whitelist
Fix magnify image on right click
Auto lock websites
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consistent extension id => publish draft to store to get public key => add to manifest => DONE
Oauth to google https://stackoverflow.com/a/25046173/23648002 https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/consent?authuser=1&project=useful-scripts-423305&supportedpurview=project => This API is not supported on Microsoft Edge
@@extension_id https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/api/i18n#overview-predefined => chưa biết làm gì
extends chrome devtools https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/how-to/devtools/extend-devtools => Chưa dùng tới
Render video in document.title => spam event tab update quá => khỏi làm
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finish webTimer + add filter by range
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Boost timer + bypass all short link https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/431691-bypass-all-shortlinks => Not interested
call js function from url https://stackoverflow.com/a/8466513/23648002 => chrome đã chặn, không dùng được
chrome.tabs.update(tabId, {url: 'javascript:functionNameHere()'});
- auto update extension https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/how-to/distribute/host-on-linux => không cài được luôn do trình duyệt nói nguồn gốc không rõ
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zing mp3 - có api ngon mà chưa dùng hết chức năng
tất cả các script inject code vào website cần update để tuân thủ TrustedScript
Tổng hợp các chức năng tải hàng loạt fb vào 1 trang web mới
Test thử rapid api => toàn trả phí là chính
Youtube local download => lấy data từ ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response => Làm UI
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Thêm visualize music vào bất kỳ trang web nào => repo riêng
get bigest image: https://greasyfork.org/scripts/2312 https://github.com/hoothin/UserScripts/blob/master/Picviewer%20CE%2B/pvcep_rules.js => check rule r array and s array
hoc regex di https://github.com/regexhq https://www.regexbuddy.com/
đọc extension samples https://github.dev/GoogleChrome/chrome-extensions-samples
- Run auto script from background service worker chrome.webNavigation.onDOMContentLoaded
- Sử dụng chrome.downloads
- Tìm hiểu chrome.topSites => không có nhiều ý tưởng lắm
- permissions userScripts
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- chrome.windows => merge windows
- offscreen clipboard write => Copy selected text on any web?
- tabCapture => capture google meet?
- webSocket => do something great?
- contentSetting https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-extensions-samples/blob/main/api-samples/contentSettings/popup.js
Thêm change logs cho từng scripts
Xem google extension howto Link
Thêm UI cho get all friends fb => ???
tiktok download api lỗi => Dùng snaptik api
cào data tiktok/douyin https://github.com/Evil0ctal/Douyin_TikTok_Download_API