no changes
no changes
- Separation of specific items for system (all VMs)), iCAT, resource, irodscommon (iCAT and resource) and portal.
No changes
- https webdav connections and portal connections are logged in separate apache log files.
- The number of connections is retrieved by new Zabbix items. These items are: yoda.daily.portalusers, yoda.hourly.portalusers, yoda.daily.webdavusers and yoda.hourly.webdavusers (only supported when portal is combined with icat on thesame virtual machine
Requires Yoda release 1.4.1
- irods specific monitoring now also deployed on resource servers (e.g. rodsLog errors)
- current (irods) files (count of DATA-ID) can be monitored
- irods service status on iCAT and Resource service can be monitored (using iCommand imiscsvrinfo)