v1.0.0: merge_divide_and_maxwell_splits
The DIVIDE-3k dataset was originally proposed in DOVER, as the first dataset with aesthetic and technical labels in addition to overall labels. In this dataset, we invite trained subjects to conduct a subjective study in-lab.
In the project ExplainableVQA, we further invite the same group of trained subjects to provide 13 dimensions of explanation-level labels for the DIVIDE-3k (i.e. the MaxWell database). These subjects also further labeled around 1K new videos to expand the database.
As the videos in MaxWell is a superset of the videos in the DIVIDE-3k, after the internal discussion of our team, we decide to unify the train
and val
splits in the two datasets, and re-run DOVER and DOVER++ on the merged DIVIDE-MaxWell
database (a superset of DIVIDE-3k, each one labeled with aesthetic and technical, and overall perspective scores) on the same official split as provided in MaxWell, i.e. 3634 training videos (80%), and 909 validation videos. The results of both variants are shown as follows, while the model checkpoint of DOVER++ (on the official train / test sets) will be uploaded soon to faciliate further research.
Download the videos in Hugging Face Datasets.
The labels are provided here for the official training set and official validation set
To run DOVER++ (enhance end-to-end training with Aesthetic+Technical+overall scores), the scripts are as follows:
python training_with_divide.py --train train-dividemaxwell --val val-dividemaxwell
As we have changed the train-test split, the results for FAST-VQA (technical branch of DOVER), DOVER and DOVER++ are also changed. See the following table for their results.
- DOVER (pre-trained on LSVQ)
SROCC: 0.7477 | PLCC: 0.7546 | KROCC: 0.5510
- FAST-VQA (==technical branch in DOVER, pre-trained on LSVQ)
SROCC: 0.7204 | PLCC: 0.7282 | KROCC: 0.5286
- Aesthetic Branch in DOVER (pre-trained on LSVQ)
SROCC: 0.7184 | PLCC: 0.7293 | KROCC: 0.5249
- SAQI (CLIP-ResNet-50)
SROCC: 0.5518 | PLCC: 0.5549 | KROCC: 0.3814
SROCC: 0.2847 | PLCC: 0.3014 | KROCC: 0.2150
- Q-Boost (based on Q-Instruct)
SROCC: 0.6821 | PLCC: 0.6923 | KROCC: 0.4949
- VSFA (Li et al, 2019, trained on the training set of DIVIDE-MaxWell, only overall score used)
SROCC: 0.6671 | PLCC: 0.6784 | KROCC: 0.4875
- BVQA (Zhang et al, 2022, trained on the training set of DIVIDE-MaxWell, only overall score used)
SROCC: 0.7418 | PLCC: 0.7394 | KROCC: 0.5341
- FAST-VQA (Wu et al, 2022, trained on the training set of DIVIDE-MaxWell, only overall score used)
SROCC: 0.7798 | PLCC: 0.7819 | KROCC: 0.5868
- MaxVQA (trained on the training set of DIVIDE-MaxWell, 16 dimensions used)
SROCC: 0.8044 | PLCC: 0.8131 | KROCC: 0.6098
- DOVER++ (trained on the training set of DIVIDE-MaxWell, 3 dimensions used)
SROCC: 0.8071 | PLCC: 0.8126 | KROCC: 0.6136
All methods are based on training and the results main contain randomness.