The Movement Vamos Juntas speaks not only about how important it is to women "go together", but also about the importance of "being together" and put the sisterhood in practice. For more informations about this project access Movimento Vamos Juntas Web site or the Facebook Page
Fork, then clone the repo:
[email protected]:VamosJuntas/vamosjuntas.git
Create branch git checkout -b <story-number>-<story-name>
$ git checkout -b 2-search-by-address
Push branch to remote repository git push -u origin <branch-name>
$ git push -u origin 2-search-by-address
After doing commits: git push origin <branch-name>
$ git push origin 2-search-by-address
Make sure the tests pass. Look here to see how to run all the tests
When the story is done, create a pull request: Push to your fork and submit a pull request
At this point you're waiting on us. We like to at least comment on pull requests. We may suggest some changes or improvements or alternatives.
Some things that will increase the chance that your pull request is accepted:
- Write tests
- Follow our style guide
- Write a good commit message
Based on thoughtbot/factory_girl_rails