diff --git a/TourGuide_Horde/29_30_HillsbradFoothills.lua b/TourGuide_Horde/29_30_HillsbradFoothills.lua
index 47e53b0..b9fd566 100644
--- a/TourGuide_Horde/29_30_HillsbradFoothills.lua
+++ b/TourGuide_Horde/29_30_HillsbradFoothills.lua
@@ -6,13 +6,8 @@ h Orgrimmar
R Hillsbrad Foothills |N|Take the zeppelin outside Orgrimmar to Undercity. Run down thru Silverpine.|
A Time To Strike |QID|494| |N|At Southpoint Tower (20.82, 47.31) just as you enter the zone.|
-T Time To Strike |QID|494| |N|Follow the road east then north to Tarren Mill (62.33, 20.28).|
-A Regthar Deathgate |QID|1361|
-A The Hammer May Fall |QID|676|
-N Are you level 30? |N|If you are, head to Arathi Highlands and continue the guide there.|
A Elixir of Suffering |QID|496|
+T Time To Strike |QID|494| |N|Follow the road east then north to Tarren Mill (62.33, 20.28).|
A Battle of Hillsbrad |QID|527|
A Helcular's Revenge |QID|552|
A Dangerous! |QID|567|
@@ -44,7 +39,6 @@ N Die on Purpose
T Battle of Hillsbrad |QID|527| |N|Skip follow-up quest|
T Dangerous! |QID|567|
-A The Hammer May Fall |QID|676|
A Regthar Deathgate |QID|1361|
R The Arathi Highlands
diff --git a/TourGuide_Horde/30_31_StranglethornVale.lua b/TourGuide_Horde/30_31_StranglethornVale.lua
index 7f05bfc..09652d1 100644
--- a/TourGuide_Horde/30_31_StranglethornVale.lua
+++ b/TourGuide_Horde/30_31_StranglethornVale.lua
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ TourGuide:RegisterGuide("Stranglethorn Vale (30-31)", "Thousand Needles (31-32)"
return [[
H Orgrimmar
F Grom'gol Base Camp |N|Take zeppelin to Grom'Gol|
+f Get the flight path
A Welcome to the Jungle |QID|583| |N|Follow the road north to Nesingwary's Expedition (35.61, 10.50), a little camp by the river.|
T Welcome to the Jungle |QID|583|
diff --git a/TourGuide_Horde/31_32_ThousandNeedles.lua b/TourGuide_Horde/31_32_ThousandNeedles.lua
index 627142b..82e3851 100644
--- a/TourGuide_Horde/31_32_ThousandNeedles.lua
+++ b/TourGuide_Horde/31_32_ThousandNeedles.lua
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ C A Bump in the Road |QID|1175| |N|Kill basilisks at Tahonda Ruins, the little l
C Rocket Car Parts |QID|1110|
C Load Lightening |QID|1176| |N|There's a nice group of vultures around some bones on the southeast edge of the race track (84.52, 81.74).|
-T A Bump in the Road |QID|1175| |N|Back at the Mirage Raceway (81.61, 78.00)|
-T Load Lightening |QID|1176|
-A Goblin Sponsorship (Part 1) |QID|1178|
+T Rocket Car Parts |QID|1110|
T Hardened Shells |QID|1105|
T Salt Flat Venom |QID|1104|
-A Martek the Exiled |QID|1106|
-A Encrusted Tail Fins |QID|1107|
-T Rocket Car Parts |QID|1110|
+T Load Lightening |QID|1176|
+A Goblin Sponsorship (Part 1) |QID|1178|
+T A Bump in the Road |QID|1175| |N|Back at the Mirage Raceway (81.61, 78.00)|
R Gadgetzan |N|Due south out of the zone.|
+f Get the flight path
]] end)
diff --git a/TourGuide_Horde/32_34_Desolace.lua b/TourGuide_Horde/32_34_Desolace.lua
index d5124c6..0ac4fbe 100644
--- a/TourGuide_Horde/32_34_Desolace.lua
+++ b/TourGuide_Horde/32_34_Desolace.lua
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
TourGuide:RegisterGuide("Desolace (32-34)", "Stranglethorn Vale (34-36)", "Horde", function()
return [[
-H Orgrimmar |QID|1432|
+H Orgrimmar
T The Swarm Grows (Part 1) |QID|1145| |N|Valley of Honor (75.05, 34.13)| |Z|Orgrimmar|
-A The Swarm Grows (Part 2) |QID|1146| |NORAF|
+A The Swarm Grows (Part 2) |QID|1146|
A Alliance Relations (Part 1) |QID|1431| |N|From Craven Drok in the Cleft of Shadow (50.37, 47.23)| |Z|Orgrimmar|
T Alliance Relations (Part 1) |QID|1431| |N|From Keldran, in a hut near the west gate of Orgimmar (22.32, 53.69)| |Z|Orgrimmar|
A Alliance Relations (Part 2) |QID|1432|
R Desolace |N|Fly to Stonetalon Mountains and run southwest|
-A Bone Collector |QID|5501| |N|From Bibbly F'utzbuckle at Kormek's Hut (62.33, 38.89).| |NORAF|
+A Kodo Roundup |QID|5561| |N|Follow the road southeast to Scrabblescrew's Camp (60.78, 61.86).|
+C Kodo Roundup |QID|5561| |N|In the Kodo Graveyard|
+T The Kolkar of Desolace |QID|1362|
+A Khan Dez'hepah |QID|1365|
+A Gelkis Alliance |QID|1368| |N|Skip "Magram Alliance"|
+A Catch of the Day |QID|5386|
T Alliance Relations (Part 2) |QID|1432| |N|Southwest at Ghost Walker Post (52.57, 54.25), you probably want to stick to the road.|
A Alliance Relations (Part 3) |QID|1433|
+A Befouled by Satyr |QID|1434|
T Alliance Relations (Part 3) |QID|1433|
A The Burning of Spirits |QID|1435|
-T The Kolkar of Desolace |QID|1362| |NORAF|
-A Khan Dez'hepah |QID|1365|
-A Gelkis Alliance |QID|1368| |N|Skip "Magram Alliance"| |NORAF|
-A Kodo Roundup |QID|5561| |N|Follow the road southeast to Scrabblescrew's Camp (60.78, 61.86).|
-C Kodo Roundup |QID|5561| |N|In the Kodo Graveyard|
-C Bone Collector |QID|5501| |NORAF|
+C Khan Dez'hepah |QID|1365| |N|In a big hut in the Kolkar Village (73.47, 48.60).|
+C Gelkis Alliance |QID|1368| |N|Kill Magram centaurs (69.10, 71.10) until you are friendly with the Gelkis centaurs.|
T Kodo Roundup |QID|5561|
-R Shadowprey Village |N|Follow the road west, down on the shore (24,71).| |QID|6143|
+T Khan Dez'hepah |QID|1365| |N|Back at Ghost Walker Post (56.23, 59.51)|
+A Centaur Bounty |QID|1366|
+T Gelkis Alliance |QID|1368| |N|Find Uthek the Wise outside the Gelkis Village (36.29, 79.15).|
+A Stealing Supplies |QID|1370|
A Hunting in Stranglethorn |QID|5763|
A Hand of Iruxos |QID|5381|
h Shadowprey Village |QID|6143|
A Other Fish to Fry |QID|6143|
-A Clam Bait |QID|6142| |NORAF|
+A Clam Bait |QID|6142|
+N Get Shellfish |N|loot the Shellfish Traps in the water to collect 10x Shellfish, then go to docks to receive 2x Bloodbelly Fish|
f Grab flight point |N|Out on the pier|
-N Run north in water |N|Travel north in the water collecting 10 Clam Meat from the clams on the bottom| |L|15924 10| |NORAF|
+A Claim Rackmore's Treasure! |QID|6161| |N|Down on the shore (36.15, 30.35)|
A Sceptre of Light |N|From Azore Aldamort on the hill (38.9, 27.1)| |QID|5741|
-N Drainin' souls |N|Make sure to use the Burning Gem on any cultists as they die for "The Burning of Spirits".| |QID|1435|
-C Hand of Iruxos |QID|5381| |N|At Thunder Axe Fortress in the eastern building (55.01, 26.67). Use the pick on the red crystal, kill the demon.| |U|6436|
-C Sceptre of Light |QID|5741| |N|At the top of the tower (55.25, 30.16).| |U|6436|
C The Burning of Spirits |QID|1435| |U|6436|
+C Sceptre of Light |QID|5741| |N|At the top of the tower (55.25, 30.16).| |U|6436|
+C Hand of Iruxos |QID|5381| |N|At Thunder Axe Fortress in the eastern building (55.01, 26.67). Use the pick on the red crystal, kill the demon.| |U|6436|
A The Corrupter (Part 1) |QID|1480| |U|20310| |N|From the [Flayed Demon Skin] that dropped. If you didn't get one, kill more cultists.|
-T Bone Collector |QID|5501| |N|Back at Bibbly F'utzbuckle.| |NORAF|
T The Burning of Spirits |QID|1435| |N|Back at Ghost Walker Post (52.22, 53.49)|
T The Corrupter (Part 1) |QID|1480|
A The Corrupter (Part 2) |QID|1481|
-A Befouled by Satyr |QID|1434|
C Befouled by Satyr |QID|1434| |N|In the northeast corner of the zone at Sargeron.|
C The Corrupter (Part 2) |QID|1481| |N|Kill Hatefury Shadowstalkers for the scalp.|
-C Khan Dez'hepah |QID|1365| |N|In a big hut in the Kolkar Village (73.47, 48.60).|
-T Khan Dez'hepah |QID|1365| |N|Back at Ghost Walker Post (56.23, 59.51)|
-A Centaur Bounty |QID|1366| |NORAF|
+A Bone Collector |QID|5501| |N|From Bibbly F'utzbuckle at Kormek's Hut (62.33, 38.89).|
T Befouled by Satyr |QID|1434|
A Alliance Relations (Part 4) |QID|1436|
T The Corrupter (Part 2) |QID|1481|
@@ -61,15 +61,13 @@ A The Corrupter (Part 3) |QID|1482|
T Sceptre of Light |QID|5741| |N|Back at Ethel Rethor (38.95, 27.26)|
A Book of the Ancients |QID|6027|
-A Claim Rackmore's Treasure! |QID|6161| |N|Down on the shore (36.15, 30.35)|
-C Clam Bait |QID|6142| |NORAF| |N|Collect clam meat from the clams on the sea floor.|
C Claim Rackmore's Treasure! |N|Kill Drysnap Pincers and Crawlers for the silver key, Slitherblade Naga for the golden key.| |QID|6161|
-T Claim Rackmore's Treasure! |QID|6161| |N|Behind a tree on Ranazjar Isle (30.10, 8.70).|
C Book of the Ancients |QID|6027| |N|Clear the area around the statue (28.31, 6.46), then talk to it and kill the naga that spawns.|
-C Other Fish to Fry |QID|6143| |N|Myrmidon and SorceressesAre mostly near the island and between it and the shore. Naga are mostly near the shore.|
+T Claim Rackmore's Treasure! |QID|6161| |N|Behind a tree on Ranazjar Isle (30.10, 8.70).|
C The Corrupter (Part 3) |QID|1482| |N|Kill Slitherblade Oracles for the crystal.|
+C Other Fish to Fry |QID|6143| |N|Myrmidon and SorceressesAre mostly near the island and between it and the shore. Naga are mostly near the shore.|
+C Clam Bait |QID|6142| |N|Collect clam meat from the clams on the sea floor.|
T Book of the Ancients |QID|6027| |N|Back at Ethel Rethor (38.89, 27.25)|
@@ -77,31 +75,39 @@ T The Corrupter (Part 3) |QID|1482| |N|Back at Ghost Walker Post (52.22, 53.56)|
A The Corrupter (Part 4) |QID|1484|
T The Corrupter (Part 4) |QID|1484| |N|Skip last follow-up|
-C Gelkis Alliance |QID|1368| |N|Kill Magram centaurs (69.10, 71.10) until you are friendly with the Gelkis centaurs.| |NORAF|
-T Gelkis Alliance |QID|1368| |N|Find Uthek the Wise outside the Gelkis Village (36.29, 79.15).| |NORAF|
-A Stealing Supplies |QID|1370| |NORAF|
-C Stealing Supplies |N|In the Magram village with Centaur Bounty (70,74)| |QID|1370| |NORAF|
-C Centaur Bounty |QID|1366| |NORAF|
+C Bone Collector |QID|5501|
+C Centaur Bounty |QID|1366|
+C Stealing Supplies |N|In the Magram village with Centaur Bounty (70,74)| |QID|1370|
-T Centaur Bounty |QID|1366| |NORAF|
+T Centaur Bounty |QID|1366|
+T Bone Collector |QID|5501| |N|Back at Bibbly F'utzbuckle.|
H Shadowprey Village |QID|6143|
-T Hand of Iruxos |QID|5381|
+N Stable Pet |C|Hunter|
+T Hand of Iruxos |QID|5381| |N|Skip the follow-up|
T Other Fish to Fry |QID|6143|
-T Clam Bait |QID|6142| |NORAF|
-T Stealing Supplies |N|At the Gelkis village. Skip the follow-up| |QID|1370| |NORAF|
-F Thunder Bluff |RAF|
-T Steelsnap |QID|1131| |N|Hunter Rise (61.18, 80.38)| |Z|Thunder Bluff| |RAF|
-F Orgrimmar |RAF|
-T Alliance Relations (Part 4) |N|Keldran in the Valley of Spirits (21,53)| |QID|1436| |Z|Orgrimmar| |RAF|
-F Ratchet |QID|1111|
-T Goblin Sponsorship (Part 1) |QID|1178| |NORAF|
-A Goblin Sponsorship (Part 2) |QID|1180| |NORAF|
+T Clam Bait |QID|6142|
+T Stealing Supplies |QID|1370|
+A Ongeku |QID|1373|
+P Claw (Rank 5) |C|Hunter| |N|Tame a Scorpashi Lasher (38.05,74.54)|
+F Camp Taurajo
+A Suspicious Hoofprints |QID|1268| |N|At the Shady Rest Inn in Dustwallow Marsh on the ground(51,79)|
+A Lieutenant Paval Reethe |QID|1269| |N|On a plank|
+A The Black Shield |QID|1251| |N|On fireplace|
+R Brackenwall Village |N|(36,32)|
+T The Black Shield |QID|1251|
+A The Black Shield |QID|1321|
+T Suspicious Hoofprints |QID|1268|
+T Lieutenant Paval Reethe |QID|1269|
+T The Black Shield |QID|1321| |N|Skip the follow-up|
+N Buy First Aid Books |N|From Balai Lok'Wein|
+F Ratchet
+T Goblin Sponsorship (Part 1) |QID|1178|
+A Goblin Sponsorship (Part 2) |QID|1180|
T Wharfmaster Dizzywig |QID|1111| |N|Out on the dock (63.36, 38.40).| |Z|The Barrens|
-A Parts for Kravel |QID|1112| |NORAF|
+A Parts for Kravel |QID|1112|
diff --git a/TourGuide_Horde/34_36_StranglethornVale.lua b/TourGuide_Horde/34_36_StranglethornVale.lua
index 653bc8c..669a949 100644
--- a/TourGuide_Horde/34_36_StranglethornVale.lua
+++ b/TourGuide_Horde/34_36_StranglethornVale.lua
@@ -1,87 +1,84 @@
TourGuide:RegisterGuide("Stranglethorn Vale (34-36)", "Arathi Highlands (36-37)", "Horde", function()
return [[
b Booty Bay
-T Goblin Sponsorship (Part 2) |N|To Wharfmaster Lozgil (26.3, 73.5)| |QID|1180| |NORAF| |T|
-A Goblin Sponsorship (Part 3) |QID|1181| |NORAF| |T|
+T Goblin Sponsorship (Part 2) |N|To Wharfmaster Lozgil (26.3, 73.5)| |QID|1180| |T|
+A Goblin Sponsorship (Part 3) |QID|1181| |T|
h Booty Bay |T|
-A Singing Blue Shards |N|From Crank Fizzlebub on the first floor of the inn (27.1, 77.3)| |QID|605| |NORAF| |T|
+A Singing Blue Shards |N|From Crank Fizzlebub on the first floor of the inn (27.1, 77.3)| |QID|605| |T|
A Investigate the Camp |QID|201| |N|Upstairs in the inn (27.01, 77.19).| |T|
-A Hostile Takeover |QID|213| |NORAF| |T|
-A Bloodscalp Ears |QID|189| |NORAF| |T|
-T Goblin Sponsorship (Part 3) |N|Baron Revilgaz on the boat balcony, 3rd floor of the inn (27.2, 76.9)| |QID|1181| |NORAF| |T|
-A Goblin Sponsorship (Part 4) |QID|1182| |NORAF| |T|
+A Hostile Takeover |QID|213| |T|
+A Bloodscalp Ears |QID|189| |T|
+T Goblin Sponsorship (Part 3) |N|Baron Revilgaz on the boat balcony, 3rd floor of the inn (27.2, 76.9)| |QID|1181| |T|
+A Goblin Sponsorship (Part 4) |QID|1182| |T|
F Grom'gol Base Camp |QID|629|
A The Defense of Grom'gol (Part 1) |QID|568| |T|
-A Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 1) |QID|570| |NORAF| |T|
-A Bloodscalp Insight |QID|9436| |NORAF| |T|
-A Hunt for Yenniku |QID|581| |NORAF| |T|
-A Trollbane |QID|638| |NORAF| |T|
-A Bloody Bone Necklaces |QID|596| |NORAF| |T|
+A Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 1) |QID|570| |T|
+A Hunt for Yenniku |QID|581| |T|
+A Bloody Bone Necklaces |QID|596| |T|
A The Vile Reef |QID|629| |T|
+P Dash (Rank 1) |C|Hunter| |N|Abandon crab, tame Stranglethorn Tiger|
N Save all Pages |N|Save all Green Hills of Stranglethorn pages| |QID|338|
-C Singing Blue Shards |N|From Basilisk on the coast far to the north.| |QID|605| |NORAF|
+C Singing Blue Shards |N|From Basilisk on the coast far to the north.| |QID|605|
+C Bloodscalp Ears |QID|189|
+C Hunt for Yenniku |QID|581|
C Tiger Mastery (Part 3) |N|Tigers between the troll ruins and Nessingwary's camp.| |QID|187|
-C Bloodscalp Ears |QID|189| |NORAF|
-C Bloodscalp Insight |QID|9436| |NORAF|
-C Hunt for Yenniku |QID|581| |NORAF|
-C The Defense of Grom'gol (Part 1) |QID|568| |N|Just north of Grom'gol.|
C Raptor Mastery (Part 2) |QID|195|
+C The Defense of Grom'gol (Part 1) |QID|568| |N|Just north of Grom'gol.|
+T Hunt for Yenniku |QID|581| |T|
+A Headhunting |QID|582| |T|
T The Defense of Grom'gol (Part 1) |QID|568| |N|Back at Grom'gol| |T|
A The Defense of Grom'gol (Part 2) |QID|569| |T|
-T Hunt for Yenniku |QID|581| |NORAF| |T|
-A Headhunting |QID|582| |NORAF| |T|
-T Bloodscalp Insight |QID|9436| |NORAF| |T|
-A An Unusual Patron |QID|9457| |NORAF| |T|
-C Headhunting |QID|582| |NORAF|
-C Bloody Bone Necklaces |QID|596| |NORAF|
-C An Unusual Patron |QID|9457| |NORAF|
+C Headhunting |QID|582|
+C Bloody Bone Necklaces |QID|596|
C The Vile Reef |QID|629|
-C Encrusted Tail Fins |QID|1107| |NORAF|
T Tiger Mastery (Part 3) |N|Back at Nesingwary's Expedition| |QID|187|
A Tiger Mastery (Part 4) |QID|188|
T Raptor Mastery (Part 2) |QID|195|
A Raptor Mastery (Part 3) |QID|196|
-T Hemet Nesingwary Jr. |QID|5762|
+T Hemet Nesingwary |QID|5762|
T Hunting in Stranglethorn |QID|5763|
+A Panther Mastery (Part 3) |QID|192|
C Tiger Mastery (Part 4) |QID|188|
-C Hostile Takeover |QID|213| |NORAF|
-C Goblin Sponsorship (Part 4) |QID|1182| |NORAF|
-C Panther Mastery (Part 3) |QID|192| |N|Stealthy panters, southwest of Grom'gol on both sides of the road.|
-C Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 1) |QID|570| |NORAF|
-C Raptor Mastery (Part 3) |QID|196| |RAF|
+T Tiger Mastery (Part 4) |QID|188|
+C Hostile Takeover |QID|213|
+C Goblin Sponsorship (Part 4) |QID|1182|
+C Panther Mastery (Part 3) |QID|192| |N|Stealthy panthers, southwest of Grom'gol on both sides of the road.|
+C Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 1) |QID|570|
C The Defense of Grom'gol (Part 2) |QID|569| |N|Just southeast of Grom'gol at the Mizjah Ruins.|
-T The Defense of Grom'gol (Part 2) |N|Back at Grom'gol| |QID|569| |T|
-T An Unusual Patron |QID|9457| |NORAF| |T|
-T Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 1) |QID|570| |NORAF| |T|
-A Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 2) |QID|572| |NORAF| |T|
-T Headhunting |QID|582| |NORAF| |T|
-T Bloody Bone Necklaces |QID|596| |NORAF| |T|
-T The Vile Reef |QID|629| |T|
T Panther Mastery (Part 3) |N|Back at Nessingwary's, of course.| |QID|192|
A Panther Mastery (Part 4) |QID|193|
-T Tiger Mastery (Part 4) |QID|188|
-T Raptor Mastery (Part 3) |QID|196| |RAF|
-A Raptor Mastery (Part 4) |QID|197| |RAF|
H Booty Bay |SZ|The Salty Sailor Tavern| |QID|201|
-T Singing Blue Shards |QID|605| |NORAF| |T|
-T Hostile Takeover |QID|213| |NORAF| |T|
-T Bloodscalp Ears |QID|189| |NORAF| |T|
+T Singing Blue Shards |QID|605| |T|
+T Hostile Takeover |QID|213| |T|
+T Bloodscalp Ears |QID|189| |T|
T Investigate the Camp |QID|201| |T|
-T Goblin Sponsorship (Part 4) |QID|1182| |NORAF| |T|
-A Goblin Sponsorship (Part 5) |QID|1183| |NORAF| |T|
+T Goblin Sponsorship (Part 4) |QID|1182| |T|
+A Goblin Sponsorship (Part 5) |QID|1183| |T|
+F Grom'gol Base Camp
+T The Defense of Grom'gol (Part 2) |N|Back at Grom'gol| |QID|569| |T|
+T Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 1) |QID|570| |T|
+T Headhunting |QID|582| |T|
+T Bloody Bone Necklaces |QID|596| |T|
+T The Vile Reef |QID|629| |T|
+A Trollbane |QID|638| |T|
+F Undercity |N|Take the zeppelin from Grom'gol| |QID|1164|
+A A Donation of Silk |QID|7814| |T|
+T A Donation of Silk |QID|7814| |T|
+A To Steal From Thieves |N|In the center of Undercity| |NODEBUG| |QID|1164| |T|
-F Undercity |N|Take the zeppelin from Grom'gol| |NORAF| |QID|1164|
-A To Steal From Thieves |N|In the center of Undercity| |NODEBUG| |QID|1164| |NORAF| |T|
-A A Donation of Silk |QID|7814| |NORAF| |T|
-T A Donation of Silk |QID|7814| |NORAF| |T|
+F Tarren Mill
+A The Hammer May Fall |QID|676|
diff --git a/TourGuide_Horde/36_37_Arathi_Highlands.lua b/TourGuide_Horde/36_37_Arathi_Highlands.lua
index bd8210c..31f9c4d 100644
--- a/TourGuide_Horde/36_37_Arathi_Highlands.lua
+++ b/TourGuide_Horde/36_37_Arathi_Highlands.lua
@@ -1,33 +1,41 @@
TourGuide:RegisterGuide("Arathi Highlands (36-37)", "Alterac Mountains (37)", "Horde", function()
return [[
-F Hammerfall |NORAF|
-h Hammerfall |NORAF|
-T Trollbane |N|Skip the follow-up.. Maybe? non elite now?| |QID|638| |NORAF|
-A Foul Magics |QID|673| |NORAF|
-A Guile of the Raptor (Part 1) |QID|701| |NORAF|
-A The Princess Trapped |N|At the Shards of Myzrael west of Hammerfall (62.5, 33.8)| |QID|642| |NORAF|
-C The Princess Trapped |N|In the cave southeast of Hammerfall (78,37)| |QID|642| |NORAF|
-T The Princess Trapped |N|In the back of the cave, up on a ledge (84.3, 30.9)| |QID|642| |NORAF|
-A Stones of Binding |QID|651| |NORAF|
+F Hammerfall
+h Hammerfall
+T Trollbane |N|Skip the follow-up| |QID|638|
+A Foul Magics |QID|673|
+A Guile of the Raptor (Part 1) |QID|701|
+A The Princess Trapped |N|At the Shards of Myzrael west of Hammerfall (62.5, 33.8)| |QID|642|
+C The Princess Trapped |N|In the cave southeast of Hammerfall (78,37)| |QID|642|
+T The Princess Trapped |N|In the back of the cave, up on a ledge (84.3, 30.9)| |QID|642|
+A Stones of Binding |QID|651|
-N Get Cresting Key |N|From Stone of East Binding (66,29)| |QID|651| |QO|Cresting Key: 1/1| |NORAF|
-C To Steal From Thieves |N|At Dabyrie Farmstead (54,40)| |NODEBUG| |QID|1164| |NORAF|
-N Get Thundering Key |N|From Stone of Outer Binding (52,50)| |QID|651| |QO|Thundering Key: 1/1| |NORAF|
+A Triage |QID|6622| |N|Need 225 First Aid|
+C Triage |QID|6622|
+T Triage |QID|6622|
-C Guile of the Raptor (Part 1) |QID|701| |NORAF|
-C The Hammer May Fall |N|At (34,45)| |QID|676| |NORAF|
+N Get Cresting Key |N|From Stone of East Binding (66,29)| |QID|651| |QO|Cresting Key: 1/1|
+C To Steal From Thieves |N|At Dabyrie Farmstead (54,40)| |NODEBUG| |QID|1164|
+N Get Thundering Key |N|From Stone of Outer Binding (52,50)| |QID|651| |QO|Thundering Key: 1/1|
-C Foul Magics |N|At Northfold Manor (31,28)| |QID|673| |NORAF|
-C Stones of Binding |N|From Stone of West Binding (25,31)| |QID|651| |NORAF|
-T Stones of Binding |N|At Stone of Inner Binding (36.2, 57.5)| |QID|651| |NORAF|
+C Guile of the Raptor (Part 1) |QID|701|
+C The Hammer May Fall |N|At (34,45)| |QID|676|
-H Hammerfall |NORAF|
-T Foul Magics |QID|673| |NORAF|
-T The Hammer May Fall |QID|676| |NORAF|
-T Guile of the Raptor (Part 1) |QID|701| |NORAF|
-A Guile of the Raptor (Part 2) |QID|702| |NORAF|
-T Guile of the Raptor (Part 2) |QID|702| |NORAF|
-A Guile of the Raptor (Part 3) |QID|847| |NORAF|
-T Guile of the Raptor (Part 3) |QID|847| |NORAF|
+C Foul Magics |N|At Northfold Manor (31,28)| |QID|673|
+C Stones of Binding |N|From Stone of West Binding (25,31)| |QID|651|
+T Stones of Binding |N|At Stone of Inner Binding (36.2, 57.5)| |QID|651|
+H Hammerfall
+T The Hammer May Fall |QID|676|
+A Call to Arms |QID|677|
+T Foul Magics |QID|673|
+T Guile of the Raptor (Part 1) |QID|701|
+A Guile of the Raptor (Part 2) |QID|702|
+T Guile of the Raptor (Part 2) |QID|702|
+A Guile of the Raptor (Part 3) |QID|847|
+T Guile of the Raptor (Part 3) |QID|847|
+C Call to Arms |QID|677| |N|Witherbark Village (67,64)|
+T Call to Arms |QID|677| |N|Skip the follow-up|
diff --git a/TourGuide_Horde/37_38_Dustwallow_Marsh.lua b/TourGuide_Horde/37_38_Dustwallow_Marsh.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e412230..0000000
--- a/TourGuide_Horde/37_38_Dustwallow_Marsh.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-TourGuide:RegisterGuide("Dustwallow Marsh (37-38)", "Stranglethorn Vale (39-40)", "Horde", function()
-return [[
-F Thunder Bluff |QID|1205| |NORAF|
-T Frostmaw |QID|1136| |T| |NORAF|
-A Deadmire |QID|1205| |T| |NORAF|
-F Camp Taurajo |QID|1268|
-R Shady Rest Inn |N|South of the road just after you enter Dustwallow Marsh| |QID|1268|
-A Suspicious Hoofprints |QID|1268|
-A Lieutenant Paval Reethe |QID|1269|
-A The Black Shield (Part 1) |QID|1251|
-A Hungry! |N|From Mudcrush Durtfeet, south of Brackenwall (35,37)| |QID|1177| |NORAF|
-T Lieutenant Paval Reethe |QID|1269| |T| |N|Follow the road north to Brackenwall Village (36.38, 31.81).|
-T The Black Shield (Part 1) |QID|1251| |T|
-A The Black Shield (Part 2) |QID|1321| |T|
-T Suspicious Hoofprints |QID|1268| |T|
-T The Black Shield (Part 2) |QID|1321| |T|
-A The Black Shield (Part 3) |QID|1322| |T|
-h Brackenwall Village |T|
-A Theramore Spies |T| |QID|1201|
-A Check Up on Tabetha |T| |QID|11213|
-A Twilight of the Dawn Runner |T| |QID|9437|
-A The Hermit of Witch Hill |T| |QID|11225|
-C Twilight of the Dawn Runner |QID|9437| |N|Take the road northwest to Northpoint Tower. The cargo is up top.|
-T The Hermit of Witch Hill |QID|11225| |N|Follow the road west.|
-A Marsh Frog Legs |QID|1218|
-A What's Haunting Witch Hill? |QID|11180|
-A The Lost Report |QID|1238|
-C Marsh Frog Legs |QID|1218| |N|Kill frogs, big challenge.|
-C What's Haunting Witch Hill? |QID|11180| |N|Kill ghosts around the house.|
-T Marsh Frog Legs |QID|1218|
-A Jarl Needs Eyes |QID|1206|
-T What's Haunting Witch Hill? |QID|11180|
-A The Witch's Bane |QID|11181|
-C The Witch's Bane |QID|11181| |N|Around the water, herbalists can track these.|
-T The Witch's Bane |QID|11181|
-A Cleansing Witch Hill |QID|11183|
-C Cleansing Witch Hill |QID|11183| |N|Plant the torch at the end of the dock and kill the gargoyle.| |U|33113|
-T Cleansing Witch Hill |QID|11183|
-A Stinky's Escape |QID|1270| |N|North of the tower (46.87, 17.62). You may want to clear the area first.|
-C Stinky's Escape |QID|1270|
-C Jarl Needs Eyes |N|Kill spiders to the southwest at Darkmist Cavern (35,21).| |QID|1206|
-C The Black Shield (Part 3) |QID|1322|
-C Theramore Spies |N|Stealthed mobs all around Brackenwall Village| |QID|1201|
-T Theramore Spies |N|Back in Brackenwall Village| |QID|1201| |T|
-A The Theramore Docks |QID|1202| |T|
-T The Lost Report |QID|1238| |T|
-A Help Mudsprocket |QID|11215| |T|
-T The Black Shield (Part 3) |QID|1322| |T|
-A The Black Shield (Part 4) |QID|1323| |T|
-T The Black Shield (Part 4) |QID|1323| |T|
-A The Black Shield (Part 5) |QID|1276| |T|
-A Inspecting the Ruins |QID|11124| |T|
-T Twilight of the Dawn Runner |QID|9437| |T|
-F Thunder Bluff |QID|11204|
-T The Black Shield (Part 5) |QID|1276| |T| |N|Down on Hunter Rise (54.61, 80.07)| |Z|Thunder Bluff|
-A Return to Krog |QID|11204| |T|
-F Brackenwall Village |QID|11204|
-T Return to Krog |QID|11204| |T|
-A More than Coincidence |QID|11200| |T|
-A The Grimtotem Plot |QID|11201| |T|
-C More than Coincidence |QID|11200| |N|North at Blackhoof Village.|
-C The Grimtotem Plot |QID|11201| |N|Kill elders for the notes, combine them once you have 4.| |U|33050|
-T Jarl Needs Eyes |QID|1206|
-A Jarl Needs a Blade |QID|1203|
-C Jarl Needs a Blade |QID|1203| |N|Head north to the beach (58.09, 17.78)|
-C Hungry! |QID|1177| |NORAF| |N|North of the house, along the coast.|
-T Jarl Needs a Blade |QID|1203|
-A The Severed Head |QID|1239| |N|Dig in the dirt near the cabin again.|
-C The Theramore Docks |QID|1202| |N|Swim around the north side of Theramore, find the box under the northeast pier (71.50, 51.10).|
-H Brackenwall Village |QID|11203|
-T More than Coincidence |QID|11200| |T|
-T The Grimtotem Plot |QID|11201| |T|
-A Seek Out Tabetha |QID|11203| |T|
-T The Theramore Docks |T| |QID|1202|
-T The Severed Head |T| |QID|1239|
-A The Troll Witchdoctor |T| |QID|1240|
-T Hungry! |N|Southwest at Mudcrush Durtfeet (35,38)| |QID|1177| |NORAF|
-T Inspecting the Ruins |QID|11124| |N|Back at the burned down inn.|
-T Seek Out Tabetha |QID|11203| |N|Follow the road south, then east to Tabetha's Farm (46.04, 57.17).|
-A Raze Direhorn Post! |QID|11205|
-T Check Up on Tabetha |QID|11213|
-A The Grimtotem Weapon |QID|11169|
-A The Reagent Thief |QID|11173| |NORAF|
-A Direhorn Raiders |N|Just outside of hut| |QID|11156|
-A The Zeppelin Crash |QID|11172|
-C Raze Direhorn Post! |QID|11205| |U|33072| |N|Due north, burn down each hut.|
-C Direhorn Raiders |QID|11156|
-K Apothecary Cylla |L|33115| |QID|11186| |N|In one of the huts.|
-A Signs of Treachery? |U|33115| |QID|11186|
-C The Grimtotem Weapon |N|Place the totem near crocs to the north and kill them.| |U|33101| |QID|11169|
-C The Reagent Thief |N|Kill spiders southeast of the farm (48,62)| |QID|11173| |NORAF|
-T Raze Direhorn Post! |QID|11205| |N|Back at Tabetha's Farm (45.97, 57.12)|
-A Justice Dispensed |QID|11206|
-T The Grimtotem Weapon |QID|11169|
-T Direhorn Raiders |QID|11156|
-T The Reagent Thief |QID|11173| |NORAF|
-C Deadmire |QID|1205| |NORAF|
-T The Zeppelin Crash |QID|11172| |N|To the east at Beezil's Wreck (53.61, 56.86).|
-A Corrosion Prevention |QID|11174|
-A Secure the Cargo! |QID|11207| |NORAF|
-C Corrosion Prevention |U|33108| |N|Make sure you have the "Energized" buff and use the [Ooze Buster] on the slimes. Note that there is a bug with this quest which may allow you to complete it without leaving the questgiver: target a nearby ooze, use the buster... while it is channelling target a different ooze (at any range).| |QID|11174|
-C Secure the Cargo! |QID|11207| |NORAF|
-C Razzeric's Tweaking |N|Box at (54,56) right behind the zeppelin| |QID|1187| |NORAF|
-T Corrosion Prevention |QID|11174|
-T Secure the Cargo! |QID|11207| |NORAF|
-A Delivery for Drazzit |QID|11208| |NORAF|
-T Help Mudsprocket |QID|11215| |N|Follow the road south to Mudsprocket (42.28, 72.89).| |T|
-T Delivery for Drazzit |QID|11208| |T| |NORAF|
-F Thunder Bluff |NORAF|
-T Deadmire |N|Hunter's Rise| |T| |QID|1205| |NORAF|
-F Ratchet
-T Stinky's Escape |T| |QID|1270|
diff --git a/TourGuide_Horde/37_38_Thousand_Needles.lua b/TourGuide_Horde/37_38_Thousand_Needles.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4e91a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TourGuide_Horde/37_38_Thousand_Needles.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+TourGuide:RegisterGuide("Thousand Needles (37-38)", "Dustwallow Marsh (38)", "Horde", function()
+return [[
+F Orgrimmar |N|Take the zeppelin!|
+T Alliance Relations (Part 4) |N|Keldran in the Valley of Spirits (21,53)| |QID|1436| |Z|Orgrimmar|
+F The Crossroads
+h The Crossroads
+F Freewind Post
+N Stable Pet |C|Hunter|
+T The Swarm Grows (Part 2) |QID|1146| |N|Follow the road east to the edge of the flats. There's a little camp to the south (67.6, 64.0).|
+A The Swarm Grows (Part 3) |QID|1147|
+P Bite (Rank 5) |C|Hunter| |N|Tame a Sparkleshell Snapper (78,70)|
+T Parts for Kravel |QID|1112| |N|At the Mirage Raceway (77.8, 77.2)|
+A Delivery to the Gnomes |QID|1114|
+T Delivery to the Gnomes |QID|1114|
+A Martek the Exiled |QID|1106|
+A The Rumormonger |QID|1115|
+T Goblin Sponsorship (Part 5) |QID|1183|
+A The Eighteenth Pilot |QID|1186|
+T The Eighteenth Pilot |QID|1186|
+A Razzeric's Tweaking |QID|1187|
+C The Swarm Grows |QID|1147|
+A Parts of the Swarm (Part 1) |QID|1148| |U|5877| |N|Kill silithid to the south until the item drops to start this.|
+C Parts of the Swarm (Part 1) |QID|1148|
+T The Swarm Grows |QID|1147|
+H The Crossroads
+N Abandon Pet |C|Hunter| |N|Get original pet back|
+T Parts of the Swarm (Part 1) |QID|1148| |T|
+A Parts of the Swarm (Part 2) |QID|1184| |T|
diff --git a/TourGuide_Horde/37_Alterac_Mountains.lua b/TourGuide_Horde/37_Alterac_Mountains.lua
index d1edca5..d04a0a5 100644
--- a/TourGuide_Horde/37_Alterac_Mountains.lua
+++ b/TourGuide_Horde/37_Alterac_Mountains.lua
@@ -1,19 +1,31 @@
-TourGuide:RegisterGuide("Alterac Mountains (37)", "Thousand Needles (37)", "Horde", function()
+TourGuide:RegisterGuide("Alterac Mountains (37)", "Thousand Needles (37-38)", "Horde", function()
return [[
-F Tarren Mill |NORAF|
-A Prison Break In |N|From Magus Wordeen Voidglare (61.6, 20.9)| |Z|Hillsbrad Foothills| |NODEBUG| |QID|544| |NODEBUG| |NORAF|
-A Stone Tokens |N|From Keeper Bel'varil| |QID|556| |NORAF|
-A The Crown of Will |QID|521| |NORAF|
-C Frostmaw |N|(37,69) up north| |QID|1136| |NORAF|
-C The Crown of Will |N|At Ruins of Alterac (40,50)| |QID|521| |NORAF|
+F Tarren Mill
+A Prison Break In |N|From Magus Wordeen Voidglare (61.6, 20.9)| |Z|Hillsbrad Foothills| |NODEBUG| |QID|544| |NODEBUG|
+A Stone Tokens |N|From Keeper Bel'varil| |QID|556|
+C Frostmaw |N|(37,69) up north| |QID|1136|
-C Stone Tokens |N|At Dalaran (20,85)| |Z|Hillsbrad Foothills| |QID|556| |NORAF|
-C Prison Break In |N|At (20,85)| |QID|544| |NODEBUG| |NORAF|
-T Prison Break In |QID|544| |NODEBUG| |NORAF|
-T Stone Tokens |QID|556| |NORAF|
-T The Crown of Will |N|Skip part 2| |QID|521| |NORAF|
+C Stone Tokens |N|At Dalaran (20,85)| |Z|Hillsbrad Foothills| |QID|556|
+C Prison Break In |N|At (20,85)| |QID|544| |NODEBUG|
-F Undercity |NORAF|
-T To Steal From Thieves |NODEBUG| |QID|1164| |NORAF|
+T Helcular's Revenge |QID|553|
+R Tarren Mill
+T Prison Break In |QID|544| |NODEBUG|
+T Stone Tokens |QID|556|
+A Dalaran Patrols |QID|545|
+A Bracers of Binding |QID|557|
+C Bracers of Binding |QID|557|
+C Dalaran Patrols |QID|545|
+N Die on Purpose |N|Back to Tarren Mill|
+T Dalaran Patrols |QID|545|
+T Bracers of Binding |QID|557|
+F Undercity
+T To Steal From Thieves |NODEBUG| |QID|1164|
+B Delicious Cave Mold |C|Hunter| |N|Buy 3 to feed a turtle soon, at Mushroom Vendor (63.47,39.37)|
+B Soothing Spices |N|Buy 3 for future quest|
diff --git a/TourGuide_Horde/37_Thousand_Needles.lua b/TourGuide_Horde/37_Thousand_Needles.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 29f4c43..0000000
--- a/TourGuide_Horde/37_Thousand_Needles.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-TourGuide:RegisterGuide("Thousand Needles (37)", "Dustwallow Marsh (37-38)", "Horde", function()
-return [[
-F Orgrimmar |N|Take the zeppelin, dur!| |NORAF|
-T Alliance Relations (Part 4) |N|Keldran in the Valley of Spirits (21,53)| |QID|1436| |Z|Orgrimmar| |NORAF|
-F The Crossroads |NORAF|
-h The Crossroads |NORAF|
-F Freewind Post |NORAF|
-T The Swarm Grows (Part 2) |QID|1146| |NORAF| |N|Follow the road east to the edge of the flats. There's a little camp to the south (67.6, 64.0).|
-A The Swarm Grows (Part 3) |QID|1147| |NORAF|
-T Parts for Kravel |QID|1112| |NORAF| |N|At the Mirage Raceway (77.8, 77.2)|
-A Delivery to the Gnomes |QID|1114| |NORAF|
-T Delivery to the Gnomes |QID|1114| |NORAF|
-T Goblin Sponsorship (Part 5) |QID|1183| |NORAF|
-A The Eighteenth Pilot |QID|1186| |NORAF|
-T The Eighteenth Pilot |QID|1186| |NORAF|
-A Razzeric's Tweaking |QID|1187| |NORAF|
-T Encrusted Tail Fins |QID|1107| |NORAF|
-A The Rumormonger |QID|1115| |NORAF|
-A Parts of the Swarm (Part 1) |QID|1148| |NORAF| |U|5877| |N|Kill silithid to the south until the item drops to start this.|
-C Parts of the Swarm (Part 1) |QID|1148| |NORAF|
-H The Crossroads |NORAF|
-T Parts of the Swarm (Part 1) |QID|1148| |NORAF| |T|
-A Parts of the Swarm (Part 2) |QID|1184| |NORAF| |T|
diff --git a/TourGuide_Horde/38_40_Stranglethorn_Vale.lua b/TourGuide_Horde/38_40_Stranglethorn_Vale.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c630503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TourGuide_Horde/38_40_Stranglethorn_Vale.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+TourGuide:RegisterGuide("Stranglethorn Vale (38-40)", "Badlands (40-41)", "Horde", function()
+return [[
+b Booty Bay
+A The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 1) |QID|595| |T|
+A Scaring Shaky |QID|606| |T|
+h Booty Bay |T|
+T The Rumormonger |N|Up the steps| |QID|1115| |T|
+A Dream Dust in the Swamp |QID|1116| |T|
+F Grom'gol Base Camp
+A Mok'thardin's Enchantment |QID|572| |T|
+T The Troll Witchdoctor |QID|1240| |T|
+A Marg Speaks |N|Click on the cauldron| |QID|1261| |T|
+C Raptor Mastery (Part 3) |N|Kill Jungle Stalkers (31,41)| |QID|196|
+C Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 2) |N|Kill Jungle Stalkers (31,41)| |QID|572|
+T Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 2) |N|At Grom'gol| |QID|572| |T|
+A Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 3) |QID|571| |T|
+C Panther Mastery (Part 3) |QID|193| |N|Kill Bhag'thera to the west near the Mosh'Ogg Ogre Mound (49.31, 23.67)|
+T Panther Mastery (Part 3) |QID|193| |N|At Nessingwary's Camp|
+T Raptor Mastery (Part 3) |QID|196|
+A Raptor Mastery (Part 4) |QID|197|
+H Booty Bay |SZ|The Salty Sailor Tavern|
+T The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 1) |QID|595|
+A The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 2) |QID|597|
+C Scaring Shaky |N|At (32,66)| |QID|606|
+C Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 3) |N|At (32,66)| |QID|571|
+T Scaring Shaky |QID|606| |T|
+A Return to MacKinley |QID|607| |T|
+T The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 2) |QID|597| |T| |N|Back at Booty Bay|
+A The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 3) |QID|599| |T|
+T Return to MacKinley |QID|607| |T|
+T The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 3) |QID|599| |T|
+F Grom'gol Base Camp
+T Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 3) |QID|571| |T|
+A Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 4) |QID|573| |T|
+A Split Bone Necklace |QID|598|
+h Grom'gol Base Camp
diff --git a/TourGuide_Horde/38_Dustwallow_Marsh.lua b/TourGuide_Horde/38_Dustwallow_Marsh.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..339d5d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TourGuide_Horde/38_Dustwallow_Marsh.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+TourGuide:RegisterGuide("Dustwallow Marsh (38)", "Stranglethorn Vale (38-40)", "Horde", function()
+return [[
+F Thunder Bluff |QID|1205|
+T Frostmaw |QID|1136| |T|
+A Deadmire |QID|1205| |T|
+F Brackenwall Village
+A Theramore Spies |T| |QID|1201|
+A The Black Shield (Part 3) |QID|1322| |T|
+A Hungry! |QID|1177|
+C Theramore Spies |N|Stealthed mobs all around Brackenwall Village| |QID|1201|
+C The Black Shield (Part 3) |QID|1322|
+C Hungry! |QID|1177| |N|North of the house, along the coast.|
+A Soothing Spices |QID|1218|
+T Soothing Spices |QID|1218|
+A Jarl Needs Eyes |QID|1206|
+A The Lost Report |QID|1238| |N|Click on Loose Dirt|
+A Stinky's Escape |QID|1270| |N|North of the tower (46.87, 17.62). You may want to clear the area first.|
+C Stinky's Escape |QID|1270|
+C Jarl Needs Eyes |N|Kill spiders to the southwest at Darkmist Cavern (35,21).| |QID|1206|
+C Deadmire |QID|1205|
+T Hungry! |N|Southwest at Mudcrush Durtfeet (35,38)| |QID|1177|
+T Theramore Spies |N|Back in Brackenwall Village| |QID|1201| |T|
+T The Lost Report |QID|1238| |T|
+A The Theramore Docks |QID|1202| |T|
+T The Black Shield (Part 3) |QID|1322| |T|
+A The Black Shield (Part 4) |QID|1323| |T|
+T Jarl Needs Eyes |QID|1206|
+A The Severed Head |QID|1239| |N|Dig in the dirt near the cabin again.|
+C The Theramore Docks |QID|1202| |N|Swim around the north side of Theramore, find the box under the northeast pier (71.50, 51.10).|
+N Die on Purpose |N|Back to Brackenwall Village|
+T The Theramore Docks |T| |QID|1202|
+T The Severed Head |T| |QID|1239|
+A The Troll Witchdoctor |T| |QID|1240|
+F Thunder Bluff |QID|11204|
+T The Black Shield (Part 5) |QID|1276| |T| |N|Down on Hunter Rise (54.61, 80.07)| |Z|Thunder Bluff|
+T Deadmire |N|Hunter's Rise| |T| |QID|1205|
+H The Crossroads
+F Ratchet
+T Stinky's Escape |T| |QID|1270|
diff --git a/TourGuide_Horde/39_40_Stranglethorn_Vale.lua b/TourGuide_Horde/39_40_Stranglethorn_Vale.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3465413..0000000
--- a/TourGuide_Horde/39_40_Stranglethorn_Vale.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-TourGuide:RegisterGuide("Stranglethorn Vale (39-40)", "Badlands (40-41)", "Horde", function()
-return [[
-b Booty Bay
-A The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 1) |QID|595| |T|
-T The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 1) |QID|595| |RAF|
-A The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 2) |QID|597| |RAF|
-T The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 2) |QID|597| |RAF| |T| |N|Back at Booty Bay|
-A The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 3) |QID|599| |RAF| |T|
-T The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 3) |QID|599| |RAF| |T|
-A The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 4) |QID|604| |RAF| |T|
-A Scaring Shaky |QID|606| |NORAF| |T|
-h Booty Bay |T|
-T The Rumormonger |N|Up the steps| |QID|1115| |NORAF| |T|
-A Dream Dust in the Swamp |QID|1116| |NORAF| |T|
-F Grom'gol Base Camp
-T The Troll Witchdoctor |QID|1240| |T|
-A Marg Speaks |N|Click on the cauldron| |QID|1261| |T|
-C Raptor Mastery (Part 4) |QID|197| |RAF|
-C Raptor Mastery (Part 3) |N|Kill Jungle Stalkers (31,41)| |QID|196| |NORAF|
-C Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 2) |N|Kill Jungle Stalkers (31,41)| |QID|572| |NORAF|
-T Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 2) |N|At Grom'gol| |QID|572| |NORAF| |T|
-A Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 3) |QID|571| |NORAF| |T|
-C Panther Mastery (Part 3) |QID|193| |N|Kill Bhag'thera to the west near the Mosh'Ogg Ogre Mound (49.31, 23.67)|
-T Panther Mastery (Part 3) |QID|193| |N|At Nessingwary's Camp|
-T Raptor Mastery (Part 3) |QID|196| |NORAF|
-A Raptor Mastery (Part 4) |QID|197| |NORAF|
-T Raptor Mastery (Part 4) |QID|197| |RAF|
-A Big Game Hunter |QID|208| |RAF|
-H Booty Bay |SZ|The Salty Sailor Tavern|
-T The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 1) |QID|595| |NORAF|
-A The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 2) |QID|597| |NORAF|
-C Scaring Shaky |N|At (32,66)| |QID|606| |NORAF|
-C Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 3) |N|At (32,66)| |QID|571| |NORAF|
-T The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 2) |QID|597| |NORAF| |T| |N|Back at Booty Bay|
-A The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 3) |QID|599| |NORAF| |T|
-T Scaring Shaky |QID|606| |NORAF| |T|
-A Return to MacKinley |QID|607| |NORAF| |T|
-T Return to MacKinley |QID|607| |NORAF| |T|
-T The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 3) |QID|599| |NORAF| |T|
-A The Bloodsail Buccaneers (Part 4) |QID|604| |NORAF| |T|
-F Grom'gol Base Camp |NORAF|
-T Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 3) |QID|571| |NORAF| |T|
-A Mok'thardin's Enchantment (Part 4) |QID|573| |NORAF| |T|
diff --git a/TourGuide_Horde/40_41_Badlands.lua b/TourGuide_Horde/40_41_Badlands.lua
index 78240f0..a5d2a3a 100644
--- a/TourGuide_Horde/40_41_Badlands.lua
+++ b/TourGuide_Horde/40_41_Badlands.lua
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
TourGuide:RegisterGuide("Badlands (40-41)", "Swamp of Sorrows (41-42)", "Horde", function()
return [[
-R Badlands |N|Take the zepplin to Undercity, fly to Hammerfall, then make the long run south through Wetlands and Loch Modan.| |NORAF|
+R Badlands |N|Take the zepplin to Undercity, fly to Hammerfall, then make the long run south through Wetlands and Loch Modan.|
-T Martek the Exiled |N|Turn in at (42,52)| |QID|1106| |NORAF|
-A Indurium |QID|1108| |NORAF|
-A Barbecued Buzzard Wings |QID|703| |NORAF|
-C Indurium |N|At (51,67)| |QID|1108| |NORAF|
-T Indurium |QID|1108| |NORAF|
-A News for Fizzle |QID|1137| |NORAF|
-A Study of the Elements: Rock (Part 1) |N|Up at (25,44)| |QID|710| |NORAF|
+T Martek the Exiled |N|Turn in at (42,52)| |QID|1106|
+A Indurium |QID|1108|
+A Barbecued Buzzard Wings |QID|703|
+C Indurium |N|At (51,67)| |QID|1108|
+T Indurium |QID|1108|
+A News for Fizzle |QID|1137|
+A Study of the Elements: Rock (Part 1) |N|Up at (25,44)| |QID|710|
-R Kargath |NORAF|
-A Unclaimed Baggage |QID|9439| |NORAF|
-A Coyote Thieves |QID|1419| |NORAF|
-A Report to Helgrum |QID|1420| |NORAF|
-A Broken Alliances |QID|782| |NORAF|
-A Badlands Reagent Run |QID|2258| |NORAF|
+R Kargath
+A Unclaimed Baggage |QID|9439|
+A Coyote Thieves |QID|1419|
+A Report to Helgrum |QID|1420|
+A Broken Alliances |QID|782|
+A Badlands Reagent Run |QID|2258|
-C Barbecued Buzzard Wings |QID|703| |NORAF|
-C Coyote Thieves |QID|1419| |NORAF|
-C Broken Alliances |QID|782| |NORAF|
-C Badlands Reagent Run |QID|2258| |NORAF|
-C Unclaimed Baggage |N|At Angor Fortress (42,31). Pack is an orange barrel on the left entrance of fortress. Rapier is on the weapon rack going through the right entrance of fortress.| |QID|9439| |NORAF|
-C Study of the Elements: Rock (Part 1) |N|Lessers| |QID|710| |NORAF|
+C Barbecued Buzzard Wings |QID|703|
+C Coyote Thieves |QID|1419|
+C Broken Alliances |QID|782|
+C Badlands Reagent Run |QID|2258|
+C Unclaimed Baggage |N|At Angor Fortress (42,31). Pack is an orange barrel on the left entrance of fortress. Rapier is on the weapon rack going through the right entrance of fortress.| |QID|9439|
+C Study of the Elements: Rock (Part 1) |N|Lessers| |QID|710|
-T Study of the Elements: Rock (Part 1) |QID|710| |NORAF|
-A Study of the Elements: Rock (Part 2) |N|Regulars| |QID|711| |NORAF|
-C Study of the Elements: Rock (Part 2) |QID|711| |NORAF|
+T Study of the Elements: Rock (Part 1) |QID|710|
+A Study of the Elements: Rock (Part 2) |N|Regulars| |QID|711|
+C Study of the Elements: Rock (Part 2) |QID|711|
-T Study of the Elements: Rock (Part 2) |N|Skip the follow-up| |QID|711| |NORAF|
-T Unclaimed Baggage |QID|9439| |NORAF|
-T Coyote Thieves |QID|1419| |NORAF|
-T Broken Alliances |QID|782| |NORAF|
-T Badlands Reagent Run |QID|2258| |NORAF|
-T Barbecued Buzzard Wings |QID|703| |NORAF|
+T Study of the Elements: Rock (Part 2) |N|Skip the follow-up| |QID|711|
+T Unclaimed Baggage |QID|9439|
+T Coyote Thieves |QID|1419|
+T Broken Alliances |QID|782|
+T Badlands Reagent Run |QID|2258|
+T Barbecued Buzzard Wings |QID|703|
-H Grom'gol Base Camp |NORAF|
-T The Green Hills of Stranglethorn |QID|338| |NORAF|
-A Nothing But The Truth (Part 1) |N|Follow the road north into Duskwood (87.8,35.7)| |Z|Duskwood| |QID|1372| |NODEBUG| |NORAF|
-T Nothing But The Truth (Part 1) |N|Skip the follow-up| |QID|1372| |NODEBUG| |NORAF|
+H Grom'gol Base Camp
+T The Green Hills of Stranglethorn |QID|338|
+A Nothing But The Truth (Part 1) |N|Follow the road north into Duskwood (87.8,35.7)| |Z|Duskwood| |QID|1372| |NODEBUG|
+T Nothing But The Truth (Part 1) |N|Skip the follow-up| |QID|1372| |NODEBUG|
diff --git a/TourGuide_Horde/Guides.xml b/TourGuide_Horde/Guides.xml
index 520b637..95deaad 100644
--- a/TourGuide_Horde/Guides.xml
+++ b/TourGuide_Horde/Guides.xml
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@