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DucNV_2000 edited this page Mar 11, 2024
33 revisions
checks the input value is an integer or not
static bool IsInteger(float value)
Gets the first number that appears in the input string
static int GetNumberInAString(string str)
// exp: str = ab234dc => result: 234
// exp: str = ab23df45 => result: 23
Example GetNumberInAString
private string text = "abe123";
private int number;
public void GetNumber()
number = Common.GetNumberInAString(text);
// Or
number = text.GetNumberInAString();
// result: number = 123;
execute the call action and remove the original reference
static void CallActionAndClean(ref Action action)
Example CallActionAndClean
public Action completed;
public void Handle()
Common.CallActionAndClean(ref completed);
check null or empty
static bool IsNullOrEmpty<T>(this List<T> source) // Check for null or empty list
static bool IsNullOrEmpty<T>(this T[] source) // Check for null or empty array
static bool IsNullOrEmpty<TKey, TValue>(this Dictionary<TKey, TValue> source) // Check for null or empty dictionary
Example IsNullOrEmpty
public List<int> listInt;
public int[] arrayInt;
public Dictionary<int, string> dict;
public void CheckNullOrEmpty()
// isListInt = true => listInt Null or Empty
bool isListNull = listInt.IsNullOrEmpty();
// isArrayNull = true => arrayInt Null or Empty
bool isArrayNull = arrayInt.IsNullOrEmpty();
// isDictNull = true => dict Null or Empty
bool isDictNull = dict.IsNullOrEmpty();
static void Shuffle<T>(this T[] source) // shuffle the elements in the array
static void Shuffle<T>(this List<T> source) // shuffle the elements in the list
static IDictionary<T1, T2> Shuffle<T1, T2>(this IDictionary<T1, T2> source) // shuffle the elements in the dictionary
Example Shuffle
public List<int> listInt;
public int[] arrayInt;
public Dictionary<int, string> dict;
public void HandleShuffle()
// shuffle list
//shuffle array
// shuffle dict
static IDictionary<TKey, TValue> MakeDictionary<TKey, TValue>(this TKey[] keys, TValue[] values) // Make a dictionary from an array of keys and an array of values
static IDictionary<TKey, TValue> MakeDictionary<TKey, TValue>(this IList<TKey> keys, IList<TValue> values) // Make a dictionary from a list of keys and an array of values
Example MakeDictionary
public int[] arrayKey;
public string[] arrayValue;
public List<int> listKey;
public List<string> listValue;
public void HandleMakeDict()
IDictionary<int, string> dictMakeByArray = arrayKey.MakeDictionary(arrayValue);
IDictionary<int, string> dictMakeByList = listKey.MakeDictionary(listValue);
static T PickRandom<T>(this T[] collection) // Randomly select an element of the array
static T PickRandom<T>(this List<T> collection) // Randomly select an element of the list
Example PickRandom
public string[] arrayTest;
public List<string> listTest;
public void HandleRandom()
string valueRandomArray = arrayTest.PickRandom();
string valueRandomList = listTest.PickRandom();
static (T, int) PickRandomAndIndex<T>(this T[] collection) // Randomly select an element and index of the array
static (T, int) PickRandomWithIndex<T>(this List<T> collection) // Randomly select an element and index of the list
Example PickRandomAndIndex
public string[] arrayTest;
public List<string> listTest;
public void HandleRandom()
(string valueRandomArray, int indexArray) = arrayTest.PickRandomAndIndex();
(string valueRandomList, int indexList) = listTest.PickRandomWithIndex();
static IEnumerator InternetConnection(Action<bool> action)
// if request internet success => action(true)
// if request internet fail => action(false)
Example InternetConnection
public void CheckConnectInternet()
StartCoroutine(Common.InternetConnection(isConnect =>
if (isConnect)
// handle has connected internet
// handle lost internet
// use Coroutine of MonoGlobal to check
static void CheckInternetConnection(Action actionConnected, Action actionDisconnected)
// actionConnected => Action when connected to the internet
// actionDisconnected => Action when losing internet connection
Example CheckInternetConnection
public void CheckConnectInternet()
Common.CheckInternetConnection(() =>
// handle connected internet
}, () =>
// handle lose internet
static AnimancerComponent PlayAnim(this AnimancerComponent animancerComponent, ClipTransition clip,Action _endAnim = null, float _durationFade = .2f, FadeMode mode = default)
// Freeze a single animation on its current frame:
static AnimancerComponent PauseClip(this AnimancerComponent animancerComponent, ClipTransition clip)
// Freeze all animations on their current frame
static AnimancerComponent PauseAll(this AnimancerComponent animancerComponent)
// Stop a single animation from affecting the character and rewind it to the start
static AnimancerComponent StopClip(this AnimancerComponent animancerComponent, ClipTransition clip)
// Stop all animations from affecting the character and rewind them to the start
static AnimancerComponent StopAll(this AnimancerComponent animancerComponent)
public AnimancerComponent animancerComponent;
public ClipTransition clip;
public void PlayAnimation()
public void PauseAnimation()
public void PauseAllAnimation()
public void StopAnimation()
public void StopAllAnimation()
// Ignore Collision between a Collider and a list of Collider
static void IgnoreCollision(List<Collider> _listCollider, Collider _collider)
// Ignore Collision between a Collider and a list of Collider
static void IgnoreCollision(Collider _collider, List<Collider> _listCollider)
// Ignore Collision between a list of Collider and a list of Collider
static void IgnoreCollision(List<Collider> _listCollider1, List<Collider> _listCollider2)
Example IgnoreCollision
public Collider collider;
public List<Collider> listCollider;
public List<Collider> listCollider2;
public void IgnoreCollision()
Common.IgnoreCollision(collider, listCollider);
// Or
Common.IgnoreCollision(listCollider, collider);
public void IgnoreCollisionListColliderWithListCollider()
Common.IgnoreCollision(listCollider, listCollider2);
// Ignore Collision 2D between a Collider and a list of Collider
static void IgnoreCollision2D(List<Collider2D> _listCollider, Collider2D _collider)
// Ignore Collision 2D between a Collider and a list of Collider
static void IgnoreCollision2D(Collider2D _collider, List<Collider2D> _listCollider)
// Ignore Collision 2D between a list of Collider and a list of Collider
static void IgnoreCollision2D(List<Collider2D> _listCollider1, List<Collider2D> _listCollider2)
Example IgnoreCollision2D
public Collider2D collider;
public List<Collider2D> listCollider;
public List<Collider2D> listCollider2;
public void IgnoreCollision2D()
Common.IgnoreCollision2D(collider, listCollider);
// Or
Common.IgnoreCollision2D(listCollider, collider);
public void IgnoreCollision2DListColliderWithListCollider()
Common.IgnoreCollision2D(listCollider, listCollider2);
Find component by tag
static T FindComponentInChildWithTag<T>(this GameObject parent, string tag)
public GameObject player;
private BoxCollider _boxCollider;
public void GetBoxColliderPlayer()
_boxCollider = player.FindComponentInChildWithTag<BoxCollider>("Player");
Set layer for this game object
static GameObject SetLayer(this GameObject obj, int layerIndex)
Set layer for this game object and all child of game object
static GameObject SetLayerForAllChildObject(this GameObject obj, int layerIndex)
public GameObject player;
public void SetLayerForAllChildPlayer()
Set tag for this game object
static GameObject SetTag(this GameObject obj, string tag)
Set tag for this game object and all child of game object
static GameObject SetTagForAllChildObject(this GameObject obj, string tag)
public GameObject player;
public void SetTagForAllChildPlayer()
clear all child game object of transform
static Transform ClearTransform(this Transform transform)
public GameObject container;
public void ClearContainer()
Get duration animation
static float Duration(this SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation, string animationName) // For skeleton animation
static float Duration(this SkeletonGraphic skeletonGraphic, string animationName) // For skeleton graphic
Example Duration
public SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation;
public string animAttack;
public float GetDurationAttack()
return skeletonAnimation.Duration(animAttack);
Clear state, play and initialize skeleton
static SkeletonAnimation Play(this SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation, string animationName, bool loop = false) //for skeleton animation
static SkeletonGraphic Play(this SkeletonGraphic skeletonGraphic, string animationName, bool loop = false) //for skeleton graphic
Example Play
public SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation;
public string animAttack;
public void PlayAttack()
Play only skeleton not clear state and not initialize skeleton
static SkeletonAnimation PlayOnly(this SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation, string animationName, bool loop = false) //for skeleton animation
static SkeletonGraphic PlayOnly(this SkeletonGraphic skeletonGraphic, string animationName, bool loop = false) //for skeleton graphic
Example PlayOnly
public SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation;
public string animAttack;
public void PlayOnlyAttack()
Add animation
static SkeletonAnimation AddAnimation(this SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation, int trackIndex, string animationName, bool loop, float timeDelay = 0)
static SkeletonGraphic AddAnimation(this SkeletonGraphic skeletonGraphic, int trackIndex, string animationName, bool loop, float timeDelay = 0)
Example AddAnimation
: both run and attack
public SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation;
public string animRun;
public string animAttack;
public void PlayRun()
skeletonAnimation.PlayOnly(animRun, true);
public void AddAttack()
skeletonAnimation.AddAnimation(1, animAttack, false);
Set new skin for skeleton
static SkeletonAnimation SetSkin(this SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation, string skinName) //for skeleton animation
static SkeletonAnimation SetSkin(this SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation, List<string> skinNames) //for skeleton animation
static SkeletonGraphic SetSkin(this SkeletonGraphic skeletonGraphic, string skinName) //for skeleton graphic
static SkeletonGraphic SetSkin(this SkeletonGraphic skeletonGraphic, List<string> skinNames) //for skeleton graphic
Example SetSkin
public SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation;
public string skin1;
public List<string> listSkin;
public void SetSkin1()
public void SetListSkin()
static SkeletonAnimation ChangeAttachment(this SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation, string slotName, string attachmentName) //for skeleton animation
static SkeletonAnimation ChangeAttachment(this SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation, string slotName, List<string> attachmentNames) //for skeleton animation
static SkeletonGraphic ChangeAttachment(this SkeletonGraphic skeletonGraphic, string slotName, string attachmentName) //for skeleton graphic
static SkeletonGraphic ChangeAttachment(this SkeletonGraphic skeletonGraphic, string slotName, List<string> attachmentNames) //for skeleton graphic
Example ChangeAttachment
public SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation;
public string slotName;
public string attachmentName;
public List<string> listAttachmentName;
public void ChangeAttachment()
skeletonAnimation.ChangeAttachment(slotName, attachmentName);
public void ChangeListAttachment()
skeletonAnimation.ChangeAttachment(slotName, listAttachmentName);
static SkeletonAnimation MixSkin(this SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation, string mixSkinName) //for skeleton animation
static SkeletonAnimation MixSkin(this SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation, List<string> mixSkinNames) //for skeleton animation
static SkeletonGraphic MixSkin(this SkeletonGraphic skeletonGraphic, string mixSkinName) //for skeleton graphic
static SkeletonGraphic MixSkin(this SkeletonGraphic skeletonGraphic, List<string> mixSkinNames) //for skeleton graphic
Example MixSkin
public SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation;
public string mixSkin;
public List<string> listMixSkin;
public void MixSkin()
public void MixListSkin()