Releases: VirxEC/rlbot_gui_rust
RLBotGUI Rust port v1.0.6
Many crash-fixes (remove unwraps in favor of actual error handling)
Display MiniConsole when starting a new bot
Check for no RLBot on every page change (doesn't impact page load times)
Remove a couple console logs
Cfg files:
- Don't treat '#' as the start of a comment
- Preserve the order of tags when writing
Update deps
RLBotGUI Rust port v1.0.5
Added mini-console; currently used when:
- Unzipping isolated Python
- Installing Python packages via pip
Allows for users to see visible progress being made.
Added download bar when downloading isolated Python.
RLBotGUI Rust port v1.0.4
Add update signatures so the updater works
RLBotGUI Rust port v1.0.3
Auto package updating on launch
Nicer-looking Python config page
Download & install isolated Python
Installing basic packages checks for internet first
Small optimizations
RLBotGUI Rust port v1.0.2
Fixed GUI updates. Older versions were pointing to an invalid endpoint.
RLBotGUI Rust port v1.0.1
Better detection of if a python version is 3.7.X
Better Python config menu
RLBotGUI Rust port v1.0.0
Initial release
Full Changelog: