diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 7538ea9b28..6c153f603d 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -2136,7 +2136,6 @@ a [=trigger state=] |triggerState|:
:: "[=aggregatable source registration time configuration/exclude=]
1. Let |fakeReport| be the result of running [=obtain an event-level report=] with |source|,
|fakeTrigger|, and |fakeConfig|.
-1. [=Assert=]: |fakeReport| is not null.
1. [=Assert=]: |fakeReport|'s [=event-level report/report time=] is equal to
|triggerState|'s [=trigger state/report window=]'s [=report window/end=].
1. Return |fakeReport|.
@@ -2769,6 +2768,21 @@ To trigger event-level attribution given an [=attribution trigger=] |
with "[=trigger debug data type/trigger-event-deduplicated=]
", |trigger|, |sourceToAttribute| and
[=obtain debug data on trigger registration/report=] set to null.
1. Return the [=triggering result=] ("[=triggering status/dropped=]
", |debugData|).
+1. Let |triggerData| be |matchedConfig|'s [=event-level trigger configuration/trigger data=].
+1. Let |triggerDataCardinality| be [=default trigger data cardinality=][|attributedSource|'s [=attribution source/source type=]].
+1. If |attributedSource|'s [=attribution source/trigger-data matching mode=] is:
[=trigger-data matching mode/exact=]
+ :: Do nothing.
+ : "[=trigger-data matching mode/modulus=]
+ :: Set |triggerData| to the remainder when dividing |triggerData| by |triggerDataCardinality|.
+ [=trigger debug data type/trigger-event-no-matching-trigger-data=]
", |trigger|, |sourceToAttribute| and
+ [=obtain debug data on trigger registration/report=] set to null.
+ 1. Return the [=triggering result=] ("[=triggering status/dropped=]
", |debugData|).
1. Let |windowResult| be the result of [=check whether a moment falls within a window=]
with |trigger|'s [=attribution trigger/trigger time=] and
|sourceToAttribute|'s [=attribution source/event-level report windows=]'s
@@ -2795,12 +2809,7 @@ To trigger event-level attribution given an [=attribution trigger=] |
with |trigger|, |sourceToAttribute|, and |rateLimitRecord| is not null,
return it.
1. Let |report| be the result of running [=obtain an event-level report=] with |sourceToAttribute|, |trigger|,
- and |matchedConfig|.
-1. If |report| is null:
- 1. Let |debugData| be the result of running [=obtain debug data on trigger registration=]
- with "[=trigger debug data type/trigger-event-no-matching-trigger-data=]
", |trigger|, |sourceToAttribute| and
- [=obtain debug data on trigger registration/report=] set to null.
- 1. Return the [=triggering result=] ("[=triggering status/dropped=]
", |debugData|).
+ |matchedConfig|, and |triggerData|.
1. If |sourceToAttribute|'s [=attribution source/event-level attributable=] value
is false:
1. Let |debugData| be the result of running [=obtain debug data on trigger registration=]
@@ -3045,18 +3054,9 @@ To obtain an aggregatable report delivery time given a [=moment=]
[=trigger-data matching mode/exact=]
- :: If |triggerData| is greater than or equal to |triggerDataCardinality|, return null.
- : "[=trigger-data matching mode/modulus=]
- :: Set |triggerData| to the remainder when dividing |triggerData| by |triggerDataCardinality|.
+|trigger|, an [=event-level trigger configuration=] |config|, and a non-negative
+64-bit integer |triggerData|: