diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 0df659d703..515c81cb33 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -1855,7 +1855,9 @@ To parse report windows given a |value|, a
To parse trigger specs given a [=map=] |map|, a [=moment=]
|sourceTime|, a [=duration=] |expiry|, a [=report window list=]
-|defaultReportWindows|, and an unsigned 32-bit integer |defaultTriggerDataCardinality|:
+|defaultReportWindows|, an unsigned 32-bit integer
+|defaultTriggerDataCardinality|, and a [=trigger-data matching mode=]
1. [=Assert=]: |defaultTriggerDataCardinality| is greater than 0 and less than
or equal to [=max distinct trigger data per source=].
@@ -1893,6 +1895,11 @@ To parse trigger specs given a [=map=] |map|, a [=moment=]
1. [=map/Set=] |specs|[|triggerData|] to |spec|.
1. If |specs|'s [=map/size=] is greater than
[=max distinct trigger data per source=], return an error.
+1. If |matchingMode| is "[=trigger-data matching mode/modulus=]
+ 1. Let |i| be 0.
+ 1. [=map/iterate|For each=] |triggerData| of |specs|'s [=map/get the keys|keys=]:
+ 1. If |triggerData| does not equal |i|, return an error.
+ 1. Set |i| to |i| + 1.
1. Return |specs|.
Issue: Parse "`summary_window_operator`" and "`summary_buckets`" fields.