Has tree ways to apply migrations:
- Script
- Code
For generate script sql:
dotnet ef migrations script \
# the path of projeto
-p ./Curso/CursoEFCore.csproj \
# Generate script sql in the specified path
-o ./Curso/PrimeiraMigracao.sql
To add pending migrations:
dotnet ef database update \
# project
-p ./Curso/CursoEFCore.csproj \
# verbose. Write output all steps
// add using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using var db = new Data.ApplicationContext();
generate script with validations:
- transaction
- verify if objects exists
dotnet ef migrations script \
# Project
-p ./Curso/CursoEFCore.csproj \
# Output path sql
-o ./Curso/Idempotent.sql \
# our -i
dotnet ef migrations add AdicionarEmail -p ./Curso/CursoEFCore.csproj
# commit changes
dotnet ef database update -p ./Curso/CursoEFCore.csproj
# rollback
dotnet ef database update \
# Name of migrations target
PrimeiraMigracao \
-p ./Curso/CursoEFCore.csproj
# Output
# Reverting migration '20210317235306_AdicionarEmail'.
# removing migratons
dotnet ef migrations remove -p ./Curso/CursoEFCore.csproj
command migrations remove deletes the migrations not committed in the database
// To verify if has:
var exist = db.Database.GetPendingMigrations().Any();